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Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:30 pm
by Keehnelf
Rostof looks taken aback at Bromric's cheer and enthusiasm, but simply shakes his head. "Yes, we would be happy of a respite, though it would bring us no joy. Let us retire and set this banner to a new home if we can." He says, patting the thick pool from which the black-shrouded banner hangs with one hand, motioning for Bromric to lead the way.

Soon after, the banner is seen planted outside the dwarfheim construction site.

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:15 am
by KingOfCowards
Kennit will again make a trip to the assessor's office to inquire about claiming ownership of the tower. For now he would like it put in His and Perthrin's name.

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 8:12 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
I found the rations on my character sheet, but not the payment. Just in case, I'll deduct more coins:

2 June
Perthrin purchased 7 days fresh rations
deducted 1 gold, 6 silver and 8 copper

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:45 pm
by Zhym
June 11*

Ulf asks around to find out if the two hobgoblins ever reached town. He takes the bag containing the orc lieutenant's head to the keep, seeking Tamerlin's reward.

* I assume in-town actions also happen on this date?

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:57 pm
by Keehnelf
Yes, the hobgoblins arrived on June 8 and were taken into custody by the Regent. They have not been seen since that time.

The Assessor gladly takes the head and provides the 150gp reward. Each participant in the expedition gets an additional 50xp.

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:00 pm
by Zhym
Ulf is disappointed at the fate of the hobgoblins. Vouching for them seemed to have little effect.

He asks if the Token of Nine Tongues might be returned to him.

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:06 pm
by Keehnelf
The captain of the guard tells Ulf that the token is still in the possession of the hobgoblins. When he inquires further, he learns that they are being kept in the keep for their own welfare for the time being, but that he is welcome to come and speak with them if he so desires.

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:59 pm
by Zhym
"Yes," says Ulf. "I would like to see them, if it is not too much trouble."

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 12:23 am
by Keehnelf
"Not at all," says the guardsman, before ushering Ulf into a sparely-furnished chamber in the rear of the keep. He finds the three hobgoblins within, under guard but not locked in, at ease in the chamber. They greet him formally but not without warmth as he enters.

"Well met and congratulations on your safe return," says the leader of the trio. "I hope that your expedition was a success."

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 12:42 am
by Zhym
"Greetings again to you, and thank you," replies Ulf. "I regret that your reception in our town as not more hospitable. Are they treating you well?"

Following the rules of etiquette, Ulf does not bring up the Token, allowing the hobgoblins the opportunity to offer its return without prompting.

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:25 pm
by Keehnelf
The hobgoblin nods. "Yes, the Regent has been most kind. He insists--and I agree--that we remain here for a time, so that he can guarantee our safety and a place for us within the town once we are free to wander. Also, it is meant to ensure that we are not part of some plot unfolding against him, I presume--though he is too polite to say such things to us. In either case, we are content. We are well-fed, we have comfortable accommodations, and we have plenty of time to accustom ourselves to the behaviors of the townspeople by questioning the guards who are also quite polite."

The hobgoblin encourages Ulf to sit before he continues. "You will likely wonder what has become of the token of passage that you provided me? I wish that I could return it, but it was taken by the Regent as part of his investigation, though he assures me he will return it once we are determined to be deserving of haven. As for you, what is your next plan? I know that you have other goals, including the construction of this dwarf-home here in the town. How goes it? Have you installed yourself as Lord of all Dwarves here in Vaul yet?" He grins, revealing a mouth full of fangs.

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 7:42 pm
by Zhym
Ulf can't help but raise an eyebrow when hears that the Regent took the Token of Nine Tongues. The guard had said that the hobgoblins still had it. Ulf wonders whether the captain of the guard is misinformed or lying—and why anyone but himself would want the token of a dead goblin.

