It all begins ... on a train:

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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#101 Post by Gremlin »


13 Damage minus 5 Toughness equals 2 Wounds. Spending 1 Fate chip to attempt to soak (Leaving 1).

Soak attempt [1d6] = 1[1d6] = 2

Spending last Fate chip to reroll the Vigor test, because how bad can my luck be?

Reroll Vigor roll [1d6] = 4[1d6] = 3

Soaked 1 Wound.

Alice tried to twist out of the way of the bandit's final shot, but she wasn't quite quick enough and the bullet punched through her left arm. She grabbed her arm and sat back down on a bench to see how bad it was. It hurt but it looked like it went through cleanly. Grimacing, she says, "I'm no doctor but I know a little bit about patching up wounds in a pinch."

If no one else is available I can have Alice make a Medicine roll for herself and Rourke, but the odds of success aren't good.
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#102 Post by Stirling »

Denver-Pacific train to Cheyenne.

15 miles south of Cheyenne.

The train heist has gone horribly wrong for Boss Slim and the 'slim pickings crew'. All have been killed through the tenacious and brave acts of Rourke and Alice who both remain injured from gunshot wounds. Blankets are borne by the stewards to cover up the bodies, 'ole grandma' joining her dearly beloved in the afterlife, two men who were fatally injured trying to help, an innocent bystander turned meat shield, a DP steward and the bandit gang.

Among the frightened passengers, one steps forth. " I was a nurse in the war. Been many years since but I dug out a bullet or two in my time and sawn off more legs than this train got wheels." She checks over the injuries, "I'll need clean water, hot! Scissors, long snip pliers if you have any, alcohol for antiseptic, needle and thread to bind the wounds ..."

Nurse Betty on Alice [1d6-1] = 5-1 = 4 on Rourke [1d6-2] = 6-2 = 4

The nurse creates a makeshift sling from ripped shirt sleeves and delicately sews the wound of Alice. "Just muscle torn, no damage to arteries or bones." (removes wound.

She looks over the gunslinger and tuts', "I will do as I can but the bullet is lodged between your ribs and without proper tools, I can only stem the bleeding. By chance you may make Cheyenne alive. Doctors there treat you better on a slab then me on a moving train." Rourke healed of 1 wound

And so the train rushes on, an extra urgency that stokes the engine and it cover the 15 miles of track across the high plains of Wyoming in good time. The station becomes a hive of activity as the gory scene is unveiled. Denver-Pacific managers and a couple of district deputies come to assess the incident. You are both escorted off the train to some applause and the flash of a contemporary camera. Taken into the station manager's office for a brief congratulatory, before being whisked away to a suite in a local hotel. A doctor is called for and he will attempt to remove the bullet and treat the second wound. 2nd wound healed also.

"Please let me introduce myself. Mr Bartlett, the manager and executive officer for Denver-Pacific. We are indebted for you actions to shoot these renegades and prevent more larceny and murder on our trains."

He goes on though much of what he says goes over your heads. A long days travel, the wolf-child event, the heist, all you think about is sleep. You are offered accommodation, all costs paid of course! for the next couple of days. He will come and see you in the suite (seperate rooms but interlinked) on the morrow.

post me any final action or thoughts and I will move the clock forward for you.
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#103 Post by Gremlin »


Once the adrenaline has worn off and the realization of what happened starts to sink in, Alice peppers the nurse ("You were in the war? What was that like?") and her new friend ("You must be a famous gunslinger, what's your name? I'm Alice. I can't believe I got shot on the very first day leaving home.") with questions and conversation so she doesn't have to think about killing those men.

Even after disembarking in Cheyenne Alice sticks with Rourke. Though they are new acquaintances, they just went through an ordeal together and he's the most familiar thing she knows in this unfamiliar town. After introductions with Mr Bartlett, she asks the train manager, "In the stories outlaws always have bounties on their heads. Did those bandits have bounties? Does that make me a bounty hunter?" It's pretty obvious that while the young Chinese woman is capable and brave, she's very green.
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#104 Post by Bluetongue »


Slumps to the bench and checks his wounds, reloading hus pistol just in case. When it is clear the train robbers are all dead he tries to help bring some kind of order. He locates the grandma's ring and places it on her index finger.

