Raiding Season

The Bindoner
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Re: Raiding Season

#121 Post by The Bindoner »

The Warband maintain formation, proud to be praised ( if indirectly ). In fact they straighten up a bit.

The crew slaves sort of step back into the shadows. The presence of the Lord seems to have intimidated them.

The amplified sound of the chanting and drumming from the Great Temple throbs across the Landing Field, joining the individual ships in the communal sacrament.
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Re: Raiding Season

#122 Post by Legion Lee »

Leon steps forward slightly towards to Kar "Hello Kar, it is good to see you again, my lord told me he had a good crew for me to join. I look forward to our new ventures and bringing honour to our house" After the formal greeting Leon will step back, there will be time later to catch up.

Leon looks across to Raven .....formidable and the rest of the crew seem capable. Lord Hallsteinn was right a good crew had been put together.
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Re: Raiding Season

#123 Post by The Bindoner »

Hallsteinn and Vigdis lead the ceremony, invoking the gods and spirits to take heed. The rites are familiar to all Oghmans present, but Kar and Raven pay closer attention this time – they will be leading when the Serpent next leaves Oghma. Knowing this Lord and Lady are careful to demonstrate the correct form.

As the sun dips toward the horizon outside the light fades in the circle of the blastwalls around the Cunning Serpent. The gathering dark accentuates the traditional burning tar torches, their flickering light lending the illusion of motion to the carved and painted figures on the stone and concrete.

The bullock is brought to the altar and tethered with its head over the highest part of the sloped stone, a silver cauldron placed at the lower end to receive the blood.

Hallsteinn, as War-Leader, calls on Raven to perform the sacrifice, asking her for the chosen weapon so that the Völva can consecrate it.

Vigdis produces a gralloching knife and gestures for Kar to join her in blessing it with the Völva.

OOC: Raven would already have known this would happen and will have placed the axe or other blade she favours ready for the moment

Rolls from Raven and Kar, please.
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Re: Raiding Season

#124 Post by Tiglath »

Having earlier nodded a laconic greeting to Leon.

Raven takes her war blade from the Völva.

Then instinctively switching to the two hand grip and making no attempt at show or ceremony brings the kreigsmesser down in a brutal carving blow.

[2d6+3] = 7+3 = 10 Raven
[3d6+2] = 10+2 = 12

(OOC: I've included a +1 Str bonus. That might need a check (due to in head edition friction! :roll: :) ) but I think it's right. Damage as per the weapons stats).
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Re: Raiding Season

#125 Post by The Bindoner »

Raven's blow strikes true, severing the spine of the beast cleanly at the neck. It collapses without making a sound, and the blood spurts form the wound, filling the carved channels on the altar so that the inscriptions and symbols they form show clearly, dark against the stone and glistening in the light of the flames, the life of the animal giving life to the prayers and invocations engraved there.

The chant continues, but the tone changes - this is a good omen. The Völva keens a dedication to the gods and spirits of the great void beyond the skies of Oghma, and in unison Hallsteinn and Vigdis recite : We give this life that you may safely travel between the worlds, to bring life back to Oghma.

The blood, flowing down the stone, is channelled to a spout carved into a gaping serpent's head, from which it cascades into the cauldron below.

( In the Great Temple, and on all the screens and channels on Oghma, the same ritual is taking place with a young in woman place of the bullock. A hyperlink bio reveals she is one of those can neither be beaten nor bribed into accepting the life of a slave, and had to be restrained from self-harm. There are often such willing victims among each season's harvest of Thralls and Things.)

Yes, the +1 Strength DM is right. Also, in this instance, I think Raven gets the minor action "aim" for another +1. Mgt1 also gives an effect bonus - subtract 8 from the success roll, use the remainder as a bonus to damage. So +3 here, for 13 damage, which takes out the End immediately. Of course, this isn't combat, it's slaughter, so you didn't need to take another blow to finish the Str and Dx points. I was just looking for a good result to build a pool of "fate points" ;)
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Re: Raiding Season

#126 Post by hardrocks »

Sorry i'm a bit behind

Bowing to his lord and Lady, Kar offers his greetings to them and his gratitude for the addition of Leon to the crew.

