[Game #1] Osan Taan's Thread

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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#121 Post by NJWilliam »

Osan Taan

Osan has second thoughts about heading closer to the spider when he remembers nearly drowning in his own vomit.
He turns about and heads back to the pit, and moves to the ledge around the pit, and cautiously puts some of his weight on one foot onto the ledge.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#122 Post by Landifarne »

Mumbo Jumbo Roll: [1d10] = 4

Taking some time to retrace his steps, Osan nearly re-enters the spider's den. Thinking twice, the wilder then returns to the sinkhole and decides to test around its lip. Stepping gingerly on the side, he tried to determine if there is sufficient traction to warrant a leap.

It's very slippery, and the wilder is worried about the attempt. But then, again... it's only eight to ten feet...a child could do it, Osan tells his self.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#123 Post by NJWilliam »

Osan Taan

Osan grits his teeth and leaps, he feels his feet slip on the scree a bit but believes he managed enough traction to make it across.

Osan dex check (15): [1d20] = 13
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#124 Post by Landifarne »

Mumbo Jumbo Roll: [1d10] = 2

Barely making it over the pit, Osan winds his way down a narrow tunnel with a a ceiling right at his normal eye level. Hating that he has to constantly crouch, and still feeling queasy from the bite of the spider, the druid bangs his aklys on a wall in frustration.

Climbing down, as the tunnel is similar to that before the sinkhole-cesspit and continually slanting downwards, the druid comes to a juncture after about a hundred feet.

Running from a narrow, two-foot wide opening on his right is a steady stream of water, similar in its flow rate to the original spring that started this whole escapade. One, or more, of the chambers that he had traipsed through must drain into this new underground rivulet. This rivulet has cut a larger passage to the left- still descending, but roughly four feet in diameter and circular.

Large rat feces are strewn throughout this corridor, and footprints the size produced by large shrews are stamped into the silty floor. The water makes a faint trickling sound, and...

...damn, fifty feet down the tunnel a couple dessicated rat husks are lying in the passageway.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#125 Post by NJWilliam »

Osan Taan

Seeing the telltale sign of more spiders, and still smelling of his last near death experience with one, Osan backtracks up the tunnel, looking for a niche or a spot that he can sit down and rest, hopefully long enough to regain the concentration for some more spells. Settling down, he pulls his shirt around him, and sets the last bat midge corpse across the tunnel from him, hopefully anything that might happen by will be more interested in it than him. Clutching his aklys in his right hand, he wonders if anything friendly might be nearby, and closes his eyes in concentration before he works on getting some rest.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#126 Post by Landifarne »

Wandering Monsters Rolls: [1d10] = 5 [1d10] = 4 [1d10] = 3 [1d10] = 1 Unless I have a specific table, I usually use 1's to indicate random encounters/wandering monsters, not 10's. I'm not purposefully interrupting you.

After three hours of resting Osan is startled by the appearance of a giant rat scurrying up the tunnel. Sniffing, it glances at he druid and decides, instead, to snatch the morsel that has appeared in the passageway. Stealing away, it returns to the darkness from which it came.

Osan's meditation and sleep was not truly disturbed, so he decides to rest more, desiring to regain some of his power.

Well, one more hour, and then another 15 min/orison, will allow you to get back your orisons. Another 3 hours, and 30 min/first level spell, will enable him to get those back. How long do you wish to push it?
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#127 Post by NJWilliam »

Will try for enough to get all spells back. If something shows up his plan is to use his Animal Friendship spell.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#128 Post by Landifarne »

Putting himself back into a restful state, Osan attempts to rest his mind enough to be capable of containing the magical energies he wishes to harness.

Random Encounter Rolls: [1d10] = 3 [1d10] = 9 [1d10] = 3 [1d10] = 4 [1d10] = 2

Luckily, the druid obtains the requisite resting and preparation time.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#129 Post by NJWilliam »

Osan Taan

Feeling his concentration return with his rest and meditation, Osan takes out his woad and paints the patterns of his spells an orisons on himself.
He will cast up to two of his Cure Minor Wounds on himself (did he regain any HP from his rest?)
He then checks his oil lamp and flask to see how much remains, lights one of his two remaining candles, and heads back down to the passage and heads to the left in the direction of the dessicated rat corpse. He keeps an eye on the ceiling and walls as he goes.

Osan will take orisons: Cure Minor Wounds x 2, Light x 2; and First Level Spells: Invisibility to Animals, Animal Friendship (still had from day before). Does the Light orison have the same duration as the first level spell, which would be 7 turns for Osan?
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#130 Post by Landifarne »

After using two CMW, I have him at 7 HP. No, he was only asleep/resting for 8 hours, not enough time to gain back a hit point. Sorry, his light orisons last only one turn. :cry:

Mumbo Jumbo Roll: [1d6] = 4

After healing himself magically, Osan checks his oil flask. Noting that he has half a flask left and that his two firebeetle glands sem to be glowing at a fairly strong level, the wilder seems satisfied- for the time being.

Lighting the candle, Osan heads down the four foot diameter tunnel and comes to one of the rat husks that is dangling from the ceiling. The tunnel runs past his firebeetle's 30' of illumination.

