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Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 10:32 pm
by joertexas
Eris wrote:Zaki looks in through one of the doors and Whistler's body is lying on the deck. He is alive, but unconscious. Joe might have had a bad reaction to coming off Combat Slow...
"Found him!" Zaki kneels next to him and starts an examination. "Joe, can you hear me?" She shakes his shoulder.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 12:17 am
by Tiglath
Sigrun joins Zaki and, on taking in the scene, immediately says “Saurigr Vargr skítkarl! That swindling Kforuzeng turd sold me a bad batch!”

She sets to trying to help Zaki giving her room to work and following her directions. She uses her familiarity with vacc suits to facilitate Zaki's examination and treatment of Whistler.

She takes a knee next to Whistler and detaches a slim velcro backed case from her armoured thigh and then gives Zaki an apologetic look before volunteering “Some of this might help Whistler. Its probably not very … um … “medicinal” - but it’s what I have used to stay alive and you haven’t any proper medical supplies”.

Sigrun opens the case which contains a spray on field dressing, a high tech vacc suit patch and a supply of single doses of various pharmaceuticals. They are mostly military issue in “grunt proof / field expedient” form. Some are Imperial standard, others not and the rest are in what could best be described as "street deals".

Sigrun lists the contents, diplomatically skipping over a pair of auto injectors, “We use Stim to reverse the drop after Combat Drug if we need to fight again straight away. Its not nice ... at all. This is broad spectrum medi drugs – safe to inject. I have some “Bear's Sleep" too” she struggles for a better translation “a hibernation drug that acts like a cold berth. You use it if the life support is hit”.

(OOC: Here's the content of Sigrun's personal stash with descriptions copied from the CES Equipment Book: available doses in (brackets).

Panaceas (5): Wide-spectrum medicinal drugs that are specifically designed not to interact harmfully. They can therefore be used on any wound or illness and are guaranteed not to make things worse. A character using panaceas may make a Medic check as if he had Medic 0 when treating an infection or disease.
Stim Drugs (10) : Removes fatigue, at a cost. A character who uses stim may remove the effects of fatigue but suffers one point of damage. If stims are used to remove fatigue again without an intervening period of sleep, the character suffers two points of damage the second time, three points the third time, and so on.
Fast Drug (3): Also known as 'Hibernation', this drug puts the user into a state akin to suspended animation, slowing his metabolic rate down to a ratio of 60 to 1 – a subjective day for the user is actually two months. Fast drug is normally used to prolong life support reserves or as a cheap substitute for a cryoberth

The two auto injectors are highly likely to be illegal metabolic accelerators/combat drugs.

Zaki can use the above descriptions to form a proper medical opinion as opposed to Sigrun's "Pick n' Mix" approach to pharmacy :roll: ).

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 8:02 pm
by bruce.desertrat
Eris wrote:
ffilz wrote:
Tiglath wrote:Sigrun struggles with her equipment as far as the forward lounge where she stows her assault gear. She calls Zaki on the comm “If Whistler failed to check in with you then we have a man down somewhere onboard”. Fearing the worst she switches channels to broadcast to all crew members “Whistler is MIA and believed a casualty check your compartments and adjacent areas and report in. Mr. Petamore and I will check the passenger corridor and then the cargo hold”.
Chandra will check engineering. Beyond that, he will use the 4 hours to check through all of engineering, chatting with the former prisoners to get as complete an idea of the state of things as he can.
Haley Zaminski sticks her head into the room with the fuel purifier where Chandra is doing a check and says, "I'm Haley do you need any help?"

She then asks, "Say, has anybody done anything about the missiles in the hold?"
Pedro, seeing that Zaki has found Whistler, stop closes his eyes and mutters "mani lena keylako mani lena keylako mani lena keylako..." quietly, slowing his breathing and heart rate. In a louder voice"Pedro here. Missiles, you said? Meet me in the hold..."

He was on an exploration of the ship before we noticed Whistler missing, so I guess he's now starting in the hold...

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:47 pm
by Eclipse
John Lee sets Sigrun's armor down, "If your good, I'm going down to the hold. I saw crates of MREs. If there is a crate of missiles, it's good I didn't wack that one coming in."

