Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#121 Post by OGRE MAGE »

We do have one heavy crossbow and some bolts that we recovered from the sunken wagon. (3 of those bolts are coated with sleeping poison)

I know that isn't what you asked, but I figured I would point it out anyway so Spearmint doesn't have to.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#122 Post by Spearmint »

I would rule javelin/spear to be of similar enough genre to come under the same proficiency.

Map updated:

Barrow of Silas, Chieftain of the Mercians.
'The Bear of the North'. (Barrow 16)

April 29th 1066:
Light sources. Torchlight.

Barrow Mounds: south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik

Eddy "The sceptre needs to go to Lord Krothos, though I think he would be pleased to have assistance in discovering any binds and traits the wielder of it gains.

As the squire 'leader designate', he dons the bearskin. At least this one is not crawling with leeches, it drapes over him. He feigns a growl. Not savage enough and you all burst laughing, he gains the name 'Eddy the Teddy'.

"At least see where the steps lead. We have pushed our luck and gained what we came for. We can come back maybe commissioned by Krothos if we give a favourable report."

Gilles offers to go down the stairs, he climbs into the sarcophagus and reverse steps down the steep stone stairs which spiral until he comes to a small landing and another set of descending stairs. He waves someone to follow and Orgoth descends behind so the duo can scout ahead while the rest wait in the barrow chamber. You infravision adjusts after a few moments once shielded from the torch light. No threat seen, just stone cold everywhere. Gilles strikes a candle. The landing at the bottom of the spiral case is just a large flagstone, devoid of any moss or fungi, the next set of steps descending as a normal staircase about 20'ft deep. Gilles takes a couple of steps from the top when suddenly a wave of acidic blob morphs from the staircase to try and latch on to him. A grey slithering amorphous jelly quivers along the steps length halting your descent.
The squire scout calls in alarm and hurries back to avoid dissolving into the lurking creature.

actions please.

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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#123 Post by Rex »


Orgoth retreats back up the stairs making sure Gilles gets clear of the blob. "Something down here! Coming back up."

Thanks on the Javelin/Spear.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#124 Post by Spearmint »

wise choice.

If you guys are happy to return to Helix then I will update the scene to that.

Do you wish to retrace your path back to the standing stone or go back to Helix direct?
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#125 Post by OGRE MAGE »

devoid of any moss or fungi
:lol: Thank the gods!!! :D

Sven continues counting out stacks of silver coins in the relative safety of the upper chamber, hoping that the scouts find something interesting below.

"Of course Teddy! Whatever you say, cub.....I mean bub," he jokes, having another mug of ale as they wait.

I vote that we work our way back on the same path we took to get here. I want to make sure we can find our buried treasure again, if we can.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#126 Post by Spearmint »

yes. The gray ooze cleaned it up. But unseen to infravision it was either hopeful of being stepped on and you get melted or it would spring to attack which I thought was more probable.

I do remember though another moss covered stairway that nearly tpk'd some pirates

April 29th 1066:
Light sources. Torchlight.

Barrow Moor: south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik

The decision made, a journey back to Helix via the standing stone and retrieving the amphora you buried.

The knights are put in the two sarcophagi, the heavy lids replaced. You exit Bear Barrow (16), once more into the misty meadow and make your way past the two familiar mounds to the north.

The vultures are back, perched watching your trespass, silent witnesses to your tomb robbery. In a few hundred yards you enter the boggy peat moor, the standing mist enveloping you, the tall thickets of grass and tangle of vines looming at you like shambling molds. You are trying to travel perhaps 6+ miles to locate a patch of ground maybe 30 yards square.

Burdened with the sacks, extra gear, (minus keg), the progress is slow. After three hours, the group take a break, unsure of where in the Hex below Helix you actually are. Your torches all used up, you have the recovered lantern and few flasks if oil to light your way.

You can go north and eventually back to the village or strike out NE, E or SE to hopefully hit your desired location.

actions Sven and Orgoth please.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#127 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I figured that comment was referring to the pirates escapade. :D

His sore feet happy to take a break, especially after carrying their extra spoils, Sven tries to remember their earlier journey.