Then he succumbs to the hustle and bustle of medical aid and the 'mopping up'.

"Rourke, my name is Rourke," he answers to the sword wielding, diminutive oriental. "You got shot too? Wow, that is going to be quite a scar. Maybe get a little tattoo to cover it. A gun or a train." He begins to ramble, avoiding a temptation to introduce himself as "Quicksilver" or "the Man with No Name".

Once in the hotel, he rests. His picture taken, who knows where that will be broadcast? Who will see him?

"Well I hope things will pan out Miss Alice and we get some kind of reward," he says over breakfast, thinking of enough gold to buy a horse and ... and ... well he has no plans.
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#105 Post by Gremlin »


When Rourke comments on Alice's injury, she is happy to engage in conversation with him. "Scar? Naw, the bullet went through clean and my Pa says my Chi is really strong so it'll heal up fine," she says brightly. Her English is good but her accent is odd, slightly Chinese but with old west idioms she's been adopting from people she hears around her.

Since she and Rourke are sharing a suite, with separate rooms of course, she is right there in the common area for dinner where she continues her interrogation. "Where are you from, Mr. Rourke? You must have seen so much! Tell me about the places you've seen! That can't have been your first gunfight, how was it like compared to other ones?" It's all pretty innocent though, and her good humor isn't diminished if Rourke prefers to keep his past a secret. ("Oooh, I get it. A man of mystery!" exaggerated wink.)

By the following morning, she's eager to meet Mr. Bartlett to ask him if there were any bounties on the would-be train robbers.
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#106 Post by Stirling »

Cheyenne. Grenville Hotel.

Friday. May 2nd 1879.

Rourke and Alice become strange but feted guests at the railroads hotel. The foyer of crystal chandeliers, oak paneled walls and receptionists in bespoke outfits give an impression grandeur and opulence. It contrasts starkly to cowboy chaps and trail worn duster.

During your first night, medics attend and bind your wounds. remove any conditions you have. Tin starred marshalls come to take an account of what happened. Satisfied, they ask you not to leave town for a couple of days, "just in case we need to further our enquiries." Eventually Mr Bartlett arrives as promised. You are escorted to his office and he sits you down. "Cigar?" he offers one to Rourke then more hesitantly to Alice. "A drink perhaps?" He diesn'the wait for an answer, pouring three large whisky glasses. He clink glasses, sits back behind his desk and visibly relaxes.

"Dreadful deeds yesterday. Such needless barbarity. Those bandits got there desserts. I would rather have seen them hung, publicly. Make a spectacle of them. But justice was metered out and for that I thank you." He holds a minutes silence as if respecting the dead then shares a bit more of recent troubles affect the Denver-Pacific.

"Recently we have been afflicted. As if rogue bandits and Hellstromme spies are not enough. The native tribes have gone on the warpath. At least industrial war. A certain tribe have cut the line northwards from here to Laramie. You know the town is over the border and located in Sioux Nations territory. But through good relationship we managed to get agreements to lay the track around their sacred groves and provide access to the cattle ranches and miners of the town. Sadly though that treaty has not been accepted by all and the Pawnee have harassed our railmen.
Even worse they have kidnapped our surveyor and halted the lines progress."
He pours another whisky out.

"We have been scratching our heads what to do. I think by godsend you could be part of the answer. I wanted to recruit agents to advocate on our behalf. Find our surveyor, discover the root cause of the Pawnee motivations and settle the issue. Your actions aboard the express show you gave a bravery and skill and certainly highlight the impression we want to demonstrate, both to our financial investors and to the native tribes. Being oriental Miss is a blessing too. No doubt you are aware of the Iron Dragon line which runs through northern Sioux lands. If we can demonstrate the same 'oriental philosophy' it might win over their cautions. And a steady hand, enforcing peace with a deadly aim might just back up our peaceful endeavours."

