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Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 2:11 am
by hedgeknight
"That's a fair amount of coin for simple caravan duty," Festus says. "Might want to ask around about this Silas feller. See what type of man he is."

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 3:00 am
by dmw71
Sylvan and Festus remain in the inn and enjoy what they suspect to be the last of their free meals. Ciar and Fulp head to the jewelers in an attempt to convert their excess coins into something easier to transport. Sparrow and Eohannud each depart as well to run simple errands.

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 3:08 am
by AleBelly
if possible

Sylvan approaches Sparrow as he leaves. "Sorry for ditching you last night, but, well, things were looking pretty good. Can I get my gold back from you...minus your 10 gp of course."

The hooded man shares a meal with Festus. "Well, what now? Should we go ask about Silas or get a jump start on the festivities?"

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 3:31 am
by dmw71
AleBelly wrote:Sylvan approaches Sparrow as he leaves. "Sorry for ditching you last night, but, well, things were looking pretty good. Can I get my gold back from you...minus your 10 gp of course."
Yes, this would have happened. AleBelly and OGRE MAGE, please adjust your character sheets accordingly.

Sylvan and Festus, feel free to discus your plans here.

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 3:40 am
Of course Syl, by the way....I used your 10 gold to buy myself a headache and dry mouth this morning, haha!

And think nothing of it friend. Sometimes people look at me differently I have noticed. In some places I am not as well accepted as others. You seem to be fitting right in here though,
Sparrow says with a chuckle.
By adjusting sheets do you mean the 10 gold? Or did I miss something along the way? I don't want to be forgetting to add treasure. :lol:

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:13 pm
by hedgeknight
AleBelly wrote:The hooded man shares a meal with Festus. "Well, what now? Should we go ask about Silas or get a jump start on the festivities?"
"Well, truth be told," Festus begins around a mouthful of food, "would be nice to find a bank or someplace to stash me gold. Furfoot and Fulp might care fer shiny gems or such, but give me gold! Mayhap we can find a bank AND find out about this Silas feller in the process, eh?"

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:35 pm
by AleBelly
"We're of like minds. I asked about a bank, but Sandpoint doesn't have one. The Town Hall was suggested in its stead. Sounds like a good place to ask about Silas too" replies Sylvan.

If Festus agrees, Sylvan cleans his plate of very last morsel of food and searches for the Town Hall.

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:54 pm
by hedgeknight
"To the Town Hall then," Festus says, wiping the crumbs out of his beard.

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 12:30 am
by Starbeard
Before leaving for his morning business, Eohannud thanks Sylvan and Ciar for his share of the earnings. 'This will do nicely to buy a new suit for the festival! If I am lucky, I will have secured a patron by the end of the night; if not, the affections of a landed inheritrix will do just as well.'

He gives everyone a 'Goodbye for the moment! Shall we meet again before attending the festival, or is it every man for himself today?' as he walks out to shop at Vernah's Fine Clothing across town. 'This caravan business appears lucrative, but seems a bore. For my part I am inclined to see what other opportunities come up today: perhaps this town really is inordinately wealthy, and much can be made from ingratiating the peculiar hobbies of its inhabitants. Goblins' ears, indeed! Hah!'

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:52 am
by AleBelly
"Yes, keep your ear tuned for other opportunities, Eo" agrees Sylvan. As he gets up to leave with Festus, he becomes more pensive. "Be on your guard, Festus. Nature has bestowed many blessings on us - wealth, bountiful food and drink, and - for me at least - some very pleasurable female companionship. I fear these same forces will be looking to balance our recent good fortune."

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:31 pm
by hedgeknight
Festus nods with a grunt, very well aware of the heavy weight of gold in his pack, and follows Sylvan out into the street. He watches those he passes closely, and watches the shadows even closer...

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 3:34 pm
by dmw71
Sylvan and Festus clear their plates and head to the Town Hall.

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 8:19 pm
by dmw71
Added a 'Game Background' thread.

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 7:48 pm
by dmw71
A loud explosion is heard, sounding like it originated near the 'White Deer Inn' you all have rooms in, or possibly the chapel. The local people in the immediate area initially jump, startled by the erruption, but quickly relax and even grow in excitement. Without exception, they all begin heading in the direction of the explosive sound. Listening in to the conversations of those acting so calm, two phrases repeated by most are the words "Father Zantus" and "thunderstone."

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 7:55 pm
by dmw71
Personalized versions of the above update have been made in each of your private forums. Depending upon the intentions of your character, feel free to respond there, in your private forum, or here publicly.

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:50 pm
Sparrow is now wandering around outside by himself. When he hears the commotion, he instinctively checks all around him and his surroundings to make sure the noise wasn't some kind of diversion.

If he sees any of his party members, he will join up with them and see if they want to go and investigate the explosion.

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:53 pm
by AleBelly
Sylvan turns to Festus. "Such an obnoxious noise!" he exclaims. "I'm compelled to find the source of it." He starts walking towards the chapel.

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:47 pm
by hedgeknight
"Reckon we oughta go check it out, eh?" Festus agrees, walking along with Sylvan.

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:26 am
by Starbeard
Eohannud emerges from the town hall and follows the flow of traffic to the grounds nearby the inn and chapel.

Catching up with Sylvan and Festus, he hails them and asks them of their morning. 'I found a wondrous seamstress in town, as you can see. I would make her my bride tomorrow if she had an inheritance. I must ask her. But what of this noise? Do either of you recognise this Father Zantus character?'

Does the term 'thunderstone' ring any bells to Eohannud?

Re: 0. Prelude

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:01 am
by dmw71
Moving to a new thread: I. Swallowtail Festival.

Regarding thunderstones, it is safe to assume they are a type of stone that, when thrown or struck against a solid object, produces a thunderous sound.