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Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 5:54 pm
by Darklin2

Stands back up from Healing Adelphocleas. Getting quite dizzy himself from blood lose he calls on Ehlonna for healing for himself. After the warm feeling leaves his body he looks around and remembers the entangles Goblin's in the mix of things.

Anyone need Target practice? Any Archers feel like ending some scum. Fire away when ready. I got the Worg Rider and his flea bitten mount.

Drawing his Long Sword and moving around the entangled area he removes the head from the Rider and Worg. Then begins going through all their belongings including the heavily laden saddle bags on the Worg. Looking for any valuables and information on who is leading them and from where.

[1d8+3]=5+3=8 Cure Light Wounds

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:52 pm
Dropping his sword and grabbing his bow, Montego fires after the fleeing runts, the rain affecting his aim slightly.

Attack w/ Bow [1d20+3]=3+3=6 Damage [1d6]=3 [1d20+3]=12+3=15 Damage [1d6]=2

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 1:49 am
by Bluehorse
Adelphocleas struggles to his feet again and looks at Sai and nods as he grabs his lance to begin moving towards the goblins that are entangled and begins jabbing at them without mercy.

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 3:42 pm
by hedgeknight
Back to the Mud! (Rd. 4)

This band from the Cross-Eyed Goblins are done. Those entangled or sleeping are put to death, swiftly and surely. Montego drives a shaft in the ass of one of the fleeing Goblins and it screams as it disappears into the brush.
Beaten up and exhausted, the heroes of the Border Watch begin to collect their things and bind their wounds.
Sai digs through the pockets of the dead Worg rider, and comes up with the following:
> 12 silver, 8 copper
> a skin of Goblin grog
> a quiver holding 3 javelins
> a short sword
> a bone knife
> a necklace of dried ears (most appear to be Elven)
> an owl pellet
> a piece of cheap quartz
> a small silk handkerchief with green flowers sewn on it; monogramed with the letter "H"

Adelphocleas > at 6 hp and conscious.
Cassius (AC 0/4) > down 2 hp
Kranston (AC 5) > down 10 hp > facing 1Goblin
Montego (AC 1/5) > down 13 hp
Muldgarr (AC 0/6) > down 10 hp > facing 1 Goblin
Sai (AC -1/5) > down 12 hp

Goblins > all dead, except two who escaped into the brush

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 5:07 pm
by Monsieur Rose

"Anyone know of someone named H?"

Cassius suggests burying the ear necklace, and opening the pellet, but mostly works on cleaning his weapons and getting ready to head out.

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 2:29 am
by Bluehorse

Walks shakily over to the Orog's body and growls, taking out his frustration on the corpse, stabbing it dozens of times and growling, and crying out until the corpse is unrecognizable. His full voice rumbling in the air, lower registers hard or even impossible to hear but certainly felt until he finally spends out all his rage on the remains as they were and walks away exhausted to find a place to be alone for a few moments and clean up, collecting himself once more.

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:11 pm
by ChubbyPixie
Kranston sits heavily on a stump clutching his side. He checks his drum to make sure there aren't any holes in it.

"Goblins are just the worst. And that action was kind of a mess. I'll clean it up a bit before putting it in a song. 'They scrabbled around, swinging wildly and barely survived' just doesn't make for good lyrics," he says.

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 2:00 pm
Montego is starting to become annoyed by all the distractions.

"We need to regroup and get our sorry asses back to warn the others right away! I will not sit around here until another band of these green skinned shits shows up to slow us down any more."

With that, the ranger leads the way along the path as soon as everyone is ready to depart.

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 11:55 pm
by Darklin2

Gathers the loot and stuffs it away. Let's get back. There could be more trouble waiting on us there.

He starts to pray as soon as they begin to walk. Holy Symbol out.


Cure light Wounds on Self.

[1d8+4]=8+4=12 CLW

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 12:30 pm
by hedgeknight
Gathering loot, binding wounds, checking gear, Montego leads the heroes of the Border Watch out of the muddy, bloody battlefield and back toward Barduk and Fort Critwall. The journey is not as quick as it would have been a few minutes ago pre-deluge, but the ranger picks the best paths along the road he can and within an hour, just as the weather breaks and the afternoon sun peeks through the clouds, the group comes in sight of the fort.
battle aftermath.jpg
battle aftermath.jpg (87.66 KiB) Viewed 559 times

Orcs are running from Barduk, retreating across the river. Smoke trails from several fires rise up among the town of Barduk and Fort Critwall. Screams of the dying fill the air along with an occasional arrow. Atop a tower, about 30 yards away, a cloaked figure grapples with four guards. The figure cuts one down with a sword as black as night. Laughter cuts through the din and then is overwhelmed by the rest, beating him into submission. As the figure goes down, you see a flash of white under the cloak...long, white hair. All the while, the figure calls out, "I got him! I got him! Oh we love, the Old One! Oh we love, the Old One!"

You hurry onward through the burned out village of Barduk, past the bodies of townsfolk and Orc alike. Some call out for help, and you to your relief you see Malin and Emerall walking through, offering aid where they can.
Malin sees you and his eyes grow dark. "Where the hell have you been? We expected you back an hour ago! If you'd have been here..." He shakes his head and turns away to help a woman with the body of her husband.

