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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 12:12 pm
by ateno
a pair of German troops came running out of the circle, one with a pistol and a sword in hand and the other looked like he was made out of riveted metal....
In a suprise move, hearing about the deadly solider earlier, Koda will take the chance that the sword weilder is more deadly and unaware of the troops above him.

He will charge and throw a javelin at the solider with the pistol and sword. "Pichi" he says to himself as he throws as quick as he can, hoping for suprise and him trying to get his footing as soon he teleports,

Pichi means Move to another place, or move on, as in not this plane of existance in this usage.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 4:41 pm
by Urson
John coughs at the 'burned oil' stench of Talents in use. He stays as low as he can, firing 'center mass' at the would-be Grim Reaper. He shouts curses in Cree, all harsh syllables with lots of hard consonants.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 4:36 pm
by kipper
Phil will attempt to activate his powers and concentrate a blast through the window directed at the new troops coming out of the swirling circle in the alley below.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 12:34 am
by max_vale
11:05 AM, December 23, 1943, Ortona, Italy

The fight in the middle level of a badly damaged house in the middle of the heavily contested city of Ortona between Canadian Talents and Troops and SS troops including 'Ubermenschen' turned up a notch in terms of violence and lethality....

SSGT Nahum Chishom activated his Hyper Dexterity Talent Power and his entire body seemed to blur as he moved up his Thompson SMG and fired a burst of five .45 caliber rounds thru a pair of regular SS troops to hit the Sickle wielding 'Reaper' Talent and his phenomenal aim allowed him to stitch his target in the side with a couple of rounds and he was rewarded with the Nazi Talent falling to one knee and howling out in pain....

The other German Talent in the room, the 'Hangman', managed to finish off poor Corporal Valentine who was already dangling from a noose of rope and he threw a second loose bit of rope that flew thru the air and wrapped around Tom Nado's neck and a moment later the American Talent was hanging in mid air as he dropped his Bren Gun and wrapped both hands around the noose that was starting to strangle him as the noose lifted him up by the Uber's dreadful power...

The SS 'regular' troops fired busts from their MP 40 SMG, FG 42 LMG and KAR 98 rifles and the last two 'regular' Canadian Seaforth Highlander troopers in the room, Privates DeChambeau and Morgan fell to the floor, never to rise again. Corporal Robert 'Brilliant Bob' Baker roared out in anger and defiance and he used his home-made 'assault rifle' to put a pair of bursts into the SMG and LMG wielders and eliminated those threats with some excellent shooting. Next to him, Private James Farraday pointed his hockey stick at one of the KAR 98 wielding German troopers and he used his Talent Power to send a blast of energy right through the man's middle and the German solider fell to the ground with a hole literally burned through his chest....

John Porcupine aimed his M1 Garand at the Scythe wielding German Talent, but his aim wasn't quite good enough to get through the 'meat shields' the Ubermenschen had in front of him and instead he managed to put a heavy slug into the chest of the last standing 'regular' German trooper in the room, the KAR 98 carrying soldier; taking him out of the battle for good....

The wounded 'Reaper', swung his elongated, Talent-infused Sickle in a wide arc and with none of his own troops standing in front him anymore, the weapon scythed down towards Porcupine and Chisholm. The latter managed to just BARELY duck under the weapon while Porcupine's M1 Garand got cut in half and this slowed the swing down JUST enough that instead of getting cut in half, he just ended up with a painful cut along his ribs and side and he fell to the ground with half of a rifle in each hand and blood seeping into his uniform in his mid-section*.....

At the blown-out side of the room, Phil Heuron and Koda had moved to engage the two German Ubers that had come 'jumping' out of a circular disk spinning in the middle of the air....a disk that disappeared soon after they came thru it. Koda charged up one of his two Javelins and he hurled the Talent-infused weapon at the SS officer with a Lugar Pistol in one hand and a sabre in the other, but the man moved superhumanly fast and he dove and rolled his way to the front door of this building and the javelin just narrowly missed him and instead tore itself a DEEP hole into the ground where he had been a moment before....

Phil Heuron sent a blast of cold, super sharp shards of ice at both targets, but like his companion, the Duelist managed to get out of the area before they struck, but the other Uber; the man whose skin looked like it was covered in metal rivets was caught full force. He yelled out a curse in German and staggered back for a moment, but then he raised his right arm, seemed to rock back for a moment and a cylinder of light came flying up and into the room and then EXPLODED with enough force to send Phil to the ground hissing in pain**, and Koda to one knee, shaking off the feeling of getting punched in the face***.....

