2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#181 Post by jemmus »

I forgot to have Haruto roll for his Astral Senses spells. If he want to cast that again, the next day, he'll need two rolls. One for dad, one for brother.
Sorry, I also completely forgot about Haru, his faithful akita dog. Haruto needs to feed him/her. And also walk him/her. Surely Yayoi's groundskeeper has been bagging and disposing of the waste accumulating in the yard. :)

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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#182 Post by Marullus »

I haven't forgotten about Akita. :) I said Haruto intentionally left him behind with his sister-in-law and nieces/nephews because there's no way to explain to the dog that it can't take a dump on the sacred mountain (poop saves or no). :lol:

For the scrying rolls, I do them on days we haven't adventured so I have full Power and it is 'roll until success' because the power isn't really an obstacle, right? If I'm doing it under durress on a day with other activities, we track the power usage?
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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#183 Post by jemmus »

Got it, makes perfect sense.

The second evening Haruto again went into the kakuriyo to visit his brother and father.  He searched for his brother, but he could not be found.  I wasn't that the shugenja's spell had failed. He was successfully in the kakuriyo. But search as he might, he couldn't find his brother.

He did find his father again.  He is riding and surrounded by hundreds of mounted and foot bushi, hurrying on a road east toward Kai.  Hastily bandaged cuts on his chest and face throb.  His mood is somber. He was thinking about the great defeat the army had just suffered.  Yoritomo had neither withdrawn when they became significantly outnumbered, nor had he ordered a heroic charge to try to break and rout the Taira.  It seemed unskillful generalship.  But then again, Yoritomo was inexperienced, and this was his first large battle.   Haruto's father supposes that the opposing general Taira no Koremori was at this moment viewing Takeda, Minamoto, and Matsumoto heads-- unless he and the Taira were instead in pursuit of the retreating Minamoto and their allies. Somehow he feels that they aren't. The Taira were as exhausted as they were after the all day battle. And night was falling.
He wonders what has become of his son Harumasa.  The departure from the battlefield was hasty, but not overly chaotic.  He had waited at his tent for as long as he could, before duty compelled him to help keep order among the troops in the retreat.  His son had not appeared.  Perhaps he retreated to the north, taking the long way around the mountains and into Shinano.  But he felt that he was trying to fool himself with false hope.  If his son was gone, he hoped that he had died an honorable death.  He prays to the Buddha and the kami for his son’s, or his son’s soul’s, well-being.


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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#184 Post by jemmus »

Late the next afternoon, a mounted ronin bushi arrived at the house. He carried a furoshiki bearing the Takeda house kamon. He bowed to Haruto and Yayoi and opened the furoshiki. Inside were two bamboo tubes for carrying rolled paper letters. One was stamped on the outside with Haruto's father's seal, which was odd. Seals were normally only on the inside of a letter, at the bottom. From Takeda-no-Harukatsu-sama, the ronin said. The bushi handed the vermillion-stamped one to Haruto and the other plain one to Yayoi. He bowed again and rode back toward Kofu.

Haruto's letter said,

To Haruto-kun,
Winter is here, and I hope you are in good health. I have some grave news to share. The Takeda, Minamoto, and Matsumoto lost a great battle outside the village of Okitsu. The bushi fought skillfully and courageously, but fate was not with us. The army retreated to Kofu. We do not know if the Taira will pursue and besiege Kofu Castle or not. I personally think they will not. They lost many bushi also, and should be tired. And it was we who were going to punish them, not them seeking to attack us. I think they will think the war is over, go back to their homes, and continue enjoying their status as the family of the pretender infant Emperor.

But this is also even graver news. Your brother Harumasa was killed at Okitsu. At the end of the battle, as the sun was setting, he and three other Takeda bushi were surrounded by Taira. They were Takeda no Torachiyo, Akiyama no Nobutomo, and Andoh no Torayasu. They fought hard to break out, but only Torachiyo and Nobutomo escaped. Torayasu and Harumasa were overwhelmed and disarmed. I am very sorry to say, the Taira did not allow them to commit seppuku. They executed them as if they were criminals. I heard this directly from Nobutomo, who witnessed the scene from a distance. Though Harumasa died a dishonorable death, he lived an honorable life, and fought bravely and honorably at Okitsu. All who were with him say the same.

