EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#101 Post by Marullus »

Rusty Tincanne wrote:Any word about when Blackjack and his dwarf "friends" will arrive?
Nope. You don't know they are coming. :)
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#102 Post by Alethan »

Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#103 Post by Spearmint »


Sees the dragon bite thin air and watches as fountain spouts of blood spurt into the air. He hears a crunch of unseen bones. He has no offensive spells learned save one but the dragon is too far away for magic missiles. So he casts a 'Stinking Cloud' as close to the impact point of the charging knight and dragon as possible and retreats to hunker down in the shelter of the slit trench.

He is hoping the cloud debilitated the dragon and irritates his senses more than it will hinder Foxys' attack routine.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#104 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Clay was initially confused seeing the dragon descend on nothingness, but seeing the blood spurt from the ground drove the badger-druid to action. Keeping low to the ground, he raced to the pools of blood. Using his nose, he locates the dying wizard and packs grasses and cobwebs over the wounds. He then digs his claws into the earth and prays over Earc, pleased to see the skin knit together neatly.

Able peers out over the ledge and grips his silver holy symbol in both hands. He prays to Eruanna to blind the dragon with light.

Cure Light Wounds [1d6+1] = 6+1 = 7
Able casts light on the dragon's eyes.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#105 Post by Marullus »

Clay sniffs around on the ridge, finding Earc's invisible and bleeding body. He begins to minister to the wizard's savage wounds. (1 more round). Ablesforth prays for Eruanna to blind the dragon, but the dragon shrugs off the effect, the flash of light dissipating as soon as it arrives.

Foxy whistles for the horse, which comes with alacrity to join her, the pair moving again at double speed to charge the dragon with the lance. The dragon roars, eerie in its utter silence, and touches down to meet the giant-sized knight with its giant maw. As their about to engage in more gruesome maiming, a billowing brown cloud bursts forth, as if the loamy earth emitted the worst fart in the history of Gaul. It hangs in brownish haze in a billowing miasma over the pair, both of them gagging upon it and losing the effect of both lance charge and draconic bite. The dragon pumps its powerful wings and flaps back into the sky above the miasma, shaking off the temporary effects of the stinking cloud.

Foxy, I need a Save vs Poison and a [1d4+1] round duration rolled. +2 bonus for good meals; Bless and Protection don't help here. If you win the save, post an action. Otherwise, she's vomiting.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#106 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

Foxy charges in bellowing a brave war-cry, spurring on the warhorse Galavan with renewed hope and second chance to skewer the dragon Scatha. Expecting to feel the full force of the dragons' fiery breath she is instead surprised to be enveloped by the nauseating pea-soup foul cloud.

She gags in her visor helm and brings up last nights salubrious wine. But thankful for the courtesy extended to her by the good townsfolk of Gaul, her constitution shakes off the distressing fumes.

Foxy save vs spells & Galavan [1d20] = 13 [1d20] = 10 (okay I spelled 'spells' not 'poison' but using the macro rolled and with the +2 bonus that is a save!),

Her action would be to navigate out the stinking cloud, (Canal number 5 not her favoured perfumeChanel 5 obviously) and ride back to the hillock. Exchanges lances and 'tip the salute' to Scatha indicating she is ready to accept his challenge for another jousting foray. "We shall yield neither ground nor maidens to you, Scatha Crimsonclaw. Your name will be written only upon memorial stones dug for your bones unless you concede this day. I am Foxy, Flame of the North, I will take your head." she calls, taunting the beast once more.

the second roll you asked for: [1d4+1] = 2+1 = 3
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#107 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Disappointed, though not surprised that Scatha had shrugged off the effects of his miracle, Able attempts to blind the dragon again. With his rough hands holding his holy symbol, he casts light on the dragon's eyes again. Afterwards he looks towards the town and wonders if they will use the recently crafted ballistae.

Clay continues with his current course of action and tends to the invisible mage, and is as pleased by the sudden appearance of several dozen butterflies as he is by the mended wounds. He takes a moment to observe their beauty as they fly off.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#108 Post by Marullus »

(roll attack roll(s)! If you ride past and keep tjethe lance and ride past to reset your next charge, roll one attack. If you charge, then drop it for your sword, roll both attacks.)
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#109 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

Tipping the point of the lance, she spurs the valiant steed galavan forward and charges down the hillock, finally getting the gist of this joust business. At the point of impact ...

Lance charge attack [1d20] = 19 medium lance [2d6] = 8 no strength bonus but +1 damage also for Baudhic blessing, double damage for the charge and doubled again you said for the haste / enlarge =36 hpof damage to Scatha.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#110 Post by Marullus »

Nice job!!

The dragon shakes off the second flash of light as Ablesforth calls for divine aid, snarling in it's unnerving silence. Clay's ministration rouses Earc, who lies invisibly in the wide pool of splattered blood.

