chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#161 Post by Mant72 »


"Yes, we have yet to amass a great deal of wealth, but we hope to change that very soon." The halfling offers up a cheerful smile.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#162 Post by Pulpatoon »

Salt Peter grumbles, "Brains o' ther opry-ation? Huh. More like ther steeplejack."

He reveals the gold box and two of the opals (I'm assuming we only have Salty and Travix's opals with us). "Whadduya think? An' while we're ther subject, we might as 'ave a line on some very old, very rare books. I 'ave a local feller innerested, but you might be able ter find a better price upriver, aye?"
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#163 Post by coil23 »

Graela and Tip:

He smiles at the confidence of the halfling. They’re available and the most secure option. Don’t worry if you won’t fill it- not very many folks do. I just like to have accommodations for all occasions. Somethin’ to grow into, no? But it is your decision.

Salt Peter and Travix:

Your group was given 6 black opals. If you are giving one to Hennoth then save his for him. Otherwise each of can decide whether to keep or liquidate now- Graela and Tip can say whether they gave you theirs to sell at this time. Plus you have a sixth stone to do with as you wish.

Applejack nods. Salt Peter here had me intrigued by the mention of stones. I’d be glad to look at whatever you have. I’d consider books as well though most of that market will be downstream. Hiking Doglegg upriver has some…specialized clientele who might be interested but is more of a frontier settlement these days- kind of the front line for everything going on in the mountains.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#164 Post by OGRE MAGE »


Well? What do you say this gold box is worth, then? And what about a price per gem?

We have heard of this Hiking Doglegg before. It's the settlement further north, right? Nearer to the mountains? Any more information we can obtain about the place would be helpful and rather appreciated, if you follow my meaning.
The mage jingles the coin in his pocket to further drive his point across.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#165 Post by Pulpatoon »

I'm pretty sure we all agree that Hennoth should get the sixth opal. We like the kid, and want to treat him fairly, right?
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#166 Post by coil23 »

Salt Peter and Travix:

He examines the box, turning it over in his small hands. I'll give you 30 gold for this.

When handed one of the black opals his eyes flash. These are quite rare and I know a few particular people who want these. I'll give you 320 gold for the stone, that's for each if you have more. He eyes the two of you speculatively, I don't suppose you'd tell me how you came by this?

One of the blond, pig-tailed women walks out to stand towering behind the gnome, staring at the ground. Applejack speaks over his shoulder, Betty Sue, how would you describe Hiking Doglegg to newcomers?
Better be careful, she rumbles.

The gnome nods his head. Good advice. It can be a little wild up there. Always was but now... Some shady folk comin' in looking to get rich. And folks coming back out aren't always right. Militia isn't human anymore and they take peacekeeping seriously.
Applejack pulls the wooden disk on a chain out of his pocket again to glance at. Grimacing he replaces it and looks back to the two of you.
If you head up there, talk to Loden at the Monkey Blood to get the lay of the land. Good manners and caution will go a long way to keeping you alive. If there is anything you need, let me know. I trade in lot of different directions in these parts.

He turns his head to bark back at the near building, loaded and launched by next bell, hear? Turning back to you, he returns the box and opal to wait on your decision.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#167 Post by Pulpatoon »

Salt Peter's eye pop when he hears the appraisal of the opal, and he grins widely at Travix. "D'ye still wanner trade yer share fer ther box? 'Cuz I be ample willin', all of a sudden.

"More serious-like, 'ow much d'ye think we'll need to 'ire a couple-three donkeys with gear an' some guard dogs?"
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#168 Post by coil23 »

Salt Peter and Travix:

The fees for hiring animals is up these days. It's one gold per animal with a deposit of 40 gold for the lot. And before you start throwing rotten fruit at me (the gnome wags his finger as Betty Sue guffaws behind him) the costs are up because more and more of the animals never come back. He shakes his head sadly, poor beasties, they never asked for these troubles. I'd be of a mind to stop the hiring altogether but I realize it's a necessity if we are to reclaim the wilds again. For the equipment: it depends on what you want.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#169 Post by Pulpatoon »

Salt Peter: "Jus' tackle fer leading the beasts 'n saddlin' bags fer loading up books and whatnot as we might find out ther wilds."
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#170 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Travix smiles at the notion of finding books out in the wild.

He wants to keep the ornate box as part of his treasure, hoping that he can add 30 gold of his own to the kitty for the party to split. He also would like to hold on to his opal for the time being. A gem that valuable could fetch even more once they leave this backwater town.

He lets Salty continue the negotiations, thinking he is doing quite well at it.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#171 Post by Mant72 »


"I will opt for the most secure option." Tip fishes in his pockets and produces a silver as payment. "Thank you kindly, sir!"
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#172 Post by hedgeknight »

Graela Windborn

Graela shrugs and fishes a silver out of her pouch. "That should cover us both, yes? We could even share a room...assuming you have two keys. If not, I guess I'll take my own."
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#173 Post by Pulpatoon »

Salt Peter gives Travix the skunk eye. "'Old up, now. Are ye 'specting me ter sell me opal all on me lonesome an' finance ther 'ole epy-dition me own self? Well, I lemme tell you somether..."