I will pause here for you to ask questions before proceeding.
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#107 Post by Bluetongue »


Breakfast at the Grenville Hotel. In a rare treat, very rare he has a plate of bacon, no gammon, with one of those fancy pineapple rings and a couple of eggs, sunny side up and runny with fresh bread, and coffee, with cream stirred by a silver spoon. And maybe a bowl of that 'mooz-ell-ee', clusters of crispy corn flakes and chopped dried fruits.

He will ask a bell boy to supply a couple of clean starched vests and a new shirt, throwing hus bloody clothes in the bin.

Meeting the executive in the office, he takes the whisky. At least that is familiar territory for him. He listens intently to Mr Bartlett. "Excuse me Sir. Are you offering us work. An employment contract? Working for the rail bosses as an agent of sorts is be highly esteemed, a prestigious occupation to be sure. I would like to help of course. Tell me more."

The gunslinger is intrigued by the suggestion. He has many questions. How does a partnership with Alice work. What are the likely dangers. The time frame involved? The benefits and hindrances to accepting the task.

He gives space for Alice as well. The martial artist actually killing twice as many bandits as him. better not get on her bad side he thinks.
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#108 Post by Gremlin »


It's hard for Alice to keep the awe off of her face as she and Rourke are lead through the opulent hotel to Mr. Bartlett's office. However, once inside and seated she forces herself to adopt a serious expression to reflect the gravity of the meeting. She politely declines the cigar, almost managing to stop herself from wrinkling her nose at it. When she sees the other two men drink their whiskey, she accepts her own glass and takes a sip.

Just for fun - Vigor [1d6] = 5 Wild [1d6] = 6, Ace roll [1d6] = 5 Success! She doesn't have a coughing fit after trying whiskey for the first time.

Who is Hellstromme? - Smarts [1d4-2] = 4-2 = 2 Wild [1d6-2] = 5-2 = 3, Ace roll [1d4] = 2 Despite having a -2 on Common Knowledge rolls, even Alice knows who Hellstromme is.

Alice manages to keep her face placid as the whiskey burns its way down her throat as well as up into her sinuses. She smiles as if to say Good whiskey and puts down her glass. In the stories the Indians called whiskey 'fire water'; now she knows why. Mentally regaining her composure from the distraction of the strong drink, Alice listens attentively to what Mr. Bartlett has to say. She raises her an eyebrow slightly in surprise at the mention of Hellstromme - someone so famous even Alice knows who he is. Once Bartlett has finished, Alice is thoughtful for a moment while Rourke makes his comments.

Alice gives Bartlett a polite bow. Perhaps due to the nature of the meeting she is in with the two gentlemen, she is soft-spoken this morning and seems to be choosing her works carefully so she doesn't embarrass herself. "Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Bartlett. If I am to understand correctly, you wish to hire us to be representatives of your railroad, as Mr. Rourke says? Is this a temporary arrangement for the one problem you outlined or employment of a more enduring nature?"

Alice hesitates a moment. She doesn't want to offend her host but she has some concerns. "Truth be told Mr. Bartlett, my father worked for a railroad company before settling our family in Denver. He did not have kind words to say for the way that company treated its workers, especially those of our particular background. To be fair, he did not work for Denver-Pacific and you have treated me most kindly. If I were to accept your offer, do I have your assurance that I will be treated fairly? For example, there is the matter of compensation. Will I be paid the same wage as Mr. Rourke for the same work?"

Like a locomotive herself, Alice is building up steam now. "And what is the nature of the work you would hire us for? I confess I bear the Indians no ill will, but at the same time kidnapping is surely not a good solution to whatever disagreement the Pawnee have with your railroad. Rescuing your surveyor seems like a noble undertaking for which I have no objections. But I don't believe I would be very helpful in.. uhm.." She falters a moment, searching for a word.. "a parley with the Pawnee to settle your differences, though I could provide protection for someone who is better with words than I am."

