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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:42 pm
by tarlyn

Jasmine walks with the others but is very wary of anyone observing them or even getting close to her party.

Walking through the crowd roll [1d6] = 1

Anyone approaching or even trying to get close to the party is met by her stern face and an actual growl. If she has to, she will toss any

one foolish enough to try to get close to them away, by grabbing them by the arm and throwing them away. She is not accustomed to crowds

or even being in a city, for that matter so does not care.

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 1:03 am
by Bluetongue
Shylock Cravat

I thought a character intro would work here

The close alleyways of the market are full of vendors hawking wares on the ground floor. The merchants under cover of their canvas marquees and their customers nose deep inspecting goods, few look up. At least during peak times.

A rope straddles across the high balconies between opposing tenements and previously sneaking acrobatically across said rope is a shadowy figure, pockets full of trinkets and hope. Unfortunately not luck as luck would have it. Caught between two irate vendors who lean out of shuttered windows to point him out and call a hue and cry.

Shylock contemplates his next moves ... like leaving the city is a good idea right now! Though getting off the tightrope 40'ft up and not lynched seems a more pressing concern.

Below a gaggle of bemused folk wander, among them a couple of half-giants surely. (Gil and Jasmine that is).

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 1:09 am
by Grognardsw
Gil, barbarian skald

Watching crowd [1d6] = 4

Desert equipment listed in Notes section of character sheet.

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 12:31 pm
by Darklin2

Well what do you think Jasmine, and Gil do you think one draft horse can pull the wagon? I would get two but it looks as if I only have enough gold for one. Maybe we can work a deal with someone. I only lack 7 gold for the second one.

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 6:02 pm
by Grognardsw

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 6:03 pm
by Grognardsw

Gil, barbarian skald

"Aye Alec, probably two horses," answers Gil. He doesn't say he thinks their steeds may perish in the battle against the bandits. "If all of us and our equipment, and any loot gained, are piled into the wagon it may be too much for one horse. I think we have some of Kazak's money left to pay for the second horse."

Gil smiles at Jasmine's exuberant defense of their personal space.

The skald's eye is drawn up to the sky at the sounds of the crowd and people pointing. "That boy had better be careful," Gil mutters about the tight-rope walker. "A fall will make his mother tearful."

Gil winces as he hears his own rhyme. The curse of the verse is returning as his drunkenness ebbs.

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 7:49 am
by cybersavant
Paladin wrote: Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:56 am Early Morning, The Great Gate

For one reason or another, you've all made your way here to the fabled city of Nuz Edrak, Jewel of the East. Perhaps you were lured here by tales of gold and glory. Perhaps it is scholarly interest or divine conviction?

You walk through the shouting throng that is the central market, the Great Bazaar. It's early yet, so the heat isn't quite so overpowering and scores of merchants are engaged in vigorously promoting their stock to all and sundry. The result is a cacophany of shouting, insults, the clink of gold and bleating of animals. Life. The city teems with life even in the midst of a plague.

Many of those around you are masked and stand well clear as you pass. Others scoff at the precaution and attempt to engage you in loud conversation.
Corthalis Aelvynwynne walks the dusty, hot streets. The land has nary a trace of a tree, the city even less so. For any to survive under such conditions, much less humans, is a wonder. Such a throng of beings all in one place. This land will be a good place to learn more about these inferiors. Corthalis casts his gaze across the crowd.

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 8:46 pm
by Darklin2

Can I have ten from the coin in Darius's pouch? It will buy me a second draft horse and that will make your transportation complete. I have gathered what I need so what ever everyone else wished to purchase is ok. I can carry much more in my wagon.

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 11:49 pm
by Grognardsw
Gil, barbarian skald

Gil hands over the pouch to Alec.

The barbarian’s sharp eyes note another elf (Corthalis) at the edge of the market crowd, surveying the scene.

“Alec, I spy another elf over there,” says Gil, pointing. “Do you know him?”

The blissfully ignorant barbarian of the Stonefist clans in the far north has not had much experience with the elven race. They all look the same to him.

Gil looks up again at the boy on the tight rope. He yells up at him:

“Boy! You’ll kill yourself up there! Come down - I’ll catch you!”

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 12:46 am
by Bluetongue

Balances on the tightrope looking at options. One end of the rope tied to a wrought Juliet balcony. Leaning over an angry butcher waving a very keen edged and recently bloodied cleaver. The halfling gulps, not wishing to add his hide to the rack of 'fresh meat of the day'.

At the opposing end of the rope leer two equally furious apprentices, iron tongs and glassblowers glowing irons intent on branding the trinket thief.

It seems the only way is down. Below the halfling catches the concerned voice of one of the barbarian giants, waving hands as if to say 'catch'.

Well, a leap of father into the unknown arms is not without risk. A better idea strikes his mind. Shylock drops his sack of stolen goodies at the barbarian. "Catch this!" he shouts.

"At least it will look like he is with me." he thinks, then draws his dagger.

Taking hold of the rope in one hand he severs the cords with the other. No longer taut across the alleyway the rope swings and the halflings swings to crash into the wall, dropping the remaining feet to land on a canvas roof below, rolling acrobatically and landing with aplomb at Gil's feet.

The apparent 'boy' a mischievious, grinning halfling with a charismatic twinkle in his eyes.