*Porcupine is Wounded, he's at -1D to all actions until treated and his M1 is kaput (though can be used a melee weapon)

**Phil is Wounded and at -1D until treated

***Koda is Grazed, he's at -2 (NOT -2D) next round only (Damage roll was a 16 and Koda rolled a 17 on STR....lucky guy!)

OOC: Okay, situation is as follows: 2 German Ubers in the room with you; Reaper (wounded) and Hangman......Nado is dangling off the ground by a rope and probably won't last long (cant really take any actions, has to roll STR to resist the Talent Power rope strangling....MAY want to spend a Luck Point, your call); Another Talent (Panzer) is visible in the street...hurt, but armored up and can fire from his 'arm cannon'......last Talent, the Duelist, is out of sight of everyone at the moment....

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 3:29 am
by Rex
Nahum Chishom

Nahum fires another burst from his Tommy Gun at the reaper.

Spending a luck point to try and finish him.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 4:45 am
by Zhym
Nado struggles against the noose.

Heck yeah, I'm using a luck point. Nado won't be needing it if he's dead...

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 6:18 am
by kipper
Phil sends another blast at Panzer, hoping to finish him off (or at least shatter his armour) before the Duelist undoubtedly shows up on the stairs.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:59 am
by ateno
Koda seeing the chaos, knows it will be worse if the sprinter makes it up the stairs.

He moves up the to the edge of the back of the stairs and uses his Will Power to start his Increased Perception and bends his knees and closes his eyes and attempts to listen for the speeders steps.
He will time the speeders steps using perception within the house, he will drop his potato masher grenade to blow on the stairs as the speeder starts taking his steps up to the melee. Using his last luck point.

In my brain, I see the smiling german turn to the final flight and as he takes the first step, sees the grenade blow just above his head.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 3:25 pm
by max_vale
11:10 AM, December 23, 1943, Ortona, Italy

In a torn-open, three story home in the actively fought over city of Ortona, Italy; a battle between Axis and Allied Talents came to a brutal climax.....

The wounded German Talent with a powered Scythe in his hands and a hooded cloak to complete the image of 'The Reaper', raised his weapons to strike, but before he could do so; the man who moved so fast he was a literal blur; SSGT Nahum Chisholm; quickly cut loose a burst of five .45 rounds into him. The rounds struck all along the center of his chest and the SS 'Uber' was cut down; never to rise again....

On the other side of the room, a turning-purple from the rope choking him and suspending him 5 feet off the floor CPL Tom Nado, some-how, some-way managed to stay alive and conscious for a few more moments, just long enough for fellow Talent Corporal 'Brilliant Bob' Baker to empty the last rounds in his Talent-made 'Assault Rifle' into the German Uber and end his days for good. Tom fell to the ground in a heap, quickly shucking the now loose noose from around his neck and gasping and choking for air.....

Near the blown-out window, LCPL Phil Heuron saw the rivetted-armor covered German 'Panzer' Talent on the Street, staggering a bit, but keeping his arm pointed right back at him and snarling and barking something out in German that the Canadian was pretty sure was NOT complimentary words. Powering up his 'Ice Blast' Talent, Phil cut loose a bluish-white ray of cold at the EXACT same time the German fired an orangish-yellowish 'shell' back at him. The Canadian had the tiniest moment of satisfaction at seeing his target turn into a human ice-icle and then in a bright flash of light, everything went dark*.....

Koda had moved right before the 'Panzer' had fired his shot, but the flash of light was enough to capture the attention of young PVT Jimmy Farraday and he saw Phil Heuron take the blast of light and drop to the ground, badly mauled from the attack. The Medic dropped his Hockey Stick and rushed over; laying his hands on the Mortally Wounded Canadian and willing his Healing Talent Power to rush out and close over the worst of Phil's injuries. Heuron would still be badly hurt, but he would almost certainly survive thanks to Jimmy's actions*.....

CPL Koda reached out to his 'Spirit Guides' and he closed his eyes and he could 'hear' the German Super-Fast 'Duelist' Talent racing up the stairs and the Canadian took out the German 'Stick' Grenade and armed it. He hurled it onto the Stair Case and it bounced once, twice, then right past the racing forward German Officer and exploded behind him with enough force to send fragments into the man's back and legs, wounding him, though not taking him out.....

A deafening boom assaulted everyone's eardrums as Koda hurled a grenade into the stairwell leading down and a half moment later, the blazing fast figure of a German Officer, staggering from wounds in his back and legs, burst into the room. He had a terrible scar on one side of his face and he held a Lugar Pistol in one hand and a Prussian Sabre in the other. His sabre lashed out and cut a slice along 'Brilliant Bob's fore-arm, causing the Canadian Talent to drop to the ground clutching his wound, his Assault Rifle hitting the ground in a clatter. A moment later, he put a round from his Lugar right thru poor Jimmy's head as he rested after healing Heuron. The 'Maple Leaf Kid' never knew what hit him and in a split second, he became another KIA of the Battle....

From his position on the ground, CPL John Porcupine tossed away the two halves of his M1 Garand and he drew his M1911 .45 pistol and roaring out curses in Cree he put a pair of slugs into the 'Duelist' and that ended the German Uber forever.....

