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300-002. New Earth. Touchdown City

#21 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Fire at en Sabah House
Further tragedy has struck the beleaguered en Sabah family as their Residence in Touchdown City burns in a massive conflagration visible across half the conurbation. Site of the recent shooting of Amena en Sabah, the blaze is utterly destroying the site. It is unclear at this stage whether the fire was due to damage caused during the assault on the mansion, or is a second attack. No one was resident in the building at the time of the fire as the building was still being sifted for evidence.
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300-003. Sparks. North Pole

#22 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Murders on the Queen of the Belt
Two bodies were found aboard the notorious "Queen of the Belt" as she was returned to her rightful owners. The vessel, in the care of the Port Authority, appears to have been used for a series of nefarious purposes before the criminal's whole practice of utilising the vessel culminated in two violent deaths. The bodies have been identified as those of Angela Hilbert, a chemistry student missing since 298, and Jusu Saffa, a wanted fraudster on the run since the collapse of Starflight Incorporated in 287. Speculation that this discovery will result in the re-opening of that investigation was fuelled by the recall of some of the original team by the Chairman of the Board for Environmental Concerns from various roles about the planetoid.

A press conference by the Sparks Police is expected tomorrow at noon as the misappropriated Cr1 Billion is yet to be recovered and this seems to be a new lead..

A third body, discovered near the Grand Plaza, is that of a Cavelheiros Gangster, Manuel Lisboa, who caused a disturbance at the Queen of the Belt's Shareholder's meeting.
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300-003. Sparks. Naval External Relations Office

#23 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Navy Divests itself of Queen of the Belt

QotB Holdings AG has bought the navy's share of the recently released "Queen of the Belt". The Navy's press spokesman said "With the ship having been released by court it is no longer a good use of public funds for the Navy to hold a share in this vessel. We have better things we can do with the monies that were tied up in this civilian vessel. It should be returned to legitimate trade.".
Last edited by BackworldTraveller on Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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300-003: Sparks. Police Headquarters

#24 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Body Restarts Starflight Inc Fraud Investigation
The discovery of the body of Jusu Saffa has kicked the investigation of the Starflight Inc fraud back into top gear. Touchdown and Sapphire are both sending teams to liaise with the Sparks Police. Contacts in the Coronor's office suggest that trace particles found on the body are being investigated to locate the last places that Jusu travelled before meeting his untimely end.
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300-003: South Pole, Sparks

#25 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Shootout at the spaceport

The South Pole Space Port today saw a gun-battle between Police and a person unofficially identified as international terrorist Joachim Lopez. Discovered in a routine check, Mr Lopez is said to have shot three officers and made a clean getaway. Mr Lopez is rumoured to have arrived posing as a crewman on a fast vessel from Touchdown. Three other crew members have gone missing and the police have detained Captain Ysnie and the remainder of the Rock Herder's crew pending investigations into their involvement in transporting such a person to the Belt.
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300-003. Sparks. Sabah Media

#26 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Foreign Observers despatched for reopened Starflight Enquiry
By Anne Kroker
Sparks is to host investigators from many different jurisdictions as a result of the discovery of the body of lead suspect Jusu Saffa.

At least 8 different delegations have been despatched. The Police have made a statement that "We welcome the cooperation of so many other forces and expect that they will be able to supply will provide us with much useful information about the fraud and the movement of Mr Saffa in his last weeks."

This channel has discovered that the owners of the "Queen of the Belt", the vessel on which Jusu was found included the missing Noor en-Sabeh - and speculation that there is a link between the discovery and the assault on the en-Sabah family is now rife. Councillor Amena en-Sabeh was running a secret appraisal of the investigation of the Starflight enquiry. Did that cause her death? There something rotten at the core of New Earth's Justice systems?
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300-003. New Heaven

#27 Post by BackworldTraveller »

New Heaven Announces FTL programme
Toyin Fashun, President of the Council of the Pure in New Heaven, today announced that New Heaven would be aggressively pursuing the development of an FTL fleet to ensure that the Saints have access to the stars and that the Apostates would be thwarted in their attempts to prevent this. The Council would also "Seek to frustrate the attempts by the Apostates to escape church justice by fleeing to the stars".