Foxy couches her lance and charges the dragon at frightening speed, the tip of the lance finally aimed at the dragon's breast. The dragon whips it's massive maw around, catching Foxy at the same time as she passes. The dragon's teeth puncture her platemail like a can opener, sinking deep into her flesh (-23), but Foxy holds fast, her scream silenced by her proximity to the dragon and it's spell, driving her lance straight through the dragon's scale and through it's chest (-36). With her last strength (1 hp left), Foxy spurs the horse past the dragon, freeing both it's jaws and her lance, wheeling around on the ridgeline for her next action. The dragon looks surprised and stymied, blood running from it's wound and sizzling on the earth below. It narrows its eyes and faces Foxy with indignant hate and rage.

From the direction of town, they hear the sound of a great bellowing of voices, as if charging towards the battle...
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#111 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

Foxy amazingly keeps balance upon the horse, she wonders how the last knight fell off, seeing she kept her seat in the saddle after being savaged and rent by the teeth of the dragon. Having been through his ripping maw, Foxy spurs the horse to the city gates, his ears pricked by the rousing chorus of boots. Tossing away her helm, Foxy calls upwards to the thronging crowd and beyond to the Duke and chief knight sheltering behind the barricades.

My Lord, Duke Gaul and Sir Albrecht, , shall we harken to this beast? No, I yield no ground willingly.

Rather proclaim it, Albrecht, from behind your perch,

'That he which hath no stomach to this fight, Let him depart; his passport shall be made. And crowns for convoy put into his purse: We would not die in that man's company. That fears his fellowship to die with us.

This day is called theFeast of Scatha. He that outlives this day, and comes safe home, Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named, And rouse himself at the name of Scatha. He that shall live this day, and see old age, will yearly on this vigil, feast his neighbours, and say 'To-morrow is Scatha's Fest.' Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars. And say 'These wounds I had on Scatha's Day' Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot, But he'll remember with advantages what feats he did this day: then shall our names, familiar in his mouth as household words, Fochelle de Coulthard, Clay Badger-priest of Beith, Earc Orctongue the Crimson, Idriss Pathfinder, Ablesforth the Merciful, yonder Blackhelms clansmens redeeming their Names. All in their flowing tankards freshly remember'd. This story shall the good man teach his sires; And festivals and maidenhoods shall ne'er go by forgotten. From this day to the ending of the world.

But we in it shall be remember'd; We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so brave, this day virtuous his soul: And gentlemen in Gaul now a-bed shall think themselves accursed they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks, that fought with me upon 'Scatha's Day'."
Foolhardy and reckless, Foxy tips the lance salute again and spurs onwards the horse to charge into the dragons fray once more, ... only immediately to faint from near death, falling from the warhorse and landing, probably in a cow pat, looking up at the blue sky thinking, Is this heaven?, before passing out from blood loss.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#112 Post by Zhym »

"What kind of damned fool pauses in the middle of a battle with a dragon to make a speech?" wonders Pendleton, watching from afar.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#113 Post by Marullus »

The battle is explicitly far from the gates; that's a long ride. We need to take this in parts.

Her wounds savage and near fatal, Foxy turns her giant steed and sets off at a gallop, leading the dragon back towards the city gates. The magically hastened horse is near a blur, matching the top speed of the airborne dragon and keeping it's lead as it flees the beast.

All spellcasters get a final action (with bonus to hit from the dragon fleeing) as the beast flies out of your range.

Foxy gallops across the fields towards Gaul as fast as she can go for about two minutes when she finds herself coming upon about three dozen dwarves charging towards her, all unarmored, some unarmed, others wielding table knives, a few with picks and hammers from their day's work. The Dwarves are all bellowing war cries, Amistad and Olaf running at their head as the charge towards the dragon as Foxy leads it into their midst.

Actions for Amistad, Olaf, and Foxy!
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#114 Post by Zhym »

Is the dragon in melee/charging range, or missile weapons only?
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#115 Post by Marullus »

It will be melee/charging.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#116 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

As Ms. O'Hare blurs by him, Clay shouts an offer for healing. When he is sure she won't come, he offers the invisible mage a paw up, then scurries off to one of the many burrows he has created in the area.*

Able curses as the dragon shrugs off more of his goddess's magic. He tries to curse the beast as it flies over his head. (reverse of Bless)

*Unless Earc needs more healing to come back to consciousness, in which case, Clay will offer more healing.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#117 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

sorry wasn't trying to duck out a fight, I was trying to play in character

Foxy, having charged Scatha thrice and suffering a near mortal wound will ride towards the city gate. Stopping short and about turning to face the dragon again. As the dwarves & co, burst forth from the courtyard she charges once more, her strength failing her again.

Lance charge attack [1d20] = 6 medium lance [2d6] = 3
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#118 Post by Marullus »

Holding for Olaf; also a chance remains for Idriss.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#119 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

What about Spearmint? And I keep hoping Dram will add Baxtaw's and the ballistae into the mix.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#120 Post by Marullus »

Baxtaw is with the ballistae, but they are way out of range as the battle site is explicitly far from the town.
Ballistae can't engage unless the dragon is led back to the gates or the dragon decides to turn on the town itself.

Oh, right, Amistad AND Olaf need to post. :)

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