Kar joins Vigdis and the priestess in blessing the blade. Watching with grim pleasure at Ravens true strike, before getting his hands bloody with gore and entrails for the Volva to interpret.
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Re: Raiding Season

#127 Post by The Bindoner »

Kar's medical knowledge, the experience that comes from repairing grievous wounds, guides him to unerringly cut a very neat incision precisely in the right place. In short order the internal organs are externalised, on display for the Völva and the onlooking crew and warriors.

The Völva's first reaction is an appreciative humming, as she indicates and names auspicious runes formed by the alignments of intestines and vital organs. Crouching over the steaming mass she starts to examine the colour and form of the various parts, cooing to herself in contentment at what she finds.

It has been impossible to judge much about the age or appearance of the Völva, her headdress, robes, amulets and painted face effectively conceal her identity. Even that the Völva is a “she” is a presumption, really, based on posture, jawline and pitch of voice.

The omens being good Vigdis fills a carved bone bowl from the cauldron of blood and, as the priestess works, approaches Kar. Hallstein dips his fingers into the bowl and stripes the blood diagonally down the right side of Kar's face from brow to jaw, then takes the bowl from Vigdis who repeats the gesture, making a sweep down the left side. After performing the same ritual with Raven they summon Ridley, and eventually the whole of the Warband and ships crew, slave, dog and free Oghman alike. The blood of an auspicious sacrifice is necessary for a safe passage through the spirit realm on the way to another world, for only the worthy dead - or someone marked with their blood - can make such a journey without being tormented – or worse.
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Re: Raiding Season

#128 Post by Legion Lee »

As the blood is drying on Leon's face he can't help but hope things hurry on a bit. He is famished hasn't had anything to eat since breakfast. However, as always the ritual is hypnotic and gives a sense of power that the ship and crew will be invincible.
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Re: Raiding Season

#129 Post by The Bindoner »

With Hallstein and Vigdis carrying the cauldron Raven leads them to the Cunning Serpent's figurehead, set among the idols of the deities, and anoints them with blood, using the heart.

Her part of the ceremony over she hands off to Kar. His role is to climb the maintenance access steps onto the top of the ship and pour blood into a portal. It is quite a place to be tonight. The sounds of ceremonies in each parkbay mingle with the broadcast from the Great Temple, and the torch light flickering in the circles of the fleet's blastpits contrast with the blaze of lights from the festival field.

Manfred quietly asks Regina and Eno about the rites as they are performed. Regina knows more, but is less inclined to speak about things

Stáli, Hróarr and Yngvildr seem the most familiar with the ceremony, confident in their parts and attentive.

When Kar regains the ground it is time to complete the ritual by blessing the Drive. This is a relatively private thing, and only the Völva, Hallstein, Vigdis, Kar and the chief Engineer ( Remington ) make their way into the ship toward the Drive Chamber. The ship's lights are in standby mode, with only scattered small red dots glowing in the corridors to show the way.

Outside it is time to prepare the remains of the bullock for the feast.

Sverrir has been taught to butcher a carcass and can handle a knife, and Yngvildr volunteers that as her mother is a priestess she knows the correct form. Gulbrandr comments that Yngvildr's a pretty good cook too, and just as handy with a blade, she ought to take out the prime cuts.

There is a firepit for cooking already prepared ( by Eno ), a fierce glow of rhyolitic rocks heated by gas jets. ( There are no trees on Oghma, but there are volcanic calderas. )

Arriving in the Engineering section Remington finds it transformed. It is in unaccustomed darkness, apart from the operating lights of the machinery and the emergency light's dim red glow. The relatively spare and functional space has been cluttered with hanging bones, stones, leather and bright fabric, and there are runes painted everywhere.
Last edited by The Bindoner on Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Raiding Season

#130 Post by hardrocks »

Kar, with all due reverence, follows the party to engineering for the blessing of the drive. An appraising look askance at Remmington as they enter engineering, wondering how, as a Scientist, he's coping with the finer points of being a "Drive Shaman".
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Re: Raiding Season

#131 Post by coastguarder »

Ridleys patience had been pushed to its limit ..... he was not keen on batty old paranoid ancients wiping blood on his face and nor was he fond of standing around for hours in the name of tradition .... Secondly he was bloody hungry ... and the sooner they got all the gooey bits out of that poor beast the better as the second part was much more satisfactory ... feasting and drinking until he was so drunk he won't be able to hear any of these morons waffling on about honouring there families and lord blah blah blah . His temper was softened by another thought however and he hurried along to find Remington .... he had a good idea what was going on in the engine room and the thought of bones and blood all over the place made him chuckle ....

arriving in the engine room and giving Remington a gentle jab in the ribs , knowing full well any questions on the affect of this particular ceremony on his beloved equipment would prove to much for the drive shamen who had a tendency of having little outburst ..

