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Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:02 pm
by merias
"Aye, count me in," Dandy says. "But first, a two-day rest sounds just what Belenus ordered."

"Leea, I went through me Holy Word scrolls since we seen each other last, do ye have any you could spare?"

I don't suppose anyone in town has another Gate scroll? It would have to be at the 17th level of spell use. :lol:

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:24 am
by GreyWolfVT
Algrim "Even though we all just met if yah would have me I'm up fer some monster huntin'."

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 1:37 pm
by greyarea
Ye Olde Mage Shoppe is drafty and cold. The proprietors appear to be a husband and wife team, older than anyone can identify. Surely some of the oldest people you've ever met. They are both in light robes (she in a shawl as well, but of a light knit) and there is a small fire warming a kettle in the corner. There are magic items are in full view, or at least appear to be.

The woman says, Are you looking for a trade in or to buy? We got most of what you can think of, or else we can acquire it given a few weeks.

The husband just sits in his chair eating a sandwich.


Hit points and marching order
Grimes 63/69
--Dandy 37/40 <Bless, Hold Person x2, Find Traps, Augury, Silence 15'r, Glyph of Warding, Remove Curse, Dispel Magic, Speak With the Dead, Protection from Evil 10' radius, Cure serious wounds x2, Raise dead >
Castinus 38/39
--Furuk 74/78
Dieter 40/42 < Magic Missile x 2, Otiluke's Smoky Sphere, Sleep, Auditory Illusion, Continual Light, Flaming Sphere, Stinking Cloud , Fireball, Monster Summoning I, Slow, Charm Monster, Evard's Black Tentacles, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer, Monster Summoning III , Otiluke's Radiant Sphere, Teleport >


Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 5:45 pm
by badams30
Grimes - fighter

Grimes bows slightly and says "Hello. I am looking for some magic armor that'll fit someone of my, uh... limited height. Can you help me out?"

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 6:36 pm
by spanningtree
Dieter - Mage

Well, we'd be interested in trade but we also have coin. Immediately, we are looking for magick plate mail for Grimes there as well as Furuk. Nodding at both of them. We have the following in immediate trade:

+1 shield
+1 sword
a mace +1
Robe of Useful Things with most of the patches removed: only a ladder, a mule, and a ten foot pole
short sword +1 (NSA)
suit of elf-sized scale mail +2
plate mail +2 (lady elf sized)

First level: burning hands, detect magic, feather fall, jump, comprehend languages, light, read magic
Second level: levitate, mirror image, scare, darkness 15' radius, detect invisibility, strength
Third level: dispel magic, fireball, tongues, gust of wind, infravision
Fourth level: fumble, wall of fire, dimension door, plant growth

What might ye have?

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 7:31 pm
by greyarea
The woman nods, Yes, those are some nice pieces, looking over what you have for trade. She seems to be able to discern their magic with her naked eye: now that's a useful talent. This elfen plate mail can easily be traded in for some for the half-orc. (One-to-one trade for the Plate Mail +2)

The little fella here (she tousles Grimes' hair) might be more difficult. We don't get much call for halfling sized, oh anything more than leather armor. Most halflings round these parts are burahobbits and look silly even in chain mail. (Not you, of course, Mr Grimes. You look just precious in yours.)

I see what I have in back.

Finished with his sandwich, the man starts in on a chicken leg. What about that one piece we got in the other day? he calls back.

You hear: What piece? The strappy thing? from the back room.

No, the one that grey mousy feller brought in with his big friend.

He's a halfling, not a brownie, she calls back.

It might fit. Pieces of chicken spit from his mouth as he calls out whilst still eating.

Uh-huh, she replies, ending the conversation, it seems.

She returns from the back with two sets of armor. Now these two are different so pay attention. This first piece is brownie plate: it's light like mitril but still strong. (Plate mail +1) It should help in a pinch but it isn't as powerful as this other piece, or should I say pieces. She pulls out what can only be described as a plate mail bikini. This was made for the great Hildebad, a dwarven warrior woman of some renown. Its magics are stronger than the other (Plate mail +2) but it might fit funny and, well, look even funnier.



Hit points and marching order
Grimes 63/69
--Dandy 37/40 <Bless, Hold Person x2, Find Traps, Augury, Silence 15'r, Glyph of Warding, Remove Curse, Dispel Magic, Speak With the Dead, Protection from Evil 10' radius, Cure serious wounds x2, Raise dead >
Castinus 38/39
--Furuk 74/78
Dieter 40/42 < Magic Missile x 2, Otiluke's Smoky Sphere, Sleep, Auditory Illusion, Continual Light, Flaming Sphere, Stinking Cloud , Fireball, Monster Summoning I, Slow, Charm Monster, Evard's Black Tentacles, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer, Monster Summoning III , Otiluke's Radiant Sphere, Teleport >


Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:32 am
by badams30
Grimes - Fighter

Grimes glances silently at the options he's presented with, then he looks wide eyed at those with him. "Before you clods say anything... forget it." He shakes his head and says "Let me try on that brownie stuff. You can take that other thing back.

If the brownie plate fits and doesn't look ridiculous, he'll take it, what's the price?

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:51 am
by greyarea
The woman says, You sure? I think the other one, while less flattering, might be better for adventuring. But it's your choice.

We'll trade the brownie armor for three of those magical weapons and the scale mail.

The halfling tries on the armor. A bit tight in some areas and loose in others, but generally fits okay. Not the best suit he's worn but Acquaire tells him that she thinks he looks handsome in it.