"It was about 4 hours after the meeting with the mongrels that we found the mounds. So I think we need to continue north and east a little longer to find our old campsite."

"If we keep heading at least partially north, we should find our way out of this mist eventually. Hopefully before dark."

Sven takes the time to record the writing on the staff, detailing exactly what the item looks like in his journal as they rest.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#128 Post by Rex »


"I am carrying to much stuff to keep track of the trail. Are we still following your markers?"
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#129 Post by OGRE MAGE »

This is something I would normally put in a private thread…
As the group travels, Sven will attempt to ascertain the powers of the staff through practice. Knowing that it might possess the ability to make the weirder more charismatic or likable, he starts out with that. He tries speaking to the squires in a more assertive tone, but not in a rude or demeaning way. He whispers his experiments to Orgoth, and then tries to sway the half-orc as well, all in the name of discovery, of course. :D
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#130 Post by Spearmint »

April 29th 1066:

Mid afternoon:
Light sources. Lantern light. Sunlight through mist.

Barrow Moor: south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

By the light of the lantern carried by Orgoth, the squires and team scribe wander slowly between the peat bogs and marsh grass. Twice the group stumble upon grazing buffalo, wandering into their feeding patches but thankfully the animals are just as wary of the armoured group as you might be of the horned beasts. A third time you pass within a stone's throw of some shadowy creature which slinks back into the mist, growling a warning, a large feline judging by the four-clawed and footpad prints. These animals displaying an ignorance or intelligence to crossing your paths unlike the zombies which just have an instinctive hunger for warm blood.

According to Sven's calculations, you should walk at least an hour more and advises the directions. That hour become two then three as the search twists and turns over unfamiliar ground to oftentimes retracing steps.

The east, northeast, north, west a bit, replacing the burned out lantern with a new flask of oil, taking ten to scoff a few rations, contradict each other on this way or that. A stone, standing about shoulder height, surrounded by bracken and ferns, some large flat rocks in a hemisphere of cleared ground. Early evening and the setting sun dipping low in the mist to elongate any shadows it creates. You arrive at the previous camp.

actions Sven and Orgoth please

Sven actions various methodology to discover any traits the staff-sceptre holder may wield but the suggestions he makes, verbals commands and authoritive posture does not seem to improve his disposition and regard. Still he can add the time studying and experimenting against any requisites for duration of Identify spell research.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#131 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven locates the area where the jars were buried before it gets any darker. "Let's get these unearthed and head back to Helix before we get stuck out here for another night. We should be able to follow our old trail fairly well from this point," he lies again to keep spirits up.

"Hey Eddie, can you tell me any more about Lord Krothos? Do you fellas serve him as your knights did? Do you really think he will commision us to come back and check out that door in the crypt? Are you interested in taking the two of us on as equals once this trip is completed? If Orgoth is willing to continue our explorations, of course."

Sven reads the writing on the staff out loud as the others dig, still trying to discern the power it holds. He points it at Orgoth and attempts to charm the half-orc while reciting the carved words, strictly as more research.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#132 Post by Rex »


He digs and hauls as needed.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#133 Post by Spearmint »

April 29th 1066:

Early evening:
Light sources. Lantern light. Sunlight through mist.

Barrow Moor: south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

You can retrieve the two amphora, still wrapped in the tarpaulin. One opened and re-corked, the other still sealed, its mystery held within.

Leomane cooks up some rations while Gilles stands guard as you take a break, mindful of shadows in the mist that might blow more poison darts at you.

Sven practices his charm and command skills, not fully committing to casting a spell on his fellows. He questions the squires, more notes for his tribute and report.

"Lord Krothos is heir to the Duchy after his elder brothers untimely death. He started an expedition to the Barrow Mounds, against his father's advice. To reclaim some ancient trove connected to the Duchy regions. Our masters served the Duke knights and were sent as bodyguards. When Krothos returned alone, we were promised we could take their place if we could complete the quest they endeavoured. Or return to Ironguard as apprentices to the guilds. It was a poor choice, a lifelong in servitude or take a great risk.

