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Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:08 pm
by SterlingBlake
Gentlemen, I think it would be unwise to stay close enough to the keep that a goblin patrol could get to us and back under night's cover. May I suggest we travel as far and as fast as we are ever able before night falls? Let us then make camp and assess our condition on the morrow.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 9:12 am
by Jack
Alfri nods, "Aye, let us travel during the remaining daylight, and then camp to give Sammy time to rest before returning to the keep or Speddenfield."

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:26 pm
by SterlingBlake
If we can put between ourselves and the keep more ground than a goblin patrol could follow us over in six hours then I think we will be safe enough for a single watch schedule this night. Although I think they'd not have great difficulty following our trail, I suspect they will be loath to still be abroad in daylight and return early enough to avoid being caught out in it.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 6:02 pm
by mumble
Daro groans at the thought of more marching. He's not used to being hurt, and not accustomed to the strain walking long distances puts on a wounded body. Face red and dripping sweat from the exertion, he puffs: "Friends, Daro admires your stamina. Truly, it is a great honor to travel in your company. Sadly, Daro must admit to being close to collapsing. Seeing the life essence pouring from this magnificent body has fatigued Daro more than expected. Please, Daro implores you, surely we can rest beyond yonder hill?"

He looks at the others hopefully, trying to convey the confidence he has in their ability to protect one another with a wide smile.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:47 pm
by Tamerlaine
Duin snorts in reply to Daro's distress, giving the would-be mage a gimlet eye. Wizards, he thought with a rueful shake of his helmed head. He glances at the others and merely shrugs, a thick hand stroking his beard. "I dinnae care either way," he growls. "I get paid fer me time, not fer 'ow many heads I cave in. Now o' course I do like killin' goblins, that's jus' bonus," the dwarf adds with a wicked grin.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:59 am
by Jack
Alfri looks at the hill and surrounds, and says "A short rest," looks at the bits of bone, brain, and gore on his mace, "some cleaning of weapons, followed by a long enough walk for the protection of one day's light."

Alfri changes direction to a steeper route, heading for the top of the hill, "I shall watch for patrols from up top."

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:27 am
by Tamerlaine
The night goes by without incident. Everyone regains 1 HP plus any bonuses due to Constitution.

Any changes to spells memorized by Daro?

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:35 am
by SterlingBlake
Gentlemen, I feel once again myself. Shall we return for another dawn assault on the keep now or do you feel the need for greater preparation?

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 5:50 pm
by Jack
Sammy check his bandages, and says "I need more rest to recover."

After breakfast he hands 4 dry rations to Alfri.

Daro the Sage - 3/4hp

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:03 pm
by mumble
"Aye, brave Alistair, while Daro is not yet at his heartiest, Daro is willing to go back to that most foul keep and give those goblins their come-uppance!" Daro looks over at Sammy and seems to reconsider. "Mayhaps we should wait and give friend Sammy some more time to recuperate. Daro can always use the time to improve the potency of his magics."

Daro will prepare Sleep in preparation for the next encounter (hopefully at the keep)

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:13 pm
by SterlingBlake
In that case, let us return to Speddenfeld to recuperate and resupply. My provisions have run a bit thin.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 4:43 am
by Jack
Alfri leads the way back to Speddenfield. During Sammy's watches, which Alfri takes to allow the fighter to recover, he asks the rest of the party what weaknesses of the Keep's goblins, other than sunlight, they can think of to exploit.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 2:37 am
by Tamerlaine
As the party makes their way back to Speddenfield, Duin replies to the cleric's inquiries. "Intelligence, priest! Information! Ye all went right through t' front door wi' out even a decent look 'round. What if there's a back door, eh? A hole in t' roof or in a wall? Ye've got a thie...err, a jack-of-all-trades 'ere," the dwarf says shooting a glance at Alistair. "Can t' good halfling 'ere go and take a quiet peek in the dead o' night?"

Duin then mumbles something decidedly dwarfish and rather vulgar under his breath, obviously hot and bothered.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:21 pm
by SterlingBlake
Mister Duin is quite right. More so now that we've blundered through the front gates it is very likely those goblins have set some nasty traps there. Lazy and stupid they may be, but cunning and vicious as well, they are. Next go, I'll have a good scout about. Alone, so as to be unnoticed.

