Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#161 Post by Marullus »

Ooops... The map doesn't need correcting. We actually need Peitharian to make poultices according to his instinct.
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#162 Post by coil23 »

Peitharian had already made poultices out of instinct as soon as they settled down. He didn't even fully realize he was going through the motions until he was half-way through. The familiarity comforted him.

He went to check Swelan's map work and then nods knowingly. No, it looks just fine. But you were right to ask for my analysis. Can't be too careful while we are out in the wilds. Yes, my supervision is already paying off with your map skills, see? He is about to pat the man on the shoulder in approval and then stops midway. Rethinking the physical contact he simply nods and then goes back to his poultices.
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#163 Post by Faolan7 »

Sorry for slowing down the game. What condition do you want to make the poultice for? You can go ahead and make the test for what you want. The conditions and their Obstacles are: exhausted (1), afraid(2), sick(3), injured(4), and angry(5)
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#164 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Swelan has the exhausted condition. ;)

Though he had only known Peitharian in a cursory manner, the cleric had a reputation for being a boor. A well deserved reputation, apparently. Swelan politely hears the man out before responding. I do thank you for your scholarly affirmation of my sketch, though I do not recall requesting it. Truly, it was a most engrossing task that has left me quite hungry. He looks pointedly at Peitharian with the last word, feeling only a sight send of guilt over hoping the cleric worries a bit for his life. Not the most hospitable thing to do.

When he feels no one is looking his direction, Swelan consumes another share of his rations.
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#165 Post by Marullus »

Swelan is dead and can't use a poultice. :)

A poultice gives you bonus on your recovery check. Swelan can't do a recovery reck. He can only recover with an elixir. Isabelle will make the elixir - the elixir removes the condition on its own without the recovery test.

I can only make elixirs for Angry, Afraid, and Exhausted, though. Poultices for the rest.
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#166 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Right you are. :oops: I misremembered that. Still, an Ob1 is more likely to succeed, particularly if he uses his trait in his favor.
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#167 Post by coil23 »

Peitharian feels indignation surging up to the surface at Swelan's impudence and ingratitude but he halts himself before responding aloud. No, sir, you are right. Learning by mistakes and not by guidance certainly does seem to suit you better. With that he stiffly walks away and quietly prays for the group's safety, now tacking on guidance for fostering civility and humility in the heathen flock that is in his care. He softens a bit at the end as he finally comes round to the thought that he must not neglect his own humility. Too true...but best not to show that now lest a potentiaally valuable lesson be lost for Swelan.

I was thinking exhaustion for the poultice simply since that seems the most likely condition to arise for now.
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#168 Post by Marullus »

Coil: you just need to pick one and roll dice. :)

It is an Instinct, so you are acting without Help. It is your Healer skill (3D) plus your Loner trait (1D) if you work it into the narrative. Since nobody needs to use the poultice yet this camp session you can pick any poultice you want. If you succeed, we need an equipment slot to carry it around until it is time to use it (or you leave it here for later on our return), so it might not be a bad time to try something hard and potentially earn one of your failed tests. You need to succeed three times AND fail twice before your Healer goes up.

Faolan: You can use a trait against yourself to earn a check on a normal test or instinct test. You cannot do this on a test in camp. (Logically so, as you need to spend a check to GET the test, and earning a check from the test makes an endless loop.) What is your ruling on instincts that trigger while entering camp? Can Peitharian and Swelan use their traits against themselves in these situations (as outside of camp) or not (as in camp)? Since it is a single instinct-initiated test, it is already limited, and so doesn't need the camp limitation. But, it is triggered by Camping, so might apply. Likewise for Isabelle - her instinct triggers bonus tests while in camp, but they are not "camp tests." Can I use traits against myself in them? i.e. I spend a check to get an Alchemist test to make an elixir. This triggers my instinct to always weave enchantments into everything I make, and I also get an Enchanting test to put a charm in the elixir as well. I can't use a negative trait on the Alchemist test, but can I on the Enchanting test?
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#169 Post by Faolan7 »

Because the instincts are triggered when camp starts, meaning you are in the camp phase when you make the tests. It is still an test while in camp, so you cannot use a trait against yourself to gain a check.

Also, on a side note, assuming you succeed on making the elixir, you would have an infinite check loop there. I'm on to you. ;P
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#170 Post by coil23 »


poultice for exhaustion
[1d6] = 5
[1d6] = 6
[1d6] = 1
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#171 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

So how many checks do we actually have and how do we want to use them? Swelan has 3. Isabelle has 2.

Swelan would love to somehow get another Cartography test. Can he make a map of another place? Or could Peitharian really check our current map (since we wouldn't really know if it is correct). If the latter, he can get help from Swelan (cartographer) and Isabelle (scholar), and Swelan could use a check to earn that test.

