Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1421 Post by Rex »


"I don't know about bad manners, but it can definitely get you killed."
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1422 Post by Brunnacht »

Is pleased to see another potential ally.
"Please don't do that again, but you're welcome to sit and join us. There's plenty of food for us all. We were just discussing the problem of the dwarves, and how to deal with them. Don't suppose you have any suggestions, do you?"
Til-dirion finishes chopping up the veg, cleans his knife and returns it to its sheath.
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1423 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The Hidden Camp
Earthday, 4th of Harvester
Late Afternoon, Hot, Sunny, Buggy, Different

After the arrival of one more downtrodden traveler to their growing group, the explorers and refugees together cook boar meat, (sorry, no carrots) set traps, keep watch, and discuss their options. Several members agree that the dwarves need to be dealt with sooner or later, but none of the remaining townies has any ideas on how to go about such a monumental task. If they have learned anything from their experience so far, it is NOT to mess with the Stoneguts.

Listening intently for an inevitable invasion that so far hasn't come, the group looks unsure if sticking around here will do any good. Andron seems convinced that the next point of interest should be the obelisk they just activated, hoping that they could find something there that will help with the dwarves.

Both Maag and Cresty have that far away look in their eyes, as if they would rather be any place else other than this hot, buggy, and now overcrowded jungle.

One of the refugees starts tracing the hind quarters of Festus out with his finger, badly craving the taste of curried goat.


Once a final decision is made on who is going where, and how/where you will spend the night, we can hopefully put this one in the books and get the last missions rewards allocated. I will wait to spring the next horror on you so everyone can feel free to express their opinions without fear of immediate trouble.

Alordan AC3 18/22
Cresty AC4 5/11
Lerrick 4 AC5 15/20 1st 0/5 2nd 0/4 (Light Stone)
Maag AC5 15/19
Tlachtga 3 AC7 9/23 1st 0/5 2nd 0/4 3rd 0/2 (Light Stone)
Jobo 10/10
Til-dirion 10/10
Andron 3/2 AC10 2/13 CL: 1st 0/4 2nd 0/3 MU: RM, DM, CL 0/2
Torbath AC8 5/5 0/1 RM, DM, CL
Theo AC:5 10/10
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1424 Post by ravenn4544 »

Alordan returns from setting up traps and wonders aloud, "is there any other clearings beyond this one you have found?" Otherwise, he suggests using his magical cabin to provide shelter for the night. "We'll have to take turns, but we'll need plenty of guards stationed out here anyway if we get dwarven visitors.."
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1425 Post by Rex »


"It seems a good plan to just use the cabin here for now. I need to rest badly, then we can discuss our next move. I know Andron that you want to go after the obelisk but I feel we need to do something for these people first."
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1426 Post by Brunnacht »


"We can't do anything for the locals if we can't take on the dwarves head on. Instead of staying here they should come with us.
Also, if the obelisk is the solution to our problem then that should be our focus, and I vote for that. Are there any alternatives?"

Til-dirion takes first watch just outside the hut, shield on his left arm, sword in his right.

No carrots? What's an elf to do?
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1427 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Head-Wound Jombo

"There is another clearing. About a mile up the beach to the west, just inside the tree line. The dwarves don't know it's there, but I suspect they know where this one is now with all the latest attention to our location."

"I keep hearing that you think you need to help us. What is it that you plan to do against such a large gathering? You should know that we are here of our own free will and we are going to stay here as long as there are people remaining in town who cant defend themselves from the bastards."

That crazed look returns to the young humans face as he sighs heavily at their current situation.
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1428 Post by Brunnacht »

"Then let's take that trail as our safe exit from here."
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1429 Post by Rex »


"If the majority feels we are endangering you by being here we can move on to the other clearing. I don't know what if any plans we have yet, that is what we need to figure out, with your input as well."
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1430 Post by Brunnacht »

To Jombo
"I understand you want to help those who wish to stay, but unless you're experts in guerilla warfare I don't think your angry resistance is going to accomplish much but create newly dug graves. Please think about joining us, we can kill dwarves together. We won't be able to stay here long."
To the adventurers
Let's take this unused trail to safety after we've rested. We should talk about obelisks and their role in this mysterious place. Where are we headed first, Andron?"
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1431 Post by Jernau35 »


"Jombo, me ol' tin plate," says Maag, clapping him on the shoulder. "Time to give yer 'ead a wobble."

"Yer not goin' to do nuffin' except get yerself killed. An' if der dwarves can't kill you, dey will kill der people you are tryin' to protect. I know dis, because it is wot I would do. An' dey are a lot worse dan me."
He looks Jombo in the eye. "Get dem food. 'elp dem stay alive. 'elp dem escape. But wotever you do, don't try an' protect dem!" Maag keeps his eyes locked with Jombo. "Got dat?"
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1432 Post by Jernau35 »


"I'm fine wiv stayin' 'ere tonight," Maag tells the rest of the party. "But I'm movin' on in der morning. Killin' dwarves is dangerous, an' der is no money in explorin' der jungle. I 'ave got other fish in der fire."
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1433 Post by kruk »


The fighter sheaths his sword now that he knows the intruder is indeed friendly. Don't do that. I have a history of attacking people without assessing whether they are friendly or not.


Let's take the hidden trail. We can't protect the group here or find a new obelisk in the current state we are in. I need to rest as soon as we find a suitable place.
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1434 Post by Quonundrum »


"I agree with Mr. Jombo. We know the Stoneguts will waste no time in seeking retribution for the dwarfs that were killed today. We should immediately abandon this area for the other clearing while there is still light. As Miss Tlachtga said, we will also need time to recuperate. After that, those who wish to remain, they can stay, and those who wish to join us, they are free to do so."
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1435 Post by Brunnacht »

"Fine, let's go."
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1436 Post by Ahlmzhad »


Lowers his bow as the human pops out of the brush. Spits on the ground, and acts like there is something wrong there, and mutters something which is probably best muttered. Then getting irritated with all the talk. Reaches in a pocket and pulls out a plug of tobaccy, and takes a big bite. Starting to chew he says "Go or stay I don't care but lets make a decision soon. If we go we need time to hide and trap the trail."
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1437 Post by jemmus »

Theo quietly prepares to join the group in departing. The adventurers see that the newcomer is a thin human male around six feet tall. He's in old chain mail and carries a long bow and a bastard sword. There's little attractive about him. His hair is mousey brown, his ears are too big, his nose is large, and a short beard covers a weak chin. But he seems to have a sincere look in his eyes.

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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1438 Post by gurusql »


"I think we need to listen to wishes of the townfolk here. Jombo says he does not want our help, fine we can go. If we all exit out the entrance that Andron and I entered we can get back to the beach and this hidden area is one more mile once we get to the beach. We need to leave right now to make it before dark."
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1439 Post by Rex »


"Lets head out then, if they want to come they are welcome, the Rangers and I will cover the trail."
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Re: Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

#1440 Post by gurusql »


“Tlachtga I could not agree more, but there is one trap on the trail that Andron successfully disarmed and I attempted to reset. We will let you know when we get there.”
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