You will see that I have written a separate letter to your sister-in-law Yayoi. It says only that Harumasa died bravely in battle. It does not mention that his was a dishonorable death. I ask you, Haruto-kun, to never disclose that to her. I think it is best that she and the children not know, for now. But Kai is a small place, and like everywhere else in Nippon, people love to gossip. Some day she will regrettably learn the truth, I suppose.

Now, we must decide what to do about Fujikawa-cho. You have just left the shrine to start your quest for experience and further skill in your profession. So I will not ask you to serve as ninyo. I will ask for permission to return to the town and reassume my duties. I expect that I can arrive in the next few days. The clan is still on a war footing, but it is on the defensive now. If it sees that the Taira won't invade, it will be wanting its ninyo back in their towns managing production efficiency and collecting taxes. The Minmamoto-- and the Takeda-- will not end a war with a defeat. This war will continue, and war is expensive. The Takeda will need the villages and towns producing strong income.

Further, we must decide what to do about Harumasa's widow Yayoi and the children. I do not think they and your stepmother Chiyo would be happy living in the same house in Fujikawa-cho. So I am thinking of leasing a small house for them here in Kofu. We must give up the residence here, because I will no longer be a Takeda military official, but only a ninyo of a town as before. I hope that you will check on Yayoi and the children in Kofu sometimes. Especially if the Taira do attempt to enter Kai. Then you must stop whatever you are doing and aid Harumasa's widow and children. Of this, I ask your favor and your promise.

Haruto-kun, you are close to the kami. I hope you will pray for your brother's repose in Heaven.

I hope to see you in person soon.


[seal – Takeda no Harukatsu]

The dice produced a Surround result and another Surround result for Haruto's brother. His father got a few light wounds.
Haruto is now at 5 days before Hiroshi and Buru arrive in Kofu. Taisho is in Kofu and at 7 days (rather than 6 as I said before).
Last edited by jemmus on Mon May 30, 2022 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#185 Post by jemmus »

I see that the link to training places in Kofu didn't work. Here's a better one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6h25a1rjd15ty ... s.pdf?dl=0 If Taisho needs a quote on the cost of 7 days of training, just let me know.

When Marullus has a chance to catch up, there's the option of RPing Haruto's family situation, or fast forwarding to the party being reunited and considering its options for the next step. Haruto is astute enough to realize that there's the issue of the widow of the samurai killed by the shoryo (which his dad has no way to know about). She has no way to safely get back to family in Kozuke province, east of Shinano. The young Takeda shugenja needs a Strategy ST (BCS 1) to recollect something about Kozuke he's heard at the shrine and mention it to his father, for his dad's own contemplation and possible use....

Taisho, Haruto, and Buru should be OK for cash ATM. Akemi, hard to say, but she's eta and food and lodging costs for her are low, as for the others. Hiroshi unfortunately got nothing from the battle but wounds. He might be pretty strapped with having to pay 5 sp per day, starting immediately upon arriving back at Kofu and the inn.

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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#186 Post by Marullus »

Haruto ponders the problem of the Samurai's widow. It would be helpful for her to remain and aid his sister, of course, but she surely has family duties of her own. He contemplates how to return her to Kozuke.
Haruto's Strategy BCS isn't 1, it is 11.
Haruto - Strategy [1d20]=11

Haruto ponders the letter, meditating to cast his senses to his father, looking at the proud but sad man who mourns his son, Haruto's brother. In the kakuriyo, Haruto weeps along side his father over his brother's body, raging at the dishonor of his death, and praying for Fūjin's intercession alternately to see his brother peacefully to his next life and wishing to Raijin for stormy wrath upon the Taira that his brother may find that peace in being avenged.

