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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:31 pm
by Marullus
Durgenor broods by the fire, deep in his thoughts as he sings a lonesome dwarven mining song, Clough adding his harmonica. He stares intently at the goblin until a look of inspiration replaces his apprehension. He is steeled in his resolve and it may not bode well for the emaciated goblin slave.

As the fire burns low, Tancred awakes refreshed and Clough finishes his rendition of the map. Cu Aislin is irritated by lack of respect for his learning. They pack up the camp.

Session 1, Turn 4. First turn of Adventure Phase.

Party: Durganor, Clough (Fresh), Tancred, Haar, Ganna, Cú Aislin (Angry), Grimm (Fresh)

Their bundles repacked, the group stands on the lip of the limestone caves, the water rushing out and down the small waterfall by their feet. "This way!" squeaks Guhnk, the goblin more comfortable in the low light of the cave than the rest of you. He urges you into what is clearly a honeycomb labrynth of caves - quiet pools trickling rivulets of water and branching endlessly.

You need to decide your light situation (see OOC thread), discuss amongst yourselves, and then state action(s) to move is forward. Entering the caves is also a new scene, so if any of your instincts apply you can perform them at an opportune juncture.

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:03 pm
by Marullus
Clough, Ganna, and Haar light their lanterns, illuminating the cavern. (Light: Turn 1 of 3) A still pool of water covers most of the floor, rivulets entering from each tunnel mouth into the room and then overflowing from the pool into the waterfall at your feet. A large, flat-topped dark stone rests in the center of the pool, at odds with the natural limestone of the rest of the cavern. A few dark alcoves remain shadowed at the sides of this large cavern. Piles of midden, the ruddy white of chewed bones within them, dot the smooth floor around the pool. While the main stream of water comes from the middle of three cavern entrances on the far end of the cave, Guhnk veers and urges you through the smallest exit, on the left. He waves you to hurry forward around the edge of the pool.

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 7:12 pm
by Marullus

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 7:16 pm
by drpete
Grimm takes point, keeping an eye out for any dangerous looking creatures or difficult to navigate areas of the tunnel. He keeps his crossbow ready, in both hands, and ready to shoot, should something jump out.

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:04 am
by Rex

Ganna follows along, carrying her lantern.

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:43 pm
by rossik
Durganor accommodate his lantern in the sack, carrying it with both hands. He tries to follow the goblin, so to avoid tricks from him.
He believes that when they all reach the pools, the other members of the group would be too busy dealing with it, so he can kill the goblin.

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 1:02 am
by Enoch
Cú Aislin

Cú trails along behind, tugging his robe tighter as the warmth of the sun fades. He mutters a short prayer as he looks about.

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 10:58 pm
by BillTheGalacticHero

Tancred is near the back, so he could get a dagger from Cu quickly in case we run across something.

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:14 am
by Marullus
Session 1, Turn 4. First turn of Adventure Phase.

Party: Durganor, Clough (Fresh), Tancred, Haar, Ganna, Cú Aislin (Angry), Grimm (Fresh)

Marching Order:
Guhnk the Goblin (Dim Light)
Ganna (Lantern)

Haar (Lantern)

Clough (Lantern)
Cu Aislin
The goblin urges you forward, staying as far ahead as he can in the shadowy cave light. "Come! This way!" His raspy voice echoes back through the caverns. The pair of dwarves drive forward after him, accostomed to caves and tunnels as they are. Durgenor focuses on the goblin, ensuring he remains in sight and doesn't slip away. Grimm watches for any threats in the caverns, a skilled dungeoneer. Ganna and Tabby scamper along on the dwarves' heels, holding her lantern aloft and trying to cast light as far ahead of the group as she can. The others trail behind.

Leaving the initial cavern, broad pool, and its contents behind, you duck through the first narrow passage, reaching the next cavern, then veer right at a fork to the next, and so on. The honeycomb labrynth of caves and passages requires the non-dwarves to even crawl at some places, but you weave through them...

I need a Scout test from Grimm, Obstacle 3. He has Scout 2 and can receive assumed help from Clough (Scout), Tancred (Scout or Pathfinder), Haar (Scout), Durgenor (Scout or Pathfinder). Ganna and Cu Aislin need to be creative in watching/predicting the goblin's path. (Cu Aislin can speak an Omen.).