I have an idea what you're going to have him do, but not entirely sure. If so, I'm surprised you didn't do it earlier...
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#131 Post by NJWilliam »

Osan Taan

Osan looks around the rat husk to see if he can see signs of recent activity from a spider.
He then ignites the web holding the rat husk with the flame of his candle.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#132 Post by Landifarne »

Burning the webbing, Osan detaches the rat husk and catches it up. Of substantial heft, the thing is dry and old. Smelling of mold, the dessicated thing doesn't give the druid any real information, other than that is has been hanging for quite some time.

Looking further down the tunnel, Osan can see that it opens to a new chamber some thirty feet farther ahead. Two more rat husks line the tunnel's ceiling between the druid's postion and the opening.

I'm assuming that you lit the webing above the husk, not the husk itself? Let me know if you meant otherwise.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#133 Post by NJWilliam »

Osan Taan

Osan follows the tunnel toward the new chamber and tosses one of his fire beetle glands ahead to illuminate the room in front.
He watches the tunnel's walls and ceiling for any signs of spiders, and looks for any tracks in the tunnel itself that might show recent activity.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#134 Post by Landifarne »

Flinging a beetle gland forward, Osan illuminates a completely unexpected sight. :shock:

Revealed is a dusty, partially-destroyed temple wrought, he assumes, by some Durghalin ages ago. Across the walls of the temple are endless carvings and inscriptions, in some language that the wilder doesn't know. Set ten feet from each receding wall are broken columns, carved directly from the limestone of the cavern. Fallen and shattered, the columns appear as if an earthquake had knocked them over at some point.

Dust covers the entire place, except where the water flowing from the cave entrance has carved a series of channels, roughly in each of the cardinal directions. Just in view is a pool of water fed by the rivulet.

Glancing to the right, the druid notes that there is a dust-coated, enormous anvil situated on a raised, stone platform. The wilder can only assume that it served as some kind of altar for this long-deserted temple.

Rat droppings and footprints cake the dusty floor, indicating that the beasts frequent the room often.

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g = beetle gland
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#135 Post by NJWilliam »

Osan Taan

Osan looks up at the ceiling and into the corner near where he enters the temple area, and then proceeds to the fire beetle gland and recovers it. Looking closer at the pool and further into the room, before directing his attention back to the altar.

He also tries to determine if there is an area where the rat droppings and tracks appear more concentrated, and whether there appear to be signs of anything other than the rats visiting this area.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#136 Post by Landifarne »

Glancing about before proceeding into the large, artificial chamber, Osan doesn't see anything amiss- no webs or darkened tunnels shooting upwards. Walking cautiously towards his second light source, the rest of the room is illuminated, and the wilder sees that it is quite substantive.

Drawn and carved on each of the temple's walls are illustrations and inscriptions that have faded and/or chipped away- broken from centuries of earthquakes and settling rock. At the far end of the room is an artificial tunnel, quite unlike the other three openings to/from the room. Of the other three, two are only a few feet high and wide, and the last is the one that the druid entered from.

Near each of the smallest opening can be discerned numerous rat spoor- the creatures' tracks and droppings being most abundant in near the small, northern cleft.

The pool of water is formed from the rivule that Osan had been following, and it branches out, leading towards three of the exits. How deep it is cannot be immediately determined.

Striding to the altar, the wilder notes that the thing is quite dusty and has a good number of small rocks that have fallen upon it from the ceiling, but that it shows absolutley no signs of wear or oxidation. Looking at it more closely, Osan sees that the same types of vertical, slanted writing that adorns the walls of the temple appear on all sides of the anvil, and that those engravings are chased in silver.

Roll a d6.

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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#137 Post by NJWilliam »

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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#138 Post by Landifarne »

Stooping to inspect the anvil, Osan looks back when he hears a slight rustling from the direction of the northern wall- where the 2-3 foot diameter tunnnel is set into the wall.

Not quite surprised, the wilder sees three weasel-like forms slip into the room, some thirty feet away. Sniffing the air, the giant rats hiss and snarl at the druid.

Actions and initiative roll.
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#139 Post by NJWilliam »

Osan Taan

Osan readies his aklys and does his best to act in a non-threatening manner.
Should the rats approach him aggressively, he will strike at the leader.

Initiative: [1d10] = 3

Osan Aklys: to hit [1d20] = 7, damage [1d4] = 1
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Re: Osan Taan's Thread [Game #1]

#140 Post by Landifarne »

Not the invisibility spell (4 segments casting time)? Huh.

Giant Rats' Initiative: [1d10] = 2

Sensing the human, and being exceedingly hungry, the giant rats rush forward and ring themselves about the druid. Simultaneously launch themselves at Osan...

Giant Rats' Attacks: [1d20] = 10 [1d20] = 17 [1d20] = 18

Two strike the wilder and bite into his legs- one ripping into the meat of his right calf, the other nipping the front on his left thigh!

Osan attempts to strike the center rat across the head, but the thing dodges quickly and his aklys swishes through air.

Osan takes 1 HP for each bite and must roll two separate disease checks (<5% indicating he's diseased). State actions and roll initiative.

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