Father, however, is wise. He will be happy again, serving as Ninyo. The life in Kofu did not suit him... he would be better still if he could leave Chiyo in Kofu and enjoy his time with his grandchildren. Chiyo will be a raging storm, uprooted from her prestige in Kofu and returned to the country life. Yayoi and the children had best be far away when she looks for objects for her wrath. Haruto will need to take them to Kofu and settle them there first as they are more immediately important than the Samurai's widow. Kofu is a web for the unprepared... Yayoi will be provided for, but without friends or family. Haruto plans to connect her with Noriko's modest home in the center of Kofu... he has grown fond of his mentor, and thinks they will get along well, with Noriko's children grown and Yayoi's needing a grandmother figure. Haruto thinks this a fine idea for the grandchildren of his mother. Yayoi is related by marriage, but the children are all connected through the blood of Harumasa... Haruto commits himself to checking on his nieces and nephews as often as he is able from the kakuriyo, to ensure they are safe and watch them grow.

For, he must go. He contemplated staying as Ninyo, but his father has dispelled this. He has indeed been sent forth to fulfill his destiny, the destiny his mother proclaimed at his birth from the prophecy. He has gained clarity for his time in Fujikawa-cho, confidence in his path, but he must blow forward like Fūjin, remain in movement. He has completed the pilgrimage to his past upon Fuji-san, honored Fūjin in doing so. But Raijin expects him, too, and his future requires the journey to Kanto, to the Raijin Shrine near Edo. When he gets to Kofu, he will ask his new friends to journey with him, as in wartime, this will be fraught with danger... but it must be done.

When dawn comes, he goes to Yayoi to let her express her grief and comfort her as well. He will talk gently of Father's plans, if he didn't put them in her letter, and make sure she can see a good future through her grief.
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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#187 Post by jemmus »

Haruto recalls and pieces together some things has heard both in his father's home in Fujikawa-cho and from pilgrims visiting the shrine on Neno-san. The poor widow of the shrine is from Kozuke province. It's just east of Shinano, in the center of eastern Nippon. It has a famous bridge that floats on the wide but shallow Sano River. It is not as mountainous as Shinano, or even Kai, but it is still not as flat as the wide Kanto plain at its southern border. It's where in the time of the gods the mountain rocks made soil, sloughed it off through the thunder and rains, pushed back the sea, and formed the great Kanto plain.

Haruto also recalls talk of much more recent troubles in Kozuke. The province's samurai families are divided in their loyalty to either the Taira, the Minamoto, or the Fujiwara kuge. (Fujiwara such as the kuge that Haruto, Taisho, and Hiroshi escorted to Kofu). Kozuke is many walking or riding miles from the capital, and in more peaceful times the rural Minamoto and Taira samurai families wed their sons and daughters to each other. In these times, most Kozuke samurai have the blood of both clans. And a grandparent or ancestor from either side.

Most of the samurai families of Kozuke would like to turn a blind eye to the troubles between the Taira and Minamoto. But that seems not to be possible now. Now it is all-out war between the two clans. Letters with news of the deaths of siblings' son, own sons, fathers and husbands sent to the battle have been delivered. Killed by the same of the samurai family of the neighboring village. The province's daimyo is a Taira. Before the Battle of Okitsu, the ninyo and bushi loyal to the Minamoto had been ignoring his commands. Commands sent specifically to test their loyalty, and to find out who were the Taira's friends... and who were their enemies.

Haruto thinks, “Now that the Minamoto been defeated in battle and failed in their attempt to depose the Taira by force, what would I do if I were the daimyo of Kozuke? How would keep the Taira in power, while preferably not having to kill cousins with mixed Taira and Minamoto blood.” He considers this.

“And if I were Minamoto no Yoritomo, now with no army, what would I do? Foment a civil war in Kozuke, to give the Taira trouble, and perhaps drive them out of the province? And recruit a new army to march to Kozuke and aid them? Or recruit the Minamoto bushi in Kozuke for part of new army for a march against the Taira to the west? And let the Taira have Kozuke? It's just a country province, far from the capital and not so rich, after all.”

