1. The hunt ends?

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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#141 Post by KingOfCowards »

Spartakos wrote:Seeing Boggs and Oelle poking around in relative safety, Bedwyr stows the arrow back in his quiver and reslings his weapons, heading down to join them. He gestures impatiently for Neff to come as well.

Once there, he is willing to assist Oelle in his examination of the corpse; in contrast to his comrade's caution, he heedlessly pulls the duffle free of the body and hands it to Boggs to rifle through. He examines her blade with a critical eye, and if she has a scabbard he will appropriate both.

He will examine the body and the immediate area around it, as well, and will direct Neff to look about as well. If Boggs points out the prints or Oelle describes the wounds, he will use his forest lore to try and take a guess at what kind of critter we're dealing with.

[2d6-1] = 7-1 = 6 Discern realities
[2d6+1] = 3+1 = 4 Spout Lore
I am so terrible at this...
At least you are racking up the xp
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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#142 Post by mb. »

Oelle squats beside the body examining the wounds carefully...
Firstly, it is very clear that this healthy, athletic warrior was violently killed, and recently. Judging by the congealed but not yet dry blood and the colour of her skin, you'd estimate she received her visible wounds – the ripped off arm and clawed ribs – in the last few hours. The gash on her ribs wasn't deep enough to kill her, so cause of death would seem to be blood loss from the after the arm came off. And...
Bedwyr interrupts Oelle's inspection to lean over the corpse and slash the duffel strap with his dagger, tossing the light bag at Boggs. Then he goes over to the sword and picks it up. Since the dead elf's hand is still wrapped tightly around the grip, the arm comes with it, and Bedwyr busies himself with prying the fingers off the grip.

Suddenly! You all hear a crashing of branches and a thumping that you'd swear you can feel through the soles of your boots. As you instinctively spin towards the sound, you catch something large and dark in the corner of your eye, which slams into Neff, sending him flying into a tree trunk!

Oelle is squatting near the corpse with medical tools, Boggs is holding a large duffel bag, and Bedwyr is holding a sword with an arm attached.

What do you do?
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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#143 Post by Spartakos »

Bedwyr instinctively drops the dead elf's sword and arm, instead drawing his own blade and dropping into a fighting stance. Though he quivers like a taut bowstring with the urge to attack, he holds a few heartbeats to try to see what he is up against.

Can I get a look at this thing? Aside from slamming into Neff, what is it doing now? It is mauling him, or just letting him lie?
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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#144 Post by Pulpatoon »

Oelle stays defensively crouched, hunkering even closer to the corpse and ground, and prepares to cast Interruption of the Humors. He whips his head wildly back and forth to try to get a better look at the thing.
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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#145 Post by KingOfCowards »

Boggs drops the bag and bolts towards the trees. If I remember correctly, we left Neff back where we first spotted the body. Boggs will try to close the distance, taking cover through the bushes. We may indeed need a closer look to determine what we're up against.
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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#146 Post by mb. »

As I have it, Oelle is right next to the corpse, Bedwyr is about a meter away where the arm was, Boggs is behind them (in relation to the attack) a few meters, and Neff was behind Boggs.

After swatting Neff out of the way, the dark form rears up and towers over Boggs – shaggy black coat of fur, thick, powerful legs, wickedly curved claws and an incongruous head of short feathers, with large, round, yellow eyes and a stubby beak. It lets out a violent sound, somewhere between a bear's roar and an owl's hoot.

Boggs: to get away from the owlbear and into the trees, please roll Defy Danger + Dex.

What do Oelle and Bedwyr do?
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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#147 Post by Pulpatoon »

Oelle's guts turn to water at the sight of the monstrous owlbear. Oelle has never seen one before, but he has read accounts. He decides the best strategy here is retreat.

Oelle focuses his magical reserves on the monster, imagining the wild inflammation of its spleen setting off choleric tides, bilious distress, choking surfeits of phlegm, and cold, sluggish blood.
Cast Spell [2d6+2] = 5+2 = 7

Hoping that this has provided everyone with enough distraction to cover their escape, the young Doctor runs, looking for adequate cover. Unfortunately, the Owlbear has noticed the source of its gastrointestinal distress.
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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#148 Post by KingOfCowards »

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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#149 Post by Spartakos »

I'm not honestly sure what the heck Oelle's spell does...could I get a description of what happens to the owlbear? Does it look like it's more vulnerable, so that Bedwyr might see an opening?
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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#150 Post by Pulpatoon »

It's just magic missile. The way I'm imagining it, there's no visual component—no glowing beams shooting out of Oelle's hands—but that the target should look clearly distressed. mb. can dazzle it up, if that works better.
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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#151 Post by mb. »

Timing: Boggs attempts escape, then Oelle casts his spell, and so far Bedwyr is standing by, ready to do something.

