Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#121 Post by Marullus »

Cha [4d6]=14

...Raust leads from the front. She and Venwynn both survey the marsh about 30' to each other's side, their skilled eyes wary for signs of their likely-submerged foe. She is astride Beaky, hopefully the height giving an advantage when the beast emerges, her scimitar at the ready.
She and Venywnn both have a track roll, which is easier with the unspoiled terrain.

She is trailed by Namma while Carca follows Venwynn just as protectively. The small Orphidians slither next, in-between, ready to strike should either leader come under attack. (G-K)

Kai leads the archers as a separate group at the rear. A-F) They have leave to flank if necessary to gain advantage from terrain, ready to rain down shafts on the beast.

She gives a flask of Hurtloam each to Kai, Venwynn, and herself so that they can come to the aid of each other should someone fall.

When the beast emerges, Raust intends to cast Entangle to tie it down in the thick bog-flora on the first round.

I will come back to add the home base action.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#122 Post by Spearmint »

when the beast emerges,
we are not quite there yet. First posts cover the trek to the Bullywug Ruins and then the corporate hunt for multiple Tadhemoth hatchlings.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#123 Post by Marullus »

Fair enough. :) just stating intent.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#124 Post by Marullus »

Spells memorized:

Level 1
* Animal Friendship
* Command (1/day) [Scimitar]
* Detect Evil (1/day) [Druid]
* Detect Magic
* Entangle
* Entangle
* Pass Without Trace (Permanent, 3rd level Druid)
* Speak with Animals

Level 2
* Charm Person Or Mammal
* Cure Light Wounds
* Cure Light Wounds
* Obscurement
* Resist Fire (once)

Level 3
* Cure Disease
* Insect Swarm

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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#125 Post by Spearmint »

Going on a Tadhemoth Hunt

The Bullywug Ruins are approximately three miles directly east but traversing the river bank and deep pools of draining bog water more than doubles the distance. Not an insurmountable journey and leaving with your cohort after morning devotions and breakfasts, Raust certainly expects to make her vassal's flooded stronghold by mid morning at the latest.

Encounters aside.

Barrow Moor random vs 1: [1d6]=1[1d6]=6[1d6]=4[1d6]=3Barrow Moor: random encounter option: [1d12]=11

Within the first half hour of trek, the group halt. A small flock of vultures, larger black winged creatures that are twice the size of normal avian kin, have descended to peck upon a carcass by the river bank. They squawk and fight between themselves as they divide up morsels. Perched above them on the thin branch of a crooked tree is a Harpy. She rests her head on her chest in meditative pose until you come within hailing distance when she looks up. She is not as surprised to see you as you are of her, which gives the impression that she has been waiting for you.

In fact as you approach she greets you, appraising your stature and cohort. "Beast-Mistress. Sister of Snakeman, Leader of the Pack, Tamer of the ancient caudipteryx. Hagslayer." she says the last in a more accusatory tone.

Actions please.

Barrow Moor Harpy crone
Barrow Moor Harpy crone
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#126 Post by Marullus »


Raust closes to a suitable conversation distance for herself, which is likely closer to an avian than they may wish. She sits up straight, her antlers tall.

"I see word travels well, and you know of my territory," Raust says matter-of-factly. It is normal for the alpha wolf to treat with other wolves that present themselves. She accepts Hagslayer as a fact, not taking or offering offense at it."Tell me of your own name, and own deeds, that I might address you the same."

"You wait to speak with me; I listen. What is your request?"

Just in case... Cha [4d6]=15
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#127 Post by Spearmint »

Going in a Tadhemoth Hunt.

The Harpy preens herself, checking her finger nails, long clawed and grimy with dirt and blood.

"My name is not important. I am but a messenger and my deeds are not my own." she rasps.

Her flock of vultures rally, protecting their feast from the voracious appetite of the Axe-beak or wolves. They squawk like an ill disciplined rabble, the Harpy does nothing to address their infighting over morsels or shows of aggression to your own cohort.

The Orphidians can nock bows and level javelins but the threat or protection does not intimidate her either.

"Sabrinx mourns her sister. She seeks revenge and consolation. She has made a blood pact with the Raven Queen but offers you mercy and a token of peace, should you swear fealty and bow the knee."

the title used is an honorific ascribed to Impurax.