Now running out of steam Alice looks slightly self-conscious, as if she's not used to speaking at such length or so freely to people she has just met. She steels herself for Mr. Bartlett's reply.
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#109 Post by Stirling »

Cheyenne. Grenville Hotel.


"Partnerships, partnerships. Yes that is what I am coming too." Mr Bartlett declares as you both begin to ask relevant questions.

He pulls out of a bottom drawer a large map, unrolling the vellum like scroll he spreads it out across the table. His finger traces the courses of creeks and the river waters, contours of mountains and points out notable terrain features. "Cheyenne is here to the south and a little further north the smaller town of Laramie. We have been trying to connect to the town for a while. It lies just over the treaty border with the Sioux Nations. Up here, another hundred miles lies the town of Deadwood , surrounded by the famed Black Hills and home to many deposits of ghost rock.
This is currently mined and exported via Iron Dragon enterprises and mainly via north and east transport networks.
Our vision is to establish a viable southern route across the plains. We have the backing of many investors bur as you know, all chains depend upon the weakest link and that is here,.the stoppage of the line to Laramie . We simply cannot afford to fail at our first hurdle."

At this point his secretary enters with a collection of papers waiting his signature. "Is that them? Mr Bartlett sir? 'The Ace and the Blade'? My he does look so young and so dashing if I may say so." she says as she bends over the desk seductively to show a little more cleavage than usual from an unbuttoned blouse. The executive waves her away and continues. She smiles at Rourke on the way out, fluttering eyelids and swaying hips.

"Good men ... and good women are hard to find. And when you do, you make sure you keep them. I am sure that this stoppage is only temporary and subject to a satisfactory completion, more avenues for occupation will undoubtedly occur."

He takes a little key from his jacket and unlocks a petty cash tin. He pulls out a wad of banknotes. "I understand the general consensus among the townsfolk is that the families of the recently deceased passengers are recompensed for their tragic loss. I believe any reward for the bandit gang is being split amongst all who showed character and bravery. Notwithstanding the fact that without your help, these varies would have gotten away with their murderous scheme." He places $200 dollars on the table before each of you.

"And if you will take up my offer and investigate the abduction of our surveyor and help bring thsee hostilities towards progress to an end, I will hire you as DP agents on $20 a month. And if course we will furnish you with what you need, a trusty steed and a new closet. Take the afternoon to decide. Hopefully I will see you again in the morning."

He empties the whisky bottle with another clink of glasses and with initial business seemingly over you return to your suite, leaving him muttering about "if I could only find a scout and perhaps some native interpretor and maybe a student of the new sciences who could show the natives progress is no threat to their old ways. A charismatic diplomat to conduct negotiations ... "

In the afternoon a couple of tailors knock at the doors and measuring tapes in one hand and fabric portions in the other, take your orders for new outfits.

describe what you would like to wear. And next actions. Anything you like to do in town.
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#110 Post by Bluetongue »


Surely whistles at the ambition to push an iron horse through sacred Sioux Territory, recognising beneath it the unseen corporate lust for ghost rock and money. He rubs his chin thinking how much of his little finger he can put into the pie.

He takes the $200, not counting it. It is more than he ever earned in a year, earning this almost cost his life. Risky to get too involved but it surely beats wandering the plains staring at a steer's backside for days on end.

When the tailors come he quickly makes his mind up.

"Black hat, hide not felt with adjustable chinstrap. Centrecrease style. Not too high a crown and stiff brim over my brow. Bola string necktie with a silver buckle, fashioned with a DP logo, white, blue and red shirts, different styles whatever is vogue with the ladies, shield front buttons or rivets, woollen suit, charcoal not black, for business wear. Otherwise a buckskin fringed jacket, thigh length. Boots, calf length, Cuban heeled and round toes, detachable spurs. Perhaps a fancy design etched on them. A bucking mustang."

He puts in his order, enjoying the attention. "And perhaps you can send a message to the lovely Miss Terri, the secretary. Being so new in town, maybe she would like to accompany me for the evening in some entertainment. A theatre house for example."