Haruto reaches Kofu and meets his friends Taisho, Hiroshi and Akemi at the Elder Waterfall inn. Hiroshi introduces him to the heimin budoka Buru, then tells him of the Battle of Okitsu. Including about when Kentaro was last seen, dueling with a magnificently-armored Imagawa captain.

In due time and over a meal, Haruto says that he plans to go on a pilgrimage to the shrine of Raijin, the god of thunder. It is to the east, in the Kanto. He estimates it's around 12-14 days' travel along the Kohshu-Kaido away. The route goes through Minamoto-controlled land the whole way. But the people of Kofu aren't entirely discounting the threat of incursions into Kai or elsewhere by the neighboring Imagawa Taira clan. Haruto invites his friends to join him for the trip.

Akemi says in a small voice, face lowered, “Haruto-san, I thank you for the invitation, and I would like to join you if I could. But I don't know what has happened to Kentaro-san. We all said that this inn is where we will meet when we return from being separated. So I will wait for Kentaro-san. I have no way to know if he is still alive. But I will wait in Kofu and listen for talk and rumors, so I can perhaps go to help him if he is.”

Haruto's Strategy roll with effect number 0 gave him background information on Kozuke. But only questions about the strategic importance of the situation in the province. Or how any of this relates to the samurai's widow Arai no Michiko. She's from Kozuke, and that's all that he or Yayoi know.

Noted about Haruto checking in on Harumasa's and Yayoi's children via his spell.

The PCs are now all in the same day. Actions for Hiroshi, Buru, and Haruto?
Last edited by jemmus on Sun Jun 05, 2022 1:39 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#188 Post by jemmus »

Kozuke, the Raijin shrine, local influence/control of areas by the two super-clans. The Kohshu-Kaido goes SE from Kai skirting the mountains, then turns E. Travel directly E is possible, but hard and risky. The travelers know that it would not save time. "Roads should follow water and get away from high places. Travelers should do the same and follow roads."

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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#189 Post by ffilz »

Taisho would like to reflect on his dreams, but I'm not sure what of his powers might apply. He doesn't have Raja-yoga which would be the most applicable to do in trance. Karma-yoga allows prophesy but I'm not sure that quite applies (it also only covers 2d3 hours into the future). I don't know if he could ask the Kami.
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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#190 Post by jemmus »

Taisho only knows that he starting having dreams featuring Raijin after he visited the Fuujin shrine on rural little Neno-san. And it's hard to recall now whether they came more from the wind god Fuujin, or the thunder god Raijin. He remembers the o-mamori charm/amulet he took at random at the shrine. Any connection to Fuujin or Raijin seem vague and distant to him. Until he goes into the kakuriyo for Blessings, Healings, or Exorcisms. Then he has a sense at the back of his mind distracting him from the task at hand: "I have noticed you, gakusho-- among many others. And received the obeisance of many seed-growers through the ages. And after them, the travelers in their crafts floating on the surface of the seas.

You have drawn my attention, gakusho-san. When I care to pay attention to it, as I travel through the high skies, I will. If I notice a palm tree uprooted and swept to the ground, in foreign place you can never go to. It is my kind warning to you, gakusho. It is my sibling Raijo who is warning you to balance things. Or just stay out of the kakuriyo and give up "magic" forever.

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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#191 Post by ffilz »

What is Taisho’s understanding of what imbalance might have occurred?
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Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#192 Post by jemmus »

Fuujin and Raijin are like twins, they're a pair. If someone pays homage to one and it notices, to be safe he should pay homage to the other. And also to balance things out.

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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#193 Post by ffilz »

jemmus wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 4:17 pm Fuujin and Raijin are like twins, they're a pair. If someone pays homage to one and it notices, to be safe he should pay homage to the other. And also to balance things out.
Ah, OK. So a pilgrimage to Raijin would be an opportunity to balance out? Or is there something Taisho can do in Kofu?
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#194 Post by Marullus »

Taisho, returning from pilgrimage with the personal touch of Fuujin, could try to gain a tutor at the temple for that first week back of downtime and open Raja-Yoga. New skills with private tutors is reallly good, because it uses the difference between your skills to determine th skill gain. Good plan for opening new Yoga.

