Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#161 Post by Antman9 »

(Aedilberct) [Defense: 11][AR: 0] (HP: 30/30) (Mana: 26/29)
Action: Charges!

Aedilberct charges up the remaining steps swinging his morningstar, "This thing will not die!"

Morningstar to hit: [1d6] = 6, [1d6] = 3, [1d6-1] = 2-1 = 1, Damage: [1d6+2] = 6+2 = 8
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#162 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Nice! All good hits and damage around! Just waiting for Sweetpotato to join in and then I'll pop out a summary!
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#163 Post by YamItheonly1 »

The light comes back into Lucas' eyes as his weight shifts and his body fills with new life!

Lucas continues his charge towards the darkspawn, screaming like a lunatic to try and grab the creatures attention away from the wounded newcome (Lucas sucks at this whole stealthy thing hahaha :lol: )

attacking with a raised short sword: [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 2+2 (dex)=14 total

damage is [1d6] = 1+2=3

(Lucas also isn't very good at this whole fighting thing either apparently)
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#164 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Every little bit counts!

Summary post incoming!!!!
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#165 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Summary Post - a Gangs inclination for decimation!

As the Darkspawn's axe bites into the human newcomer's leg, Hamish rushes towards the twisted spawn, leveling his two axes at the creature, the first axe lands squarely into the creatures shoulder, it's armor absorbing most of the impact but a trace amount of black blood can be seen, the second axe swing misses by just a hair, scraping across the things ugly and misshapen armor.

DM Roll Hamish Battle Axe: [1d6] = 4, [1d6] = 2, [1d6+2] = 4+2 = 6

As the axe bites into the Darkspawn's shoulder, the mysterious human levels his sword at the thing and swings down as his shield goes to cover his now wounded leg. The sword strikes true but either due to the injury or the chaos of battle the sword only strikes armor. As the sword bounces off of the twisted metal Aedilberct rushes up the stairs, swinging his morningstar with all of his might, his words ringing through the sound of combat, "This thing will not die!" Yet even though his words tell of the daunting task at hand his morningstar strikes the creatures side, crushing in the metal armor and scoring a viscious wound, black blood pooling down it's side and into the carpet below, the Darkspawn bellows out in pain but still has much more fight left in him.

The young thief and resident shocktrooper, Lucas, rushes to the side of the fight screaming like a banshee, adding even more noise and chaos to the fight. He takes but a moment, looking for a moment to strike and finding that time the moment Aedilberct's mace crashes into the creatures side. He thrusts his shortsword forward but at the last second the creature jerks, most likely due to the pain, and the sword finds nothing but armor to meet it.

The Darkspawn rounds on the person that has so far dealt the most damage to it, Aedilberct, and swings it's axe to meet the mage...

Genlock Attack (BattleAxe): [1d6] = 2, [1d6] = 3, [1d6+5] = 4+5 = 9 Damage: [2d6+3] = 10+3 = 13

The axe cleaves into the mages side, cutting into his body with it's jagged and sharpened edge. The mages blood fully coating the axe blade as the creature begins to laugh a twisted and guttural laugh, even in the face of such overwhelming odds. 13 damage to Aedilberct and wow was that a nasty hit!

Actions now! Some key information about the combat abilities of the darkspawn for those able to find them!
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#166 Post by LtTibbles »

Gritting his teeth at the sight of the creatures vicious blow against the mage Estienne tries to strike his foe down with another strike from his sword.

Longsword Attack [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 4 +4 Damage [2d6+2] = 6+2 = 8
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#167 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Hamish squares up to the darkspawn to make the same attack again.
Dual Battle Axe [1d6] = 1, [1d6] = 6, [1d6+2] = 4+2 = 6, Damage:[2d6] = 3 dmg1 [2d6] = 7 dmg2
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#168 Post by Antman9 »

(Aedilberct) [Defense: 11][AR: 0] (HP: 17/30) (Mana: 22/29)
Action: Regroups for a more...subtle approach

Aedilberct backs away from the creature, five yards or so, spouting, "Evil thing! Why won't you die!" then begins to prepare a bit of arcane smackdown. He begins to chant an incantation to suck the life force from this foul being at a distance. An amber glow begins to emanate from the creature streaming through the air toward Aedilberct.

