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Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:23 am
by Nuke66
Please excuse my complete failure of fueling options in Traveller mechanics, continue on, forget I mentioned it.

But, we could always transfer fuel if necessary as well. The Dream is full.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 7:34 pm
by Eris
joertexas wrote:
Tiglath wrote:Seeing that Engineering is secure Sigrun asks Charlie to help her clear the Low Berth bays (and the Launch - if there is one docked) and then opens the Crew Corridor hatch to link back up with Zaki. She offers the busy medic a fire extinguisher she “liberated” from Engineering. Between panting breaths she offers “Dry ice - might help drop his temperature. Best I can do. They’ll need me on the bridge. Charlie will help you for now - I’ll send someone else back too”.
"Thank you," Zaki says. With nothing else to hand, she grabs a swatch of cloth from her patient's ruined clothing and holds it over the discharge port on the extinguisher. She gives it a short burst, and then checks to see if it cooled the rag enough to be useful.
The dry ice does help lower the patient's temperature a bit, but getting him into a low berth fast is Zaki's best bet, her experience tells her.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 7:48 pm
by bruce.desertrat
In case I haven't made it explicit, Pedro is lifting and headed to the coordinates sent by the Old Dream he's moving fast and NOE where possible.

He's going to do what he can to stay off the 'radar' or whatever planetary surveillance they have. Considering they're lifting aircraft, not dropping ortillery we hope to get far enough away from the site quickly enough that they don't notice us...if we do get noticed we'll do what we can. Which faction is flying at us?

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 8:07 pm
by Eris
Okay, I think I understand what you're all doing next. If I'm wrong tell me...

Pedro lifts the ship and hovers over the ruins just long enough for Sigrun to pump a couple of point blank shots into the two hundred ton ship. It's not going to fly any time soon, if ever.

Then Pedro streaks away from the ruins, straight out to sea. Not directly toward the rendezvous point. Those on the Bridge (Pedro, Edwardo, Carlos, ???) see six sensor signatures appear aft of the ship, but they don't gain any ground and soon start to fall behind...and break off pursuit.

Bringing up comm signals shows a lot of traffic on military channels from several nation states, but nobody appears to be doing anything but talking. Pedro's NOE flying puts the ship below anything but very close radar or satellite detection. Ruie's nation states don't have satellites and out here in the big ocean the odds of being close enough to any short range radar stations is somewhere between long and non-existent. It is very possible that the ships simply disappeared from everyone's radar!

Edwardo is on the radio. What he is hearing is a lot of "What the hell just happened?" in generally more diplomatic forms coming from all over this half the planet.

Ahead of this ship, The Old Dream also dropped down to the deck. The only way you're tracking it is from tight maser comm signal. It is going to reach the rendezvous about 10 minutes before you do.

You've been receiving a steady tone on the tight maser beam. Edwardo now picks up a short burst of communications, "Arrived at the island. It looks uninhabited. Come on in."

This burst is followed a few seconds later by, "Lady Jane wants to know, did you secure the target?"


Back in Engineering, Chandra and Lord William finish "debugging" the ship's engines. Charlie is just looking on. John Lee is still thinking about all those crates in the hold that weren't secured....or checked for contents.

Lord William looks worried, frowning at the numbers coming up on the screen...then he grins, "I didn't really expect her to fly this well. Hell, I expected her to blow up with those rigged governors, but every system is nominal...damn, this is sweet!"

"Look if you folks can take over here, I'll go see if your medic needs any help." William says, "Charlie, you're with me."


In the Prisoner's Cell, Zaki looks up to see Sigrun start to wobble. She suddenly looks like she's hurting all over. Sigrun feels the pain of the Combat Slow wearing off. It occurs to her that Joe Whistler is somewhere and his drugs should be wearing off about now, too.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 8:28 pm
by bruce.desertrat
Eris wrote:Okay, I think I understand what you're all doing next. If I'm wrong tell me...

Pedro lifts the ship and hovers over the ruins just long enough for Sigrun to pump a couple of point blank shots into the two hundred ton ship. It's not going to fly any time soon, if ever.

Then Pedro streaks away from the ruins, straight out to sea. Not directly toward the rendezvous point. Those on the Bridge (Pedro, Edwardo, Carlos, ???) see six sensor signatures appear aft of the ship, but they don't gain any ground and soon start to fall behind...and break off pursuit.

