WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#161 Post by Urson »

Dutch keeps his hand pressed to the wound, trying to slow the bleeding. He'll stay down this round, trying to steady himself and swearing in German.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#162 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Marvin lines up a shot at the incoming rainman and fires, hoping to end this nuisance here and now.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#163 Post by Zhym »

Roker grins—having a Talent rushing into melee range is just what he wants.

Well, no. What Roker really wants is to be sitting somewhere on a beach that people aren't fighting over, drinking a drink made with a lot of rum and a little fruit juice, while surrounded by bare-breasted brown-skinned women with very "modern" views of sexuality.

But as long as he's here, fighting, it might as well be hand-to-hand. He really should have paid more attention when they were teaching him how to fire guns. You point the end that goes bang at the enemy and pull the trigger, he thought at the time. How hard can it be? Besides, he was hoping a nice, easy billet as a radioman meant he could avoid the part of the war where he has to shoot and get shot at. So much for that. And shooting is pretty hard, it turns out.

The grin widens, the canine teeth get even more...canine, and Roker starts to wolf out as he rushes forward into melee with the Rain Man.

Let's spend 3 WP to make sure the wolfing out doesn't go wrong.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#164 Post by ateno »

Elias does not trust himself enough to fire into the oncoming melee, but will provide overwatch and look for any other problems or people.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#165 Post by max_vale »

Approximately 09:10 AM, May 5th, 1943; Bloody Bay, Platok Island, Solomon Islands Chain, South West Pacific

In a small, inexplicably rain-covered area of a tiny island in the Solomon Islands Chain in the Pacific, a deadly battle between super-powered Talents of the U.S. (and 1 Gurkha) and the Imperial Japanese Army continued to rage with deadly intensity....

'Dutch' Van Horn could do little more than lie in the mud as the rain fell on him, cursing in German as he did his best to staunch his wounds and knowing as he watched the rain mingling with the rain water all over his uniform that he needed help in a hurry....but there wasn't much he could about it at the moment....

With adrenaline pumping through his veins, Marvin Acme didn't feel the pain of his wound and he popped up and fired his last burst of .45 rounds from his Thompson at the charging IJA Officer with the Katana and Nambu Pistol filing his hands and his eyes glowing as he continued to drive the rain right into the faces of the Allied Talents. Unfortunately, that powerful rain messed up his aim and he saw his 5 rounds kick up watery mud as the hit the ground to the left of the Unit 781 Officer. Marvin cursed and then suddenly felt the ground open up at his feet and he cursed again as he fell backwards, his flailing hand SOMEHOW managing to grab part of the 'half-a-Tony-plane' that slid into the new hole with him and the mud and frame of the plane wreckage cushioned his fall*, but still left him at the bottom of a 10 foot hole with an SMG out of ammo**.....

Coastguardsman Elias Tucker took a deep breath and sighted down his Springfield Rifle at the LMG wielding Talent who was using an Earthen wall as cover. This time, the IJA Talent didn't fire his weapon, but instead raised his hand and the Radar Specialist could FEEL the Power being activated and suddenly Captain Acme and the bit of plane wreckage he had been using as cover were falling into a 10 foot deep hole the Japanese 'Super' had just created under his C.O.'s feet. Tucker sighted down the scope, putting the cross hairs right over the bulky IJA solider....

An armored up Gurung ignored the rain flying in his face, took a breath and let it go as he aimed his SMLE Rifle at the Japanese sword-and-pistol carrying Officer charging towards him and Roker. The Gurkha could FEEL Roker utilizing his Talent Power as well as feeling the Talent Power of the other IJA solider being activated, but he kept his concentration on the task at hand. The rain and wind spoiled his aim a bit as his shot only hit the side of the Unit 781 Officer instead of the center torso, but he was pleased to wound him nonetheless. The IJA Talent was tough and focused though and he raised his Nambu and fired a shot that hit Gurung in the cheek. While the shot glanced off his armored scales, it was still enough to cause a hiss of pain and involuntary jerking back of his head as the sting and ache rocked his skull***....

