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Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:39 pm
by BackworldTraveller
The three are led into the Makhangam by John, who introduces his crew...

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:33 pm
by NorthernTraveller
Drake is interested to hear any thoughts on how to proceed. We can work out rendezvous points, actions on contact, etc.

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 10:20 am
by AndyS_66
Hagan shows a close up of his starchart and says: Presumably the UFA are blocking ships that are returning from Aerfor but not those heading out in that direction. We could follow the Dog Tag’s previous route by jumping to Fel then onto Aerfor and Kouth. That might still be viable but returning that way won’t be an option. There is also the risk that any ships that they know have heading into Dzarrgh Federate space may be added to some embargo or black list and never allowed back into UFA space. I suggest heading to Arleshanu and making the jump to Aerfor from there. The problem is getting the fuel for a two parsec jump as we don’t know what the local situation is like there. One advantage that we have is that I grew up there and I know a few watering holes. (Gm’s permission notwithstanding.) She also had a naval base so we may just be able to take what we need from there or negotiate with whoever is now in charge.

If we take a one parsec jump from Nurara, we can check things out and still be able to jump to Ikhaba or somewhere if necessary.

Local map 2.png
Local map 2.png (346.99 KiB) Viewed 721 times

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 12:51 pm
by BackworldTraveller
AndyS_66 wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 10:20 am One advantage that we have is that I grew up there and I know a few watering holes.[/dialog] (Gm’s permission notwithstanding.) She also had a naval base so we may just be able to take what we need from there or negotiate with whoever is now in charge.

Hagan suddenly recalls that the whole reason they are on Gabrael is that the navy forcibly evacuated and slighted the base at Arleshanu. If there is anyone there, it's evacuees from Khouth that got dumped by the more unscrupulous of the Vargr body-traders.

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 1:36 pm
by AndyS_66
There are also several large lakes on the surface of the main world that could be used for potential fuel.

It is also possible that there is an ice asteroid or two in other of the belts that may also offer an option? Possibly a mothballed facility or two as it was a high tech system? Could Hagan make an Education roll based on his local knowledge and his eight years as a salvage expert?

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 3:53 pm
by BackworldTraveller
AndyS_66 wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 1:36 pm There are also several large lakes on the surface of the main world that could be used for potential fuel.

It is also possible that there is an ice asteroid or two in other of the belts that may also offer an option? Possibly a mothballed facility or two as it was a high tech system? Could Hagan make an Education roll based on his local knowledge and his eight years as a salvage expert?
You are correct in that first assertion.

Ice prospecting is a bit of a long-shot as you'd have to find one.

And given that your dad was involved in the clear-up, what do you reckon was left of value? He had huge quantities of "scrap" moved as did the Navy. And what wasn't taken was demolished by the Marines.

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 6:08 pm
by AndyS_66
Just to check; none of the oceans on the map would suffice to refuel?
Arleshanu.jpg (184.56 KiB) Viewed 714 times
Knowing Sunray, anything not nailed down was taken or squirrelled away for potential later collection.

Would it be possible to contact him and ask if he is aware of anywhere that the ships still could refuel? If he wants payment, Hagan can offer him an up to date survey of the system.

If not, they could always go to Ilhaba, refuel at the giant giant and jump from there. The risks are that it is close to the UFA and they are bound to be watching it; possibly looking to snag any ships that they can.

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:10 pm
by BackworldTraveller
Either path is plausible - and we could land on any of the beaches of the islands at the southwest of the map and trail hoses into the ocean to refuel.

Beaches sounds better than cramped in a cabin for 4 weeks watching for shipping movements

You'd just dig holes looking for the perfect den-site

Anytime I find a perfect den you are free to move into it.

With you...not even in your dreams

No comment

Ihatei K'ahkhir
Where have the UFA drawn their cordon?


Ihatei K'ahkhir
And what is beyond that now?

War between the Irrgh Manifest, Dzarrgh Federate and whatever.

Ihatei K'ahkhir
Mumbles Hmmm...These comms changes better work or that whatever could be us...I think I'll seek a few anti-bot weapons before we go. Will EMP work? Or just AT weapons?
And how long until they enforce a complete ban? After all, sending ships across that boundary cannot be good for their resources.

Hagan? Your guess is probably better than mine!

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 2:44 am
by NorthernTraveller
Drake likes the idea of taking short jumps and leaving something in the tank in case we need to bug out.

Does he "see" anything else as the conversation swirls around him?

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:37 am
by BackworldTraveller
The conversation continues for a while as the ways of getting to Aerfor are discussed - what happens thereafter is less clear - John's crew looking to Hagan and Emmylou for suggestions based on their recent experiences.

So once we get over the border, there's Khouth or Ankirst. Big City or Hovel. Go to Khouth and we have to refuel at the port; Ankirst has other possibilities.