Haruto is glad to be back among his friends and companions after getting his sister-in-law settled. He is grateful for their interest in accompanying him to the shrine. He suggests they follow the Kohshu-Kaido highway and not risk the directly-east way. He hopes some of the bushi, or the new budoka, can accompany him as proof against highway bandits...

Is it kosher to send both PCs on the same trip? Also, your post says the shrine is in Kozuke? I thought it was Kanto? Are a trip to the shrine and a trip escorting the widow the same trip?

Haruto then shares his thoughts and concerns for the widow of Kozuke and the situation there. Swaying this war is not his immediate concern, but perhaps his Bushi companions would have interest there?
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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#195 Post by ffilz »

OK, learning Raja Yoga would make some sense. Taisho doesn't have a full week before the others join up, but perhaps they could be convinced to stay a few days while he finishes his first week of training (remember, a week is 10 days).
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#196 Post by jemmus »

Oops, the Raijin shrine is in the Kanto, not Kozuke. Sending two PCs on the same trip is fine. You may need the numbers. ;) Akemi indicated she would go, if she were sure about Kentaro's current situation....

Taisho supposes that he'd need to go to the shrine to connect with Raijin. It's not likely that there's a Raijin connection in Kofu. Raijin and Fuujin aren't very popular kami. Most people prefer more civilized, benevolent, and less dangerous kami.

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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#197 Post by jemmus »

If you decide to stay in Kofu a few days, don't forget the room and board costs. 5 cp per night for non-bushi, 5 sp for bushi.

Training costs for Taisho would vary from 2 SP per week to 10 SP per week or more for a private teacher. (Thanks for the reminder about the 10-day Nippon week, fflz). Finding a suitable private teacher wouldn't take Taisho long, maybe 1-2 days. He's lived in Kofu for over 3 months already, he's almost close to a local. (And don't forget the Akemi spent many days thoroughly scouting the city and observing its people).

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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#198 Post by ffilz »

jemmus wrote: Tue Jun 07, 2022 2:08 am If you decide to stay in Kofu a few days, don't forget the room and board costs. 5 cp per night for non-bushi, 5 sp for bushi.

Training costs for Taisho would vary from 2 SP per week to 10 SP per week or more for a private teacher. (Thanks for the reminder about the 10-day Nippon week, fflz). Finding a suitable private teacher wouldn't take Taisho long, maybe 1-2 days. He's lived in Kofu for over 3 months already, he's almost close to a local. (And don't forget the Akemi spent many days thoroughly scouting the city and observing its people).
I think it makes sense for Taisho to learn Raja-yoga, so he will seek out a teacher.

Taisho can help the bushi pay for lodging should they need it (Hiroshi certainly will).
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
Calligraphy (Per) 1, Defense (Agil) 1, Herbalism (Int) 1, Horsemanship (Awar/Agil) 1, Hunting (Per) 1, Meditation (Void) 1, Kenjitsu (Agil) 1
Giotto Lombardi 856994 Age 26 (2 Terms) Electonics-1, Vacc Suit-0, Computer-1, Bribery-1, Shotgun-0, Cr 1000, Shotgun
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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#199 Post by jemmus »

The dice say that there's no Raja Yoga private teacher in Kofu. (I rolled a 94 on the table). There should be a school though.

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Re: 2nd Scroll - The Holy Mountain

#200 Post by ffilz »

jemmus wrote: Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:48 pm The dice say that there's no Raja Yoga private teacher in Kofu. (I rolled a 94 on the table). There should be a school though.
I guess look for a school.
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
Calligraphy (Per) 1, Defense (Agil) 1, Herbalism (Int) 1, Horsemanship (Awar/Agil) 1, Hunting (Per) 1, Meditation (Void) 1, Kenjitsu (Agil) 1
Giotto Lombardi 856994 Age 26 (2 Terms) Electonics-1, Vacc Suit-0, Computer-1, Bribery-1, Shotgun-0, Cr 1000, Shotgun
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