Is there a use for Survivalist in camp now? If so, that would be a second check for him, though I'd just be doing it to use the check.
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#172 Post by Marullus »

Marullus wrote:So, we have five checks between us? Isabelle is built for camp, she can always spend checks. She just needs to alternate. So, our priorities:
We're all drinking beer to get full (no check)
Peitharian makes poultices (instinct, no check)
Isabelle makes an Elixir for Exhausted recovery (1st check)
Swelan energizes past exhausted with the elixir (no check)
Peitharian takes a nap (exhausted recovery, 2nd check. When did he get this condition?)
Isabelle makes explosives to barter with Kobolds (3rd check)
Someone else can do an action with #4 and/or #5. If not, then someone can get a pass/fail test for helping on the earlier tests. (Isabelle would happily take a Healer help test aiding Peitharian's recovery roll, for example.)
As soon as the poultice is adjudicated, I would like to all drink beer then make the elixir. Someone else needs the second test, then I am really excited about making fireworks to trade the kobolds with the third check. The last two checks remain unaccounted for.

Scholar would be a good check as we check our packed books for notes on kobolds to help us with the upcoming encounters. Magda or Peitharian could do the test with the other two of us helping. We could spend the checks on helping, too, if needed.

Does Swelan's map cover just the rooms of the Inn? Or does it cover our journey from the temple to reach here? If the former, then making a map of our prequel journey would be useful (allowing us to travel free back to town when our adventure finishes).

If we need to spend the check, letting Peitharian delve into the mystery of the monastery fire by researching baleful spiritual entities with Theologian is also a good use to future story goodness. A fireside Theologian conversation could spend two checks to get Peitharian and Swelan's each a Theologian advancement, too, like scholar above.
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#173 Post by Faolan7 »

Peitharian: Success! Not very long after, the distinct smell of herbs fills the room, which creates a very strange scent after mixing with the sour beer. You now have an Exhaustion Poultice, granting +1D when recovering from Exhaustion.

Rusty: You can make as many maps as you have the resources to (Checks in camp, time in the Adventure Phase), and Peitharian could check over the map, but he already did IC, so it's up to you if he should do it again.

Marullus: I thought you were just mapping what you've discovered on the inn so far. You would need to make another map if you wanted to cover your entire journey.
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#174 Post by Marullus »

Isabelle carefully pours the heavy beer into a mug for herself and one for Peitharian, and into bowls for the dogs, ensuring they can lap it up effectively and all overcome their thirst. She considers Magda and Swelan, but tactfully says nothing as she bypasses them in this process. She is quite excited about this prospect herself, as she's never had beer before during her life at the monastery. "Tastes great... and filling," she comments to herself, feeling a bit light-headed as she watches the others make maps and then poultices. It feels quite normal, quite homey... at first. Then she sees Peitharian being, well, Peitharian, and the thing-that-looks-like-Swelan-but-clearly-is-NOT-her-friend threatens to eat her guardian. She gasps audibly at Swelan and frowns at Peitharian's retort. She sets her jaw in anger, but finds it hard, her head swimming and more easily confused. Peitharian said that Swelan was okay, but he's not... now they snipe at each other... and... dear Gods, what is in this? She finds herself dizzy and sick. Then she catches sight of Swelan trying to discretely chew the fingers of a rotting hand which he produced from somewhere in his own pack. She loses her stomach, vomiting in the corner. "You are not Swelan," she tells him accusatorially before she swoons and blacks out.

It is a little while later when she rouses, feeling a bit more clear headed. Everyone is taking some rest so she decides to set to work and busy herself. She pulls from her backpack a large, ornately-carved box and sets it before her. She looks at Peitharian guiltily - he recognizes it as her mother's dowry box, something Isabelle had forbidden Peitharian to ever touch or open in the previous five years together, sometimes with full-on tantrum as only a orphaned girl can muster. Well, she muses, we're all being honest now in these strange times. She snaps open the latches and opens the lid, allowing others to see its contents for the first time. Inside is a full set of alchemical tubes and glassware, jars of strange ingredients and unwholesome-looking contents. I didn't lie... it was my mother's. Best potioner in Hazgarn. I'm my mother's daughter, and perhaps it is time Peitharian knows it. She sets her jaw defiantly and begins pulling things from the box for her work. She pointedly doesn't look at Peitharian but focuses thoughtfully on the task before her, the sense of normalcy and the memories of a time before this whole world went topsy-turvy the first time.