Shylock. Hard dex skill check vs 18 [4d6] = 10

I included the above roll in case you preferred a check so he didn't crash and fall. I also deducted 25gp from my inventory to cover the sack of stolen trinkets, some random 'objects d'art' worth 25gp.

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 2:31 am
by Paladin
You find everything you require at the customary inflated prices of Nuz Edrak. Most merchants eschew the plague masks, but a few haggle masked.

Jasmine's stern demeanor keeps all but the most curious souls at bay. Light-fingered urchins walk alongside the party, nonchalantly awaiting their opportunity to pinch a fat purse of gold or gems.
Gil's keen eye picks out another elf in the crowd, but before they can discuss the newcomer and his possible acquaintance with Alec further, a phalanx of the king's guard comes rushing down the main thoroughfare directly toward the party.

Their leader, a short, thick-set man with a plumed helmet, barks orders in a tongue none of you recognize. He gestures up at the rope and the halfling poised upon it.

But before his pursuers close in from above or below, the deft-fingered thief casts his loot to the big skald below and performs a dashing aerial escape that leaves his pursuers momentarily stunned. For a split-second after his artful landing, no one moves. But then the muscular sergeant stabs his short spear accusingly toward the halfing and orders what you assume is an advance, since the guardsmen rush forward.

They are fifty feet away now and closing quickly.

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 3:23 am
by Bluetongue
Shylock Cravat

"You've got the swag-bag! They will assume you are my accomplice. Guilty by association." he shrugs at the barbarian Gil trying a smile.

Then he turns to upset the nearest barrel of apples to roll scattering at the onrushing guard and begins to leg it down the main street.

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:28 am
by cybersavant
Corthalis Aelvynwynne

Finally, something entertaining to watch. Corthalis maneuvers better to see the spectacle, curious to see if the Halfling escapes.

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 2:09 pm
by Grognardsw
Gil, barbarian skald

Gil catches the sack Dex check [3d6] = 6.

Hearing the boy’s voice Gil begins to think the boy may be a freakishly small man. And was that stubble on his face?

As the crowd looks at Gil catch the sack, he realizes the situation.

“I don’t know the boy,” he says aloud. ”My companions here can vouch for me.”

Gil holds the sack out if the city guards approach.

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:17 pm
by Darklin2

Turns his back to the guards and tries to blend with the crowd. Softly saying:

Gil, Toss the open bag the crowd will block the guards. and moves into the thickest part of the crowd hand on his coin pouch the other on his sword. He moves off towards the horse vendors.

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:18 pm
by tarlyn

Not really paying attention to what is transpiring with her companions, Jasmine keeps any loose fingered thieves at bay.

However, when the Palace Guards approach she stands tall, arms crossed across her chest.

She growls and looks at the guards, her gaze daring them to try something.

"You let us pass or maybe you like seeing healer and like p-a-i-n?" she accentuates the last word.

The Palace Guards can tell she won't let them bully or bother her party

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:24 am
by Paladin
Alec's level head serves him well and his retreat goes unnoticed by the onrushing guards who focus instead on the fleet-footed Shylock. One guard squashes an apple beneath his sandaled feet and promptly trips, clattering to the paved street. His companions ignore him and rush toward the cross-armed Jasmine.

Her size and fury is intimidating, but the mass of guards have no fear in their phalanx formation and simply lock their shields, four men wide and four ranks deep, pushing aggressively forward and hustling aside anyone in their path. "Stand aside, woman!" (If you'd like Jasmine to try and resist, roll a hard strength check of 4d6).

The sergeant cocks his head at Gil and extends a hand. "The bag," he demands in heavily-accented common.

The keen-eyed Corthalis spots a dark-robed man flanked by two tall guards knifing through the crowd toward the confrontation in the street. He is approaching from the same direction as the guards and has a broad grin on his tanned face. His two men-at-arms have hands wrapped loosely around the hilts of sheathed scimitars. He instructs his men to push through the packed crowd and they do so, but it will be several seconds before he breaks through.

Gil spots the man, too. And recognizes him. Darius seems intent of making good his promise of revenge--without wasting any time.

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:11 am
by tarlyn

The BIg Barbarian ignores the guards words. ...

Strength check [4d6] = 19

That is either really good or totally awful hehhehehe

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:18 am
by Bluetongue
Shylock Cravat

wow. I thought I was pilfering some newly blown snow globes and cut glass trinkets. What did I steal to warrant 16 men?

Not that the halfling rogue stood around to headcount. The first man stumbling gives him a brief second to evade the city watch.

So I run ahead, weaving through the crowd a moment or two with a glance behind to see 'if the big man follows'. If I see the standoff between guards and the barbarian pair and no one chasing me, though I have no present loyalty to Gil & Jasmine & Co at this point, I wouldn't want to see them cut up on my behalf. (I am unaware of your previous with Darius)

I try to do some quick-witted thinking. What do I see around me. By chance any farmers herding bovines nearby or unattended wagons? Bazaars selling fireworks?

Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:05 am
by cybersavant
The keen-eyed Corthalis spots a dark-robed man flanked by two tall guards knifing through the crowd toward the confrontation in the street. He is approaching from the same direction as the guards and has a broad grin on his tanned face. His two men-at-arms have hands wrapped loosely around the hilts of sheathed scimitars. He instructs his men to push through the packed crowd and they do so, but it will be several seconds before he breaks through.
Corthalis Aelvynwynne

This new development piques his interest and he follows the trio through the crowd.