Both of your mage or martial skills kept us alive on this journey. We would co-opt you as equals again but our fortunes lie with the Lord. He may acquiesce to an exploration or deny another now we have returned with the sceptre and can confirm the death of his father's knights."

You begin the trek north off the moor and towards the trail between Helix and Ironguard.

last actions, comments and questions, before I update the trek back to Helix.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#134 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven records what he can before the group sets out again.

"How much do you really know about Lord Krothos? I have never heard his name mentioned before coming to these parts, but I have heard that the circumstances regarding his brothers death were somewhat suspicious. Do you know anything about that business?"

"Do you plan on going back to Ironguard directly, or are you staying the night in Helix? I suppose we should come with you to see your Lord, you know, in case there is some kind of a reward for fulfilling his quest? That is entirely up to you, of course."

One more thing, if I may? Can you tell me anything about the wizard Mazzahs the Magnificent or his tower in Helix? I also heard he enjoys sharing information about the Barrowmaze."

We can talk while we walk. No need to hold up the action for information fishing.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#135 Post by Spearmint »

April 29th 1066:

Early evening.
Light sources. Lantern light.

Forest Trail to Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

The squires press on resourcefully, abandoning the mundane equipment unnecessary for the journey home. It is more hours than you expect but eventually you pass through the outwoods and smallholdings towards the more urban centre of Helix. You carry no 10'ft pole but a pennon decorated spear and the squires lift their shields, singing their tavern anthem. Bloodied and wounded, except Sven, the homecoming is a triumph even if no parade heralds their safe return. You can pay the town crier to make a song and dance about it tomorrow with his daily broadcast. Certainly the resident bard can perform any eulogies your exaggeration and boastings can create if paid as well.

The journey back uncontested. The glimpses of raptors sniffing at your heels recedes as you clear the Moor. The forest echoing with the howl of a wolfpack, reminding you of the strange hybrid mongrel man and cheeky young'uns. A fat boar and piglets squeak across your path, safe from the hog roast for another day.

Your conversation probes some information.

"It is treasonous to speak of Perafin's death as anything but a tragic accident.

The bishop performed a seance with the deceased's spirit but no disclosure was made.

Lord Krothos has lofty ideas. Wanting to prove his right to govern through his own earning. He is equally praised as brave and noble or cowardly and craven. The villagers don't like him but he ordained the church of St Ygg's and brought a bit more order, bureaucracy, taxation, to the region.
He had power to grant land and title deeds and wishes to expand his realm into the tribal areas through trade or conquest.

His advisor Ollis has his ear and sways his counsel.

We will report to Krothos and bring him the sceptre. What he does next week is his imperative.

Mazzah the Magnificent, is a weirdo ... a wise old sage ... a charlatan sorcerer ... a wizard of inestimable power. He will turn you into a cat, mouse, rat, bat, toad, broomstick. He can write scrolls, create potions, enchant wonders ..."

So this first expedition will end here. I will work out some xp awards and division of treasures. I will post later in the new Old Manse thread, the squires reporting back.

You can continue here with comments and actions.

You can post in the Brazen Strumpet Tavern your return to the village. Look through the Memorial and Tributes topics for ways to increase xp.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#136 Post by Spearmint »

My treasure notes for the expedition:

Equipment: a thieves tool kit. (Gilles) Some large boots with a heel dagger pouch (unclaimed). The scabbard has some flint stone edges which might sharpen daggers sheathed inside. (Will give 'keen edge' ability to any dagger stored, making it crit on a natural 19 or 20).

A bandolier of crossbow bolts and heavy crossbow (Orgoth)

Jewellery: one has an opal inset ring. Another a silver torc around his neck which ends in two open palms. Loose coinage from pouches and pockets amounts to 2gp, 26sp and 355cp.

5gp, 260 sp from bone pile.

Four sacks of silver coins (20lbs weight x 4, 200sp coins to 1lb = 16,000sp or 800gp value).