She pulls out a handful of greenish looking bisected beans from a pouch within, roasting and then crushing them over a small brazier. She hooks together glassware, a contraption of bubbling alembics soon at work with coals carefully selected from the fire. Morgul pads over, wise eyes of something more than a dog as it sniffs her work. She considers, then uses his nose to sniff, getting a more robust idea of the potion's pungency. She solicits aid from Magda, discussing the properties of different ingredients within her box and deciding which will be most efficacious in this circumstance (Help: Loremaster). She even includes a few drops of her precious ampule of red-bee honey to enhance the effects. Finally, she brews a hot mug of steaming almost-black brew with a strange, nutty aromatic scent.

Alchemy, brew elixir to cure exhaustion: Ob 4?
Alchemy 4 [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 2 [1d6] = 3
Thoughtful [1d6] = 2 Magda Help [1d6] = 4
Honey [1d6] = 2
Morgul Help [1d6] = 3

Almost unconsciously, her magic weaves into her efforts by instinct. Almost, because she is aware that it is happening; she does nothing to prevent it -- threads of life are visible to her as she brews and fiddles with the potion and she tweaks them, adjusting the fates within the skein. This is for Swelan... and Swelan isn't Swelan... she ruminates. If the thing-that-isn't-Swelan actual wishes to eat Peitharian, then some enchantment to instill goodwill in him isn't amiss, is it? She weaves the magic of her charms into the brew as she froths the milk-like base and combines it with the dark liquid, even swirling a cute little heart into the foam that forms on the top. She smiles to herself. There. Everyone gets along.

Instinct: Always enchant what I make. Enchantment Ob 2.
Enchanter [1d6] = 3 [1d6] = 5 Thoughtful [1d6] = 2

The job done, she is much more peaceful with herself. She pauses uncertain as she lifts the mug - suddenly keenly aware that they're in a kobold lair, that Peitharian just saw her use her mother's forbidden skills from Hazgarn, and she's making the potion for a dead corpse that may or may not benefit from its effect. She lifts her chin high, steeling her confidence, and extends the foamy mug to Swelan. "Here. This should perk you up."
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#175 Post by Faolan7 »

Isabelle: Mark a failed test for Alchemy and Enchanter.

A few game questions. Do twists need to be immediate, or can they "activate" later? Also, I think your Enchanter test should have been Ob 4, unless I'm missing something.
Enchanter Factors
Enchanting (start counting at 4): 1st circle prayer, 2nd circle prayer, 3rd circle prayer, 4th circle prayer.
Extra charges: Add +1 ob per extra charge.
Re-charging a wand or rod is obstacle 3. Re-charging a staff is obstacle 6.

Enchanting the elixir with Thread of Friendship, a 1st circle spell, would be Ob 4.
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#176 Post by coil23 »

Peitharian's eyes widen slightly when he sees the young girl open the dowry box to reveal its contents. His disapproval and protectiveness start to surface but the sadness washes over it all. He watches the girl in silence, thinking of how alone she must feel in this strange world. Alone. That is something he knows well. This empathy keeps him from voicing his disapproval and he simply watches her work.
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#177 Post by Marullus »

I think consequences coming later is fine. :)

The Enchanter is confusing because it differentiates enchanting (wizard spells) from witchcraft (clerical spells) while giving access to both. Witchcraft specifies using the factors and it says to start at Ob 4 for 1st circle prayers. For wizard circles it says, "The obstacle to enchant an item is identical to that of scribing a scroll with that spell." The OB for scribing her spell on a scroll is OB 2. We talked this out on the creation thread because having them start with Enchanting 2D as their primary skill (other spellcasters all start at 4D) seemed really broken. They can't ever advance, having no chance of success. I then thought that the Familiar's helping die would help mitigate that, but am confused by the level 3 class benefit. (As a class benefit that excludes learning a new spell, I am hoping that it is a bonus +1 beyond the normal help.)
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#178 Post by Faolan7 »

Okay, I see now. I assumed prayers meant spells as well. It looks like you did it right.
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#179 Post by Marullus »

Cool. :) I neglected Morgul's help on the enchantment, but it is still a failure. I will include him correctly next time.
Morgul Help [1d6] = 2

I am excited to see the adjudication of this first effort! :-D

What's the second test? Peitharian Theologian (about metaplot) or Scholar (about current kobolds)? Swelan's mapping of our prelude to help us return to town? Something else?
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Re: Session 1: The House of the Three Squires

#180 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

I think any further mapping should be a beginners luck test by someone else. Swekan can help and use a check to earn credit too. Samechance of success but two people earn a check that way.

I feel like a remember reading (on the BW forum) that twists can take a while but they were given with foreshadowing. Like the noise or smoke from some test alerted distant orcs to the party's presence. The party heard a warhorn and drums but the orc showed up later in the story. At a very inconvenient time.
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