Casting Roll: [1d6] = 6, [1d6] = 1, [1d6] = 4, +Magic (3) = 14
Drain Life DMG: [1d6+3] = 2+3 = 5 (+3 if opponent fails CON/Stamina vs Spellpower)

Spell Power: 10 + Magic [3] = 13

Drain Life Spell
Magic School: Entropy
Spell Type: Utility
Mana: 4
Casting Time: Major Action
TN: 12
Test: CON (Stamina) vs. Spellpower
You suck the life energy out of a visible target within 10 yards to heal yourself. The target takes 1d6 + Magic penetrating damage and you are healed by the same amount. Note this only heals damage you have suffered; it doesn't give you bonus Health above your normal amount. If the target makes a successful Constitution (Stamina) vs. Spellpower, the penetrating damage is only 1d6.
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#169 Post by YamItheonly1 »

Lucas changes his grip on his short sword so that the blade is held downwards, clasping the handle with both hands he slams the short sword into the creatures body "AAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGH!!!!!!!!!!!"

Attack roll [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 2+2=14

[1d6] = 4+2=6 damage
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#170 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Summary Post - A mortal Reckoning: The Hammer strikes Anvil!

Estienne moved to action by the scene of the twisted creature, gritting his teeth in disgust and determination, swings his longsword in a downward thrust, looking for an opening in the creatures armor. The sword scores flesh and sinks into the twisted creature, a small amount of blackish blood clinging to the blade as Estienne pulls back. Hamish moves at the same time, ready to end the creatures life once and for all; Swinging his two axes down towards the Creature his first strike clashes against hardened armor, but the second one score a gash down the things arm as it raised the arm in defense against the onslaught of attacks.

DM Roll Hamish Battle Axe: [1d6] = 1, [1d6] = 5, [1d6+2] = 3+2 = 5

Aedilberct stumbles back from the severe wound, a slight gasp escaping from his mouth but soon turning into a snarl as he looks the creature in it's black eyes and spits out, "Evil thing! Why won't you die! his hands already forming the intricate patterns needed to cast his next spell. When Aedilberct next reaches out to the creature an An amber glow begins to emanate from the creature streaming through the air; The Darkspawn begins to deflate, it's life force quickly draining away.

Genlock Spell CON Test (+2 for CON, +2 for Magical Resistance): [3d6+4] = 5+4 = 9 Poor guy failed his roll, +8 HP to the vengeful Aedilberct!

As the multitude of attacks begin to destroy the Darkspawns defenses and vitality, Lucas is the last to attack, his sword held in both hands as he points the blade to the back of the creatures neck and thrusts downwards with a loud battle cry, "AAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGH!!!!!!!!!!!". With that last, ruthless, strike the creatures arms go slack as it lets out a muffle scream as black blood gurgles up from it's throat and out of it's mouth. The creature slackens and falls to the floor as everyone ceases their attacks, it's limp and quite dead body unmoving while it's black blood continues to flow, staining the floor and walls.

As the battle ends and the area begins to quiet down the group of adventurers and those they've met simply stare at each other when suddenly the darkspawn begins to move, the tense few seconds are released when Malzahel pushes the dead corpse off of him and stares at everyone, his eyes wide and the creatures black blood all over him.

Good job everyone! You defeated a little Genlock! I guess that means I can throw more difficult enemies at you?

Either way, actions!
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#171 Post by YamItheonly1 »

Feeling the warm blood gush over his small frame Lucas looks down for the first time since he has joined these crazed people with their dual axes, smart words and disturbing light beams originating from hands. Seeing the black blood of the darkspawn covering himself and nearly everything else in sight Lucas quickly doubles over and vomits his breakfast of animal feed all over the blood soaked floor.

"Oh gods, is this what dying feels like? Its not peaceful nor calm like pop said it would be" taking a dramatic breath and falling to his knees he continues "I knew I should have never joined the circus and ran away from home. I should have listened to mama, she was always so sweet and kind to me!". A few tears run down Lucas' face, but no more than a second has past before he suddenly stands back up "HAHA! I'm not dying! I just remembered that my blood is red!"
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#172 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Hamish "Everyone alright nobody got it's blood in any cuts er anything right?"
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― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#173 Post by LtTibbles »

Estienne's stance becomes relaxed as he breathes a deep sigh of relief, "No, no I don't think so I'm alright agh! For the most part anyway." The orlesian winces as he shifts his weight off of his injured leg and begins to wipe the creatures blood off of his blade before sheathing it.