As Alice is also 'outfitted' he makes any helpful suggestions. "Not sure I like any reputation. Too many hotheads come seeking to take out 'the Ace', make a name for his self. Same with 'the Blade'. If that's what the newspaper rags need to sell a story fine but out in the wild blue yonder, the Pawnee or whoever will want to test the character of a man. I want you to know Alice, if we partner up then I got your back should trouble come and you got mine. No undue familiarity intended."

Should evening come, he will explore the town.
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#111 Post by Gremlin »


Picking up the money set in front of her, Alice fans through it quickly to get an estimate at how much it is. "Wow!" she thinks to herself. "Maybe I should take up bounty hunting after all." She surreptitiously looks over at the stack of bills in front of Rourke to see if his looks bigger. She is satisfied that it looks like they have been paid the same amount.

After being dismissed from Mr. Bartlett's office, Alice chats with Rourke on their way back to their suite. "If we take Mr. Bartlett up on his offer, do you think we'll get some kind of official badges?" she asks hopefully. Upon arriving at their suite, it seems pretty clear Rourke intends to accept the offer so Alice decides to do the same. At worst, she can just move on from the railroad if she is asked to do anything that upsets her moral compass. In the meantime, being offered a job that pays $20 a month, plus new clothes, plus a horse(!) on her second day away from home is just too auspicious to disregard.

When the tailors arrive, Alice politely asks the one assigned to her to go fetch her a hat similar to Rourke's and to send it back with a seamstress to help her with her other clothes. From her, she has clothes of a similar style to her new partner's fitted: a few button down blouses in different colors, a tan vest, a pair of black trousers and riding boots with minimal heels (just enough for the stirrups) and no spurs. And of course the buckskin fringed jacket. She also gets a fancy dress for more formal occasions (though it is more practical than frilly) and a corset and skirt to go with her blouses to mix things up. She also makes a point to save her current clothes; she likes them at they would be difficult to replace. She does have them cleaned and the bullet hole in the arm mended, though.

Finally, Alice has some experience riding so she asks for a quarter horse, the fastest horse at short distances and the most compact for quick and intricate maneuvering.

"You can count on me watching your back as well, Mr. Rourke!" Alice chirps back to him. "Though I do like The Ace and the Blade.." she continues under her breath.

Once their needs are taken care of, Alice intends to accompany Rourke in exploring the town if he will have her. Otherwise, she'll 'nonchalantly' (aka stealthily) follow him at a distance since having an accomplished gunslinger like him as a guide would obviously be the best way to learn about the town.
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#112 Post by Stirling »

A night in Cheyenne.


Rourke still feeling roughed up from bandaged and sewn wounds, a crushed pistol bullet pulled from between ribs folded and kept in a handkerchief in his pocket, dresses in his newly tailored garb for an evening of 'entertainment', no doubting that in the back of his mind the voluptuous nature of Mr Bartlett's secretary and the spending power of $200 dollars in his back pocket. Alice, a little more circumspect and wonderstruck accompanies the gunslinger on his town exploration. Ms Terri, the secretary completes the trio, taking Rourke's arm and leading him along.

Cheyenne (A general description posted in the Locations forum), has a variety of merchant vendors, tradesmen demonstrating carpentry and furniture making, roofers and builders, seamstresses working simple calico dresses and fashionable silks, fur traders and gunsmiths, glassblowers and even a greasy suited silver-tongue hawking his blessed snake oil, free of course save for your 'love gift' and charity.

There is much to catch the eye though for the two 'wanted', being in the public eye may not be all that desired. Best then that Mr Bartlett has made little enquiry into your backgrounds as far as you know.

The Paliadium Theatre opens an evening show, 'baroque and risqué', dancing girls, yee-haw entertainment. Buying tickets you enter and take a seat, overlooking the main stage from a private balcony booth off to one side. To the rear a packed balcony of seats shadow the main hall of benches below the curtained stage.