Emerall looks at Sai, tears in her eyes; her right arm is wrapped with a bloody bandage. "The Orcs attacked without any warning. Jetero went to the tower to help repel them while we went to the wagons, and to help the townsfolk. D-did you find...on the river...?"

Adelphocleas > at 6 hp and conscious.
Cassius (AC 0/4) > down 2 hp
Kranston (AC 5) > down 10 hp
Montego (AC 1/5) > down 13 hp
Muldgarr (AC 0/6) > down 10 hp
Sai (AC -1/5) > full hp

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 12:56 pm
by ChubbyPixie
"This all seems highly coincidental..." says Kranston, gazing starkly at the destruction, his voice for once devoid of bravado. "We are sent away on an urgent mission. The fort is suddenly attacked in our absence. Anyone...?"

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 11:31 pm
by Darklin2

We need to find Jetero. Make sure these people are not killing him. Split up, and we meet back at the wagons later. We need to help these people and come up with a plan to find out what is really going on around here.

Come with me Emerall, Please. He takes her arm and will lead her back to the wagons and pulls out his healing bag and cleans and binds the wound.

I am Sorry I was not here but we were ambushed on the way back from the meeting with our "Friend". He has what we carried and is on his way to inform the leaders of our findings. I have no healing left in me today but tomorrow I will take away your injuries and we shall avenge these people ten fold.

Talon: Circle the Fort and follow those Orcs back to their camp. Stay high in the air so they can not injure you again. Follow them and return. Tomorrow we hunt Orcs.

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 9:24 am
by Hotgoblin
Muldgarr listens to Kranston and smirks...Coincidental, no Master Bard, more like purposeful! This is all a game and we are the pawns...We are the fodder that is being toyed with. The truth is out there...and we need to find it, before we’re all dead!!! He heads up toward where the guards and Jetero were, moving as silently as he can.

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 1:08 pm
Unsure what to do in all the chaos, Montego rushes towards the tower to see if he can help there.

"We must rid this place of filth before everyone is lost!"

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 2:13 pm
by Monsieur Rose

Watches with a knowing smile as Sai leads the fair Emerall away. "I'm right behind you, Montego. Let's find Jetero." He keeps glancing towards the tower with the white-haired figure. "Drow."

He races Montego up the tower, blades out.

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2021 2:39 pm
by hedgeknight
While Sai helps Emerall, Montego, Cassius, and Muldgarr head toward the fort to see if they can help with any remaining Orcs and to find Jetero. On the way to the tower, they pass a contingent of six soldiers dragging someone down the stairs and out into the courtyard.

drow assassin.jpg
drow assassin.jpg (16 KiB) Viewed 541 times

"We got the bastard!" one of the guards shouts.
"Send for Captain Rillian! Let him deal with this piece of shite!" shouts another.

As the heroes pause, two other men come through a gate facing the river, bearing the broken body of Jetero.

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2021 8:53 pm
by Bluehorse
Adel rushes forward with his friends keeping pace with them and ready to strike ahead if a target presents itself or back them up should they need it.

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 7:03 pm
Montego stops long enough to get a good look at the dark elf, having only heard rumors of their existence before this.

When he sees the new pair arrive with Jetero, he rushes over to them to aid the fallen man any way he can.

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 7:11 pm
by Monsieur Rose

Cassius stares at the drow, fury on his face. "Is the fort clear, guard?" He stays with the drow, blades still out.

Re: Barduk & Fort Critwall

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 11:40 pm
by hedgeknight
OGRE MAGE wrote: Mon Jul 19, 2021 7:03 pm Montego...When he sees the new pair arrive with Jetero, he rushes over to them to aid the fallen man any way he can.
Jetero looks graveyard dead. His skin is gray and the his eyes are glazed over with broken blood vessels; there is a deep gash in his stomach.
Monsieur Rose wrote: Mon Jul 19, 2021 7:11 pm Cassius...stares at the drow, fury on his face. "Is the fort clear, guard?" He stays with the drow, blades still out.
The guard glances at Cassius. "It is, sir. This is the last of the invaders...for now."
The Drow snorts. "Invaders...such an appropriate term for the light lovers."

A man flanked by three soldiers, stomps toward those escorting the Drow. He is battle-hardened, wearing armor spattered with dark gore.
Capt. Rillian.png
Capt. Rillian.png (375.49 KiB) Viewed 532 times

"Glad you made it back, gentlemen," Captain Rillian says. "Took you damn long enough."
He strides up and grabs the Drow by the hair and jerks his head back while drawing a long dagger from his belt. He lays the steel against the Drow's throat. "You cost me some good men, you piece of shit. I have a lot of questions...and you're gonna answer every fuckin' one of 'em! Or I'm gonna carve you into little pieces for the hogs."
The Drow snorts again, but Rillian jerks his head back a little farther...and scalps him right then and there! The Drow screams like he's dying, but Rillian ignores it. "Take him below. I'll be along in a minute."
Still holding the bloody scalp, Captain Rillian turns to you, giving Adel a grudging measure and then he says, "Which one of you is in charge?"