Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#122 Post by Urson »

We're gonna have to be careful- if folks get scared, they're gonna panic. And ya'll know what people in a panic are called? A Mob. And a mob will do anything- witch hunts, lynchings, you name it.
That'd destroy Beachtown faster than an ancient red dragon with piles.

So we need to be sure to emphaize keeping folks safe, not finding the critter.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#123 Post by OGRE MAGE »

When Jaxsen digs around in the dirt where the wet spot was, he finds it to be somewhat rocky, but strangely quite loose. There is more of the moist grey residual that covered the face of Glansandi mixed in with the soil, keeping it wet below the surface. Digging down a foot reveals only more wet, grey dirt and rocks.

“Captain Quarks ship!!!” Glansandi shouts once Liam has spoken, gladly accepting more water. “I remember.....I remember wracking my brian trying to figure out a way to board it unseen. What does it...... Why do I remember that feeling so strongly?”

“I’m sorry I can’t remember more. Let’s see......the last thing I remember......”
The elf thinks for a long while. “I guess it was when I was helping that newcomer find his way at the edge of the jungle. He told me he had something important to say, but only wanted me to hear it. But.....but I......can’t remember what he told me.”
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#124 Post by Urson »

Which newcomer, sugar? He may have been the last victim.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#125 Post by SirOwen »

Sorry. I got ahead of myself. Let me edit this:

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen assures Daisy that he has no intention of scaring anyone. "Marge has told me that there is an effort in town to establish a group to lead, a town council or the like. These are the people that need to know the truth, so that we do not kill the innocent members of our hive."

"Look! Look here!" Jaxsen calls. When the others do look, he points out the fact that the grey, slimy substance seems to permeate the ground in the area. "Or perhaps even further?" he asks. "Perhaps a good bit of the island is this thing's home? Would someone like to see if they can affect it?"

Jaxsen stands back in case anyone wants to touch it with a torch or other catalyst.

Await results, if any...

Jaxsen stops what he is doing and stands. He dusts himself off and basically presents himself to Liam and Daisy. "Forgive my rudeness," he says with a bow. "I am Jaxsen, a grub slowly growing into a Warrior Priest of Queen Bralm." Looking over to the Constable and his surprising lack of injuries, he adds softly, "Although you would be forgiven for not knowing that."

Turning to Daisy, he says, "Did I hear that your name is Sister Daisy? A member of a priesthood, then? It is this grub's pleasure to meet you."

When he faces Liam, he bows again. "And you are Liam, yes? It was you that brought the hives to the Island? I am afraid I have disturbed them without your permission... twice now. But they seemed to be in distress and I sought to help. I thank you, and I hope I may continue to watch over them, as my duties allow it." While on the subject of the hives, he adds, "Do not let me forget, I have discovered the source of the trouble with the hives, and it is something we will all need to discuss very soon."
Last edited by SirOwen on Sun Aug 02, 2020 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#126 Post by Urson »

Glad to meet you, darlin'.
Some of the townsfolk tried to tell me Ah should take over as the mayor earlier. They feel like this council needs to pull weeds or harvest. Ah told them Ah didn't want to be in charge.... but somebody needs to.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#127 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Liam stays silent as Jaxsen makes his introductions to the others.

Sister Daisy announces that she was asked to think about taking over as the towns new leader.

Glansandi shakes out his mental cobwebs, finally able to get up to his feet again.

"Nice to meet you Jaxsen. Where are we right now?"
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#128 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

"The loggers trail is back that way, between a quarter and a half mile," Jaxsen tells the constable. "And we were less than half a mile from town, I think, when we left the trail. But I was a bit distracted."
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#129 Post by Bluehorse »

Sorry, teacher's brain is kicking in as I do all the back to school stuff. I would have sworn I posted but I can see I didn't

Liam smiles and reaches out his hand to Jaxsen. Please, feel free to interfere with my hives any time. I hate that I have been pulled away from my precious bees and animals so long, and if not for you tending to the hives for me, they would certainly be gone now. Please, make sure to help yourself to all the honey you like once they begin producing. I am ever in your debt, friend. he hands back the monk's polearm with a smile of appreciation.

Liam lends a helping hand to Glasandi, making sure he is able to support himself and stay steady. Easy. You have been through a real ordeal.
Be careful.

To the others as he looks down at the hole with the gray earth beneath. Wasn't there talk of gray clay or something like that from some part of the island? For that matter do I remember there being something said about there being some of it in Mr. Nerhu's cache in his shop?

When we get back to town, we need to make it a point to let everyone know Glasandi is back to normal and none of what has happened is his fault. This is going to be a mess and a half.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#130 Post by OGRE MAGE »

No problem, teach! ;) I'm sure you have much larger worries right now. :?

Glansandi tries to take it all in.

"What do you mean, not my fault? What is it that I have done? And how long have I been like this?"