Fred 'Mediocre' Roker saw the IJA Officer racing towards him and Gurung and with a feral grin, he reached down deep within himself and felt his Talent Power 'click' and a moment later, a werewolf was roaming the muddy airfield of Platok Island in the Solomons. He raced forward, the rain blowing into his face and messing with his sense of smell a bit, but he was able to see the Japanese Officer take a wound in the side and in return fire his pistol back at Gurung with remarkable accuracy and then turn his attention to the sight of WOLFMAN Roker racing for him and even in his animalistic brain, Fred felt a moment's pause as the IJA Officer didn't flinch, blanch or eyes widen in fear....instead, he gave a SMILE of his own and raised his Katana as the two closed to within a couple of yards of each other****....


*Okay, you are EXTREMELY lucky Rose! So, you fell into that hole and on a 7 dice damage attack, I rolled a 16....and for your 3D Strength, I rolled a 17! You're welcome!

**Your current clip is dry, you DO have 2 more clips

***Gurung is Bruised....he's at -1D to all actions for the next 2 rounds

****Okay, so obviously 'Rain Man' and 'Roker' are now in Melee Range of each other...which means if Gurung or Tucker want to shoot at Rain Man, it's harder and they run the risk of hitting Roker as well.

Okay, two Talents left.....'Earth Mover with an LMG' is still behind the Earthen Wall....Tucker is aiming at him (bonus to hit with that first shot).....note, you have 2 rounds left in the RIfle; and 'Rain Man' in melee with not-so-medicore-Roker
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#166 Post by Rex »


Does Gurung have any sort of shot on the Earth Mover?
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#167 Post by max_vale »

OOC: Yes, but he still has rain blowing in his face and the Japanese Talent has cover, so a TOUGH shot
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#168 Post by Rex »


Gurung will charge at the Earth Mover. He will go prone once in a better place to take a shot at him, his hope is at least this should distract him and allow someone else to take him out (he is expecting a hole to open up under him at some point on the charge).
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#169 Post by ateno »

Elias will continue to use his talent and concentrate and try to let the shot surprise him while he fires
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#170 Post by Urson »

Dutch gritted his teeth against the pain, and against the blurring at the edge of his vision. He lobbed a grenade at the new-made berm, and the IJA behind it. Then he flopped onto his back and fought to stay concious.

If Dutch can spend a Luck or Will point to stay awake, he will. He knows he's out of this fight for now.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#171 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Thanking the powers that be, Marvin exhales as he assesses his situation. First, he reloads, then he tries to climb the wreckage of the tony to be within jumping distance of the lip of the hole. He'll try to jump and exit the hole.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#172 Post by max_vale »

Approximately 09:15 AM, May 5th, 1943; Bloody Bay, Platok Island, Solomon Islands Chain, South West Pacific

On the tiny island known as Platok in the Solomons, a duel between super-human 'Talents' of both the Allies and the Empire of Japan continued to rage....

An armored up Gurung charged towards the berm, where the 'Earth-Mover' Japanese Talent had taken cover and who was armed with a Type 96 LMG with its distinctive curved magazine rising up above the receiver of the weapon. While the Gurkha fully expected to fall into a pit or perhaps run into a wall of earth, the IJA Talent instead just put a burst of 6.5mm rounds into him, hitting all along his torso and knocking him to the ground, where he curled up into a ball and grimaced and moaned in pain. He felt as if he had been hit by a Mack Truck*, but his ears ALSO heard the distinctive crack of a Springfield Rifle and then an explosion of an American Grenade in the vicinity of the Earthen Wall the IJA Talent had created as cover and he sincerely hoped his gambit had worked and his Teammates had taken care of the threat....

With his FOCUS Talent calming his mind, steading his hands and keeping his eye on the Japanese LMG wielding Talent crouched behind the earthen berm; Elias Tucker took a deep breath and let it go as he continued to peer through the scope of his Springfield Rifle. He saw the man fire a burst and then he squeezed the trigger and felt his weapon's recoil push back into his shoulder and through his scope he could see his shot drill his man in the shoulder and force him to drop his weapon as he clutched his wound....agony written all over his face.....