Bearskin worn by Silas skeleton. (Eddy)

Silvered spear used to kill skeleton. (Orgoth)

Sceptre: Staff of the Mercian Covenant.(Krothos)

Shields of fallen knights: (Squires)

(1)snake design: contains dessicated organs.
(2) beetle design: contains ... radiates a necrotic abjuration.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#137 Post by Spearmint »

Experience Awards:. (to whole group)

Exploration and travel on Barrowmoor: Bonus 100xp
Discovery of Standing Stone camp. 100xp

First to arrive at Barrow Mounds. 100xp
Discovery of Mounds 14 (covered), 15 (sealed) & 16 (Barrow of Silas). 300xp

Discovery of Barrowmaze entrance. 500xp


Cricket swarm: 72xp
Raptors x 11: 121xp
Zombies x 7: 280xp
Zombie Bear, doubled due to critical condition: 930xp.
Gray Ooze: nil.

Encounter with Howl of a Wolf, Screech Owl, Ribbetting Toad. (Mongrelmen): 171xp for defeating them in encounter, doubled for roleplay in encounter. 171xp.

2845xp shared. Squires take 1/2 share xp:
2845/9= 316 per squire. Sven & Orgoth 632

Roleplay, teamwork and interaction: Player Bonus 100xp.

Totals from expedition:

Sven 732xp
Orgoth 805xp
(732xp +10% prime requisite class bonus)
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#138 Post by Rex »

Thanks, does Orgoth get any of the coin? How many crossbow bolts on a bandolier?
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#139 Post by OGRE MAGE »

So the squires don't want us to go with them to see Lord Krothos? I couldn't tell by your update.

Is there any xp value to be gained from the magic items we found? Or would that go to the individual who claims them?

Sven will gather everyone around as they enter the town. "If Lord Krothos wants us to return to the secret door to investigate the maze for him, I would suggest that we don't mention anything to anyone except him about finding it. At least for now anyway. We don't want someone else to get word of our find and go out to explore it themselves. Right guys?" He makes sure everyone understands and agrees to this before moving on.

"I will record the events of our journey in due time, and if it is agreeable with everyone, take any extra coins that can't be divided to the town crier so that he may herald our accomplishments and our return to Helix in his daily announcements tomorrow. Does that sound good to everyone? The names of the 5 squires will be remembered in Helix for years to come!"

I will take a stab at the monetary treasure distribution unless that stuff is up to the DM to allocate? If you see anything off just let me know.

Sven will agree to take the ring, torc, and boots in lieu of a magic item, if that is agreeable to everyone? (more RPing opportunity)

If the 16,000sp can be easily converted to gp, that makes a total of 807gp/6 shares = 134.5gp each.....or 67gp each for S+O (half share each?)

286sp/6 = 47.6 each....... 24sp for S+O (half share each)

355cp/6 = 59.1 each...... 29cp for S+O (half share each)

That leaves a little over 3gp to give the town crier, if agreeable?

I have no idea if the contents of the jars are worth anything, but Sven will look around for answers on that, unless Orgoth would prefer to take that on?
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#140 Post by Spearmint »

A bandolier carries a score of bolts, 20. You have three poison tipped ones.

Yes, you do get coin. I will tally up and divvy out when all the loose ends are tied.

It is a little different with this trip as you started as retainers rather than doing the hiring so the end part is more unusual than for other expeditions.

On a basic level you can just hand over all the trove to Eddy and trust that any sales or value is distributed evenly. Or you can make suggestions such as:

Spending 100gp of the loot to pay the bard to sing a song with lauds the groups adventure. You would all gain 50xp more. Write your own song or story that gets told in the tavern which saves money and gives you more xp if passing a charisma check.

Suggest we make a team memorial to hang in the tavern, church, Manse banquet hall? that exalts the recovery of the knights shields.

Suggest you sell the amphora, give them to the chapel to study, take them to the mage, give them to Krothos, keep them for further study with any discovered value bring shared. Turn them into some memorial?

Spend money to repair the bearskin and then sell it for increased value?

Suggest Sven keep the ring, torc or both as others have shields or the spear.

So give me how you want to round the expedition up.

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