The shows begin, each received with cheers, some heckled, an occasional bottle makes the stage. One of the acts enters. A hypnotist, an orator of your hidden secrets, a delver of mysteries. He performs usual routines, convincing the gullible to eat an onion, act like a dog, the prim lady moan her sexual ectasy. Then as a culmination of his act he looks towards another volunteer. "A lotus blossom of the East who ventures West. A lady with inner strength and character." he weaves a story into the invitation, promising the routine to 'open the eyes' of the audience and 'open the eyes' of the volunteer.

His eyes gaze into the private booth, regarding the pouting Ms Terri before fixing upon Alice.

do you take up the invitation freely?

actions. Make any comments or questions about your window shopping or actual shopping in town and any relevant information as to why you took the Denver -Cheyenne train.

Then give me a Smarts trait roll included in your post.
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#113 Post by Bluetongue »


You can spot him doing quite a bit of window shopping and posing in his new suit and boots as he gets accompanied up the High Street, checking his reflection in the window panes. He has his six gun still, he would feel uncomfortable without it but it is kept in a holster strapped to his chest under his jacket rather than dangling from his waist.

He would like to purchase another gun and perhaps a rifle but will leave them until we leave town. I am interested in the 'Robards Inventory' having only heard they make 'gizmos', his only experience of any such contraption close up being the wolfsbane wreath. Of course the company also sponsor the Denver-Pacific railroad too. Still he thinks a quick draw and good aim solid enough for any threats he may face.

why did Rourke board the train to Cheyenne? He shares with Alice that is has been freelancing as a cowboy, accompanying the cattle drives across various states. His last job terminated in Denver and by then most of his compatriots had caught 'ghost fever' and headed west to pitch claims in the commonwealth of California. Preferring blue sky above his head to tons of rock, he chose to journey through to the next 'cowboy' town.

He flirts as he walks, complimenting the dress of Ms Terri. Ms not Miss? Well obviously her stay-at-home or away-on -business hubby must not be paying her enough attention. He is not rude or ignorant though and includes Alice in conversations and the shopping experiences. Frankly it is all new to him, so much more used to basic wear and spit and sawdust saloons.

Inside the theatre he plays along with the acts, gawping and whistling at long legged can-can girls, clapping to the 'good ol' country boy' line dancing. He goes to the back of hall long bar to order drinks. "Whisky for me, some of that sparkling bubbly for Ms Terri and do you have any 'rice wine'?"he asks thinking of any peculiar taste Alice prefers.

He sits entranced by the hypnotist, as in engrossed in the performance as to actually being mesmerised.

Rourke Smarts roll [1d6] = 3 Wild Card [1d6] = 4
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#114 Post by Gremlin »


Alice's enthusiasm to learn more about her new partner is dampened a bit when their evening out on the town turns into a trio with the addition of Ms Terri. Still, despite the woman constantly making eyes at the gunman and trying to draw his attention with her scandalously low cut dress, the secretary is friendly enough as she guides Denver-Pacific's newest employees around the town. She points out the various landmarks and sights, with Rourke paying special attention to 'Robards', which apparently has some fancy machines for those inclined to want such things.

Alice isn't very interested in that. She doesn't really need much of anything that she doesn't already have, though she does ask the secretary the whereabouts of the livery stable, since she has a horse to take care of now. She also inquires about bridles, saddles and saddle bags and feed, since they'll need all of those things when they head out for their first assignment.

Other than that, Alice oohs and aahs at various times. She's glad Mr. Rourke is making a point to include her in the conversation. He's friendly enough, sharing some of his background. It isn't as exciting as she had imagined, but he's probably leaving the good stuff out for now. She's truthful about her background as well, to a point -- her family came from California after the Great Quake and settled in Denver. She hasn't really seen much else yet and left home to explore the world. Her father taught her how to defend herself since she was young, and between that and sparring with her older brothers she's gotten pretty good at it.

When they get to the theatre she enjoys most of the shows, though she rolls her eyes and reddens a bit when the dancing girls come out. The hypnotist act makes her a little uncomfortable as various people are made to do embarrassing things. When the hypnotist singles her out, her eyes widen and she shakes her head vigorously as she sinks back in her chair, hoping to somehow become invisible to all the attentions suddenly directed at her. This is something she surely does not want to do.