The woman turns to the rest of those assembled. And what about you all? Are you needing anything?

A loud crunch is heard as the man bites into the crisp skin of a sizable apple. With a full mouth, he says something completely indistinguishable amid a spray of apple juice and half-chewed bits. The woman nods at you and says, Yes, what he said.


Hit points and marching order
Grimes 63/69
--Dandy 37/40 <Bless, Hold Person x2, Find Traps, Augury, Silence 15'r, Glyph of Warding, Remove Curse, Dispel Magic, Speak With the Dead, Protection from Evil 10' radius, Cure serious wounds x2, Raise dead >
Castinus 38/39
--Furuk 74/78
Dieter 40/42 < Magic Missile x 2, Otiluke's Smoky Sphere, Sleep, Auditory Illusion, Continual Light, Flaming Sphere, Stinking Cloud , Fireball, Monster Summoning I, Slow, Charm Monster, Evard's Black Tentacles, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer, Monster Summoning III , Otiluke's Radiant Sphere, Teleport >


Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:09 am
by badams30
Grimes - Fighter

Grimes grunts and complains as the adjusts the armor, and when he hears the price he stops in his tracks and says "WHAT? No disrespect intended, but who else is going to buy this thing? We just saved the damn world, can't you cut me a discount here? My dignity is already in the gutter here..."

He grumbles and mumbles, hoping to get some price break.

OOC: No way this Halfling is wearing a bikini. Nope. Don't care it it's +20.

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:11 am
by Zhym
While the others shop and swap, Ulster strikes up a conversation with a bird outside the shop, chirping away like it's his first language.

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 6:42 am
by spanningtree
Dieter - Mage

I think you made the right choice Grimes... Dieter will say nodding.

Furuk, does this plate suit you? He will nod to Furuk.

Whispering to his comrades: We have a bit of coin, I'd ask for whatever comes to mind. The worst they can say is no.

Turning back to the proprietors.

Would you happen to have a magic floor lamp, would you? Or perhaps some other strange magics, like a ring of tounges?

OCC: The lamp is from the book of marvelous magic and the ring is in polyhedron magazine 117, let me know if you don't have them. I can send you a description.

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:13 am
by GreyWolfVT
Algrim "I'll go wait outside lads I have no need at the moment for new armor or weapons." with that the new dwarf to the group walks outside and sees Ulster talking to a bird and just acts like all is normal.

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 6:42 pm
by greyarea
The woman looks at Grimes and smiles, I've already factored in a discount for you. Sure you don't want the other set? Much more protection, and it's not like you're the most charismatic anyway.

She looks at Castinus and bats her eyes, That'd be you. And smiles. Are you needing anything? she asks, trying to catch the thief's eye. She couldn't look more old at this point.

The man glowers at Castinus.

She's broken from her reverie by Dieter's request. I might have something like that, let me check. Don't get a lot of exotica here, unless you count everything in the shop, she adds with a laugh and heads to the back room.

OOC: Send me the info and I'll see what they have in stock ;)


Hit points and marching order
Grimes 63/69
--Dandy 37/40 <Bless, Hold Person x2, Find Traps, Augury, Silence 15'r, Glyph of Warding, Remove Curse, Dispel Magic, Speak With the Dead, Protection from Evil 10' radius, Cure serious wounds x2, Raise dead >
Castinus 38/39
--Furuk 74/78
Dieter 40/42 < Magic Missile x 2, Otiluke's Smoky Sphere, Sleep, Auditory Illusion, Continual Light, Flaming Sphere, Stinking Cloud , Fireball, Monster Summoning I, Slow, Charm Monster, Evard's Black Tentacles, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer, Monster Summoning III , Otiluke's Radiant Sphere, Teleport >


Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 1:26 am
by badams30
Grimes - Fighter

Grimes smiles meekly at the old lady and says "Much obliged, ma'am. And no thanks on the other. I do have some dignity, you know..."

OOC: Question - is there a place that Grimes could commission the construction of some magic armor? If so, perhaps he'll do that, electing to let the magic be bartered for some more useful items that could benefit the party. Heck, I've gone this long without magic armor, another quest won't ruin me. The holding sacks are a good idea though.

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 1:42 am
by spanningtree
Dieter - Mage

To his dearest friend: Ja, Grimes, perhaps commissioning the construction of some armor might be the way to go... when I leave here I intend to engage the local mages guild on some business. I will bring your plight up, leave the brownie armor for the moment. I am unsure of the local ability to create a commission in a reasonable amount of time.

To the proprietors: Please reserve this brownie armor for the time being... we will make it worth your time.

Dieter will wait for an answer to his other inquires from the proprietors.

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 4:25 am
by Craigers07
Furuk - Fighter

"Yes, that's what I'm looking for."

Furuk nods at the couple and points to the armor. "I'll take it."

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:59 pm
by merias
Dandy chimes in "What have ye got fer a good cleric 'o Belenus? Any scrolls - not that wizard stuff ye understand."

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 8:15 pm
by tumblingdice
Castinus smiles at the old woman, trying to avoid her husband's gaze. "Good lady," he says, "my armor here has gotten me through many scrapes, but I think it's time to pick up something better. Do you have any enchanted leather armor among your wares?"

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 11:02 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Algrim waits a moment then asks Ulster "So whats the bird tellin ya?"

Re: Chapter 23 - Bissel Again

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 11:23 pm
by Zhym
"'Yes,' mostly," says the druid, smiling indulgently as the bird flies away. "I was asking it to send a message."

"How long do you think it will take them to shop?" he wonders.