Bringing up comm signals shows a lot of traffic on military channels from several nation states, but nobody appears to be doing anything but talking. Pedro's NOE flying puts the ship below anything but very close radar or satellite detection. Ruie's nation states don't have satellites and out here in the big ocean the odds of being close enough to any short range radar stations is somewhere between long and non-existent. It is very possible that the ships simply disappeared from everyone's radar!

Edwardo is on the radio. What he is hearing is a lot of "What the hell just happened?" in generally more diplomatic forms coming from all over this half the planet.

Ahead of this ship, The Old Dream also dropped down to the deck. The only way you're tracking it is from tight maser comm signal. It is going to reach the rendezvous about 10 minutes before you do.

You've been receiving a steady tone on the tight maser beam. Edwardo now picks up a short burst of communications, "Arrived at the island. It looks uninhabited. Come on in."

This burst is followed a few seconds later by, "Lady Jane wants to know, did you secure the target?"
Pedro keys the comm. "We're about ten minutes behind you, flying hot and low, no eyes on us that we can tell, we lost the bogeys right away. Thanks for the heads up on them. Tell Lady Jane the target is secured, healthy and whole."

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 8:35 pm
by ffilz
Chandra will continue making sure engineering gets up and running in all aspects and that all the booby traps get properly dismantled. Once that is secure, he will check on the fuel purifier system and get the ship ready to start taking on fuel.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 9:51 pm
by Eris
ffilz wrote:Chandra will continue making sure engineering gets up and running in all aspects and that all the booby traps get properly dismantled. Once that is secure, he will check on the fuel purifier system and get the ship ready to start taking on fuel.
Chandra will be looking at the fuel purifier as he feels the ship decelerate. The fuel purifier looks to be in good condition and in working order. The pumps connected to the tanks and to the purifier look good, but you won't know for sure until you can try using them.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:01 pm
by Eris
The 10 minutes pass uneventfully and soon Pedro sees a small tropical island ahead.


As the ship decelerates and lands in the shallow water near the island you see The Old Dream is floating near the beach on the reverse side. From visual, radar and looking at the satellite images you have there isn't an inhabited island or continent for several hundred miles from this little island.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:13 pm
by ffilz
Once we drop anchor (whatever we do to accomplish that...) Chandra will get the refueling started. I assume the other engineers will help.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:20 pm
by bruce.desertrat
Pedro grins and keys the intercom. "Good afternoon, people, this is your pilot speaking. We've arrived at our destination and will be disembarking soon. Please secure your seat-back tables and refrain from getting your luggae until we've finished taxiing to a stop. Thank you for flying Fly it like you stole it Airlines!" He'll call something suitable up out of his music on this phone and feed it in.

He pulls around the island and sets down near The Old Dream

Are the fuel purifiers on the ship able to cope with salt water? How long will it take us to purify enough to jump?

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 11:41 pm
by Eris
bruce.desertrat wrote:Are the fuel purifiers on the ship able to cope with salt water? How long will it take us to purify enough to jump?
Sure, the purifiers can purify gas, water or ice...salted or long as it has hydrogen in it they can purify it.

You can fill your tanks by 'wilderness refueling':

Methane Gas: 8 hours
Any form of Water: 4 hours
Ice: 12 hours

There isn't much on the time to purify in Traveller, but from various sources I've decided upon:

Methane Gas: 1 ton / 1 minute (60 tons/hour)
Any Water: 1 ton / 6 minutes (10 tons/hour)
Water Ice: 1 ton / 12 minutes (5 tons/hour)

You'll need 40 tons and it can be purifying while loading, so it is going to take 4 hours total to take on and purify the 40 tons of refined fuel from water.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 11:58 pm
by Tiglath
Once the ship has outdistanced pursuit and is running over the sea Sigrun reminds Whistler to report to the medic and then hurriedly quits the bridge. On route she staggers and steps sideways into a bulkhead, swears in Old Norse and then hurriedly begins to shed her upper body armour, discarding it and her weapons as she goes.