The Harpy no doubt considers such a request will not be accepted but she presents it anyway, waiting but a moment for your scornful reply.

Venwynn : vs 50% [1d100]=44 Gloom of Doom vs 1-3 [1d6]=6

Venwynn, in her element outdoors has more critical 'danger-sense' than most and suddenly releases a volley of arrows at an unseen threat.

Swooping down from out of the swirling canopy of thick mist come a trio of giant moth creatures. They are huge, having wingspans that stretch wider than a man's height and each bear large bony mandibles and long insectoid legs that end in sharp prehensile claws. Their double wing sets look like thin opaque veils characterized by chevrons or circles of black-silvery markings. Diving out of the thin rays of sunlight, they are almost imperceptible and the initial reaction to their arrival is one of mesmerized confusion and daze.

Two dive straight for Venwynn herself, but she dodges the incoming claws that attempt to grab her off her feet.

Swoop: [1d20]=5[1d20]=7

With the surprise attack failing, this will move to initiative. While the animal companions are not subject to the moths coloration effect, everyone else will need a Saving Throw vs Spells or be subject to a temporary Confusion. (as per Druid spell).

The way I will run the dynamic is that Raust, Venywnn & Kai (you can roll for each) need a Saving Throw. If they succeed then I will pass any Wisdom Modifier vs Mind spell effects to the saving throw of the group of Orphidians under their control.

If any fail, roll a 1d100 and I will randomise what action or consequence of the Confusion takes place.

Succeed and act as normal, rallying your crew and responding how you deem suitable.


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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#128 Post by Marullus »

"I know what it is to mourn, and to have consequence. I spoke to the hag in good faith until she offered tretchery - she chose her death. I can only offer your mistress the same decisions." she says, just before the calamitous moths catch her by surprise....

Saves: Raust (+3 bonus) [1d20]=4 Venwynn [1d20]=11 Kai [1d20]=1

Saves: Raust [1d100]=63 Venwynn [1d100]=3 Kai [1d100]=89

Any hits from Venwynn's initial volley?
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#129 Post by Spearmint »

Going on a Tadhemoth Hunt.

The Harpy crone is a messenger of doom and gloom, warning Raust and her ensemble that a Hag-sister, mourning her sibling's death, seeks to wreak some measure of revenge upon them.

Of course recanting any Faith or swearing a greater fealty and allegiance to an agent of darker spiritual forces would be leave her as an apostate, exiled from the nurture and dominion of Herne; she knows well that lone wolves do not last long in the wilderness of Sin.

The Gloomwing moths, perhaps animal companions much in the same vein as her own creature comforts, allied to this Hag and her harbinger descend to create a sudden panic amongst the Orphidians.

Their wings beat with an innate sense of mesmerising patterns, spell like in the hypnotising or confusion it stirs in those who view them. The group react in different ways.

Raust, you are spurred on to attack. Using the druid spell: Confusion as a base, this would equate to 'attack the nearest creature which I can reconcile from your previous post to be the Harpy crone. Actions: Raust attacks the Harpy.

Venwynn loses her bearings under the assault and fending off the grappling moths begins to retreat into the thickets away from the encounter.

Kai, momentarily caught off guard and in his state of confusion, his reaction is to cry "The ranger betrays us.
and for reasons best left to 'the fog of war', he looses a volley of arrows towards the fleeing Venwynn hitting her twice, -7hp .

Kai: Orphidian leader: [1d20]=20[1d6]=3[1d20]=14[1d6]=4
Gloomwing Confusion saves: A-C [1d20]=6 D-F [1d20]=13 G-K [1d20]=15Gloomwing Confusion actions: A-C [1d100]=93 D-F [1d100]=65 G-K [1d100]=21
Nurma & Carca wolves attack: [1d20]=13[1d20]=6Gloomwing swoop: [1d20]=13[1d3]=1 [1d20]=13 [1d3]=1 Gloomwing swoop: [1d20]=1[1d3]=3 [1d20]=18[1d3]=1

Nurma & Carca, snarl at the squawking vultures, provoked by noise and altercation, the two wolves launch themselves among the frenzied flock. The gaggle take flight, launching themselves into the air which inhibits one giant moth from swooping among the disorganised group.