Smarts roll [1d4] = 4, Wild die [1d6] = 3

If it is just a Smarts roll, she succeeds with a 4. If it is a Common Knowledge roll she's get a -2 though, and would fail with a 2.
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#115 Post by Stirling »

Paliadium Theatre, Cheyenne.


Hypnotist opposed Smarts roll [1d10] = 9 wc [1d6] = 2 Alice ace [1d4] = 4

Alice extra Smarts ace [1d4] = 2

There is a virtual tug-of-war between the coercion exerted by the stage hypnotist and the resistance of Alice.

The tension is palpable as he calls with his fingers, beckoning her out of her seat as she shakes her head and sinks deeper into the cushions. .... or so she believes. A character flaw, the 'lyin' eye's ' syndrome, ultimately makes her mental effort to summon a defense fails. Succumbing to the charm she rises and walks to the stage.

"And who do we have here? What is your name Sweetie?" he asks. "Xiuyeng Liu." You reply. In the next couple of moments you join his act, performing a some flowing Tai Chi graceful movements which culminate in you walking barefoot up a step ladder whose rungs are made from sharp sword blades. All the while the hypnotist waves his hands like an orchestral conductor. It finishes with you lying prone but raised, some power of telekinesis seemingly keeping you mid-air. He covers you with a veil, the drapes spread touching the stage floor. Then in a crescendo he pulls the cloth and reveals nothing. You have vanished into thin air!

Then he points up to the booth and behold, Alice steps through the curtain and to massive applause you take your seat, wondering what happened.

The hypnotist exit's stage left, another round of dancing girls, an encore and finally the show concludes.

Rourke buys in the drinks and watches the show. Perhaps a little disconcerted when Alice is chosen, you nevertheless watch proceedings. As you get to the bar, another fellow bumps into you. Not on purpose but the man stares at you for a moment. "Hey buddy. Do I know you? Sure you seem familiar?" The man gets lost in the crowd before being able to illicit a response.

Alice .... while hypnotised and under the veil you have this strange dream or thought. You are wandering across a grassy landscape, towards the sound of hammer on spikes, the rythmic clinking of a railroad gang laying track. As you stumble in your dream walk, you see the workers are chain gangs of oriental peasants and the sleepers between the iron rails are bleached white bones. The track goes off into the horizon but as you look the other way you see some people tied to the track so the train can run them over. One turns his head as you look to gaze at you and he says, "Help us." A sudden loud noise turns your head and immediately you see an engine almost upon you, steaming down the track, the steam billowing. You raise your hands ... and jerk awake, opening the curtain to the private booth and audience applause.

The show over and the evening late. Rourke still has some activity on his mind though. You walk back down the broad High Street to the Grenville Hotel.

both of you make a Notice Roll please.

Post any post show comments and the roll result. I will update what happens before you arrive at your suites.
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#116 Post by Bluetongue »


"Wow, that hypnotist. He seemed quite good. Never seen such before. Really did think he had spirited you away for a minute Alice." He scratches his head trying to work out how he was fooled, deciding it was a set up, probably a trapdoor in the stage and lots of runners. Sure all happened so fast though.

He walks back to the hotel, long legs and cleavage on his mind. Also his newly acquired 'agent of the Denver-Pacific' status. He puts off planning for the mission till after breakfast. Maybe Alice will have some ideas.

He still has an alertness, wouldn't do so good to let the alcohol and entertainment cloud his mind or judgement too much.

Rourke Notice roll [1d6] = 4 Wild Card [1d6] = 3
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#117 Post by Gremlin »


Alice's mood is understandably dampened after the hypnosis show she was coerced into participating in. She is noticeably quiet on the walk back to the hotel. The only comment she makes is to answer Rourke with a soft-spoken, "I don't like that hypnotist."