She slams drunkenly into the doorframe of wherever Zaki has set up her Aid post and smiles apologetically at the medic whilst calmly talking to her in Old Norse. Then a wave of pain wracks her body and, suddenly focussed, she switches languages “Ever since we used the Vargr stuff I sometimes get a bad reaction”. She rides another wave of pain and adds “This seems like one of them – it will pass”. Clearly bracing herself for an ordeal Sigrun picks up her axe and uses its thong to bind the weapon into her grip. She smiles weakly at Zaki and suddenly says “Don’t let them see me! Zaki, catch me when … “ she gets no further as, wracked by further agony, she pitches back against the cabin wall and slides down onto the floor.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 11:59 pm
by ffilz
Eris wrote:
bruce.desertrat wrote:Are the fuel purifiers on the ship able to cope with salt water? How long will it take us to purify enough to jump?
Sure, the purifiers can purify gas, water or ice...salted or long as it has hydrogen in it they can purify it.

You can fill your tanks by 'wilderness refueling':

Methane Gas: 8 hours
Any form of Water: 4 hours
Ice: 12 hours

There isn't much on the time to purify in Traveller, but from various sources I've decided upon:

Methane Gas: 1 ton / 1 minute (60 tons/hour)
Any Water: 1 ton / 6 minutes (10 tons/hour)
Water Ice: 1 ton / 12 minutes (5 tons/hour)

You'll need 40 tons and it can be purifying while loading, so it is going to take 4 hours total to take on and purify the 40 tons of refined fuel from water.
Our tanks are 50 tons right? How much fuel did we already have? Anyway, 4-5 hours for refueling.

Anything else we need before being space ready? Were they really this close to getting off with this ship? Consider Chandra is asking the former captive engineers.

Anyway, let's get on with it.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 12:48 am
by Eclipse
Eris wrote: ---------------------------------
Back in Engineering, Chandra and Lord William finish "debugging" the ship's engines. Charlie is just looking on. John Lee is still thinking about all those crates in the hold that weren't secured....or checked for contents.
On route to the bridge she calls John Lee on the comm and says "Mr Petamore, you still alive? If so could you access the local radar survey we made on the G carrier's sensors and get it to Carlos on the bridge? It might help us to drop off their air defense screens. Pedro will want sight of it and The Old Dream could use it too".

John Lee replies, "I'm wrapping up securing the G-Carrier so it doesn't bounce around the hold if things get dicey. Be faster for me to run up the bridge and plug a data chip into the system then trying to interface the G-Carrier with the ship's systems. Be right up."
John Lee has secured the G-Carrier, check the crates (Filled with MREs), determined that it's not too dangerous if those bounce around as long as nobody is in the hold, and taken the radar survey data up to the bridge.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 2:30 am
by Nuke66
Edwardo continues to monitor the COMMS channels, searching for any indication that we have been located.

"So far, so good, we have not been found."

He takes the time to replay the recordings he has, saving the juicy bits for replay.

He plays one on the intership system.

..."Holt shit, where the fuck did it go.."....

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 4:27 am
by joertexas
Tiglath wrote:She smiles weakly at Zaki and suddenly says “Don’t let them see me! Zaki, catch me when … “ she gets no further as, wracked by further agony, she pitches back against the cabin wall and slides down onto the floor.
Zaki breathes something vile in Old Vilani, and turns to Lord William and Charlie as they enter the compartment. "She will be fine for a few minutes. We need to get this man into a low berth, and now." She supervises the man's placement in the low berth, and starts the unit. She takes a couple of minutes to verify that it's working correctly, and then she returns to check on Sigrun.

She kneels down in front of the warrior, and begins a superficial exam, is she conscious, and so on. "Sigrun, can you hear me?"

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 4:53 am
by bruce.desertrat
Pedro hustles down to engineering and wrestles the purifier intake hoses out of their storage area, connects them to the purifiers and wrestles them out of the aft airlock into the water to start the fuel purification process. "Keep a sharp eye on the sensors. Edwardo! Don't want to be caught by surprise!"

He joins the others in engineering in getting the systems ready. He turns to William. "Oy, tovaplayo, William. You've pulled enough shift for today...there's someone over on the Dream who's waited a long time to to lay oyos on you..." He grins and claps him on the back "Tadaketting, compamio, tadaketting...sometimes we do get to find the ones left behind."

