Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#21 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring the Blackened Forest valleys.

'The Kobold Ravine'

May 16th 1066.
Weather: Sunshine, light breeze, cloudy.
Conditions: none.

"You are a blessing to us, a lowly tribe as we are. Your gold will buy blankets to warm our dens and food for our starving stomachs. The nursing mothers will honour your gift by naming their offspring after you.", the old kobold translates between you and the chief, replying with a patronising Thanksgiving. A kobold brings you a skewer of crispy bat, gutted and stuffed with earthworms and chives. It appears a delicacy, you snap the wings and head off, splitting the bat into finger sized nibbles.

The castaway morsels are gobbled up by Chewwie, he at least doesn't mind the cuisine, disgusting as it is.

"The marble arches? Yes we know of such a place. A revered holy site. Are you a pilgrim? Ruxx can take you there after the feast but the place is warded from beasts, so your warg will not be able to enter lest the angels strike him down.

He will be safe here while you make your pilgrimage and offers your prayers."
, Bone-crutch translates Big-dogs answer and Ruxx stands, giving a little bow to the two elders and goes to make preparations to take you there.

actions please
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#22 Post by tarlyn »


" I do appreciate the help and your offer of kindness," he replies.

Looking at the King then back to the old Kobold he continues.

"I don't mind leaving Chewie here but that King of yours appears to have an unhealthy interest in Chewie. He is my friend, I don't want the

King to go get any funny ideas about Chewie, am I understood? It is not a threat just want to make sure, that is all. And sure I can go visit the runs with Ruxx.

He samples the odd bizarre tasting food and complains not. When at someone's home do as they would, he supposes.

Standing, he nods at Ruxx. "Ready whenever you are, Ruxx"
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#23 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring the Blackened Forest valleys.

'The Kobold Ravine'

May 16th 1066.
Weather: Sunshine, light breeze, cloudy.
Conditions: none.

Bone-Crutch barks your concerns to the chief who a little irritated, throwing s bine into his plate, barks back and gestures to the back of the community cavern. Looking that way you can see some side passages, one which has a stout barred cage door on the front. The straw mating indicates a den of some type.

"Yes, but if course, though for the sake of the children, it is best not to allow it to free roam in your absence. We have a secure pen it can be tethered to and one if the young warriors will groom it of fleas and dirt as a service." the old kobold mutters, pointing out the pen with his crutch, a bone made from an ogre tibia.

You feel the chief may have been insulted by your lack of faith in him but he says no more. Ruxx comes back, he carries a fresh wineskin of kobold hooch and is accompanied by two comrades, Mohawk and Mullet.

"Can you run? Kobolds like to run, we enjoy the chase and can get there and back by midnight. Best not to be in the forest after dark."

You can leave your pack in the cave. A mattress of bracken overlaid with a fine woollen blanket is laid out for your return and a female servant hangs your shield on a peg above it as if it was marking your territory. You can leave your pack if you wish and run light, just taking sidearms and your bow.

Once Chewwie is tethered in his kobold quarters, they shut the gate with a simple bolt, giving him the food leftovers to gnaw upon. The kobold tasked with grooming is Beadbraid though he doesn't appear all that keen on getting too close to the warg until it has been sated with enough food.

When you are ready, the quartet set off at a jigging pace, back through the narrow ravine, past the guard boulder and into the forest. You manage to keep pace with the trio of kobolds who head towards a ridge. As you get there he signals to stop and take a breather, resting against a huge tree trunk that has fallen over. Ruxx gestures with his javelin towards the northwest in the direction the uprooted tree also points so must be using that as a signpost.

As you look in that direction, trying to pick out other landmarks, Ruxx pushes you over and suddenly three javelins are levelled at you.

Ruxx, Mohawk & Mullet vs Fapp [1d20]=9[1d6]=3[1d20]=11[1d6]=2[1d20]=7[1d6]=5

The assassination of Fapp does not quite go to plan and three javelins sail over your head to impale into the bark of the log. They reach for more javelins to finish the job.

actions and d6 initiative roll please
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#24 Post by tarlyn »


Initiative [1d6]=5

This will not end well lol , here goes nothing!

Fapp unstraps his Battle Axe and rushes the closest Kobold, swinging at it.

"Well it's live or die I say, old chap" he tells himself.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#25 Post by Spearmint »

5 is good, add an attack and damage roll please.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#26 Post by tarlyn »


Attack Roll [1d20]=2

Miss for sure so did not roll dmg!
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#27 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring the Blackened Forest valleys.

May 16th 1066.
Weather: Sunshine, light breeze, cloudy.
Conditions: none.

It doesn't look good for the halfling, outnumbered three to one. While Ruxx closes in to melee with Fapp, the other two throw javelins from the other side of the fallen tree. One critically hits the halfling, piercing through his armour and impaling him in the shoulder. -5hp

You axe at the shaft, splitting it in two. Raging to save your life, learning a lesson at this seeming double-cross that kobolds are tricksy, nasty, full of betrayal and greed. Your anger begins to make you go berserk, swinging your battleaxe with wanton violence and disregard.

roll a 4d6 vs your wisdom score to control the berserk rage or give in to it to gain a bonus to hit and damage in exchange for opening yourself up to attacks from a penalty to dexterity as you brutally stand and fight rather than dodge and parry blows.

next attack please.