Boggs, with a 7 you have a choice:
– either you trip in panic and fall in front of the owlbear
– or you evade the owlbear, but place yourself in the path of Oelle's oncoming spell

Oelle, regarding the spell you also have a choice:
– either it's a missile, and therefore visible to everyone (please describe)
– or it has a purely internal effect, but then it's cast range is touch
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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#152 Post by Pulpatoon »

Oelle draws a precisely proportioned geometric design with his fingers. The paths of his fingers hang in the air, shimmering. Lines project from the design, intersecting with the owlbear's anatomy—here is the spleen, the gall bladder, the bear-gizzard. When the connections are formed and their proportions measured, Oelle crooks his fingers, setting the diagram askew. This disruption travels down the lines to the owlbear, wrecking internal havoc.

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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#153 Post by KingOfCowards »

mb. wrote:Boggs, with a 7 you have a choice:
– either you trip in panic and fall in front of the owlbear
– or you evade the owlbear, but place yourself in the path of Oelle's oncoming spell
The first option sounds like a complete failure, since this was a partial success, I think getting in the way of Oelle makes more sense.
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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#154 Post by Spartakos »

Seeing the unusual imagery of Oelle's spell enmeshing the owlbear--and seeing his partner-in-crime in some difficulty--Bedwyr slides to one side, waiting for the spell's pattern to fade...and when it does, sprinting at the owlbear from the flank and trying to hamstring it.

Hack & Slash, precise [2d6+2] = 5+2 = 7
[1d10] = 8 sword damage

If possible I will be attacking from behind; maybe I can draw his attention.
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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#155 Post by mb. »

Boggs spins away from the rearing monster, stumbling slightly but getting clear just as the owlbear drops forward, two huge clawed paws falling on the spot where Boggs so recently was. Sparkling lines of power hang in the air, following Oelle's fingers, before projecting outward to the owlbear, and Boggs.

Love the description Oelle! :) Unfortunately Boggs partially blocks your spell. Roll 2d4 – the higher goes to the owlbear, the lower to Boggs.

The owlbear lets out a deep grunt and turns its lamp-like eyes on Oelle as the young doctor turns to run. The owlbear deeply scratches the ground and begins a lumbering run after him, the ground vibrating with his weighty steps. As he passes, Bedwyr slashes at his side, aiming for his thigh but slicing along his ribs, a thin red streak amongst the dense black fur. With an ear-splitting screech, the owlbear spins and swings a meaty paw at Bedwyr!

Bedwyr, please roll 1d10 damage from the nasty owlbear claws.

Also, everyone: I'm tracking your HP & XP in my signature now. Check it please and make sure it's accurate.

What do you do?
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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#156 Post by Pulpatoon »

For the owlbear: [1d4] = 3
For Boggs: [1d4] = 1
Sorry Boggs!

Oelle runs far enough to ensure that he isn't directly under the owlbear's claws, but as soon as he has breathing room he will wrack his brains on owlbear habits and physiology, and scanning the environment for anything that could be used to their advantage. They're excellent climbers, so going up a tree won't help. Do owlbears swim? How do they react to fire? High pitched noises? What sense are they most reliant on? The doctor ticks off point on his fingers as he considers the potential vulnerabilities of an owlbear.
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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#157 Post by mb. »

Oelle, please roll Spout Lore + INT.
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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#158 Post by Pulpatoon »

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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#159 Post by KingOfCowards »

Boggs draws one of his daggers from his belt and throws it at the beast as it rumbles past him.

Volley: [2d6+2] = 8+2 = 10
Damage: [1d8] = 3
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Re: 1. The hunt ends?

#160 Post by mb. »

As the owlbear spins towards Bedwyr, a dagger flashes from Boggs' hand and sinks into the beast's flank. It's so intent on the elf that it doesn't seem to notice...

Oelle dodges into the trees, and racks his brain for useful details from his studies...
Owlbears, like the bird of their name, are primarily nocturnal creatures. Although their bodies are extremely tough, thick-skinned and strong, their eyes are intended for night hunting and extremely sensitive to light.
Let's chill for a bit and give Bedwyr a chance to take his damage and react.

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