The other two Gloomwings dive again from out of the mist, spraying a chem trail of pheromones behind them that slowly filters down upon the heads of those below. They rake Kai, -2hp which brings him momentarily to his senses, the second attacks Raust, -1hp.

The Orphidians, broken into three cluster groups react in distinct ways. Each succumbed to the effects of the failed saving throw. Those weaker with javelins just stand and gawp at the mayhem, not sure what to do and who to obey. Half those with bows prepped loose arrows,

Orphidian archers: [1d20]=2 [1d6]=6 [1d20]=13 [1d6]=2 [1d20]=3 [1d6]=4

sending a volley skywards after the moths before their kin folk leap, slither among them with daggers drawn to grapple together as one pits himself against another.

Orphidian archers, (melee with dagger) : [1d20]=13 [1d4]=1 [1d20]=10 [1d4]=4 [1d20]=10 [1d4]=2

so this was resolved with archers D-F loosing one nocked arrow before kin A-C jumped upon them as a consequence of their confusion effect roll, similar to Kai's.

Actions, for Raust.

Then (depending upon the resolution to your attack) I might need another round of Saving Throws vs the Confusion effect. (Once you save, then you are not subject to it again in the encounter). But as your attack is focused visually upon the Harpy not the Moths, you should be spared from any effect unless you specifically target those creatures.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#130 Post by Spearmint »

Health Status:

Raust: AC4/3 (shield in melee) 17/18hp

Venwynn: ranger L1: AC8/7(shield melee) 4/12hp

Beaky: HD3, AC6 12/14hp
Carca: HD 2+2, AC7 5/12hp
Namma: HD2+2, AC6 (leather collar+1) 8/12hp

Kai: (HD4) AC5/4 (shield in melee) hp 16/18
Archers (HD3) AC 6 (AC5 shield in melee) hp 10
A: 10
B: 10
C: 10
D: 10
E: 10
F: 10

Javelin: (HD2) AC 7 (AC6, shield in melee) hp 8
G: 8
H: 8
I: 8
J: 8
K: 8
Last edited by Spearmint on Thu Dec 14, 2023 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#131 Post by Marullus »

Sorry, I was sure I replied to this; must have not gone through.

(Assuming "attack" still allows discretion...)

Her mind addled, Raust's attention focuses into retailiation on the harpy before her. She raises a hand and clenches a fist, her rage pouring outward and channeling into the tree where the vulture-woman perches, bending the limbs and shoots of new growth into twining bindings of wood and bark.
First round of attack - cast Entangle to keep avian foe from taking off.
Second round of attack - Assuming that, perched on Beaky, I'm within reach with a sword and can start hacking? If not, my only option is archery. I'll hold rolls for that clarification.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#132 Post by Spearmint »

Harpy crone: Save vs Entangle spell: [1d20]=4

The spell effective, the branches warp and wrap, coiling around the Harpy's claws and restraining her from taking off.

Perched above on a low branch, not to high but away from reach of effective melee, especially since the grasping roots make no distinction between friend and foe.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#133 Post by Spearmint »

Raust invokes her Entangling summons, restraining the Hag's overgrown messenger pigeon from fleeing away.

Kai, suddenly comes to himself, shaking off the confusion and sense of betrayed ambush. He sees Venwynn continue her wandering, still under her own distress, wounded from his volley of arrows.

He launches two more, but at the circling Moth-creatures. One swoops, dodging his shafts and lands to grab Venwynn by the shoulder -1hp

[A second swoops, both seemingly intent on each grabbing a limb and carrying her away. Looking at the two sides of the engagement, he decides saving the ranger being more critical and slithers quickly after her.

She fends one away, -7hp with a critical strike and flees towards the river from her multiple assailants.

Kai: Orphidian leader: [1d20]=12[1d6]=6[1d20]=5[1d6]=2Gloomwing swoop: [1d20]=20[1d3]=1 [1d20]=9[1d3]=1
Gloomwing swoop: [1d20]=7[1d3]=2 [1d20]=1[1d3]=1Gloomwing swoop: [1d20]=19[1d3]=2 [1d20]=4[1d3]=1Venwynn: short sword melee [1d20]=20 [1d6]=1

The third Gloomwing swoops down once the Harpy gets entangled, hovering with wings spread apart to shield the Harpy from the druid's wrath. The creature rakes Beaky, -2hp.