Ruxx, Mohawk & Mullet vs Fapp [1d20]=6[1d6]=2[1d20-2]=19-2=17[1d6]=5[1d20-2]=9-2=7[1d6]=2
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#28 Post by tarlyn »


To not rage [4d6]=21

Growling in rage, Fapp atacks the closest Kobold .....

Attack roll raging [1d20]=7

sigh miss again ....
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#29 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring the Blackened Forest valleys.

May 16th 1066.
Weather: Sunshine, light breeze, cloudy.
Conditions: none.

At a critical life or death, do or die, brutal reality of near death, the halfling is stabbed twice, -5hp. It leaves him fettering in the precipice. The kobolds bark and howl gleefully as the Hobbit blood runs freely. But in his veins rages a preternatural force than wells up to challenge the grim reaper that threatens to harvest his soul.

give me another 4d6 check but vs Constitution to gain temporary hp in exchange for a bout of after-rage exhaustion.

rolls and actions please.

Ruxx, Mohawk & Mullet vs Fapp [1d20]=17[1d6]=1[1d20-2]=6-2=4[1d6]=4[1d20-2]=17-2=15[1d6]=4
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#30 Post by tarlyn »


Con roll [4d6]=17

Fapp will still try to attack as he really has nothing to lose here, almost dead anyways ...

Attack [1d20]=18
Damage from Battle Axe [1d8]=4

Yelling at the top of his lungs, Fapp strikes the closest Kobold!
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#31 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring the Blackened Forest valleys.

May 16th 1066.
Weather: Sunshine, light breeze, cloudy.
Conditions: none.

Fapp finally lands a telling blow, decapitating the kobold assassin. Ruxx's head is lopped off and rolls still grinning at your feet. You kick the body as it falls so that it collapses the other side of the fallen log. Mohawk and Mullet each throw their last javelins and with some 'matrix like' weaving, the two shafts whizz by the halfling's ears.

Still learning various barbarian skills while under pressure, Fapp cannot yet summon any extraordinary resilience and must press on now the fight has turned to his advantage.

actions please.

Mohawk & Mullet vs Fapp [1d20-2]=7-2=5[1d6]=2[1d20-2]=1-2=-1[1d6]=5
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#32 Post by tarlyn »


Growling and hooting, Fapp renews ardor and attacks the next closest Kobold

Attack [1d20+1]=20+1=21

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Damage [1d8+1]=1+1=2

I did not know how to do the double dmg so I gather it is a total of 3 dmg!
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#33 Post by Spearmint »

critical hits give the maximum damage for the weapon plus whatever you have rolled.

Fapp, energised by his success leaps the fallen log to cleave Mullet in two. The nape to navel hack causes one half of the kobold to fall to the right while the other side falls to the left. As easy as chopping firewood. The kobold's innards spill out, as do the recently digested crispy bat nibbles and skunk stew. It is enough to make the most stern of constitution vomit and induces panic in Mohawk who seeing his two comrades get hacked to pieces, fails a morale check and being weaponless decides a fighting retreat not possible, so he disengages to turn and run away.

you can chase him down or grab a javelin and throw it with a +2 to hit bonus.
Kobolds morale after Ruxx death [1d100]=87Mohawk morale failure reaction. [1d100]=5 (fighting retreat, not possible being weaponless, use next reaction, Disengage & retreat.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#34 Post by tarlyn »


The halfling, clearly raging and injured, keeps on his rampage and runs after the Kobold, hoping to slice the last Kobold in two!
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#35 Post by Spearmint »

Fapp decides to chase the fleeing Mohawk rather than risking a miss with a javelin and then losing the tricky kobold in the dense forest.

roll a 4d6 vs dexterity check to catch him. If you pass you can melee with your axe, if you fail then it looks like the kobold may be getting away, increasing the distance between you.

You can then get your bow out and fire at the fleeing kobold, though take a penalty with your arrows because of the distance. That would be two arrow attacks.

rolls and actions please.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#36 Post by tarlyn »


Grabbing his bow, Fapp takes careful aim and fires off two arrows!

Arrow shots [1d20x2]=15x2=30

I did 1d20 x 2 but it made 30 lol so I rolled a 15 Ill roll another attack roll

Arrow attack 2 [1d20]=10

I believe I may have 1 hit so I'll roll 1 d6 for dmg

Arrow dmg [1d6]=1
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#37 Post by Spearmint »

try this:

Fapp: short bow at medium range [1d20-2][1d6][1d20-2][1d6].

Do you use any of the special arrows from Valeron?
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#38 Post by tarlyn »

Spearmint wrote: Sat Jan 15, 2022 11:36 pm try this:

Fapp: short bow at medium range [1d20-2][1d6][1d20-2][1d6].

Do you use any of the special arrows from Valeron?
= yes
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#39 Post by tarlyn »

"I drained the soul of a monk once....... It tasted like Chocolate."
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Re: Barrowmoor: Fapp and the Call of the Wild.

#40 Post by Spearmint »

The kobold keeps running, dodging between trees, you struggle to keep up, bleeding from the javelin wound, the barbed shaft still stuck in your shoulder. Perhaps it affects your aim. You stop, loading another of Valeron's fletched arrows and hoping if any divine boon of the forest favours you for the respect at the Lady's grove, it will work now. Take aim, loose.

rolls please.

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