Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#101 Post by Marullus »

We should know the spider's disposition. Does ten points empty it?
If so, that's a total win without compromise. We drive the spider off into the forest without injury, no alarm is raised to nearby threats, and no reinforcements/baby spider's emerge to run our campsite.
If not, then Aoife needs to post a new set of actions for Berry, Rabon, and Beren.
If combat ends, I am willing to spend a check to enter camp (we now have three) -- can you tell us if the cleared and secured tower base with no spider is Typical, Unsafe, or Dangerous?
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#102 Post by Ludanto »

The spider manages to avoid most ofAoife's panicked blows, but a couple get through, and when the spider flees up the webbing, it holds out one leg stiffly behind it. It disappears through a window and is gone.

Congratulations! The spider only had 5 Disposition. No compromise. Aoife's helmet is damaged. Don't forget to record tests.

Unfortunately, with the open door, open windows, unexplored stairs, and angry spider, this will be a Dangerous camp.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#103 Post by Marullus »

Allric pauses a moment as he watches the crazed look on Aiofe's face as she drives the spider back, screaming and swinging her massive hammer. He leans over in a low to whisper to Rabon, "Man... that girl has issues."

As the spider disappears through the window and the silence falls over the group, Allric pipes up cheerfully, "Well done! Well done all! That is one menace driven from our path." He lets his Motes drift lazily over the room, letting everyone take a more thoughtful look. "What say we take a moment and regroup ourselves here before we head onward, hmm? Aiofe, that looked like a dangerous blow to your head. Are you okay, or should Berry take a look? Do you need to fix your helmet?" He seems not impressed by the webbing-filled chamber. "I've seen worse, of course, but had hoped for better... this ruin's links to dwarven history appear deeper than we expected and perhaps it is best that I check my tomes."

So we are not, "But if the GM feels you’re close to a patrol route, that’s unsafe." Instead we're at: "If you’re camping in crumbling, undead-infested ruins, that’s dangerous." That sucks, but we'll make it, I guess.

Let's strategize. There's a 8% or 17% chance of badness ruining our camp with Disaster. We're likely to have some kind of inconvenience (but not ruining our rest). I think it is worth the risk to avoid all losing the Fresh trait.

We have three checks. We spend one to enter camp.

Instincts then lead to the following three tests first as camp begins:
- Aiofe gets a free test to fix her helmet with Armorer.
- Galen gets a free test to map so far with Cartographer.
- Allric gets a free test to make an elixir for future use with Alchemy.
- ...and if there's no disaster, then Allric gets to rememorize his light spell.

We then have two Checks to spend, allowing tests in the Camp phase. Who has actions they want to take?

There are few stock answers I see for this moment...
- GM has said a Research test might turn up stuff on this ruin. We could try that.*
- Berry can always prepare a Poultice and save it for future use.
- Allric can always prepare another elixir, or make fireworks/explosives for creative future options.
- I'd normally say we have Rabon cook, but we don't need to eat yet, so we save that for next camp.

* (My selfish request would be to have Allric make the research test, or have someone else make the Research test with their Scholar 2 and help, and then Allric spend his Check to record the success for Helping if successful, bringing him back from 1 to 2. Allric only needs one successful test to raise his Scholar skill.)
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#104 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

Let me quickly dash outside, to get my pack and stick. Only be a second.

I don't like the idea of the open trap door above us, but that would probably require a test, and the Grind, to find something to wedge it shut. I'll sleep with my back to the tower door, so we can "barricade" it without using a test. My Early Riser will get me up around 3:00am so I'll take that watch. I don't think I have anything to spend my check on, but I'll need to read up on camps.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#105 Post by jhrrsn »

Aye, my helmet's a little dinged Allric. I'm fine though, thanks. she replies, wiping green ichor from her hammer.

I know a thing or two about Dwarves - what's it say in your books? she asks with a coy smile.

