Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#21 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen stays still for about an hour, listening for any sound of approach and carefully watching the creatures come and go from the entrance to their cave, and trying to get at least a vague idea of how many there might be. He takes special note of young and females, hoping someone with knowledge of these creatures can estimate a proper count from that. After that, he begins to pull back the way he came, slowly backing out on the same route he took coming in. He wants to be well out of their area, with plenty of time to spare before dark, preferably back on the Loggers Trail.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#22 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The Hunt
Sunday, 21st of Goodmonth
Late Afternoon, Hot, Humid, Buggy

Jaxsen stays put and watches the strange looking little creatures for a while longer. A few more of them dart in and out of the cave mouth, most of the time only coming out to chat, apparently. The ones outside must be some kind of sentry, but it is difficult to tell one from another, making a guess at their numbers tricky at best. There are definitely more than 4 of them, but how many more is difficult to estimate. He never sees any signs of females or young-lings.

After a while, the monk starts to crawl out of his hiding spot, moving back the way he came well before sundown. Knowing that the large trail is to the west, he makes his way in that direction, eventually finding the wide jungle path. He estimates that unless he is detained in some way, he can easily make it back to town before dark.

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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#23 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Once Jax reaches the trail again, he immediately heads back to town, at a gentle trot. He stays at the very edge of the trail, using the foliage for cover. He understands that he moves faster than most, so he keeps most of his attention ahead, more concerned that he might catch up to someone or encounter someone heading the other way, than something catching up to him. He admits to some grudging respect for the Kobolds. "Very regimented," he thinks. "Very disciplined. They move well in the jungle, they do their best to keep their lair secret, their guards keep good order, and they don't assume they are alone at home. A proper hive." A small amount of pride shows itself as well. "But... with the Queen's aid, I found their lair. Thank you, my Goddess.... My Queen. This grub is now better suited to protect his hive.... hives."

Any chance of getting an updated map with Jaxsen's discoveries on it? I'd hate to think all that trailblazing was for naught!
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#24 Post by OGRE MAGE »

We want maps! We want XP!

Man you players are so needy! :lol:

Stand by, working on the update soon.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#25 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Jaxsen makes it safely back to Beachtown again, though it is nearly dark by the time he returns. he is glad to see no more damage has been done to the hives or the farmstead while he was out exploring.

He tries to remember the trail he took to find the lair, jotting the area down on a map before it slips his memory.

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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#26 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Getting back to the hives, Jax looks around to see if his alarm/traps have been set off. Once he knows one way or the other, he hunkers down and pulls out the breadfruit that dropped near him earlier. If it is ripe enough (pretty soft on the outside, as my studies tell me) he'll peel it and eat it right there, washing it down with water from his skins. If not, he'll set it out to ripen a bit more, still avoiding cooking by fire when he can. Then he'll go to the cooking fires and see if there is any salted or dried fish/axebeak/fruit to be had and eat those.

While there, he will ask around, and see if anyone knows the language of the Kobolds. If no one does, he'll ask Marge for her advice on the matter. If all else fails, he will spread the word to anyone that will listen that he is in need of someone who can, and ask everyone to tell everyone else, and that it is important. Then he will take his evening ritual bath.

(More to come, but I need the status on the alarms and any information about Kobold speakers.)
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#27 Post by OGRE MAGE »

None of the traps have been sprung and there are no new signs of activity in the hive area.

Jaxsen cuts into the ripe breadfruit and eats it without any preparation, finding it horribly stringy and difficult to eventually process naturally. He was told that the fruit is really only edible once roasted, but that talk doesn't bother him much. His trip to the cooking area pays off a little better as there is still plenty of the salted bluntskull available to top off his meal.

To his inquiries about speaking kobold, he gets a lot of, "whats a kobold" answers from the townies, finding no one who knows the language. Marge isn't much help either, though she does ask the young man why he is asking, becoming worried about the possibility of another enemy to their town.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#28 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Knowing that Marge is one of the leaders here in town, Jaxsen tells her what he knows, "It is a term I heard used about a small race of creatures that have discovered our town." He holds his hand down to their height and continues, "About this size and very stealthy. I don't think they have any plans on attacking our hive, but they are certainly trying to steal from us. They attacked Liam's hives to steal honey, and I think they may be responsible for a few missing chickens. What worries me is that if we don't stop them, they will get bolder and bolder. I have already taken the precaution of tracking them to their lair, without their knowledge. So if you and the others decide to attack them, I can lead you there." As Marge digests this information, he finishes, "They are far enough away, that I thought if I could find someone to tell them that we know where they live, they would stop bothering us."
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#29 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Marge takes in all the information with a grimace, her eyes bulging at the suggestion of the townsfolk going after the infiltrators.