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 11:21 am
by Tiglath
On Zaki’s return she finds Sigrun has loosened the fierce grip she had on her axe and she nods in response to Zaki’s query while her unarmed hand grabs at the medic’s sleeve as she whispers through the pain “Please … don’t let them see me … being weak …”

Over pain filled minutes the Combat Drug rides roughshod over her body as it burns itself out in her system. At last Sigrun’s metabolism begins running at a speed that could be described as “human” and the rip tide of agony abates to mere pain and then to cramps and aches.

Finally more herself Sigrun opens her eyes and focuses on Zaki “Thank you, I hope I was no trouble. I tend to get a bit … traditional … as the drug burns out. Ah … especially if it’s a bad one". By way of explanation she offers "When I was Hel I was a berserkr, one of the ulfhedinn”. She smiles resignedly “In medical terms I may now be hyper sensitive to combat drugs but I think I prefer “Once the wolf bites you it never lets you go”. Now seemingly anxious to be out of the med bay Sigrun drags herself to her feet and takes her leave with "You are busy - I’ll get out of your way”.

Calling at the bridge to get a sitrep from Edwardo she checks on Whistler and then stands down and stows her gear, stripping off her remaining armour to combine cleaning herself up with a swim around the ship. Afterwards, looking very much more feminine - if still heavily armed, she unbraids her hair and combs it out whilst studying the post action sensor data.

She familiarises herself with the flight controls and then the rest of the ship, going to see John Lee in the cargo hold and checking through all the crates there while eating an MRE or two - she’s ravenously hungry. She will also check out the "large gas tanks in the central section of the hold".

If the group are going ashore or reuniting Lord William with his wife (Sigrun’s employer) then she will make sure she’s there.

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 2:18 pm
by joertexas
Tiglath wrote:On Zaki’s return she finds Sigrun has loosened the fierce grip she had on her axe and she nods in response to Zaki’s query while her unarmed hand grabs at the medic’s sleeve as she whispers through the pain “Please … don’t let them see me … being weak …”

Over pain filled minutes the Combat Drug rides roughshod over her body as it burns itself out in her system. At last Sigrun’s metabolism begins running at a speed that could be described as “human” and the rip tide of agony abates to mere pain and then to cramps and aches.

Finally more herself Sigrun opens her eyes and focuses on Zaki “Thank you, I hope I was no trouble. I tend to get a bit … traditional … as the drug burns out. Ah … especially if it’s a bad one". By way of explanation she offers "When I was Hel I was a berserkr, one of the ulfhedinn”. She smiles resignedly “In medical terms I may now be hyper sensitive to combat drugs but I think I prefer “Once the wolf bites you it never lets you go”. Now seemingly anxious to be out of the med bay Sigrun drags herself to her feet and takes her leave with "You are busy - I’ll get out of your way”.
"I wish you wouldn't use that stuff," Zaki says with a sigh. "I know we can fix a lot of medical issues, but I still don't think it's good for you." She finishes her exam as Sigrun recovers from the drug's effects.

When Sigrun tries to stand, Zaki helps her to her feet, staggering a bit under the woman's weight. "If you have any lingering symptoms, please tell me. I can't help you if I don't know you're having problems." She smiles crookedly. "I'd tell you to get some rest if I had the slightest inkling that you'd do it anytime soon."

Re: [006] Rescue on Ruie!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 8:04 pm
by Tiglath
joertexas wrote:"I wish you wouldn't use that stuff," Zaki says with a sigh. "I know we can fix a lot of medical issues, but I still don't think it's good for you."
Sigrun clearly appreciates Zaki’s help. She admits “I know it’s not good for me - but then neither is coming second in combat”. She sighs “When I led my crew I had to be better than any man. I couldn’t always be stronger so I became fiercer, harder, more ruthless. Being able to put on a “wolf’s skin” helped with that - so I became ulfhednar. So, though few would dare to duel with me, I know for sure that I have killed and yet have no memory of it - and that haunts me”.
joertexas wrote:She smiles crookedly. "I'd tell you to get some rest if I had the slightest inkling that you'd do it anytime soon."
Sigrun continues gently “I won’t rest, you do help and I haven’t any problems that I can’t deal with”. A bright, unrepentant grin illuminates her features and she adds “Even so I’m grateful for your help and I'm sorry that I am such a truly awful patient”.