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:08 am
by joertexas
Tiglath wrote:Sigrun joins Zaki and, on taking in the scene, immediately says “Saurigr Vargr skítkarl! That swindling Kforuzeng turd sold me a bad batch!” She sets to trying to help Zaki giving her room to work and following her directions. She uses her familiarity with vacc suits to facilitate Zaki's examination and treatment of Whistler.
Zaki takes a breath and resolves not to have a discussion with Sigrun about her pharmacopoeia - yet. "Let's see what I can do before we resort to your, uh, medications." She carefully rolls Whistler on his back, and rubs his sternum firmly with her knuckles. "Whistler! Wake up!" If she gets no response, she places her diagnostic sensors on him to begin a more detailed assessment.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 2:42 am
by Tiglath
Eclipse wrote:John Lee sets Sigrun's armor down, "If your good, I'm going down to the hold. I saw crates of MREs. If there is a crate of missiles, it's good I didn't wack that one coming in."
Sigrun replies gratefully “Thank you. I am good – but still not wholly myself”. She seems to take another instinctive leap and cautiously volunteers “I used combat drugs storming this ship and I’m still recovering”. She dispassionately nods at the body and the blood over the lounge bulkhead and adds “My third. When I am strong I frighten others - when I am weak I frighten myself”. She momentarily locks an appraising glance on John Lee but then, with sudden self awareness, manages to derail her train of thought and states “Fyrirgef mik - I’m still not quite me. Please, if you’re going to the hold would you get me some meat? A couple of MREs would be good. Whistler’s overdue and I need to find him”. Still seeming a little distracted she sets off towards the passenger corridor absently calling back “Check the warheads on the missiles”.

(OOC: And very shortly after the above).
joertexas wrote: Zaki takes a breath and resolves not to have a discussion with Sigrun about her pharmacopoeia - yet. "Let's see what I can do before we resort to your, uh, medications."
Sigrun processes the fact that nearly all of the things she would have done by now have not been done by the professional medic but is nevertheless gratified that Whistler is getting the best possible care (even though she is reasonably sure that a Sword World medic would have slapped the patient at least a couple of times by now to test responsiveness). Aware that she is still recovering from the same drugs that laid Whistler low and woefully out of her depth as a medic she helps as best she can acting only on Zaki's directions. If she can do nothing else she waits to help remove Whistler's vacc suit and stows away his weapons and gear to facilitate his treatment.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:22 am
by joertexas
Tiglath wrote:(even though she is reasonably sure that a Sword World medic would have slapped the patient at least a couple of times by now to test responsiveness).
OOG: The sternum rub is even better. Try rubbing your own sternum *hard* with your knuckles. I promise you will react ;)

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:01 am
by Tiglath
joertexas wrote:OOG: The sternum rub is even better. Try rubbing your own sternum *hard* with your knuckles. I promise you will react ;)
OOC: I came round straight away! :D

As regards slapping patients I was trying to think of something simultaneously "archaic and macho" for Swordie pirate medics to do. Pirate medicine - not for the faint hearted (or the sick!) and could never be accused of advancing medical science! ;)

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:51 pm
by joertexas
Tiglath wrote:OOC: I came round straight away! :D

As regards slapping patients I was trying to think of something simultaneously "archaic and macho" for Swordie pirate medics to do. Pirate medicine - not for the faint hearted (or the sick!) and could never be accused of advancing medical science! ;)
Zaki is trying really hard to not openly cringe or berate Sigrun. She may be an Imperial Army nurse, sort of, but she knows she's not in her hospital, either.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:58 pm
by Tiglath
OOC: Zaki is being really professional in the face of "Frontier Medicine"! :) I must confess to a fair amount of gleeful mischief in developing Sigrun’s ruthlessly pragmatic yet utterly reckless attitude to pharmacy in contrast to Zaki’s skilled and clinical approach. Sigrun's intent is beneficial but the whole “care plan” is based on choices you’d make in combat when your vacc suit’s holed and the air’s running out! Success means the “treatment” then jumps straight over clinical trails and into “folklore”. :roll:

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 1:53 am
by Eris
Eclipse wrote:John Lee sets Sigrun's armor down, "If your good, I'm going down to the hold. I saw crates of MREs. If there is a crate of missiles, it's good I didn't wack that one coming in."
John Lee joins Pedro and Haley in the cargo hold.

As they search Haley says, "I know there are missiles down here somewhere. The port turret has a missile launcher and a sandcaster while the starboard one has a dual pulse laser installed. The bastards had me look at one of the missiles to make sure it fit the launcher they had. It was an Imperial standard ship to ship missile and so is the launcher."

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 2:00 am
by Eris
joertexas wrote:
Tiglath wrote:Sigrun joins Zaki and, on taking in the scene, immediately says “Saurigr Vargr skítkarl! That swindling Kforuzeng turd sold me a bad batch!” She sets to trying to help Zaki giving her room to work and following her directions. She uses her familiarity with vacc suits to facilitate Zaki's examination and treatment of Whistler.
Zaki takes a breath and resolves not to have a discussion with Sigrun about her pharmacopoeia - yet. "Let's see what I can do before we resort to your, uh, medications." She carefully rolls Whistler on his back, and rubs his sternum firmly with her knuckles. "Whistler! Wake up!" If she gets no response, she places her diagnostic sensors on him to begin a more detailed assessment.
Zaki gets a groan and some movement out of Joe. He doesn't wake up, but he appears on the edge of consciousness.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 2:08 am
by joertexas
Eris wrote:Zaki gets a groan and some movement out of Joe. He doesn't wake up, but he appears on the edge of consciousness.
Assuming her diagnostic doesn't turn up something serious...

