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Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 4:16 am
by Rex

Draupadi drops back to Maskelyn's position so as not to be facing them alone if they come through.

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 12:38 pm
by ChubbyPixie

Fiefo observes the treatment of the slime on Finver's arm, making a mental note to maintain a healthy distance from the dwarf until it's revealed whether or not he's a slime zombie now, then scurries over to Drapaudi, Maskelyn and Connnak's position.

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 2:19 pm
by ravenn4544
Ko-nan shouts "we defend here in this narrow gap. Get behind me and my axe will cleave this filth!"

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 8:16 pm
by redwarrior
Connak seeing no targets for the moment, makes sure that his sling and bullets are accessible, and then nocks another arrow, aiming at the mist, waiting for a target. We might want to burn that off!... Sorry... he says glancing at Fivner's arm. That might be how they spread!

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 2:01 pm
by Urson
Maskelyn backs away from the fire, knowing he's useless on the front line. Do any of the Slime skellies react to the Fog Cloud (since it looks and acts like a toxic CloudKill)?

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 5:55 pm
by Inferno
Caveman Dwelling near the Starfall, Island of Xygax the Wizard, Land of One Thousand Towers
Night. Friday, April 13th, 912 CY


An opaque barrier of flame and fog affords the adventurers a brief respite from murder and mayhem.

They regroup as Ko-nan shouts, "We defend here in this narrow gap. Get behind me and my axe will cleave this filth!"

Meanwhile, Mungo sees to the slime on Finver's arm. After his careful ministrations, the viridian mire is unchanged.


Connak says, "We might want to burn that off!... Sorry. That might be how they spread!"

Actions for the next 6 minutes please?!

One square = 10 feet. Lighter area is visible. All else is from memory.

PC Status:
Connak: Cat-Man Fighter/Thief 3/4: Move: 9", AC: 5, HP: 20/24
Draupadi: Human Cleric 5: Move: 9", AC: 2, HP: 33/41, Spells: 4/5 1st lvl, 4/5 2nd lvl, 1/2 3rd lvl, Continual Light
Fiefo LeBratt: Rat-Man Fighter 4: Move: 9", AC: 1, HP: 29/29
Finver Karstlander: Dwarven Fighter 4: Move 6", AC: 2(1), HP: 32/35
Ko-Nan: Human Barbarian 4: Move: 12", AC: 4, HP: 44/51
Maskelyn: Gnome Illusionist 4: Move: 9", AC: 7, HP: 18/18, Spells: 2/3 1st lvl, 1/2 2nd lvl
Mungo: Mole-Man Cleric 5: Move: 9", AC: 7, HP: 39/39, Spells: 5/5 1st lvl, 5/5 2nd lvl, 2/2 3rd lvl, Lantern

PC Magic:
Fog Cloud (Maskelyn): Duration: 6 rounds

Player Resources:
End of the World (game description)
Strange New World (maps and realms)
Memory Tapes (the story so far)
Viewscreen (the story so far in images)

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 3:32 pm
by Urson
Maskelyn drops back from the flames and fog. To Finver: C'mere, Doc. He pulls a dagger and uses the dull side of the blade to try and scrape off the green muck. He will be VERY cautious not to get any on himself.

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2022 11:00 pm
by SilverBen
Finver reluctantly offers his arm to Maskelyn, "Yah, yah, just be quick about it an' let's get it over with. I gotta get behind Ko-nan" and will allow the gnome to proceed before hurrying to answer the barbarians rally.

@Inferno, Not sure if an attack roll is required for Finver this round, as he may be crowded out, but let me know befoee you resolve this round's actions and I'll provide as directed

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2022 11:27 pm
by Rex

"We should gather together for when they break through."

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:03 pm
by ChubbyPixie

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 11:54 pm
by Inferno
Caveman Dwelling near the Starfall, Island of Xygax the Wizard, Land of One Thousand Towers
Night. Friday, April 13th, 912 CY

Maskelyn tries to scrape from Finver's arm the strange contagion of unnerving slime... to no avail.

The adventurers ready to rejoin the fray. Suddenly, the fog cloud dissipates, revealing that the rock-borne flames have devoured all their fuel and perished.

The misshapen legion of ooze and bone lumbers forth to renew the attack!

Two arrows fly from Fiefo's shortbow and impale a half-formed horror! (?9) It does not die.

Actions, everyone except Fiefo!

One square = 10 feet. Lighter area is visible. All else is from memory.

Behind the DM Screen:
No need to roll initiative. These things strike last in a round.

Fiefo rolled his attack, and I don't allow rolls to be banked, so I'll use them. So, Fiefo has taken his action this round, and no one else has, yet.

PC Status:
Connak: Cat-Man Fighter/Thief 3/4: Move: 9", AC: 5, HP: 20/24
Draupadi: Human Cleric 5: Move: 9", AC: 2, HP: 33/41, Spells: 4/5 1st lvl, 4/5 2nd lvl, 1/2 3rd lvl, Continual Light
Fiefo LeBratt: Rat-Man Fighter 4: Move: 9", AC: 1, HP: 29/29
Finver Karstlander: Dwarven Fighter 4: Move 6", AC: 2(1), HP: 32/35
Ko-Nan: Human Barbarian 4: Move: 12", AC: 4, HP: 44/51
Maskelyn: Gnome Illusionist 4: Move: 9", AC: 7, HP: 18/18, Spells: 2/3 1st lvl, 1/2 2nd lvl
Mungo: Mole-Man Cleric 5: Move: 9", AC: 7, HP: 39/39, Spells: 5/5 1st lvl, 5/5 2nd lvl, 2/2 3rd lvl, Lantern

PC Magic:
None currently.

