STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

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Monsieur Rose
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#121 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Thankss." Zuul grins as Kit tends to his wound.

"We need to cut that, right? Or he must remove it?" Zuul looks around for a tool cabinet on the bridge while Jackson is removing the explosive. If he can't find a torch, he'll resort to brute force and ripping the clamp off using a force point.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#122 Post by max_vale »

Deep Space; Minos Cluster, approaching planet Oasis aboard the Kuari Princess

Sweat breaking out all along his forehead, Jackson Crodowski got to work attempting to defeat the explosive locking device as Kit'ka'tarra calmly went to work by drawing a Medpac out of her satchel and starting the process of treating Zuul's wounds. Professor Clark just leaned against the railing for a moment, doing his best to ignore the aches from his freshly treated injuries.....

Jackson racked his brain thinking of possible ways to hack the encryption and then let his fingers fly. At one point, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and literally just 'felt' the right combinations come to him and a few seconds later with a whirring of mechanical mechanisms, the explosive device was shut down. He let out a deep breath and moved aside as he called out to Zuul; "Okay big guy; time to do your thing!" while nodding to the physical clamp that prevented any movement of the helm controls.....

Zuul flexed his muscles, rolled his neck with a crack and did his best to ignore the itching aches coming from his freshly treated Blaster Wound. Grasping the clamp in his powerful claws he pulled with all his might. For a long moment, it looked as if the clamp was going to hold, but then it suddenly snapped and the big Barabel staggered back with two pieces of metal in his hands and the Planet Oasis COMPLETELY filling the forward view....

Racing to the controls, Crodowski threw a few switches and then yanked the 'wheel' hard to starboard and the massive liner literally SKIPPED on the outer edge of the planet's atmosphere, but managed to stay in one piece. Soon after, the long process of 'clean-up' duty began as the crew of the Liner moved to clean up the mess; ensure the passengers were okay, dispose of Pirate corpses and the Rebel Alliance fighters finished chasing off the remaining 'Riders of the Maelstrom'; with good ol' 'Big Jak' vowing vengeance at a future date....

After effusive praise from the crew....and Loswilla 'the Fluffy'; the Rebels take their ship Nova Kestrel; and leave the liner and head down to the Oasis Colony to re-unite with Vale, Nino, Avaris and Ell.....
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