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Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 11:36 am
by wolfpack
E3 runs behind zeke.

e3-run 5
e4-run 6

Fire phase
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Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:37 pm
by Recklessfireball
Dagger watches with some surprise, as the Wasp he mauled earlier runs towards him to press the attack. Switching his comms to open frequency, he tells the Wasp pilot, "Ballsy, my friend- but ill-advised."

Gene raises Tricksies right arm and fires the large and medium laser at E4...

Large Laser: Hit=[2d6] = 5 | Location=[2d6] = 11 | CritChance=[2d6] = 5
Medium Laser: Hit=[2d6] = 4 | Location=[2d6] = 7 | CritChance=[2d6] = 10

Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:41 pm
by wolfpack
As Zekes runs out to face wasp (e4) it turns its attention to him.

E3: ML and SRM at P4
E4: ML and SRM at P4

E3 (5+3 for move +2 for run =10)
ML:[2d6] = 9
SRM2:[2d6] = 9

E4(5+3 for move +2 for run=10)
ML:[2d6] = 11
srm2:[2d6] = 6

ML Location:[2d6] = 3(ra)
As Zeke leaves the woods to converge on the wasp tracking his lieutenant the other Marik wasp trails directly behind him, it raises its medium laser and strikes zekes machines already damaged right arm blowing it off completely.

Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:59 pm
by Recklessfireball
Dang. We got to get you guys out of those crappy Wasps and into a decent ride.

Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 1:48 pm
by wolfpack
will assume zeke wants me to roll for him

Shadow closes in on the enemy wasp (e4) it's already injured and chasing his LT this is his chance to finally show what he can do. In his zeal he did not notice the other wasp trailing behind him.

zeke (5 + 2 for run +2 for move=9)
ML:[2d6] = 9
SRM2:[2d6] = 7

ML Location:[2d6] = 8 (lt)

Zeke smiles as his medium laser finally scores a hit, even though it isn't enough to punch through the enemies armor, when suddenly his mech is thrown forward as it's arm is blown off taking his medium laser with it.

Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 2:17 pm
by BuckshotChuck
With both enemy mechs at extreme range, Spectre focuses on the exposed back armor of the nearest one hoping for a lucky shot. Firing both medium lasers he is not surprised as neither connects.

Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 2:23 pm
by wolfpack
After greywolf attacks we will do physical attacks. zeke can either punch with his left arm or kick let me know which you want to do.

Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 3:29 pm
by GreyWolfVT

Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 3:39 pm
by wolfpack
Ivan SRM tear at he ground by the wasps feet but fail to hit.

Physical attacks

Both wasps swing at Zeke with their left hands
E3 (5 +2 for move +2 for run=9)

Punch:[2d6] = 9
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E4 (5 +2 for move +2 for run=9)
[2d6] = 7
The first wasps sends his fist crashing down onto the head of Zekes mech. the force is not enough to crash through the armor but is enough to stun the young mechwarrior, but not knock him uncounsious.
Just need to know if zeke wants to punch or kick

Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 4:02 pm
by Diamond_Spear
As Zeke’s arm goes flying off everyone on the unit push hears a startled squawk and a scream loud enough to hurt their ears. Zeke swings a desperate kick at the mech in front of him, hoping like hell that one of his lancemates will deal with the mech behind him.

Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 4:08 pm
by wolfpack
kick (5+2 for move +2 for run = 9)
[2d6] = 9

location: left leg

crit:[2d6] = 3

fall damage:[2d6] = 3

Zeke in his anger, pain, and frustration lashes out at the wasp (E4) kicking it in it's already damaged left leg. the force of the low is enough to cause the leg to buckle, twisting and rending the wasp collapses on its right arm.

Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 4:09 pm
by wolfpack
heat phase
dagger gets +1 heat I believe

[2d6] = 7

Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 4:51 pm
by Recklessfireball
Zeke in his anger, pain, and frustration lashes out at the wasp (E4) kicking it in it's already damaged left leg. the force of the low is enough to cause the leg to buckle, twisting and rending the wasp collapses on its right arm.
YUSSS!!! :mrgreen:

Initiative [2d6] = 11

Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 4:53 pm
by Recklessfireball
"Enemy battlemech, this is Lt. Eugene Harlow of Concord's Crusaders. Your lance mates are destroyed and you are outnumbered 3 to one. Cease your attack and we will allow you to withdraw honorably to your own lines. Refuse and you will be destroyed."

Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 4:54 pm
by wolfpack
E4 stays put propping himself up prepared to fire.

Even if you take us down you will never get off this planet we have you severely outnumbered and outgunned.

You have to move 3 mechs, only 1 mech gets last move.
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Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 5:16 pm
by Recklessfireball
Even if you take us down you will never get off this planet we have you severely outnumbered and outgunned.
Exasperated, Gene thumbs his comm and replies, "Maybe so, but I don't see how staying here and dying under our guns will change any of that. If you come at me again, I'll shoot you down. Think it over, son."

Gene runs forward in the Phoenix Hawk to hex 0203, then turns 2 hexes to the right, facing 0304.

Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 5:34 pm
by BuckshotChuck
Watching the scene unfold with the downed mech looking like a meal caught in a web, David moves the Spider forward quickly to get his 'snack'. Keeping his thought's on the enemies tactics, he approaches in a way that only presents his back such that the LT can cover it fairly well.

Having studied the enemies tactics, Spectre thumbs his comms for the unit and suggests, "Once we take care of this downed mech, let's see if us light guys can move in such a way as to give the Lieutenant a good approach to take advantage of his better firepower."

Move to Hex 0408, facing Hex 0409. Uses Run 11 movement to cover 8 hexes distance
Next round after this movement/firing, if we win Initiative, let's give the LT the last move so he can try to get the better weaponry on target after the last Wasp moves.

Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 6:06 pm
by wolfpack
Need 1 more move from your side either P2 or P4 then E3 will move.

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Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 6:48 pm
by Diamond_Spear
Zeke will circle around ending his move in hex 0508 facing hex 0407.
move to0310/change facing/move to 0410/change facing/move to 0510/change facing/move to 0508/change facing

Re: Rally Point

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 7:11 pm
by wolfpack
The wasp seemingly unafraid of Ivan's damaged wasp runs around to stay in Zekes reararc like a rabid dog refusing to let go.

e1 - out
e2 - out
e3 - run 6
e4- stand still(prone)
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