Mister Duin, I am certain you know more about the ugly creatures than I do, but I thought perhaps daylight would provide better cover than dark against goblins. There is the consideration that they have advantage over my eyesight in the dark as well.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 5:52 pm
by Tamerlaine
The party finds their way back to Speddenfield. Lastel is pleased to see the adventurers return yet there is terrible news. Sadly Deldo has succumbed to the poison from his bite and was buried in the village burial ground. While Sammi rests, Zara has been flirting with the wounded warrior. Duin has been drinking and eating without pause, regaling the simple wide-eyed villagers with tales of their heroic combat against a goblin horde. Willow and some of the villagers had eagerly awaited the cleric's return and it is clear to Alfri that the young woman wishes to be a servant of Pelor.

Use this time to restock and do any IC things any of you wish to do before everyone heads back to the keep.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 6:20 pm
by SterlingBlake
Alastair has only to restock on provisions and so has plenty of time to otherwise entertain himself while Sammy and Daro recover from their wounds. Of course he keeps a sharp eye out for any likely marks, not only in the tavern, but also while exploring the village as he is inclined to spend considerable time doing. Besides any easy coin, he's on the lookout for any adventuring types who might be talked into joining them--especially those of the fighting and healing persuasions.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 10:45 pm
by Jack
Alfri looks over Deldo's possessions, and hands over the money and armor to Zara. "Deldo asked me to handle his gold should his light fade, and I think he would've liked you to have it, along with his armor which is worth quite a bit more."

Alfri takes the battle axe, dagger, sling, and the rest of Deldo's equipment, and when he finds Willow, says "Please sell Deldo's weapons and use the money towards restoring Pelor's shrine, and hand out the equipment to the needy. While Deldo was not a servant of the Sun Father, I will be saying some words at his grave at dawn if you want to join me."

Sammy, still a bit rattled by the news of Deldo, and his own close call against the goblins, is happy for the distractions from Zara, but abides by the strict chivalrous code of Heironeous.

The next morning at Deldo's grave, after Alfri and Willow's benedictions, Sammy is beckoned for a few words. "Deldo was, uh, a, he was, a brave fighter; and he was... I'll miss his jokes." he says, and puts down a stone on the grave.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:12 am
by Tamerlaine
During the morning service at Deldo's grave, one might look across the lone stone wall at a tree across the lane. If that person looked more carefully, he would note the waif-like elf half-hidden among the branches. She's not hiding but rather the elf is being discreet, perhaps curious but wishing not to intrude on what must be a somber moment. When eyes fall on the elf, she quietly and nimbly falls to the ground and leaps over the next stone wall, disappearing into the orchard beyond. One does see a glimpse of both a bow and quiver with white fletchings slung over one shoulder.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:38 am
by Jack
Alfri is intrigued when he spots the elf bounding away, having never seen one in person, but stays at the grave with Willow teaching her about Pelorian funeral rites.

Sammy doesn't see anything, and being hungry walks away and sits under a tree to finish his breakfast before heading back to Goat inn.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 3:26 am
by Tamerlaine
Days later the group is hearty and hale once more and makes their way out of Speddenfield. Not far from the village, the party comes across a lone figure sitting on a lone, moss-covered stone wall quietly eating an apple. Alfri recognizes the figure as the elf from Deldo's funeral, the one sitting up in the tree. Dressed in ornately fitting leather of decidedly elven make, the figure wears a cloak of mottled greens and greys, the hood pulled back revealing a waif like female elf with pointy ears and short reddish hair. A cursory glance and one notes the bow and quiver as well as two shortswords tucked into the wide sash at her waist.

The elf tosses the core aside and you catch the barest hint of a smile. "Well met. I understand you are heading back to an old keep. You thought it was abandoned but it wasn't and despite great odds you managed to escape while slaughtering many of the keep's defenders." Then she glances at Duin. "Yes, I heard the tales you told back at the Vulgar Goat, even from far as the stables outside."

"I wish to join you on your return the keep," she says, looking at each of you in the eye. "My name is Laerwen. With a bow my aim is true and my blades are as sharp as a gnome's wit."

Duin's face blanches, his distaste for elves clear as he hawks up a glob of phlegm and spits.