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:22 am
by BillTheGalacticHero

Helping with Pathfinder: I take note of any unique cave formations and make a mental note of them. Turned left at the triple stalactite, etc.

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:11 am
by Rex

Ganna follows along with Tabby. Searching as she goes for anything useful (Survivalist 2).

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:23 am
by rossik
Durganor realizes that if they got lost, after he kills the creature, they may have no ways to come back, so he tries to observe uncommon settings that are easy to memorize (helping with pathfinder)

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:28 pm
by Stirling

Adjusting his pack goes forward into the cave system with a lantern in one hand and dagger in the other. He uses the dagger to signpost directions. A rudimentary 'Z1' for zigzagging 10 yards, >o for decreasing crawl tunnel, h3 for steps up and so forth.

"We should be wary. Those dark alcoves most likely nested unseen beasties by the look of the midden bones."

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:28 pm
by Enoch
I'm not sure I can use a Wise. It's pretty specific how you use them, and at any rate I'm Angry, which means I can't use the beneficial effects of Wises.

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:28 pm
by drpete
Grimm forges ahead, confident in his experience, and the eyes of everyone in the group, to keep them safe. He hurries along so quickly, it's almost reckless.

[1d6] = 1[1d6] = 6[1d6] = 2
[1d6] = 3[1d6] = 4[1d6] = 4

Using Reckless as a trait against the roll, for a check... 6 dice. Looks like we made it? (Didnt add the 'wise' die to this)

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:27 pm
by Marullus
Session 1, Turn 5. Second turn of Adventure Phase.

Party: Durganor, Clough (Fresh), Tancred, Haar, Ganna, Cú Aislin (Angry), Grimm (Fresh)

You emerge from a tunnel into a long, open passage - the walls vary in width down its length, the passage littered with stalagmites and stalactites along its edges, but the ceiling is 10 to 20 feet high, giving plenty of room. A fast flowing stream five feet across carries a significant volume of water; likely the main tributary to the broad pool in the first cave where you began. The water cuts a clear path down the cavern passage; Guhnk the Goblin scampers up the slick, smooth limestone left bank, heading upstream.

Durgenor and Grimm run after him recklessly at the edge of Ganna's lantern light, their boots pounding on the waterworn cavern floor while the others lag, making sure they take note and leave markers for a return trip as best they can without losing their vanguard. Grimm sees the goblin skip a step, making a little jump as he scampers, and cries out "Hold up!" His reckless hurry has him catch the thin hemp cord strung as a tripwire between the stalagmites and there is a crunch in the ajacent stalactites. Four of the massive stone columns, their tips carved to sharp points, swing down violently from a high part of the ceiling! The rigged stalactites crash violently into the stalagmites on the far side of the stream, scattering stone chips across the floor. Each of them would be enough to skewer a horse. Grimm pulls himself back just in time to avoid getting spitted himself and puts out his arm to stay Ganna and Tabby behind him. Durgenor, however, remains intent to his task and leaps forward instead - landing on the far side of the swinging stones, staying up with Guhnk. The goblin pauses, it is clear there is no escape. "Careful! Careful!" he chides still in the Goblin tongue, looking concerned for the dwarves behind him.

The group is able to shift the heavy stones as they dangle like pendulums across the path, maneuvering past them. Another hundred yards or so upstream you can see the passage opens into a larger cavern, illuminated by a faint bluish glow in the otherwise dark surrounds.
Success! Haar can still gain an advancement test for scout if he narrates help.
Passed tests recorded for Grimm (Scout), Clough (Scout), Tancred (Pathfinder), Durgenor (Pathfinder).

Next action!

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:05 pm
by Rex

Ganna and Tabby do their best to keep up. Keeping an eye open in case of ambush. "With all that noise anyone nearby knows about us now."


Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:48 pm
by Enoch
Cu Aislin

"Push on, goblin. There is power here, I can feel it."

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 7:27 pm
by Stirling
Clough. 'Mouse no' 2'.

"Fools, running headlong into the goblins domain." says the rogue as he arrives at the stalactite trap. More wary now, he allows the others a bit of room. He dims his lantern a little, moving slower, feeling the wall and listening to the babble of waters above the dwarven shouts.

He edges forward, focusing on the blue light to guide him. Dagger in hand, he expects more goblin surprises.

Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 12:56 am
by Marullus
That looks like an action from Clough. I am going to hold off and give Grimm and Durgenor a chance to react, then I will push forward.