Gloomwing Confusion actions: D-F [1d100]=75 G-K [1d100]=98

The Orphidian archers set among themselves, grappling wrestling, stabbing. They cancel each other out. The smaller Orphidian kin, break out of their motionless state and in the mayhem of a multitude of actions, are provoked to attack, launching javelins at the two wolves.

Orphidians : javelins [1d20]=3[1d6]=5 [1d20]=19[1d6]=4 [1d20]=6[1d6]=1Orphidians : javelins [1d20]=18[1d6]=4 [1d20]=17[1d6]=3

Namma & Carca are sorely wounded, -4hp & -7hp.

The vultures circle above, waiting on a fresher carcass to devour.

Actions Raust, you and Beaky can attack the Gloomwing moth and any other actions.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#134 Post by Marullus »

Shortbow: [1d20]=13 [1d6]=1 [1d20]=14 [1d6]=6

Out of her swords reach (as any reasonable airborne creature would be), Raust feels smug that the Harpy is pinned down and peppers her with arrows.

If she is cognizant of the wolves she issues commands to halt, hoping it snaps them out of it.

This is all terrible! :lol:

Extra rounds:
Shortbow: [1d20]=15 [1d6]=1 [1d20]=3 [1d6]=5
Shortbow: [1d20]=4 [1d6]=3 [1d20]=5 [1d6]=1

Mystery Roll [1d20]=2[1d20]=10
Mystery Roll [1d20]=5[1d20]=12
Mystery Roll [1d20]=2[1d20]=19

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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#135 Post by Spearmint »

Gloom and Doom on the Barrow Moor.

Raust: 15+ saving throw vs Gloomwing Confusion: [1d20+3]=10+3=13 vs Gloomwing: effect [1d100]=12

The interceding giant moth flutters between Raust and the entangled Harpy. The creature exhibits the bizarre effect of their chevron mottled wings, the thin veils beating rapidly cause the light to flicker in any viewer's eye, bringing a mesmerising confusion.

Raust is no exception, momentarily stunned by the creature's appearance.

Beaky: claw, claw, bite: [1d20]=2 [1d3]=2 [1d20]=10 [1d3]=3 [1d20]=5 [2d4]=4 Gloomwing swoop: [1d20]=13[1d3]=2 [1d20]=12 [1d3]=2

Even Beaky seems overawed, the Axe-beak mount ineffective in any attack intended to shred the moth apart. It gets shaken out of its reverie by the Gloomwing raking it again, -4hp.

Kai follows after the wandering Venwynn, loosing arrows at the Gloomwings that seek to swoop upon her.

Kai: Orphidian leader: [1d20]=18[1d6]=4[1d20]=8[1d6]=1Gloomwing swoop: [1d20]=4[1d3]=3 [1d20]=7[1d3]=1Gloomwing swoop: [1d20]=7[1d3]=3 [1d20]=9[1d3]=2

By grace she is not caught up by the huge creatures and ducks into the cold river waters to escape their claws and more arrows.

Orphidians : javelins: saves vs Gloomwing effect 17+ [1d20]=4 failed save effect [1d100]=47

The Orphidian javelin throwers stand equally confused as to the who, what, when, where and how; of creatures attacking and the noisy mayhem if injured wolves howling, vultures squawking and comrades in disarray.

The Orphidian archers, three set against three come to their senses. All six now back in rightness of mind and realizing their state of mesmerised coercion is rooted in the Harpy"s moth cohort, set upon it with a volley of arrows.

Orphidian archers: [1d20]=19 [1d6]=4 [1d20]=5 [1d6]=5 [1d20]=8 [1d6]=6 Orphidian archers: [1d20]=8 [1d6]=3 [1d20]=12 [1d6]=5 [1d20]=14 [1d6]=4 Orphidian archers: [1d20]=13 [1d6]=2 [1d20]=20 [1d6]=5 [1d20]=11 [1d6]=1 Orphidian archers: [1d20]=11 [1d6]=5 [1d20]=2 [1d6]=3 [1d20]=16 [1d6]=1

The creature gets impaled by a few shafts, seriously so and on the verge of being pin-cushioned and grounded, the Gloomwing abandons its shielding of the Harpy, rising up to dodge more arrows and disappears into the mist above.

