ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#21 Post by kipper »

Clark picks himself up and resumes firing at the approaching troops.
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#22 Post by Solo4114 »

Cal says, "Jax, the speeder's responding really slowly. Feels like the control planes are pretty damaged, and our speed just dropped. I don't know how long I can keep her in the air, but that AT-ST is gonna wipe everyone out if we can't take it down. I think we got one shot at this, so hang on back there."

He then closes his eyes for a moment, takes a deep breath, exhales, and mutters to himself "Here goes nothin'..."

Cal will take aim at the AT-ST, and fire on it, using a Force Point.
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#23 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Still impacted by the cold, Zuul is uncharacteristically quiet. If he is affected by the sudden loss of rebel soldiers, it isn't obvious. He raises his rifle and takes three shots at three different troopers.

Zuul uses a force point to do so.
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#24 Post by ybn1197 »

Jackson will do what he can to keep the wounded bird in the air. If possible, he will reroute excess power from the turbines to the lasers and stabilizers.
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#25 Post by max_vale »

Sector 31; East Ridge of Echo Base; Planet Hoth

The battle on the East Ridge continued to rage; despite the sub-zero cold all the combatants were sweating from the intense adrenaline surge....

On the left flank, Clark and Vale Starcloud picked themselves up and the Professor snapped fired a pair of shots from his Blaster Carbine, missing with his second shot while his first slammed into the torso of the Repeat Blaster wielding Snowtrooper and removing him from the Imperial ranks....

Vale Starcloud turned his lightsaber off and expertly hung it from his belt with one hand while his other snatched up a Blaster Rifle that had fallen to the floor of the trench when a Rebel Trooper had been taken out by Imperial fire. The two remaining Rebel troopers near the young Jedi and the Professor took aim and fired shots at the remaining members of the Snowtrooper squad facing off against them, one of them managing to score a hit and taking out an Imperial; but he was cut down in return from the 4 remaining troops retaliatory fire....

On the right flank, Kitkatarra the albino Wookie took careful aim and fired a blast from her Carbine that dropped a Snowtrooper unmoving to the ground, causing her to roar out in victory....though she shut up soon enough when she ducked a return blast from another of the troopers that narrowly missed her....

The last remaining Rebel Trooper in the trenchs on that side took careful aim and took out a second Imperial Snowtrooper and then Zuul took a deep breath and exploded into action, rapidly shifting aim and firing off 3 precise shots that put the last 3 Snowtroopers of the squad on the Right Flank down for good. That sector of the battle was for the moment....clear of any Imperials....

In the center of the lines, a quartet of young Rebel troops shakily glanced over the trench top and saw an AT-ST rapidly moving their way along with 2 squads of Snowtroopers and they took ill-advised and poorly aimed shots at long range that hit nothing. The Imperials didn't waste any fire in return and instead they just moved forward; rapidly closing the distance to about 150 meters away....

In the badly shot-up Snowspeeder, Jackson Crodowski pulled some minor miracles in managing to re-route power to ensure the weapons on the Rebel airspeeder could still fire and the vehicle could still manage some semblance of flight.....

In the pilot seat of the damaged T-47, Cal managed to fight the wildly vibrating control stick and line up a flight pattern to aim at the last AT-ST still on the battlefield, dodging some shots the Imperial walker sent their way while he was at it. Managing to get the Imperial two-legged war-machine in his sights, he fired a blast from the twin Laser Cannons mounted on the Snowspeeder and was happy to see that he managed to hit the ring-gimbals at the bottom of the 'head' of the Walker, right where the legs met the 'body' of the machine. With a flash of light and blue electrical arcs that briefly danced over the machine, he could tell the Walker was could still move and fire...but it could NOT turn its 'head' to maneuver weapons fire in any direction other than straight ahead. In a flash, the Snowspeeder was past the Walker and Jackson suddenly had the damaged Walker right in the center of his Harpoon Cannon's sights....