What do you make of all this Remington ? surely we cannot fail in our mission now we have blessed our jump drives in such a comprehensive and aproprite fashion .... what do your science gods make of this ?
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Re: Raiding Season

#132 Post by Gorethirster »

What do you make of all this Remington ? surely we cannot fail in our mission now we have blessed our jump drives in such a comprehensive and aproprite fashion .... what do your science gods make of this ?
When Remington was told the preparations for setting off involved the ritual blessing of the ship, he assumed it was some feral tradition he could safely ignore. When he found out the psychopaths felt that this was best done by dribbling blood into vital ship components, he went straight past outraged to a sort of detached zen calm. He knew better than anyone aboard the ship, and quite possibly better than anyone on the planet, what a catastrophically bad idea pouring blood into something as delicate as a jump drive was (if you wanted to survive the jump, that is). So when Ridley asked Remington for his expert opinion, the response was riding the line between hysteria and icy professionalism.

"The blessing of the hull is beyond my competency. The Lords of the Jump refuse to share their wisdom on such topics with me. I am sure your priesthood has done things as they ought to be done for safe journeys. But in all matters of the Jump, I have been instructed by the Lords. Awake and asleep, they have whispered to my, weaving knowledge through words and symbols. The Lords have given me the knowledge to traverse the Jump, and to bring along whom I will, worthy or no. I will not disappoint the Lords of the Jump."

That said, Remington walked away to take the bowl of blood from the priest carrying it. "As shaman of the drive and Initiate of the Lords of the Jump, it is my place and privilege to sanctify these machines." Taking the bowl, Remington lays it before the drives and begins to reverently arrange his tools of blessing: a motley collection of screwdrivers, brushes, wrenches, calipers, and inexplicable small bones. These assembled, he begins directing Gris and Handson in the removal of certain component covers. As they are laid bare he dips his various tools in the bowl of blood and carefully paints bolts, cable runs, and other components. A careful observer might note that the only panels opened are superficial ones, and the only elements "sanctified" are solid, stationary, and well insulated.

When Remington finishes, Gris and Handson close the panels, and he returns to the central engineering console. He uses the bloodied tools as stamps to make a series of geometric patterns down the control pedestal, then lifts the bowl with the last of the blood. "As these machines are blooded with the life of the spheres, so soon shall they be blooded with the life of the unspheres. As we beings of the spheres are sustained by the Gods of the spheres, so are we sustained in Jump by the Lords of the Jump. May those Lords suffer our trespass into their realm lightly, and be placated by the life sacrificed here into their machines. IA! LORDS OF THE JUMP!"

With that cry, Remington tosses the blood out of the bowl across the engineering space and those present. He drops the bowl and jerkily walks back to his starting place to the side of the room. His hands are quivering and his jaw is clenched. His pulse is clearly visible in his temple. He makes no attempt to influence the rest of the ceremony.
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Re: Raiding Season

#133 Post by The Bindoner »

As Remington takes charge of events there is a gasp of outrage from the Völva. Seemingly she (?) is stunned into bewildered silence as he begins his own ritual.

Lady Vigdis snorts ( it might be outrage or suppressed laughter ), puts an arm around her shoulder, hugging her close and begins to whisper in her ear.

Lord Hallstein slowly shakes his head, leans in to Kar and tells him She's given that man far too much leeway. He will be trouble for you. Funny though, is he not?

Vigdis talks constantly to the Völva, apparently explaining that he is invoking the same deities in his barbaric understanding of them. It is to be expected that off-worlders touched by the spirits garble the truths.

Remington's big finish almost ruins Vigdis' efforts as she barks out a spontaneous laugh, but she turns it into a Ha! See, he is completely possessed by the spirits! Truly the ship is blessed to have such a person, a being of The Drives.

Vigdis has calmed the priestess from barely restrained fury, through simmering resentment, to grudging acceptance.