Summoning up every last bit of strength he had left in him and screaming through the pain, a badly wounded 'Dutch' Van Horn pulled a grenade off the webbing of his belt, yanked out the pin and let the spoon fly and then hurled the spherical weapon with desperation towards the wall of Earth he knew an IJA Talent was crouched behind and firing at his teammates from. Whether it was fate; some deity answering his prayers or just dumb LUCK, his throw was perfect and the 'nade bounced once...twice....a third time on top of the berm and then it fell right behind it and right next to the IJA Earth-Moving Talent, who had just been shot by Tucker. A flash of light and flame and the man was shredded by the blast....

At the bottom of the hole he found himself in, Marvin Acme hissed in pain even as he slammed a fresh clip home in his Thompson SMG and pulled himself up and out of the pit. He cleared the top of it just in time to see the grenade go off and take out one of the IJA Talents and in a blur of flashing sword and flying claw and teeth, he saw Roker and the IJA 'Rain Main' leader come together in a deadly hand-to-claw fight for their lives.....

Fred 'Mediocre' Roker** had changed into Wolf-Man form and he rushed forward, letting out a howl of hunger and rage as the IJA Talent let the Rain he had summoned 'fall away' and face him with a Nambu Pistol and his Katana. Roker moved fast and ducked and cut this way and that, even as he raced forward and the sharp crack of the pistol shot sending an 8mm round JUST past his elongated ears didn't go unnoticed. A moment later, the two combatants met and Roker's howls and snarls of rage and hunger were momentarily turned into a YIPE of pain as the blade tore loose some fur and blood in a cut across his torso, but then his claws and teeth were tearing into the man and in a matter of moments, a messy corpse lay at the feet of the U.S. Navy's Radioman/Werewolf....

OOC: OMG, I TOTALLY thought I had put up a post for this game last week, DOH! I'm SO SORRY about that fellas! Anyway, the IJA Talents are all dealt with now, but Dutch and Gurung and both on the ground and in a bad way and all 3 of the others (Tucker, Roker and Acme are Wounded)....

*Gurung is DAZED....for the next half-hour, he can only take very slow and careful actions and is at -2D as he is sore, dizzy, possibly concussed, etc. No PERMANENT damage.....but basically like you just got done 12 rounds of boxing or MMA....and your opponent knew what they were doing....

**I had no response from you amigo, so I hope me spending a Luck Point and having you Dodge and make two Brawling Attacks was an okay choice....it seemed to work out pretty well....except for the Cut......he rolled REALLY well on his Melee Attack, but not so great on his Damage Roll
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#173 Post by Rex »


Gurung will try to crawl back down from the berm.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#174 Post by ateno »

Elias will refill his rifle and stand slowly.

He will let his focus drop and go back to the medic and grab the gear thats left and try to find all his friends.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#175 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Acme stands at the precipice and surveys the damage. He quickly moves towards Dutch and tries to keep the man stable. "Doc!" He calls out of reflex before a lump in his throat cuts off his call.

"Who's good with doctoring? We need something here."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#176 Post by Urson »

Dutch breathes slowly, occasionally hitching with pain. I'm still here, LT. His eyes droop shut as he speaks.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#177 Post by Zhym »

"Wolfman" Roker looks down at the wound in his chest with an almost detached curiosity, wondering which blood is his and which used to belong to the expired IJA Talent. He looks around, sniffs, and listens for anyone else to fight—and sensing none, reverts to human form.

"Oh, man," he says, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. "I'm gonna be pulling bits of that guy out of my teeth for hours. I don't suppose anyone has a toothpick?"
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#178 Post by max_vale »

Approximately 09:15-0945 AM, May 5th, 1943; Bloody Bay, Platok Island, Solomon Islands Chain, South West Pacific

As the battle between the two teams of Talents came to an end, the five surviving members of SST 4 all collapsed to the ground and gasped in air as the exhaustion suddenly set in after the adrenaline faded and Dutch fell into unconsciousness....