When asked if the recent murder of Amena en Sabeh was part of that plan to "Frustrate", President Fashun stated that it was the policy of the government of New Heaven to seek to "correct and chastise not to murder and destroy". "We would welcome the capture of those responsible as, clearly, our good name has been besmirched by their actions."

Shelter's Prime Minister is to hold a press conference tomorrow to announce their reaction to this policy announcement.
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300-004. New Earth. Touchdown City

#28 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Cr1,000,000 Reward
Leslie Teppi, an assistant at the the New Earth Council and scion of the Teppi Dynasty, has offered a 1 Million Credit reward for information leading to the sentencing of those responsible for the attempt on the life of Noor en Sabah and the murder of her mother Amena en Sabah.

"The investigation appears to be foundering and this outrageous reward should see light shining into the murky corners of even the most powerful household"

Leslie appears to have been closer to Noor than the Gossip Columns had revealed and seems to have taken the disappearance of Noor particularly hard.

"I am told that Noor is fleeing in fear for her life and that my only contribution should be to wait for the Police to do their job. Well, that is not enough!"
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300-004. B2399-1084-088, The Belt

#29 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Major Gas Explosion - Many Dead
The Nakuru-Nyeri metals smelter on B2399-1084-088 appears to have exploded. The entire crucible deck was engulfed in a wall of fire, and the force of the blast appears to have cracked the walls of the main shop and collapsed many internal tunnels. The No.1 shift was operating and it is feared that the casualty toll is substantial. Rumours are that the accommodation tunnels have been affected and the main dock damaged.
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300-004. Civil Court, Sparks

#30 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Injunction on Sparks Naval Force and QotB Holdings.
The Civil Court has granted an injunction covering Sparks Naval Force and QotB Holdings regarding the transfer of shares in the vessel Queen of the Belt. The plaintiff (Ngora Kole) alleges that the Sparks Naval Force has no legal right to transfer the shares to QotB Holdings since the shares were part of an illegal seizure. The shares have therefore been placed in custody of the court until a full hearing, which is to take place within 90 days.
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300-004. North Pole City, Sparks

#31 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Green and Clean restarts talks
The accumulating waste in North Pole City, Sparks - and many surrounding districts - has angered the populace, and Green and Clean has been forced to restart talks with its workforce.

The city leaders have been quoted as saying:

"The waste is becoming an environmental hazard, and if it is not dealt with rapidly, the city will have no choice but to take steps to dispose of the material outside the current contract - and to treat the current supplier as in default. We have the power to transfer operation of the systems to our own administration and will do so if this current dispute cannot be resolved promptly."
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300-004. North Pole City, Sparks

#32 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Jerome U Exhibition Announced
The celebrated artist, Jerome U, has announced that he will be holding an impromptu art exhibition at the University of Sparks. This coup by the celebrated critic Hagan Ng brings one of the belt's most ardent anti-establishment art figures to the heart of the scientific establishment. An irreverent exhibition is promised.
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300-004. Highlands. New Earth

#33 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Highlands and Nairobi Join FTL Search
The country of Highlands has announced that Three Peaks University and the will lead a joint FTL programme with the state of Nairobi's Kilimanjaro Institute.

It would be a tragedy for the System of New Earth were just one state gain a monopoly over FTL travel. Thus we will continue the work started some years ago with a renewed urgency in the light of recent announcements.
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300-004. East Sapphire

#34 Post by BackworldTraveller »

FTL Mania Decried
The speaker for East Sapphire has decried the current FTL mania, stating:

We have seen the devastation and violations that has affronted the ecologies of the habitable worlds caused by our interstellar migration from Earth. We were promised a New Heaven - and just brought the petty prejudices and innate destructiveness of the Old Earth. Until we can be trusted with new ecologies, any FTL development just promises more disappointment. We cannot escape ourselves.
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300-004. Shelter. New Earth.