The normally stoic elf appears a bit worried the more he learns about his mental absence.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#131 Post by Bluehorse »

OGRE MAGE wrote: Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:05 pm No problem, teach! ;) I'm sure you have much larger worries right now. :?
OGRE MAGE wrote: Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:05 pm "What do you mean, not my fault? What is it that I have done? And how long have I been like this?"

The normally stoic elf appears a bit worried the more he learns about his mental absence.
Liam tried to be understanding and consoling. Now, dont you worry about that. For now we need to get you to town. You're in no shape to be out here right now.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#132 Post by Urson »

Liam, honey- Ah think he needs to know now, so's he can start dealing with it.

The short of it, Constable, is that you been acting like a bandit chief. Laying down the law about who can go where, starting to demand stuff from folks like they owed you a living, and generally being a bully. We'll try and help fix your reputation. Ya'll might want to try and stay out of the public eye for a little while. Don't worry, tho- nobody died because of what was done.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#133 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

As Glansandi gets his feet under him and the group starts to head back to Beachtown, Jaxsen speaks up again, "You all probably need to hear this. I discovered what was attacking the beehives. It seems there is something called 'Kobolds' living on the island. They have sent small raiding bands into Beachtown, looking for opportunities and weaknesses. They seem pretty timid when confronted, so far, but the bands I have seen so far were only 4 or 5 in strength. I understand from someone I met that they usually live in huge groups and can get aggressive in large numbers."

"I took the initiative to follow them into the jungle," Jaxsen continues. "And I have found at least one of their lairs, a cave in the jungle about five miles north of Beachtown, and closer to the Loggers Trail than the River."

"Finally," he says. "I found a Gnome farmer in Beachtown that actually speaks Kobold, so we should be able to either spy on them more effectively, or communicate if that is the route we choose to go."
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#134 Post by Urson »

Daisy says nothing abouty the Kobolds, but she makes a face like she was just offered a turd sandwich.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#135 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Glansandi sighs heavily after hearing Daisy's words, but he is glad things didn't get any worse.

His sigh increases significantly in volume once Jax tells the group about the kobolds.

"Kobolds? You have got to be kidding me? I have had some dealings on the mainland with their kind and believe me, they can be a bigger nuisance than you think. Especially if you have something they want."

The group slowly makes their way back to the main loggers trail without incident.

"Thank you all for helping me out of that situation. I still feel a bit like I was turned inside out, but it seems that there will be no rest for the weary now, with threats coming at the town from nearly every direction. We will need to prioritize them all before we decide on a plan of action. Have there been any more problems with the dwarves since I was.......out?"
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#136 Post by Bluehorse »

Liam listening to Jaxsen informing them about kobolds goes a little wide-eyed. That isn't good. If they see us are a source for easy food to raid, then it won't be long before we get swarmed by them. Seriously, I wonder what the original settlers that dropped a town here without looking around first was thinking. The soil is almost worthless, the bugs are eating us alive, there are predators everywhere, and you have to spend half the day getting water from a river miles away... No we have Stoneguts, Kobolds, natives, Phantatons, an evil wizard raising the dead, a sea monster... It feels more and more like a deathtrap here...
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#137 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen replies to Liam, "Well, there is no longer an evil wizard raising the dead. The mages Chauncey and Avaala ended him. Gorman will send no more undead out to threaten our hive.... or murder innocent women." There is a definite additional... something, in that last part. But the Monk says no more.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#138 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Glansandi looks sideways at Jaxsen.

“Murdering innocent women? Perhaps I should hear more about this as well?”

Before long, the party of five is back at the outskirts of town again.

The obviously weakened elf looks badly in need of some rest after his ordeal.

“Okay, which of these issues should we tackle first then?” He stumbles a little, nearly falling over.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#139 Post by Urson »


Bless your heart, Glisandi! The first issue is for you to get some rest. Ah don't want to carry you to your bunk. Gentlemen, would ya'll give him a hand? Tomorrow is soon enough for the rest of it. Daisy will be polite, but VERY insistent that the Constable rest and recover.
After he's settled, Daisy will go to the middle of the village (such as it is) and whistle loudly to draw people's attention.

Great news! We found the Constable, and he's gonna be fine. He's been through a lot, so Ah hope ya'll will leave him be for now- but he's fine, and back to his old self.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#140 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Nodding at Daisy's words, Jaxsen tells Glansandi, "I will tell you all you would know about Krystal's murder.... after you have rested. Miss Daisy has made her decision as a healer. She should be obeyed in this matter."

After the constable has gone to rest, Jaxsen asks the others. "Since I am new to these Kobold creatures, what is our best strategy as a hive? Do we swarm them? Attempt to threaten and scare them into leaving? Negotiate? I honestly do not know. What I do know is where their nest is.... or was yesterday."
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