shaidar's PC Notes

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Re: PRIVATE: shaidar's PC Notes

#101 Post by Tiglath »

Thank you! :)

I'll drag that result behind my GM's screen and work on the results! :D

Obviously I'll wait on the other PC's actions too.
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Re: PRIVATE: shaidar's PC Notes

#102 Post by shaidar »

So, the tower top is currently surpressed, so we could cross to the tower.

How far across can we get and still be able to provide covering fire so patches troops could join us, and is there any cover near the spot?
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Re: PRIVATE: shaidar's PC Notes

#103 Post by Tiglath »

Yes you can now safely cross to the foot of the tower. You are approaching from its side i.e. towards the tower as per the diagram I drew (which has the side you are facing shown in my drawing). The vargr fire support team (sniper and plasma gun) will cover you.

The military question is why did those troops on the rooftop feel confident enough to leave their defensive positions and line the roof edge when this would expose them to fire from above (and to their flank) from Team Prerna?

Unlike you the enemy can't know her team are relocating and should still have the entire roof top under their guns.
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: PRIVATE: shaidar's PC Notes

#104 Post by shaidar »

My understanding is that it takes months to learn new skills, but it would be possible for Frank to start to learn Tactics?

I also assume it's one skill at a time?

Or would it just be easier to upgrade his current suit to include a computer with the tactics skill and integrate it with his current systems (data display)?
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Re: PRIVATE: shaidar's PC Notes

#105 Post by Tiglath »

Please see my (nearly there) post in OOC about "stuff to buy". :)

Saves duplication and someone else may well have the idea / the solution turns on a group purchase. ;)
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: PRIVATE: shaidar's PC Notes

#106 Post by shaidar »

Thanks T.

I don't mean to be jumping the gun and giving you more work. :-)
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Re: PRIVATE: shaidar's PC Notes

#107 Post by Tiglath »

No problem! :)

I want to keep the tempo up to both tidy all the loose ends of plot and also deal with the shopping! :D
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: PRIVATE: shaidar's PC Notes

#108 Post by shaidar »


So, some of those extras you listed for armour, such as IR, can I have them retrofitted to my current helmet, so I can give up the goggles?
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Re: PRIVATE: shaidar's PC Notes

#109 Post by Tiglath »

Yes. Assume everything can fit into everything else. You can interchange stuff too - e.g. wear your enclosed (full face) combat armour helmet with "soft" armour like cloth. Maybe in a "rescue" situation where you don't need the armour but wanted the vision aids??? Or crappy atmosphere with skin irritants / threat of gas etc.
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: shaidar's PC Notes

#110 Post by shaidar »

Just a place holder for Franks briefing in the morning:


"Thank you all for being here, we have a lot to discuss. Firstly I think most you all know Flight Officer Freya Ingridsdottir. The only who hasn't been introduced is Captain Dallas Frank gestures to a large man who has all the hallmark bearing of an Imperial Marine "Skip commands our other infantry squad that stayed here and guarded the delegation. Flight Officer Ingridsdottir has been lent to us by The Spinward Star while The Goose is being repaired and we are very grateful. Firstly, I would like to remind everyone that the information in these briefing is extremely sensitive and should not be discussed with anybody who is not currently present. Ms Ingridsdottir, as you are new I need to get your full commitment to keep this information secret. I don't like secrets, but sometimes they are required to prevent loss of life. If the information we are about to discuss became public knowledge then the repercussions would certainly put lives at risk"
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Re: shaidar's PC Notes

#111 Post by shaidar »

Another placeholder for the briefing


"Thank you Freya. I will start with a summary of the current situation, mainly for the Flight Officers benefit, then after we have discussed that topic there are some other items to discuss. So, as you know we are on Inchin tasked with the protection of the business and scientific delegation from Collace. The Baron has invited them in the hopes that they be able to assist in getting his spaceport built, he has been trying for ten years now with little success. On arrival we were met by the Baronial Guard and a less than welcoming committee from the locals, who were holding a demonstration. After the locals managed to get past the fences and rush the launch and the cutter looking to loot water, some of our forces were attacked by a sniper. Luckily the sniper was neutralised before anyone was badly hurt. This prompted us to make some discrete enquiries to better understand the politics on the planet and quickly determined that there appear to be two factions among the workers . The first appears to be a simple workers rights union, which I believe to be mostly harmless. However, the second is far more militant and it was this group that encouraged the young sniper to attack. The leader of the militant group goes by the name of Urvash Gudrun. On Collace we came across this name before, used by someone we believe to be a Zhodani operative. Now, it is common knowledge that The Imperium would benefit from a working space port here on Inchin as it would strengthen their their link with the Five Sisters. This means there are plenty who would not like to see this happen, such as the Zhodani, the Sword Worlds and the Aslan. The planet of Avastan has it's own space port and would lose business if Inchin was successful. We strongly believe that the militant group has something planned, but we don't know what. There is a strong chance that whatever they have planned could put the delegation in danger, directly or indirectly, so we need to find out what they are up to. The strongest lead we have is that the Baron has been employing many additional workers to try and complete the space port, but hundreds of workers have gone missing on Inchin. With the hostile environment they could not have gone far. I was about the task The Goose with starting sensor sweeps of the area surrounding Star Town when the pirates attacked Zinderneuf. My intention is to have the launch start these sensor sweeps instead of The Goose. There is another possible lead. Polly has told me that she is pretty sure that Ms Vitt from the SuSAG team is slipping out of the mansion, so we need to find out what she is up to...I am going to stop there so you can ask questions, point out anything I've missed or suggest other possible ways of finding out what is planned."
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Re: shaidar's PC Notes

#112 Post by shaidar »

Placing this here for posting once Jess has responded to Erica:
Frank has been watching the discussion while leaning against the back of a chair and sipping a whiskey.