For a long, long moment, there was a terrible and wonderful stillness and silence as everyone slowly realized the fight was over.....then people moved towards the fallen and wounded, with Bob ignoring his wound as he openly wept over poor Jimmy's body and Chisholm moving over and feeling for a pulse on a still unconscious Heuron and closing his eyes in relief when he felt one.....

OOC: Okay, Phil was Mortally Wounded, but Jimmy changed that to just Wounded, but you'll be Unconscious for a bit and weak and woozy when you wake (in a minute or two)......

For Porcupine, I had him spend a Luck Point and draw and fire the pistol twice....I hope that's cool

For Nado, he'll be the equivalent of Wounded (-1D to all actions) for awhile from his near-demise from hanging.....and that noose scar will last awhile....but he's okay

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 3:31 pm
by Urson
No problem. I was dithering about how to react.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 4:48 pm
by Rex
Nahum Chisholm

"We need to get the wounded to the medics then the rest of us need to make sure we have secured the building."

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 12:06 pm
by ateno

Koda moves to look out the original window, hoping to catch a sight of the portal, or checking to see if anyone else is coming thru now.

Then will patrol the rest ofthe floor and the roof, if he has time.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 3:00 pm
by kipper

. . .

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 4:24 pm
by Urson
John salvages the ammo from his Garand, then helps the most wounded get to the medics.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 2:47 pm
by max_vale
12:00 Noon thru 7:30 AM, December 23-27, 1943, Ortona, Italy

In the aftermath of the awful fight between Talents on both sides, Medics are quickly brought to the scene and LCPL Phil Heuron and CPL Bob Baker are treated and the group, rather numbly starts to move towards a Hospital which had recently been secured by the 'Loyal Eddies' as Heuron in particular is going to need a few days to recover.

Along the way, there's a sudden commotion from a side street and soon, a group of Canadian soldiers are shoving a German Uber in a SS uniform with his arms up and carrying no weapons forward and towards the survivors of SST 11. Chisholm speaks up as he sees the bruised and bloody (from punches and the like from the Canadian troops) SS Uber, who nonetheless has an arrogant smirk on his face. "I surrender....zo you must take me to saftey, ja?" he says to Chisholm.

Baker shoulders his way to the front and levels his Assault Rifle at him, "I ought to send you straight to hell you SS bastard!", he snarls and his finger starts to curl around the trigger.....but then with a supreme amount of will power, he lowers his weapon even as the terrified expression on the Uber's face suddenly changes back to smug arrogance. "Are you going to let zis sub-human talk to me like zat Sergeant?", he mockingly asks Nahum and all the while, in the background, a Canadian NCO moves quietly forward and draws a Browning Hi-Power pistol as he does so.

While Robert 'Brilliant Bob' is held back by Nado from landing a justified right cross on the Nazi's nose a no-longer-right-in-the-head SGT Grant Young moves up from behind the Nazi Talent and with tears streaking down his face, he yells out, "THIS IS FOR TILLY!" and he puts a round straight through the German's head, causing a spray of blood to splash into Chisholm.

A moment later, Grant has dropped the pistol and is sobbing in rage, horror and loss on his knees in the street.....another victim of war, even though physically, he's fine. SGT Young is awkwardly seen to by some of his fellow troopers and the group of Talents continue on their way to the hospital....

Over the next 3 days, they are given rest and leave and report to Major Stone about what happened and Heuron and Baker are treated at the hospital, with both making a full recovery, though Phil will be rather stiff and sore for a few more days* yet. Everyone has a quiet and somber Christmas 'feast' as the battle pretty much stops on both sides on the 25th; and some Carrols are sung and a reading of the WW1 poem "In Flanders Fields' is given as everyone reflects on life and the war on this 5th Christmas of the terrible conflict engulfing the world....

It is at about 7:30 in the AM on the 27th of December when the group is gathered around Heuron's cot in the Hospital as he's being discharged, when all of them suddenly feel a new, unknown Talent Power being used, VERY close by. Moving towards where the badly wounded German prisoners are being treated, they seen a young, maybe 19 year old German Fallschirmjaeger PVT gently laying his hands on a badly wounded German soldier who is convulsing in pain and Doctors and Nurses are rushing over and suddenly the soldier stops thrashing about and lays still......

OOC: Phil will be at -1D for the next couple of days, but is fully healed.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 3:30 pm
by kipper
Although still sore, Phil leaps up and stands on his cot to see what's going on.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 3:43 pm
by ateno
Koda assists Phil so he can see.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 4:13 pm
by Urson
John snuffles and coughs at the burnt-oil stench of Talent, and hurries to the young German. He's ready to put the man in a half-Nelson, but he holds back.

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 4:26 pm
by Rex

Nahum walks over to the German pvt, "What you doing son?"

Can he tell if he is healing or hurting the injured soldier?

Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 2:10 pm
by Zhym
Nado, wondering whether the German just healed or killed the wounded man, watches and listens.