I'm in favour of camping, despite the uncomfortable element of risk! As well as Aoife's instinct test to repair her helmet, she's interested to learn more about the history of this place. However, my understanding is that Scholar is used to research in libraries and make notes, not to actually recall information about a place in situ. However, Aoife would happily help Allric with a Lore Master test, if that's the right skill, using her 'Dwarven Chronicles-wise' (I Am Wise).

Also I'm not sure you have to spend a check to camp, you just have to have at least one to spend, right? I'm happy to donate my check to someone else if they've got a good use for it!
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#106 Post by Ludanto »

Of note:

You don't need to spend a check to camp. You just need to have one available. So you have three checks to spend.

Unfortunately, you need reference materials for research, and you've yet to encounter a library or journal or tapestry or whatever that would meet that requirement.

Also, there is no lore that applies broadly to this place.

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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#107 Post by Marullus »

Drat. You're correct. I was assuming that he carried some researchable volumes as part of "Necessary Tools for Skills" but Scholar is specifically footnoted there that it isn't true. :(

As for Lore Master (which is the "what you know" skill) the GM has already ruled that there is nothing knowable in Lore about this place.

So... with THREE checks, who needs to do something? :) I think we can go ahead with the instinct rolls as those are all pre-emptory and all independent. Any objection to that?
BillTheGalacticHero wrote:I don't like the idea of the open trap door above us, but that would probably require a test, and the Grind, to find something to wedge it shut. I'll sleep with my back to the tower door, so we can "barricade" it without using a test. My Early Riser will get me up around 3:00am so I'll take that watch. I don't think I have anything to spend my check on, but I'll need to read up on camps.
Correct - we could barricade this site and make it safer with a Survivalist check. This would get us a +1 bonus on the camp roll (and might be a good instinct for Thag to consider - in all but Dangerous sites, that +1 is enough to prevent all disasters). We can't do this test because we don't have such an instinct and preparing for camp would in fact advance the clock and cause the grind. We need to just stop where we are.

I don't think it is assumed that every "Camp" includes sleeping overnight. Such as in this case - it is more of a regrouping, handling some non-adventuring things like maps and fixing the helmet, and taking an afternoon break before continuing onward.

We don't need to "set watches" like other RPGs - the one camp roll determines if disaster/encounters strike. If it DOES, however, it would make sense that your Early Riser trait would give you a +1D in detecting or resolving the event.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#108 Post by jhrrsn »

Does the spider have an obvious lair in this room? I'm just thinking of creative ways to use our checks. Was wondering if we could set a trap in case it returns! Otherwise it seems like making some poultices might be useful. I could help with Labourer.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#109 Post by Ludanto »

No obvious nest or anything. Maybe upstairs? But the stairs don't seem safe.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#110 Post by Marullus »

I thought we established on the other thread that a Drive Off success means that it isn't coming back this story? If the looming threat of the returning spider makes this place Dangerous and mandates security measures, then we should have gone to Kill it to give us a moment of semi-assured safety. I feel like this violates our intent.

As there's no objection, lets say we do Camp and go ahead and resolve the Instincts as the pre-emptive, independent actions. Once those are done we'll need to spend the checks, so we can still discuss what to do with them. (If someone wants to set a trap in this room to make it safer for us to return to, that seems fine?)

Allric nods to Aiofe. "Well, it is a good enough time to rest. Everyone, catch your breath and we'll let our dwarf here hammer her helmet back to shape, hmmm?"

He flicks a hand and the Motes spread out around the room, letting everyone take turns benefitting from their light. He wipes some of the webbing off a convenient stack of crates and makes himself a seat and table, settling down with his pack under one of the glowing orbs.

His pack is soon open at his feet, an array of glassware an alembics before him on the makeshift table as he thumbs through his dog-eared journals and notes. "yes... yes... the Vapor of Bravery, indeed... that should be helpful..." he mutters to himself. He tinkers with the jars of ingredients held within his wooden case, mixing them in the beaker in front of him thoughtfully, ensuring exacting care and precision as he does so...