Khouth is chaotic. The populace are desperate to leave and have been escaping as fast as the ships can take them. With the ships having nowhere to take them that must just mean that they are more desperate. And the Vargr were basically holding onto the main port structures and transport and letting the rest go to pot. You could always volunteer for their defence troops as a way out! Many were. From our perspective, it shouldn't be too much of a problem finding engineers - if we avoid the body-runners this time She looks at Hagan, pointedly.

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:03 pm
by BackworldTraveller
Sarah appears briefly at the door, and vanishes. Shortly afterwards Twana appears clutching canapes, with Sarah and Andee.

Lady Kuzanlu, I hope these are to your liking. I'm sorry, I hadn't recognised you until Lady Shiori pointed you out who your were. I wasn't expecting such an distinguished visitor. Other than the Seneschal, I thought all the old Aristocracy had (been?) withdrawn from Million.

I'm sorry to say that I abandoned the Abandonment and stayed here to see what I could do. Oh! Doesn't that sound altruistic. Anyway, don't stand on ceremony on my behalf, my family lands are full of Federate squatters and their immigrant slaves. I'm Lady in title only. Hagan thinks she look pleased to be acknowledged and maybe something else too.

Lady Sarah - I don't recall being formally introduced. After all we never really moved in the same circles. But now it seems we are to work together. Can you imagine what our mothers would have thought of that!

Smiling at the image. I think I'm old enough to be able to make my own troubles these days! - But we came to talk spares. Andee says that if we are going for a long trip we need to take extras of the vital bits. It's not like we can just stop at a scout base on-route these days.

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 11:15 pm
by NorthernTraveller
Speaking of spares, are there any common parts between our ships?

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 8:02 am
by BackworldTraveller
That's something Hagan might answer, but I've no idea!

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:23 am
by AndyS_66
Yes and no. The Dog-Tag was originally a Vargr scout ship so a lot of her parts are Vargr technology. That said, we retrofitted a large portion of her because we needed to use locally sourced materials and, um, whatever we had to hand in junked ships and parts. Obviously there is some intercompatibility between Vargr and Imperial, excuse me, Regency technology. It might pay us to have my engineer Otto and myself sit down with yourself and your engineer to go over the specs.

If the UFA have drawn the line at Aerfor then we don’t have to be circumspect in getting there. In the past we jumped into Nurara, refuelled at one of the gas giants before jumping to Fel and then Aerfor. Nurara can be a bit risky but Fel is safe enough if you behave yourself. There are some good bars too. We’re registered with the UFA. Are you?

The trick will be getting from Aerfor to Kouth. I suggest we file a false flight plan and say that we’re scouting the conditions are Aerfor before jumping Ikhaba or Arleshanu; somewhere the UFA can’t check. Then we jump to Kouth. If you have any cargo capacity, it might pay you to pick up fresh supplies at Aerfor. We know from experience that having fresh produce is a must.

Presumably there are optimum positions for ships to jump to specific systems. Would it be possible for Hagan to begin plotting a jump to Khouth from one of these other “jump points” in advance? He has been to Aerfor and jumped to Khouth several times so he must have some navigational data stored.

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 9:08 am
by BackworldTraveller
Asokoezka pulls up the scout ship's map
Map Snippet 1130.png
Map Snippet 1130.png (75.03 KiB) Viewed 690 times
We're both J2 Right? So the only way across is Aerfor so yes - Aerfor to Arleshanu sounds a plausible cover. What cover do you think we should go for? After all two empty scouts is just suspicious. Given you are packed for low passage, why wouldn't they insist that you take refugees there?

n.b. John may recall that the Ministry said that they would be supplying a fake registration

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 9:24 am
by AndyS_66

For your information, John, the Dog-Tag has twelve low berths and we’re tasked with bringing back experts from Khouth, or wherever, to Gabrael. My plan, for the outward voyage, is to fill them with fake Vargrs, mannequins or something, and fudge the system so that it looks like they’re occupied. That way we can say that we have either paying passengers or experts such as a survey team. I thought Vargrs would be less likely to be turfed out. Your thoughts?

This is a very good point. Hagan wouldn’t have considered the idea of being loaded up with refugees; although he is interested in trying to “rescue” some of the experts from IRS Delta at some future date. Maybe that is something Captain Drake and Hagan can consider for the future as he has Regency connections?? Hopefully fake Vargr passengers should alleviate the issue of being forced to carry away refugees.

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 6:51 pm
by NorthernTraveller
Having dumy passengers in the low berths makes sense as long as it is convincing. Being found out will just raise suspicions.

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 7:01 pm
by AndyS_66
Hagan nods and suggests that it might be an idea, a grim lobe, to use cadavers. The berth read outs could be configured to appear that the pods are active.

Are the berths the open type like in Alien/Aliens where you can see the occupants or are they sealed units?

If Captain Drake is willing, it might be wise to jump to Fel and see what the latest news the UAF have before jumping to Aerfor.

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 7:26 pm
by NorthernTraveller
I like the sound of that. When can we be ready to go?

Re: At the Defence Ministry

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 4:43 pm
by BackworldTraveller
We can go almost any time...Half a day to stow stores. Though some time in town would be nice after that stint in space.