Alice doesn't understand how she let the performer talk her onto the stage. It felt like she was only a witness, seeing the actions of someone else only from that person's perspective. It bothers her a lot, from telling the whole audience her real name to being directed around like a plaything. And that disturbing dream? Where had that come from? Alice is so preoccupied with all these thoughts swirling through her mind, the normally graceful martial artist at one point almost stumbles over something in the road. She catches herself but it is a reminder to not get too carried away in her thoughts, dark as they may be, and to stay alert.

Notice [1d4] = 4, Wild die [1d6] = 1
Ace roll [1d4] = 2, total = 6
Last edited by Gremlin on Thu Apr 30, 2020 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#118 Post by Stirling »

Grenville Hotel. Cheyenne.


The dark thoughts of Alice mirror the cloudy sky. The stars are out but few glint as the wind picks up hurrying the threat of showers. The streets are empty save for the last patrons of saloons and upon one or two boardwalks, women strutting their stuff attempting to pull a trick willing to spend his last dollars. You hurry past a pair canoodling in a shadowed alleyway. Alice almost trips as she crosses the boulevard to the hotel, lamplight from oil lanterns inviting people through the glazed hotel doors. As Rourke offers his hand to help you up, a horse is spurred across the street. Two riders, neckerchiefs pulled across their faces charge in your direction, the horses bucking violently as they are brought to an abrupt halt. "That must be them. Waited all night to trace them. This is for Molly," one states to the other. They pull out pistols and shoot in your direction.

Masked gunman 1 shoots at Rourke [1d6-2] = 2-2 = 0
Masked gunman 2 shoots at Rourke [1d6-2] = 5-2 = 3

Your notice rolls keep you alert and spot their ambush. They drew higher on initiative and fired.

next actions please.
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#119 Post by Bluetongue »


Sees the two horse riders, masked faces and heading towards them. The bullets whizz by his ears. He uses his movement to pull Ms Terri behind some barrier, perhaps a stationary wagon or at the worst a horse trough filled with water. He is glad his took his six gun and draws to fire at the nearest bandit. I guess with shouting "Molly" they must be contacts of the Boss Slim gang or relatives of the deceased.

I actually have a 'quick draw holster' in my inventory but even without any penalty my aim is off. Forgot to adjust for the draw and fire penalty.

Rourke fires pistol: Shooting skill [1d6] = 2 wildcard [1d6] = 3

Tempted to spend a fate chip to re-roll but that might leave me short if I need to soak wounds so I will go with that roll.
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Re: It all begins ... on a train:

#120 Post by Gremlin »


Alice notices the mounted assailants a moment before they start shooting. Unfortunately, she is currently unarmed. Even wrapped up, her swords would have likely been conspicuous so she left them in her room with her things so as to not attract more attention to herself. While she is still proficient at unarmed fighting, the gunmen are on horses and Ms Terri might get hit in the crossfire so Alice decides to take a defensive posture until the secretary is safe.

While Rourke pulls Ms Terri to cover, Alice focuses for a moment on her Seize the Pearl of Death technique. Once her partner lets go of the secretary and starts returning fire, Alice interposes herself between the woman and the horsemen firing at them. "Head to the hotel, Ms Terri! I'll keep you covered!" she cries to the woman.

Looking back to Rourke, she quickly says, "I'll be back in a moment when Ms Terri is safe, Mr. Rourke; I'll have your back just like I said I would!"

Activating Deflection [1d6] = 4, Wild die [1d6] = 6
Ace roll [1d6] = 6
Ace roll [1d6] = 3

Roll to activate Seize the Pearl of Death (Deflection) chi power: 15
Sadly, there's no additional effect beyond the first raise, but any Shooting, Throwing or Fighting roll made against her is now at -4 while active. If she is attacked with a missile weapon and it misses, she has a chance to rebound the projectile back to the shooter for d6+d6 damage (Agility roll -6 for bullets).
Alice replenishes Power Points at 1 point per hour, so she was back to full but activating this puts her at 18/20.

I do not see anything in the house rules about how Fate Chips are replenished so as far as I know Alice still has 0 Fate Chips.
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