"I have no desire to be Lord of all Dwarves!" he says with a laugh. He knows of another dwarf who might harbor such desires, but he keeps that thought to himself as well. Such topics are not suitable for general conversation. "Construction of the dwarvenheim continues. And I have a new quest. I made a promise find some wolves to join the last survivor at the standing stones. But first I must sit on my arse in town for a few days, waiting for the merchant caravan to arrive, to finish the business of my previous quest. It does not suit me, this laying around, doing nothing. It is one of the reasons I would make a poor Lord of all Dwarves!"

"I am pleased to hear that they are treating you well," he says. "If there is any way I can help you, I am at your service. If you will pardon me, I will take my leave to inquire about that token." With a slight bow, Ulf leaves.

On the way out, he asks for a brief audience with the Regent.

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:07 pm
by Keehnelf
The hobgoblins smile and let Ulf know if their duties and positions permit after they are released, they are willing to aid him in his quest. One of the hobgoblins, Xervo, who unfortunately doesn't speak the common tongue but has signaled a willingness to learn, has experience taming beasts.

Outside, Ulf is politely informed that the Regent reserves private audiences for members of the nobility or their guests, but that the next public session of the court will take place on June 15 if he will be available at that time.

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:18 pm
by Zhym
Taken aback, Ulf stands ramrod erect as if at attention. "With respect," he says in formal tones, "The matter I wish to discuss is somewhat of a personal matter. It is hardly worth the full court's attention." The stiff dwarf stresses this last word. "Please tell the Regent that Ulf Stronghammer, Sargent of the shortbow regiment, veteran of the Battle of Vaul, who very recently delivered one of his enemies' heads to his doorstep, humbly requests a few moments of his time to beg the return of property that, until now, I believed had no value to anyone other than myself."

Ulf remains at attention while he waits for a response.

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:08 pm
by Keehnelf
The guard shakes his head. "Don't sound so humble to me," he mutters, as he knocks and enters the regent's study. After a few moments, he comes back out, closing the door behind him. "Regent says no exceptions. If you want an audience before open court, you can find a noble to arrange a meeting on your behalf. If it ain't a rush, and needs to be private, you can request a private audience in open court and if he grants the petition he'll speak with you after the session closes." He shrugs as if to say, what can you do, and then returns to attention.

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:19 pm
by Zhym
"The request for privacy was not for my benefit," answers Ulf. "But if the Regent wishes to discuss topics of town security in open court, who am I to advise otherwise? Please relay my compliments to Tamerlin on his bold open government policy."

Not waiting for a response, Sargent Ulf turns on his heels. He starts to leave, then stops.

In a gentler voice, he tells the guard, "Look, lad, nothing personal. You're just doing your job, for a man who wasn't the one you signed up to do your job for. I just hope he treats you better than he treats the rest of us. Falles forbid he ever need to rouse another defense force; he might find himself awfully lonely."

"Anyway, if the lord high you-know-what gets a moment of clarity, send word to the Dwarvenheim." Ulf gives the guard a pat on the side and leaves.

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:36 pm
by Keehnelf
The guard simply frowns at Ulf as he delivers his speech, and says nothing as he departs.

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:35 pm
by Zhym
June 15

Ulf, confused why anyone would care about his little Token, spends the next few days leading up to Audience Day helping with the construction on the Dwarvenheim. The work does him good. There's nothing like hard physical labor to clear the mind.

Before the Regent's audience convenes, Ulf goes to the newly arrived merchant caravan. looking for anyone who might be interested in buying a magic sword.

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 8:09 pm
by Keehnelf
Piecro Levio, the caravan-master, greets Ulf enthusiastically as he sees him moving about, trying to unload his sword. The gold-toothed merchant smiles and, with a flourish, produces a large, well-cut diamond from within the folds of his tunic. "Eh?" he exclaims. "I just had this appraised south of the mountains. They marked it at 1,046 gold coins--I would wager that sword it worth about a thousand, so it would make a fair and easy trade!"

Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 8:17 pm
by Zhym
"Done!" agrees Ulf.

"Now I just have to figure out how to split a diamond three ways," he muses to himself as he leaves. "And me with no gem-cutting tools."