Okay; situation is now Vale (with a Blaster Rifle) and Clark and 1 Rebel Trooper on the Left Flank facing 4 Snowtroopers at a range of about 50 meters

On the Right Flank, Kitkatarra, Zuul and 1 Rebel Trooper are now all by their lonesome as the Imperials are all taken out on that Flank. They can see the damaged AT-ST and 16 Snowtroopers rapidly moving towards the Center though....about 200 meters from their current position.

In the Center are 4 scared Rebel Troopers facing off against 16 Snowtroopers and a now Crippled AT-ST about 150 meters away.

Finally, the AT-AT in the distance is slowly, but steadily getting closer and closer....
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#26 Post by Starbeard »

Vale doubles down in the icy trench and takes aim at one of the remaining stormtroopers on his side, firing off a single shot. "Right about now I wish I believed in luck."
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#27 Post by Rex »


Kit jumps from the trench and makes a run to close the distance with the mass of storm troopers approaching the center, hoping that her white fur gives her some camouflage in the blowing snow. Once in short range she will drop prone and take aim with her blaster carbine and shoot 3 times for the 3 nearest troopers.

Expending a force point.
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#28 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Zuul is surprised to see Kit charge the mass of troopers. Then he's a bit surprised when he can't see her in the snow after some distance. He turns to the trooper beside him and remarks: "He will not do that. The snow iss...not good. He will go to the center and assist there. You can follow either of uss." He says this last part with a smile.

Zuul makes his way to the center.
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#29 Post by Solo4114 »


Cal begins a run from behind the AT-ST's now immobilized head and calls over his shoulder, "Jax, I'm gonna try to strafe these troops ahead of us, but get one of those harpoons with the tow cables ready. If I buzz this walker, you think you can land a harpoon shot on it? If so, I think we can pull it on to those troops or at least distract them!"

Cal will strafe the troops near the walker as he flies past it to line up a harpoon shot for Jax. If Jax lands his shot, Cal will dump whatever power he can into the engines to try to pull the walker on to the troops. To do this, Cal will use a Force point if he has any left (note: only if Jax actually lands the shot on the walker and the harpoon and tow cable attaches; the Force point, if he has one, will be used to pull the walker down). If he's out of Force points, he'll have to trust in Lady Luck.
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#30 Post by kipper »

Clark fires off a couple more shots at the oncoming 'troopers.
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#31 Post by max_vale »

Sector 31; East Ridge of Echo Base; Planet Hoth

On the left flank of the East Ridge, Professor Clark Jones took aim with his Blaster and fired a pair of bolts, one of which just barely missed its intended target while the other dropped an Imperial Snowtrooper, much to the Academic-turned-Rebel's delight....

Vale Starcloud took aim with his newly appropriated Blaster Rifle and fired a shot that missed an Imperial Snowtrooper by a good meter and the young Jedi involuntarily flinched when the trooper's return shot came dangerously close to his right ear...

The last Rebel trooper on the left flank with the Professor and Jedi also fired a blast at an Imperial and managed to take out another of the Snowtroopers, but was cut down by return fire a moment later by one of the last 2 remaining Imperials on that flank of the battle....

On the right flank of the battle, the last three Rebel troops split into 2 groups, with a white-furred Wookie and human trooper going 'over the top' of the trench and charging towards a pair of Imperial Snowtrooper squads and a badly damaged AT-ST walker, while the Barabel stayed in the trench and moved towards the central portion of the Defensive line....

Kitkatarra let out a roar of defiance that was mostly lost in the howl of the wind and the sounds of battle, but charged towards the enemy until she was about 75 meters away from the 15 or so Imperial troops and then she fell prone and cut loose a trio of shots; two of which connected with Snowtroopers and dropped them unmoving to the ground. She felt her plan had worked when the return fire that came her way was all high and to the right...and then she realized that the last Rebel human troopoer had followed her and was cut down by several bolts as the Imperials had no problem seeing him, but seemed to have lost her in the snow seeing as how she was essentially the same color...