Player Resources:
End of the World (game description)
Strange New World (maps and realms)
Memory Tapes (the story so far)
Viewscreen (the story so far in images)

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 4:41 am
by Rex

Draupadi moves up and tries to form the line again, attack if possible.

Mace [1d20]=10 to hit [1d6+1]=3+1=4 damage

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 10:24 am
by ravenn4544
Ko-Nan steps forward to attack while trying to dodge the foul green sludge.

Attack: THACO (18): [1d20+2]=7+2=9 / Damage: (S/M: [2d4+3]=4+3=7 / L: [3d4+3]=8+3=11)

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 12:15 am
by jemmus
Mungo whirls his sling over his head, faster-- faster-- fastest. "Velocity times mass equals.... Equals.... Well, whatever, the faster the bullet goes, the harder it hits!" The bullet hits the far wall pretty darn hard.

THAC0 18 [1d20]=7 S/M [1d4+1]=1+1=2 L [1d6+1]=5+1=6

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 1:41 pm
by Urson
I dunno, Doc. We might have a problem here...

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 8:48 pm
by redwarrior
Connak sends two more shafts harmlessly overhead, focused more on not hitting his comrades and his dwindling 4 left! supply of arrows. As the shots go wild, he starts to consider drawing his saber and joining the combat. Does anyone have more fire!!

Short Bow THAC0 18 [1d20+2]=2+2=4 Damage [1d6]=4
Short Bow THAC0 18 [1d20+2]=1+2=3 Damage [1d6]=2

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 8:58 pm
by jemmus
Yes, I have two more flasks of oil.

He has already acted this turn. He'll take out a flask next turn.

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 5:22 pm
by Inferno
Caveman Dwelling near the Starfall, Island of Xygax the Wizard, Land of One Thousand Towers
Night. Friday, April 13th, 912 CY


The barricade of fog and flame falls, and the unearthly battle is rejoined!

Despite their brief respite, the adventurers are unprepared for the onslaught of the shambling wet horrors! None can land a telling blow, except Finver! The dwarf's fearsome war hammer shatters a gurgling foe in a crash of bone and slime! (?7)

Another half-formed thing of sludge and corpses lumbers forth to take its place and Finver and Draupadi are both bludgeoned by the groaning, inhuman monstrosities! (8hp and 2hp damage respectively. Draupadi, please Save vs Poison on 1d20 and post your action regardless of the result)


One square = 10 feet. Lighter area is visible. All else is from memory.

Behind the DM Screen:
No need to roll initiative. These things strike last in a round.
Finver attacks: [1d20+2]=10+2=12, damage: [1d6+2]=6+2=8 Hits for 8 damage.
?6 charges Finver: [1d20+2]=16+2=18, damage: [1d8]=8 Hits for 8 damage.
?9, ?5 attack Draupadi and Ko-Nan: [1d20]=15, [1d20]=11, damage: [1d8]=2, [1d8]=1 Draupadi is hit for 2 damage.

PC Status:
Connak: Cat-Man Fighter/Thief 3/4: Move: 9", AC: 5, HP: 20/24
Draupadi: Human Cleric 5: Move: 9", AC: 2, HP: 31/41, Spells: 4/5 1st lvl, 4/5 2nd lvl, 1/2 3rd lvl, Continual Light
Fiefo LeBratt: Rat-Man Fighter 4: Move: 9", AC: 1, HP: 29/29
Finver Karstlander: Dwarven Fighter 4: Move 6", AC: 2(1), HP: 24/35
Ko-Nan: Human Barbarian 4: Move: 12", AC: 4, HP: 44/51
Maskelyn: Gnome Illusionist 4: Move: 9", AC: 7, HP: 18/18, Spells: 2/3 1st lvl, 1/2 2nd lvl
Mungo: Mole-Man Cleric 5: Move: 9", AC: 7, HP: 39/39, Spells: 5/5 1st lvl, 5/5 2nd lvl, 2/2 3rd lvl, Lantern

PC Magic:
None currently.

Player Resources:
End of the World (game description)
Strange New World (maps and realms)
Memory Tapes (the story so far)
Viewscreen (the story so far in images)

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 5:29 pm
by Rex

Save vs poison (9) [1d20]=4

She attacks the one that struck her with her mace.

Mace [1d20]=6 to hit [1d6+1]=2+1=3 damage

Re: Chapter 13: Night of the Walking Wet

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 5:42 pm
by ravenn4544
Ko-Nan manages to find secure footing and bring his dreaded axe down upon the slime with a splat!

Attack: THACO (18): [1d20+2]=14+2=16 / Damage: (S/M: [2d4+3]=6+3=9 / L: [3d4+3]=10+3=13)