The gnarled brown halfling pauses and thinks. He's always been at the bottom of the pecking order, eager for whatever coin he could grab. Could this be his chance at something more? "Lissen, if'n I'm ter put ther money up, then that'd make ther rest o' ye fellers me crew. An' ther captain gets ther biggest share now, don' 'e?"

The former pirate (who I will take this moment to remind you has a WIS of 6) gets a starry look in his eyes as dreams of avarice and prestige blossom within his withered imagination. "Aye, Captain Salty... Oh, aye!"
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#174 Post by coil23 »

Graela and Tip:

Boudraine holds up his hands. You certainly don't need to pay for a storage area each...unless that is what you want. It sounds like you would not be able to fill one between you so I see no need. Although if you want storage secure from your companions then that's different. But that is none of my business. So, one or two? He thinks for a moment. If you share one I could only give you one key now. The day after tomorrow I could have a second key for you.

Salt Peter and Travix:

Applejack ponders logistics as he stares at the ground then looks back up. I can loan you three donkeys and two guard dogs with necessary gear for 50 gold, 40 of which comes back to you if everyone and everything is returned as it went out. And you get back to me if there is anything you want to sell.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#175 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Travix the Problem Solver

Worry not Cap'n Salty. He says with a wide grin.

I got this one.

Master Gnome.......Would you be willing to take my opal as collateral? Hold onto it while we "borrow" your animals and gear. We seem to have a trust between us now and we will undoubtedly be doing more business with you in the near future. Once we return your property, we can settle up on the bill with you then.

He stares at Applejack, trying to get a read off of the all business gnome.

If this is acceptable terms, can you have the animals ready for us to depart first thing in the morning?

He then looks back down to Salt Peter. Don't worry little buddy. We can still refer to you as the Cap if'n you'd like.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#176 Post by Pulpatoon »

Salt Peter chews his lip and tries to figure out if he's pleased or not. On the one hand, Travix suggested a tidy solution that might preserve everyone's holdings until they can find a more profitable market. On the other hand, he was just starting to cook up some vivid imaginings of life as the captain of this crew. The others snapping to attention when he walked by, eagerly awaiting is orders, vying for his favor... In his imagination, the donkey train to the ruins is now somehow equipped with a Captian's Quarters of rare luxury, and he dines at the Captains table, with white linens and silver cutlery. Also, he has a really impressive hat that makes him look so very tall and handsome.

The little brown hobbit shakes off his dreaming and mutters, "S'fine."
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#177 Post by coil23 »

Wisdom of 6 and Travix:

Applejack nods somberly and reaches out his hand to shake on the deal. A hand shake is binding. I keep my word. See that you do as well and we can do much business in the future. Out here in the boonies our word is all we have.

He thinks for a moment. In the morning you say? I can do that. Do you want to come here or have the train delivered somewhere else in town for you to leave from there?

Travix's read is that the gnome seems earnest and sincere on the business matters.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#178 Post by Mant72 »

coil23 wrote:Graela and Tip:

Boudraine holds up his hands. You certainly don't need to pay for a storage area each...unless that is what you want. It sounds like you would not be able to fill one between you so I see no need. Although if you want storage secure from your companions then that's different. But that is none of my business. So, one or two? He thinks for a moment. If you share one I could only give you one key now. The day after tomorrow I could have a second key for you.

"Very well, my good sir. One storage area it is then." He looks to Graela for confirmation and then looks back to Boudraine, "You can keep my silver as appreciation for your honesty. I know some men that will do anything for a copper." He extends his hand to shake, "Graela here can hold the key until we can get a second made. I trust her with my life."
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#179 Post by hedgeknight »

Graela Windborn

Graela blushes at Tip's estimation of her, but then smiles and shakes Boudraine's hand as well.
"All this business talk is making me thirsty. How about a pint or two before we meet up with the others?"
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#180 Post by OGRE MAGE »

coil23 wrote:Wisdom of 6 and Travix:

Applejack nods somberly and reaches out his hand to shake on the deal. A hand shake is binding. I keep my word. See that you do as well and we can do much business in the future. Out here in the boonies our word is all we have.

He thinks for a moment. In the morning you say? I can do that. Do you want to come here or have the train delivered somewhere else in town for you to leave from there?
We will pick them up right here if that suits you. Until tomorrow then good sir. Please take good care of my pretty gem till we get back. The mage says this with a warm smile, thankful to be doing business with a trustworthy fellow.

He looks to Salty to make sure he is also done here.

If I know the others, they will be drinking by now.......... shall we join them?
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