Zuul moved through the trench, as quick as his cold, reptilian legs could carry him, he was rapidly approaching the central portion where a quartet of Rebel troops were huddled close together, firing ineffectually at the nearby AT-ST walker, cheering the fact that the Imperial vehicle could not move its cannons to target them, but then the Walker's cylindrical grenade launcher rotated down and a volley of spherical objects was launched, most of which missed the trench, but one landed right in the center of the Rebel soldiers and with a fiery blast, the Rebels were taken out and Zuul was knocked flat on his back by the shock wave of the Concussion grenade blast*, one part of him subconsciously enjoying the brief wave of heat that flowed over his hard scales....

Above the trench, Cal and Jackson kept the badly shot-up Snowspeeder together long enough for Jackson to take a deep breath, line up his shot and put a fusion-disc equipped harpoon RIGHT on target and slam into the back-center of the AT-ST's 'head' portion; right after it had fired off a volley of Concussion grenades and then jamming the stick over, Cal did everythign he could to circle the Walker; unable to line up on the Snowtroopers below, but able to complete a circuit around the two-legged walker and bring it falling down and into a quartet of Snowtroopers on the ground; making both Pilot and Gunner let out yells of triumph!

They were short-lived however as one of the Snowtroopers on the ground raised a Light Repeat Blaster and peppered the already crippled Snowspeeder with a volley of shots and with a lurch and heart-in-throat moment of flying straight down, the T-47 smashed into the ground, bounced, and then landed hard again with a long skid that came to a stop when it crashed into a clump of rocks. Both Cal and Jackson felt dizzy, woozy and in pain as both had lacerations from head crashing into parts of the cockpit that left helmets badly dented...but still, without them, no doubt they'd probably both be dead instead of just wounded**....

In the distance, the mechanical sounds of legs moving and thumps of feet slamming into the ground continued to get louder as the massive AT-AT moved ever closer to the action.....

*Zuul is okay, just grazed from being at the outer edge of the blast zone of the grenade
**Cal and Jackson are both Wounded (-1D for all future actions until treated); and will have to spend a whole round getting out of the wrecked Speeder. The Wrecked Speeder is about 100 meters from the Snowtroopers and perhaps 50 meters from Kit.

There are 2 Snowtroopers left on the Left Flank facing off against Vale and Clark
There are 10 Snowtroopers in the center, with the toppled over AT-ST facing off against Kit and Zuul....both of whom are about 50-75 meters away.
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#32 Post by Starbeard »

Vale Starcloud looks back to see the scout walker careen over onto its side, then watches the speeder spin out of control overhead and smash into the ground, billowing up a cloud of snow.

He turns back to his flank and counts the number of snowtroopers left on that side: only two. "It looks like it's time to fall back and regrouped with the others." He makes a cautious fighting retreat, shooting at a snowtrooper as he goes.
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#33 Post by Rex »


It takes Kit but a moment to decide. She is the medic after all. Leaping up she runs for the downed speeder, hoping her friends still live. Once there she will use a Medpac on both Cal and Jackson.
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#34 Post by kipper »

"Right, I'm with you." Clark replies to Vale, also taking a shot as he retreats.
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#35 Post by ybn1197 »

Jackson gingerly extracts himself from the crashed speeder. He hurriedly takes his time getting out knowing full well that time was of the essence but that given his current injuries, he didn't need to twist an arm or a leg or get caught on a protruding piece of metal. He will make sure that he leads off with his blaster so he at least has a fighting chance should the snow troopers check out the wreckage.
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#36 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Lying on his back, warmer by the blast wave of the grenade, Zuul looks up at the sky and can almost pretend he is somewhere nice and warm instead of this useless rock. Eventually, the ringing in his ears subsides and is replaced by blaster fire. He begrudgingly gets to his feet and rejoins the fight.