He stands, puts down his drink, and looks around at those assembled.

"I'm not imperial, I was born on Tarsus. I've made no attempt to hide the fact that I'm pro an independent 268, and sometimes that makes for strange bedfellows. I'm aware of the Imperium's feelings about the Zhodani and psionics in general, I've seen the holo-flicks. Historically, Tarsus accepted refugees fleeing from the Imperium in it's last purge, but prior to coming to Collace I've never met anyone with mind powers, that I know of. I've never had to fight someone with such powers, like some have here, and I fully respect those who have. Do psionics scare me? Truthfully, yes they do, but in the same way as any powerful weapon that can be deadly in the wrong hands. We are a mercenary company, it is part of the job that we take missions from clients that we might not agree with politically. We have allied ourselves with the Aslan, have fought alongside the Vagr, and our friends at 4DC have Lady Tourmaline, a powerful psionic. Is aligning ourselves with Erica and the Zhodani for a shared cause any different? Yes, there has been deception, and it is painful on a personal level, but it was done to protect, not harm. As a commanding officer I have had to omit information from the officers below me, to protect them and the mission." he eyes briefly flick to captain Domici and then return to scanning the room "It is not a pleasant thing to have to do, but it is sometimes necessary. I try to judge people by their actions, and Erica has assisted us in a number of missions, although I will admit often behind the scenes. Without her help it is hard to say whether we would have succeeded, or we may have lost more of our people. I will openly admit that I am biased in this discussion. I have sworn my own vengeance against Keening and SuSAG for the cold-blooded murder of the troops of the 1188th. However, I will not drag the SEMC into this as an unwilling tool of my vengeance. If we do this, ally ourselves with Erica and the Zhodani against Keening and SuSAG, then it must be with the agreement of the entire company, officers and troopers alike."
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Re: shaidar's PC Notes

#113 Post by shaidar »

Some stuff about Franks family dragged kicking and screaming from some very old PMs
shaidar wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 4:45 pm I haven't finished the whole Tarsus document yet, but I'm thinking his family work on (but not own) a Nobble ranch in the Regiment region. Which means Frank is mostly of Sword Worlder stock, perhaps with a bit of imperial blood in his veins as I'm sure there is some interbreeding between the groups since the relationship between them improved.
shaidar wrote: Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:50 pm I've been wondering what kind of accent a Tarsan has, and I was thinking perhaps a southern drawl from a western. Frank would have done his best to lose it when he left home, but I think it sneaks back when he's had a few too many drinks.

Not a huge amount. I do remember deciding (although I can't find a link to say I passed this on) that he joined the 1188th right after leaving school against his parents wishes. He's not spoken to them since, but he does speak to his older sister a few times a year.

At least that gives you (Tiglath) plenty of latitude to play with...hold on I'm not sure that that's a good thing :)
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Re: shaidar's PC Notes

#114 Post by Tiglath »

Much obliged! :) 8-)
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Re: shaidar's PC Notes

#115 Post by shaidar »

I would imagine that he has another sibling along with his sister, a younger brother perhaps.

I'm not sure whether his siblings are married and so there is an extended family to worry about. :shock:
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Re: shaidar's PC Notes

#116 Post by shaidar »

OK, to keep the appropriate Sword Worlder feeling, I'm thinking that perhaps Franks actual surname is "kjóss", which is a traditional norweigen surname. ... 15-e-38972

Not I'm looking for a similar tweak to Frank. :)

EDIT: Apparently Frank is vaguely Nordic as it is.
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Re: shaidar's PC Notes

#117 Post by Tiglath »

Duly noted - but Kochstadt Control clearly didn't catch your accent. ;)

Frank would be... Frankish! So later Gallic - but not yet French.

However, in Frankia his neighbour Norman would be second or third generation Viking (Rollo and co).

In the same theme as Alans (North Caucasus horse people) but not Vandals (who were Germanic) and went "on tour" throughout the Mediterranean (including an alleged two week spate of criminal damage in Rome). ;) :)
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: shaidar's PC Notes

#118 Post by shaidar »


I'm thinking that Frank 'imperialised' his surname when he left home and joined the 1188th.

At the time he just wanted away from the 'backwater' he grew up in, which is why he worked hard on his accent.

Now he's embarrassed by this youthful rebellion.
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Re: shaidar's PC Notes

#119 Post by Tiglath »

He may have been initially "imperialised" by nothing more sinister than the available font in the recruitment office computer...
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: shaidar's PC Notes

#120 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Tiglath wrote: Sun Sep 10, 2023 1:06 pm He may have been initially "imperialised" by nothing more sinister than the available font in the recruitment office computer...
One of my work colleagues has the surname "None" per US immigration due to...not having had a surname! Apparently, leaving the box blank was not an option!
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