"Ya, I heard of em. I even seen a few here an there. Furry little tree dwelling varmints, right? I thought we were at peace with em, but I know how well that goes. Funny thing is, they'd been leaving us alone, for the most part, or so I thought, but maybe I was wrong."

"I dont know anyone who can speak to em, but what about a wizard? There's a few a them around. I heard they had magic that would work to communicate with things?"
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#30 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

"No, ma'am," Jaxsen is quick to point out. "Not the Phanaton. Yes, I think we are at peace with them. The Kobolds are hairless and look kind of like walking lizards with long tails and snouts." He lets that sink in and adds, "And I wasn't thinking of the townsfolk going after them, so much as maybe standing guard against them. They are very timid, relying on sneaking to get what they want. We have enough warriors and wizards and priests to go after them."
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#31 Post by OGRE MAGE »

”Oh yes, the phanaton, that’s right. They are friendly, for the most part. So you’re sayin these kobolds are stealing and sneakin? Then something should be done! I think we could come up with some way to watch fer em. Did ya have a plan in mind?”
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#32 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen nods at Marge's question. "So far, they have been very skittish. They wouldn't come out of the trees if they knew someone was watching," he says."If we could get a couple pairs of folks to just walk around in the torchlight near the hives and coops, I don't think there would be any trouble for them." He pats his pockets for Marge's benefit. "But it would have to be something they wanted to do to help the farm. I don't have any money to pay them."

"That would give us enough time for me to either scare them off permanently, or put together an expedition to ... well ... kill them."
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#33 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Marge nods her understanding.

"Well, we need Liam and his plan for bettering our food sources more than just about anything else at this point, so I doubt it will be difficult to find enough people willing to help keep a watch over the invaders. Especially if they really are as skittish as you say."

"But, like those gods awful dwarves, they might be a little braver in numbers. Do you know about how many of them are out there, Jaxsen?"
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#34 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen is caught off-guard by what he thinks is Marge's question about the dwarves. He shakes his head. "No, ma'am," he answers. "I really don't have even a good guess how many dwarves there are." It then occurs to him that she might have been asking about the Kobolds. "Oh, wait. Did you mean the Kobolds? Not really. The most I've seen is five. And they ran off as soon as they knew we were there, Luther and I. When I found their lair, they were careful only to come out and go back in ones and twos, with guards present. They are pretty clever."
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#35 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Marge smiles at the correction.

"Yes, lets take this one threat at a time. The dwarves have agreed not to harm any of us, so lets concentrate on this new danger first."

"Things that small in stature need to be extra crafty in this environment in order to survive. It is natures way, I suppose"

"Do you want me to ask around to find a few patrols willing to walk the area periodically at night?"
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#36 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

"Marge, I would be really grateful if you could find some volunteers," says Jaxsen. "If you would just ask them to stay in the torchlight near the hives. Makes sure the kobolds see them. If they want to carry staves to look more like guards, that might be a good idea." He hesitates a moment, and then another idea occurs to him. "Say," he asks. "You don't know if any of the folks here were teachers before they came to the island? Just someone with some general knowledge?"
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#37 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Marge nods at all the good ideas, finally bursting out after the final inquiry.

“We do have a teacher from the mainland. Two of em, actually. The Hostetlers both taught back in Saltmarsh. Twernt no fancy academy er nothin, but they both know their stuff.”

“They’re out workin the fields over yonder. Want me ta introduce ya?”
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#38 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen nods, "Very much, please. I'm hoping they can help me with something."

When Jaxsen is introduced, the Monk bows deeply. "It is an honor, teachers."
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#39 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The sweaty and dirty middle aged married couple greet Jaxsen with refreshing, sincere smiles once they are introduced. Marge stands close by, hoping to hear what the monk has to ask.

"Teachers? We have left that life behind us, for now anyway."

"What is it that you seek, friend?"
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#40 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen wonders how just how advanced in knowledge one would have to be to leave being a Teacher 'behind'. He can only bow again. "Knowledge, revered ones," he says clearly. "I have encountered some creatures here, apparently known as Kobolds. And on this island, I have seen Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, Half-elves, and Half-orcs. I do not know if these Kobolds have been a study of yours, but if your knowledge permits, can you tell me which one of the groups here on the island might know how to speak to kobolds? I know that different races learn different languages, but it has not been a study of mine."
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