#35 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Shelter links FTL system to Starflight Inc Fraud
The Prime Minister of Shelter made the following statement
Criminals stole one billion credits from this system on the pretext of building a starship.

Investigators seeking the truth about this Fraud were on the brink of linking the prime-movers of that injustice to a national effort at Starflight and suddenly the chief instigator of the investigation has been murdered and her family pursued across the system. Another attempt has been made against them while they seek shelter off-world, unsure of who they can trust and where they should turn. We would offer asylum, but in this cynical age, even our impartiality could be seen as just another ploy.

And now it is revealed that there have been secret plans to gain access to the stars - sole access; denying the universe to all but the privileged few.

The New Earth Council - the only interplanetary body is paralysed. Our new "Captain of the Council" is wracked by indecision and self interest of the members is blocking any meaningful progress even of the murder of one of its members.

Shelter has always sought to aid those who seek safety from powerful and implacable forces and we cannot be seen to fail now - in the face of this outrage. Anyone who seeks to ensure that these dark and secret forces don't sequester our right to interstellar travel will have our support. We will be creating a task force to investigate the criminal conspiracy at the heart of this tangled web. We will be frustrating the work of those that seek to steal this treasure from the common heritage for private gain. We will do so relentlessly, remorselessly and with the aim of allowing all people of all nations equal access to the stars.

An International group dedicated to this purpose will be established separate to any nation. We have reached agreement that the Afro-Pacific Orbital Complex will provide the space for this group to live and work. We call upon the leading scientists of our system to join in this effort - for the good of all.

In an unofficial response, the leader of New Heaven is reputed to have replied "Well if Shelter wants to drive itself to bankruptcy, it gives our effort every chance."
Last edited by BackworldTraveller on Wed Apr 14, 2021 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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300-004. Sapphire Embassy, Touchdown, Sparks

#36 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Sapphire Accuses Belters
The West Sapphire Ambassador to Touchdown has announced that "Investigations into the murder of our representative to the Captains Council have found that the team that staged the attack arrived from the belt and left on a ship heading to the belt. We do not have conclusive evidence of this being supported by the belt's government in any way. We will be seeking the arrest and extradition of these terrorists as an urgent priority."

Touchdown Police have announced that they have arrested a seventeen year old teen and he has been charged with the subsequent arson at the en-Sabah residence.
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300-004. New Yasok. Cloud Republic

#37 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Ranchi Teas acquires New Yasok Plantation
The Teagarden at New Yasok has been purchased by Ranchi Teas in a MCr.43 deal brokered by Cloudbank.

"This acquisition will provide a source of teas that will complement our existing range perfectly and allow our premium brands to improve their quality still further"
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300-004. Riyadh. West Sapphire

#38 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Keiji Ishikawa: Candidature for West Sapphire Council Representative
The relatively unknown Keiji Ishikawa has been nominated as a candidate to the role of Councillor for West Sapphire on the New Earth Council. Backed by a coalition of anti-Sabah politicians, his nomination is seen as a direct challenge to en-Sabah's control of that position.
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300-004. Touchdown City, New Earth

#39 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Lottery Winner Claims Prize
The winner of the Holliday Draw of the New Earth Lottery has been come forward to claim the prize of Cr 162,000,000. The organisers have stated that the winner wishes to remain anonymous.

Tickets for the Month I draw are on sale now with an estimated jackpot of Cr18,000,000.
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300-004. Paradise. New Heaven

#40 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Sulphur Prison Colony Expansion
New Heaven has announced a major expansion of their Prison Colony on Sulphur.

Resources have been assigned to extend the Colony on Sulphur. These will depart for that world within the week.

Given the current precarious political situation on Sulphur, this can only be seen as provocative Sulphur's Observer to the New Earth Council observed.
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