"I must thank you for showing up when you did this thing and it's friends had ambushed and captured me some time least I think they had knocked me out with some sort of poison and brought me hear. If you hadn't show up I fear I may not have lived for much longer. My name is Estienne Gosse and thank you for saving my life."
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#174 Post by Antman9 »

(Aedilberct) [Defense: 11][AR: 0] (HP: 25/30) (Mana: 22/29)
Action: Regroups for a more...subtle approach

Aedilberct leans against a nearby wall and catches his breath and his bearings. A moment later he stands tall, "That was a struggle." Looking to Estienne he says, "It is nice to meet you sir. Now, let us find water and clean this ugly creature's foul blood from our clothes. Come Lucas, you look terrible."

Aedilberct heads down the stairs and searches for a water source saying, "We should keep together. Where there is one there may be more."
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#175 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Hamish "Agreed."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#176 Post by LtTibbles »

"Yes, right let's be off the sooner we can leave this place the better, I'll just need to collect the rest of my things." Estienne heads back to wear he found himself tied up and collects the rest of his possessions before returning to the group.
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#177 Post by YamItheonly1 »

Following Aedilberct, Lucas sniffles a few times before returning to his normal talkative self. "So, uuuuh, Adilberch... what even was that thing? It was all creepy and dark and evil feeling, I would very much not like to meet another one of those things for as long as I live."
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#178 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Summary Post - Post battle talks and regretful choices

As the battle ends Lucas is the first to speak, shouting out in distress and then joy, "Oh gods, is this what dying feels like? Its not peaceful nor calm like pop said it would be" "I knew I should have never joined the circus and ran away from home. I should have listened to mama, she was always so sweet and kind to me!" A few tears run down Lucas' face, but no more than a second has past before he suddenly stands back up "HAHA! I'm not dying! I just remembered that my blood is red!"

Hamish capitalizes on the good news, looking around and asking the other members to check themselves, "Everyone alright nobody got it's blood in any cuts er anything right?" His question is met by the new addition to the group, "No, no I don't think so I'm alright agh! For the most part anyway." The wounded noble continues in his introduction to the group, "I must thank you for showing up when you did this thing and it's friends had ambushed and captured me some time least I think they had knocked me out with some sort of poison and brought me hear. If you hadn't show up I fear I may not have lived for much longer. My name is Estienne Gosse and thank you for saving my life."

Leaning against the wall to regain himself, Aedilberct speaks up in warm greetings and a practical thinking, "It is nice to meet you sir. Now, let us find water and clean this ugly creature's foul blood from our clothes. Come Lucas, you look terrible.", "We should keep together. Where there is one there may be more." He begins to head down the stairs with Hamish and Lucas in tow, Estienne says to wait a moment and then goes to retrieve his belongings from the room, finding no resistance in his task. As the young thief begins to head after Aedilberct, he speaks up once more, "So, uuuuh, Adilberch... what even was that thing? It was all creepy and dark and evil feeling, I would very much not like to meet another one of those things for as long as I live."

The mages answer is cut off however by the sounds of pained grunts and cries behind them. Looking back to the source they find a bent over Malzahel, the Dalish elf slumped on the ground still covered in the twisted things black blood. His body jerks unnaturally as each spasm sends him crying out in pain...

Darkspawn Blood Poisoning(30% Survival Rate): [1d100] = 81

For what seemed like an eternity, but in reality was only a brief few seconds, the Elf's shaking and spams end. His lifts his head wearily towards the group members, still standing on the stairs and looking on in horror. He raises a shaky hand to reach out for him as blood flows freely from his eyes, mouth, and nose until his eyes begin to glaze over and both his head and arm drop to the floor. As the Dalish lay dead near the creatures body the house seems unnaturally quiet...

So yeah! That happened... Actions! Or should I just continue on to the next part where everyone washes off the black gunk from their skin?
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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#179 Post by GreyWolfVT »

washing time!
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

#180 Post by LtTibbles »

Yeah washing sounds like the way to go!
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