The next round, with no Gloomwing effect before you, Raust can send a warning shaft into the Harpy who continues to struggle against the grasping branches coiled around her legs.

The javelin throwers turn to scatter and vulture flock returning using those mystery rolls as their attacks.

Kai follows after Venwynn. The two Gloomwings that hover overhead dive for one last swoop to try and snatch him or the ranger up, failing to do so.

Gloomwing swoop: [1d20]=10[1d3]=3 [1d20]=8[1d3]=2Gloomwing swoop: [1d20]=10[1d3]=3 [1d20]=13[1d3]=2

The three fly away, disappearing beyond view in the mist. The vultures squawk, flying to the other side of the riverbank.

Beaky, Namma & Carca are injured but can feast upon the carcass the vultures left behind. The Harpy messenger snared.

Kai eventually locates Venwynn, bringing her back to the group.

The encounter, particularly with the Gloomwings has been mentally and physically draining. The moths seeded the air with a disabling pheromone to that penalised the strength of those contaminated by the windborne spores. Resting for an hour or two will give time to recover.

Time in which you can deal with the Harpy crone who though caught upon the branch is not actually silenced.

She begins to croon, a few verses of a lullaby rhyme, enticing those who target arrows and javelins in her direction pacify themselves and come closer.

Raust: saving throw 15+ vs Harpy crooning [1d20+3]=12+3=15 A-C [1d20]=6 D-F [1d20]=18 G-K [1d20]=7

Raust is not effected and though a few draw closer to the Harpy, perched secured on a branch above, she cannot use any charming touch to afflict those drawn by her soothing words. A trio of archers provide backup and you can gain control over the group so that none come within touch distance.

Actions how do you deal with the Harpy crone?
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#136 Post by Spearmint »

Health Status:

Raust: AC4/3 (shield in melee) 17/18hp

Venwynn: ranger L1: AC8/7(shield melee) 4/12hp

Beaky: HD3, AC6 8/14hp
Carca: HD 2+2, AC7 5/12hp
Namma: HD2+2, AC6 (leather collar+1) 8/12hp

Kai: (HD4) AC5/4 (shield in melee) hp 16/18
Archers (HD3) AC 6 (AC5 shield in melee) hp 10
A: 10
B: 10
C: 10
D: 10
E: 10
F: 10

Javelin: (HD2) AC 7 (AC6, shield in melee) hp 8
G: 8
H: 8
I: 8
J: 8
K: 8
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#137 Post by Marullus »

Continuing to channel the rage of nature itself against the harpy, she ends its singing ploy by causing a cloud of yellow jackets to disgorge from their ground nests and assault her, their stings occupying her.
(Cast Insect Swarm on her while she's bound, damage per round and also prevents her singing)

As soon as the singing ends, she cries for her minions to focus fire and fill the harpy full of arrows and javelins.
(See if we can turn the tide...)
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#138 Post by Spearmint »

well the Harpy tastes your wrath, stung by your grievances and insect swarm. Restrained as she is, you will get bonuses to hit and with no way of escape, execution is brutal, impaled by a dozen shafts.

I am going to be busy for a couple of days, so I might not update here until Saturday. But suffice to say the encounter is over and you can dish out healings to the injured.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#139 Post by Marullus »

I was afraid to look. Did anyone die in the infighting?
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#140 Post by Spearmint »


Health Status:

Raust: AC4/3 (shield in melee) 17/18hp

Venwynn: ranger L1: AC8/7(shield melee) 4/12hp

Beaky: HD3, AC6 8/14hp
Carca: HD 2+2, AC7 5/12hp
Namma: HD2+2, AC6 (leather collar+1) 8/12hp

Kai: (HD4) AC5/4 (shield in melee) hp 16/18
Archers (HD3) AC 6 (AC5 shield in melee) hp 10
A: 10
B: 10
C: 10
D: 10
E: 10
F: 10

Javelin: (HD2) AC 7 (AC6, shield in melee) hp 8
G: 8
H: 8
I: 8
J: 8
K: 8
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