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Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:34 am
by Mimdalf
Blixx Mutated Human

Blixx quickly sizes up his options and concludes he is in deep. He is going to fall back south and west retreating from the automatic weapon wielding goons and approaching the mortar team. When he gets within 43' of the mortar team and their mounts he is going to turn on his vampiric field for all it's worth. Blixx needs to delay them long enough for his friends to arrive. No time to reload just yet.

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:09 pm
by Dogma
Nor-Jax, MA Gorilla

Nor-Jax will continue to follow Jet around the wall of the town hoping for a clear shot with his spear.

(If Kapok follows Jet also, Nor-Jax will stay close by him)

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:28 pm
by Norjax

Round 12, continued…

Frank grabs a grenade and reaches for the safety pin before realizing that his targets are over a 140ft. away and his best throwing distance is 39ft.

OOC: Frank, do you want another action or will you delay and wait for the targets to enter range?

As Nor-jax hesitates about what to do with Jet, Kapok enters the breach and informs Nor-jax about his intent to pursue Jet. The two head off after Jet and they soon spot their former companion moving south behind the Chicken Jousters. Kapok pauses and fires an arrow at the turncoat, hitting his mark for 8 points of damage!

Kapok, Long Bow = [1d20+1] = 18+1 = 19, [1d8] = 8 dmg.

The arrow strike causes Jet to slow down enough allowing Nor-jax to get within 60ft. for a long-range spear attack, but the Mutant Gorilla cannot hit the mark.

Nor-jax, Spear = [1d20-1] = 6-1 = 5, [1d8] = 1 dmg.

Blixx withdraws to the south, towards the bombard team and away from the gunfire. He enters range to use his Vampiric Drain and gets a better look at the mutant teamster driving the bombard team forward. The horned mutant slings his horn and pulls out a crossbow!

Helhornic Blost: viewtopic.php?p=95257#p95257

Blixx, Vampiric drain =[2d4] = 6

Bart remains with Mysaurus and the group.

OOC: Bart still may declare an action for this round.


Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:12 pm
by max_vale
OOC: Sorry about that...yeah, I'll wait until they are close to me....if they aren't coming directly towards me; I'll crouch down and move slowly towards them

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:14 am
by Alethan
Kapok, mutant plant

Kapok continues firing at the former teammate,"Vengance, guide my arrows," he grinds as he draws back another arrow...

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:56 am
by Broggrim
Bart, Mutant Human

Bart begins his clicking intermittently. He readies a scrambler and push up next to Mysaurus.

He speaks quietly, "Maysaurus, It seems that we have gotten the Antlord between us and the bombard. Perhaps we should let loose these scramblers upon him. If we stop him we stop the collars or is it one of his henchmen that enslaves the collared ones?"

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:09 pm
by Grognardsw
Luke, human

After metamorphing back and forth to gain restorative health, Luke moves to a wall position to gain a better perspective on the battle. He would prefer to stay in his mutant form, but the people of Caston do not know this form and he is afraid he'd be attacked as an Ant Lord mutant.

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 1:55 pm
by Dogma
Nor-jax will continue to stick with Kapok, he'll toss a spear whenever Jet is in range as long as he has one avaialable.

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 5:17 pm
by Norjax

Round 13


The defenders on the south wall around Caston begin to attack the Ant Lord’s forces with a barrage of medium-sized tube rockets. The inaccurate rockets whiz and explode around the attackers, doing little damage but causing confusion and providing a diversion for Mysaurus’ band.

At this moment, Mysaurus signals his group and leads them forward against the siege bombard crew. The Ant Lord is nowhere to be seen, so Frank and Bart stand fast and provide a rear guard waiting for the chicken jousters to approach. Mysaurus and the group move their maximum rate this round without incident. The chicken jousters move closer to Frank and Bart, but are still out of range.

Jet hesitates as the rockets flash and bang to the south of Caston. Kapok lets loose another arrow, and Nor-jax hurls his last spear. Both miss their intended target.

Kapok, Long Bow = [1d20+1] = 12+1 = 13, [1d8] = 2 dmg.

Nor-jax, Spear = [1d20-1] = 4-1 = 3, [1d8] = 4 dmg.

Luke transforms back into human form, regaining 15 hit points!

Current hit points are now 43.

Metamorph heal = [4d4+4] = 11+4 = 15

OOC: I still need Blixx’s action for Round 13.


Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 6:22 pm
by Mimdalf
Blixx - Mutant Human

Blixx stays low and keeps up his Vampiric Field on the bombardment team. Can he reload his flintlock as well?

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 7:20 pm
by Norjax
Mimdalf wrote:Blixx - Mutant Human

Can he reload his flintlock as well?
Yes. :)

Blixx continues his vampiric drain on the enemy.

Blixx, Vampiric drain =[2d4] = 4

Helhornic Blost takes a shot at Blixx and hits for a grazing wound.

Helhornic Blost, Crossbow [1d20+2] = 15+2 = 17, [1d6] = 1 dmg.

The other Ant Lord forces spend the round repositioning for defense.

End of Round 13.

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 5:39 pm
by Grognardsw
Grognardsw wrote:Luke, human

After metamorphing back and forth to gain restorative health, Luke moves to a wall position to gain a better perspective on the battle. He would prefer to stay in his mutant form, but the people of Caston do not know this form and he is afraid he'd be attacked as an Ant Lord mutant.

From the defensive wall, Luke looks for enemies to shoot. If none are in range, he'll either wait until they are in range, or move to where the action is along the wall.

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 6:15 pm
by Alethan
Kapok, Mutant Plant

Kapok launches his mental attack at the former party member, if he is close enough; otherwise, he fires another arrow.

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 8:14 pm
by max_vale
Frank, Pure Human

Frank draws his sword with his offhand while he prepares to hurl the grenade when the jousters get into good throwing range....

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 5:11 pm
by Dogma
Nor-Jax, MA gorilla

Nor-Jax will stick with Kapok. I think he has one more spear available, but he will old on to it until he gets a better target. (either closer to Jet or if some else comes into range)

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 6:04 pm
by Norjax
Situation Map for the beginning of Round 14. Please post any questions or action changes. :)


Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 8:19 pm
by Grognardsw
Luke, human

Luke moves to the west area defensive wall, looking to take aim and fire on the chicken jousters if in range.

"Come on McNuggets, eat bolt!"

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:27 am
by Mimdalf
Blixx Mutant-Human

Blixx will attempt to keep up his Vampiric Drain on the Bombard team and take a shot at one of the devices operators.

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 3:17 pm
by Norjax
Dogma wrote:Nor-Jax, MA gorilla

Nor-Jax will stick with Kapok. I think he has one more spear available, but he will old on to it until he gets a better target. (either closer to Jet or if some else comes into range)
Yes, my mistake. You started with 2 plus 8 from Caston. I'll assume you carried one in each tentacle and one in your hands when you left the wall breach. You've thrown two so far.
Grognardsw wrote:Luke, human

"Come on McNuggets, eat bolt!"

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 5:33 pm
by Broggrim
Bart, Mutant

Bart hands Frank one of his grenades.
"Here... you daze... I'll kill."
He locks a bolt in his crossbow and waits to ambush.
click.. click... he ticks.