Zaki turns to Sigrun. "Can you help me get him into a bunk? He needs to rest for a while."

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 11:37 am
by Tiglath
Sigrun heaves Whistler onto a bunk and collects up his weapons and gear. She offers “I’ll get these out of your way” and takes them to stack neatly next to her own kit in the forward lounge. She reappears just wearing her underarmour with her gunbelt hung over one shoulder and pads back in barefoot in the process of combing out her hair. She nods at Whistler and adds “He fights well. Thank you for helping him”. She volunteers “Its not just exhaustion. He will be starving after the combat drugs – he needs meat and mead!” She stops herself and looks at Zaki through a skein of untangling blond hair as a self mocking smile brightens into a broad grin and she concedes quietly “Although it’s entirely probable that there is something much more medically appropriate to do instead”. Sigrun sighs and laughs “I believe it’s possible that I’m almost as a good a nurse as I am a patient! You look after him – I’ll look after you. I’ll fetch some MREs from the cargo hold for you and Edwardo - the Imperial ones are good!”

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 3:12 pm
by joertexas
Tiglath wrote:Sigrun heaves Whistler onto a bunk and collects up his weapons and gear. She offers “I’ll get these out of your way” and takes them to stack neatly next to her own kit in the forward lounge. She reappears just wearing her underarmour with her gunbelt hung over one shoulder and pads back in barefoot in the process of combing out her hair. She nods at Whistler and adds “He fights well. Thank you for helping him”. She volunteers “Its not just exhaustion. He will be starving after the combat drugs – he needs meat and mead!” She stops herself and looks at Zaki through a skein of untangling blond hair as a self mocking smile brightens into a broad grin and she concedes quietly “Although it’s entirely probable that there is something much more medically appropriate to do instead”. Sigrun sighs and laughs “I believe it’s possible that I’m almost as a good a nurse as I am a patient! You look after him – I’ll look after you. I’ll fetch some MREs from the cargo hold for you and Edwardo - the Imperial ones are good!”
Zaki smiles at her. "I'll reserve comment on the MREs, but it's still a good idea. I wish you two didn't use those combat drugs, but the results are hard to dispute." She continues her examination until she is confident that Whistler is medically stable.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 10:29 pm
by Tiglath
Sigrun nods, smiles and simply replies “I’ll be back with the food”.

She will use the lift to go below and fetch back an armful of MREs - sufficient to feed Edwardo and the bridge crew, Zaki, herself and a spare for Whistler when he wakes up. She will take a few through to Engineering while she has a look around.

She keys her comm to broadcast shipwide as she does so “There’s a dead Luzon in the forward lounge - he’s one of mine so I’ll clean up. Unless anyone wants him I will conduct a field expedient burial at sea with absolutely no military honours. However, since he’s a pirate I believe you can claim bounty on him at Regina. He’s also prime evidence of the illegal detention of the POWs and the abduction of the Jarl. If we want to keep him I’ll take him to a cold berth instead of the airlock. Which way do we want to go?”

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 11:09 pm
by bruce.desertrat
Tiglath wrote: She keys her comm to broadcast shipwide as she does so “There’s a dead Luzon in the forward lounge - he’s one of mine so I’ll clean up. Unless anyone wants him I will conduct a field expedient burial at sea with absolutely no military honours. However, since he’s a pirate I believe you can claim bounty on him at Regina. He’s also prime evidence of the illegal detention of the POWs and the abduction of the Jarl. If we want to keep him I’ll take him to a cold berth instead of the airlock. Which way do we want to go?”
Pedro says "Cold berth. If we play our cards right, we can either claim this ship outright as a war prize, or failing that, a handsome reward from the original owners, or at least their insurance company."

Like Banacek, we'll take a mere 50% of the insurance payout! At least this one didn't require us to figure out how they disappeared a football player in the middle of the field... :lol: One of our local affiliates carries Me TV which hall sorts of old series running on it we've been watching a bunch of old ones neither of us have seen since we were kids.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 1:36 am
by Nuke66
Edwardo continues to monitor various frequencies listening for any indication they have been found

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 3:11 am
by Eclipse
John Lee is in the hold, helping hand out MREs from the broken crate and looking for missiles.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 3:40 am
by joertexas
Zaki helps Sigrun place the Luzon's body into a low berth, and then she goes to find Carlos. "Did you eat?"