He lines up another trooper, trying to pick out the heavy weapons, and fires.
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#37 Post by Solo4114 »


Cal grabs the grenade next to him as he struggles to exit the crashed speeder.
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#38 Post by max_vale »

Sector 31; East Ridge of Echo Base; Planet Hoth

The battle on the frigid world of Hoth continued to rage between the forces of the Empire and those of the Rebel Alliance....

On the left flank of the Rebel trench, Professor Clark Jones and Vale Starcloud fell back from the last 2 Imperial Snowtroopers facing them; both firing as they made their way back towards the center of the trench-line. Clark hit his target with a solid shot to the chest while the young Jedi's bolt zipped into the snowy distance, missing everything. The return fire was close, but did little more than sizzle into the ground and melt some snow*....

From the wreckage of the T-47 Snowspeeder, Jackson and Cal painfully made their way out of the smoking and ruined vehicle, making sure to grab their wepaons and gear as they did so. Looking out over the icy ridge, they could see the white-furred Wookie, Kitkatarra racing towards them and behind her, perhaps 100 meters away, they could see about a dozen Snowtroopers forming up, a few of them kneeling down and aiming their way. Just about the same time Kit reached their position, a couple of blaster bolts came flying towards them, one just barely missing the Wookie, the other slamming into the ruined cockpit of the Snowspeeder, less than a meter from Cal's center-mass**.....

In the center of the trench, Zuul shook off the last of the effects from the grenade's blast-wave and raising his Blaster Rifle, he took careful aim and put a bolt through the torso of one of the two Snowtroopers carrying a Light Repeat Blaster at a range of about 100 meters; bringing a toothy smile to the Barabel's face. His smile was short-lived though as all but two of the remaining Snowtroopers turned his way and opened fire on him as they also began to move towards him at the same time. The Light Repeat Blaster sent a wave of fire that tore up the ground and snow along the trench line, one bolt singing the right side of Zuul's head; leaving a painful graze along the side of his skull, but luckily missing everything vital....another bolt hit him in the upper chest, his Blast Vest preventing it from being a more serious wound, though it did enough damage to bring forth a hiss of pain and anger and the big lizard-like alien dropped down into the trench as several more bolts lanced over his head. At about that moment, the running feet of Vale and Professor Clark could be heard and a moment later, Zuul was happy to see his teammates join him***.....

The loud, earth-shaking thumps of the AT-AT's feet could now be head and felt by all of the Rebels as the big Imperial vehicle continued to advance on their fired its massive twin Assault lasers a the Rebel base; the large bolts slamming into the side of the hollowed out mountain that served as the walls of Echo Base and bringing down massive sheets of ice and hunks of earth, but as yet, failing to penetrate...

*Vale and Clark have left 1 Standing Snowtrooper on the left flank and are now in the Center position with a Wounded Zuul; about 75 meters from perhaps 7 Snowtroopers advancing towards them, 1 of them armed with a Light Repeat Blaster

**Kit, Cal and Jackson are about 100 meters away from the 9 remaining Snowtroopers....2 of them firing at them, the others moving forward and firing at the Rebel trench-line. Kit can tell Cal and Jackson are Wounded, but in no immediate danger....and EVERYONE can tell that the wrecked Speeder provides some cover from the Snowtroopers

***Zuul is Wounded (and Grazed...but that just leaves a cool scar); so he'll be at -1D for all actions until treated
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#39 Post by kipper »

Clark glances at Zuul's wound, and noting that it's not life-threatening he instead unleashes fire from his blaster carbine towards the 'trooper carrying the Light Repeat Blaster.
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Re: ECHOES FROM HOTH: Episode One: Fire on the Ice

#40 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Zuul looks up to greet his teammates. "Hello again! It seemss that he iss fated to spend plenty of time lying in thiss blasted snow." Zuul light-heartedly complains through chattering teeth.

"Kit, he thinkss her name iss, went racing over there somewhere. He hopes that crash wasn't too bad."

He gets to his knees and fires at the repeat blaster trooper.
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