Reaction rolls:

Priestess [2d6] = 3
Vigdis [2d6] = 11
Hallstein [2d6] = 9

Vigdis persuading: [2d6] = 10
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Re: Raiding Season

#134 Post by Tiglath »

Unaware of the antics in the drive room Raven encourages the warband to butcher the carcass and cook!
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Re: Raiding Season

#135 Post by coastguarder »

Ridleys could not contain his emotion and bellowed with laughter ....... slapping the drive shaman on the back as he returned to his place in the circle .... so there is some fiest left in you!!!! ..... goooood, my trust in you is growing now turning to the onlooking crowd don't worry about him he took a blow the head yesterday and i fear he is still unsettled ....

Ridley could smell flesh gently roasting and his thirst was growing rapidly ......
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Re: Raiding Season

#136 Post by hardrocks »

Lord Hallstein slowly shakes his head, leans in to Kar and tells him She's given that man far too much leeway. He will be trouble for you. Funny though, is he not?
With the answer to all three questions being of the affirmative nature.
Kar stifles a groan and tries to remain upbeat.

Indeed, my lord

Also aware of a sudden hunger and definate thirst. And a very real need to leave engineering before Ridley or the slightly touched Remmington make things more awkward. Kar invites Lord Hallstein with a gesture to proceed.

Perhaps some refreshments...
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Re: Raiding Season

#137 Post by The Bindoner »

Yngvildr is a dab hand at barbecue, it turns out. Eno leaves her in charge of the meat and broaches the barrel of Winter Ale sent by Lord Ásgeirr.

When the party from the Drive Room emerges there is meat and drink ready for them.

Hallstein and Vigdis serve the Völva first, apparently still mollifying her.

When all have full ale-horns ( bad form to put down a drink until you've finished it ) and some of the meat Hallstein thanks the gods for their blessings, then toasts good fortune to the Cunning Serpent and it's crew before leading them in an oath to the Clan.

The cheer that ends the ceremony joins with those rising from the other ships of the fleet.

Now it is time to feast and celebrate life on Oghma, before leaving it at dawn.
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Re: Raiding Season

#138 Post by The Bindoner »

Vigdis finds a moment to speak with Remington: You are a wicked creature Doctor, to tease our traditions so. The next time you feel that way volunteer for the Noble Sacrifice, I will recommend you. In return for your life this time though, I place you under onus. Bring me an off-worlder Jump Drive better than I already have, or another off-worlder as knowledgeable as you. Do either and I will free you. Do both and you can leave.
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Re: Raiding Season

#139 Post by Gorethirster »

Remington is starting to recover from his ordeal or performance in the drive space (he's still not sure how to think of it.) His hands are still quivering, and he knows he's on somewhat thin ice as he talks to his patron/owner.

"I apologise, my lady. I didn't mean to take over the ceremony. I originally planned to try and work with your priestess. I just had a... moment of stress when I found out that "blessing the jump drive" included covering it in blood. I respect that such procedures are essential to safe travels, but it's also essential to keep liquids out of a jump drive. They do not like being wet, to put it mildly. I suppose I'm not in the priesthoods good graces, but hopefully they aren't actively interested in shortening me by a head. I take it I owe you thanks for smoothing things over with them. Thank you, my lady."

Remington pauses for a moment as he contemplates the rest of Lady Vigdis' speech. You can practically see the gears turn as he goes over it. There's no lightbulb moment, but a small smile tugs at the corners of his mouth as Remington starts to speak again.

"For an onus, your terms seem generous. Do as you ask and I stand to gain my freedom, and possibly my liberty as well. You've put the carrot on clear display for me. What's the stick? What happens if I can't meet those terms?"
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Re: Raiding Season

#140 Post by The Bindoner »

It can be hard for an outsider to recall the details of our rituals, but I assure you our priesthood know very well the intricacies of the Drives and how to safely anoint them. They designed them, after all.

There is no generosity in my onus, and no penalty. You have no status to claim a prize or take a slave, slave, and anything the Serpent takes belongs to my husband. It would be cruel to punish you for failing to do something you cannot do. At present. Please your Captain and Warband Leader though, and they may grant you title to these things. Vigdis smiles sweetly: See how I encourage you to make new friends?
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