From sheet:
Elixir: Recover from Afraid - Ob 2 Alchemist

Alchemist 3D +1D Fresh +1D Thoughtful = 5D vs Ob 2

Allric Elixir [1d6] = 3 [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 6
4 successes.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#111 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

I assume I'm uneventful in retrieving my backpack from outside the door.

Closing the door, and sitting down with my back to it, I take out an oil-cloth and clean and polish the ichor off my sword.

I'm assuming cleaning supplies are a given for fighter types.

Keeping an eye towards the trap door and the windows.Well done friends, I'm ready to go see what's upstairs whenever you are. We should also see if there is anything useful to be found here.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#112 Post by jhrrsn »

We might need to roll for the camp first, as if it's a disaster we won't get the opportunity to spend our checks? Anyway, I'll roll my Armourer check just so I don't hold things up!

Repairing a helmet is an Ob.1 Armourer check. Aoife's skill is 2D, +1D for Fresh.

[1d6] = 6, [1d6] = 2, [1d6] = 3

Phew! One success.

Aoife bashes the dings out of her helmet with the pommel of her hammer. It's not the best job ever, but it'll do.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#113 Post by Ludanto »

Before I roll for camp events, Galen can try to update his map (Cartographer Ob2) and Thag can look for potable water (Survivalist Ob2)
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#114 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

With the spider scurrying through a window, Rabon emerges from behind a crate, dagger in his hand, nodding at Allric's comment. When talk turns to camping, he agrees. Bad as this place is, it seems unlikely we'll be getting bothered in a spiders lair. Anyone hungry? With no takers for food, Rabon dusts off an area near the door and sits down. When everyone is settled, he lets it be known that he will search the crates for items of value when everyone brakes camp.

If checks are spent to improve the tower, we could spend the next three turns searching the first floor inspecting/reinforcing the stairs and reinforcing the trap door. Then camp again before actually going upstairs.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#115 Post by ffilz »

Galen tries to update (or rather start) his map: [1d6] = 2,[1d6] = 3,[1d6] = 5

1 success, not good...
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
Calligraphy (Per) 1, Defense (Agil) 1, Herbalism (Int) 1, Horsemanship (Awar/Agil) 1, Hunting (Per) 1, Meditation (Void) 1, Kenjitsu (Agil) 1
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#116 Post by Ludanto »

As Galen works on his map, he has to squint more and more, and it soon becomes apparent that the sun has finally set, the dim light that had filtered through the windows fading and leaving the tower enveloped in darkness, except for the faint motes of Allric's spell. Alas, his map seems woefully inadequate in the face of this oppressive gloom.

Remember to log a failure for advancement!
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#117 Post by ffilz »

Ludanto wrote:As Galen works on his map, he has to squint more and more, and it soon becomes apparent that the sun has finally set, the dim light that had filtered through the windows fading and leaving the tower enveloped in darkness, except for the faint motes of Allric's spell. Alas, his map seems woefully inadequate in the face of this oppressive gloom.

Remember to log a failure for advancement!
Galen utters an orcish curse and mutters that he should have lit his lantern before working on the map...
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
Calligraphy (Per) 1, Defense (Agil) 1, Herbalism (Int) 1, Horsemanship (Awar/Agil) 1, Hunting (Per) 1, Meditation (Void) 1, Kenjitsu (Agil) 1
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#118 Post by shroomofinsanity »

If we are allowed to stay here and there is a check left over I can try to whip up a poultice to have that in our pocket.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#119 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

Be careful with open flames, I'm betting these webs are quite flammable.
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Re: Session 1: The Dwarven Monastery

#120 Post by Marullus »

ffilz wrote: Galen utters an orcish curse and mutters that he should have lit his lantern before working on the map...
Allric looks offended, sending a Mote over to bounce around Galen's head, smirking. "Don't blame my lights for poor penmenship, Elf-friend. Next time, sit beneath one, if you wish.

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