Acme made to lever himself off the ground as his teammates yelled out "CORPSMAN!!!" at the top of their lungs and he saw a pair of what looked liked U.S. Marines at first rushing towards them. As they got closer, he saw the various satchels and the lapel pins revealing them to be U.S. Navy enlisted in Marine cammies, which meant they were Corpsmen and he fell back down to the ground blowing out a breath of relief....

The older Corpsman was a Pharmacist's Mate 1st Class named Galanis who quickly went to work on Van Horn while mentoring the younger, PH3 (Pharmacist's Mate 3rd Class) named Sampson as he moved to treat Tucker, Roker and then Acme in turn. Over the course of the next half-an-hour, Van Horn was brought back from the brink and the Greek-American Galanis closed his eyes and said a few words under his breath in Greek in relief. He turned to Acme and said; "Okay Skipper....your man is gonna make it, but he's gonna be a bit light-headed and sore for awhile, so try and tell him to take it as easy as possible. The rest of you....thanks to some nice work by Sampson here-"; the younger Corpsman starts to grin before Galanis shoots him a glare and says, "-they ain't outta the woods yet kid", and Sampson's pride is deflated, "-OUGHT to be okay.......THIS one though", he says as he looks over at Gurung, who was just now able to blink and sit up, while rubbing his aching head; "-well....he looks like he just fought Joe Louis....badly....but he should be okay with some more rest. Now, you need to-"

The veteran Corpsman's words were cut off by a sudden sight NONE of them had ever seen before. A trio of Japanese Army Troops came running wildly towards them, but with screams of raw terror and faces white as sheets as they burst out of the tree-line some 200 yards away. They took absolutely NO NOTICE of the Talents, even as the members of SST 4 (who were able) snatched up their reloaded weapons and one of them fired blindly behind him, then DROPPED his Arisaka Rifle and just ran towards them, but not AT them.....

Clearly, all 3 were terrified and running FROM something, but all of the Allied Marines/Sailors/Gurkha had to pause for a moment as they had seen the Japanese retreat before...but RUN SCARED?....NEVER! Then all felt a new Talent Power come over their hearing/sense of smell/taste......and a trio of rotting corpses with an eerie greenish light in their eyes come charging out of the tree line in pursuit of the IJA soldiers. The bodies were riddled with bullet holes and/or explosive shrapnel. One had intestines spilling out of a hole in his abdomen, another had his head cocked at a completely unnatural angle and the third had a hole in the middle of his chest. Two were in the uniforms of IJA troops while the third had a USMC uniform on. ALL present immediately felt terrible fear hit them like a wave as they literally watched the dead walk.....and one of them reached a shrieking IJA soldier and with inhuman strength, literally pull him apart!

The two Corpsmen immediately fell back, with Galanis calling out, "YOU SUPERS ARE ON YOUR ON WITH THAT (something in Greek)....MOVE YOUR ASS KID!" he calls out to Sampson, who is right behind him......

A sharp-eyed Elias Tucker notes that at the edge of the Treeline, just over 200 yards away, an older looking Native Islander, his hands moving this way and that and his eyes glowing the same colors as the walking corpses....his focus on the retreating IJA soldiers at the moment....a look of hatred on his face....

OOC: Okay, Acme, Roker and Tucker have all been treated and are all Okay.....Gurung is able to function, but still has a mild concussion and soreness, so he'll be at -1D to all actions for a bit longer......Dutch is 'out of the woods', but still very sore and a bit groggy from some pain killers, so he'll be at -1D to all actions for a bit as well.

The IJA troops are about 50-60 yards away, but clearly just trying to race away from the zombies.....the zombies are maybe 100 yards away and moving fast after the IJA troops......the Native Talent is about 200 yards away, but right now, only Tucker has noticed him.

Just seeing the zombies is a terrifying thing and everyone lost 5 Will Points.....it would appear those less Talented/Veteran are deeply impacted as well.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#179 Post by Rex »


Gurung drops his Enfield, pause for a deep breath and activates his armor talent. Then activates his energy kukri talent. He then moves to place himself between the zombies and everyone else.

Spending as much 5 Will points on each activation.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#180 Post by ateno »

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