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Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 11:37 pm
by KesselZero
My place is near the front, of course, says the dwarf, shouldering his way towards the front of the line. The dark bothers me not, and I can take a hit better than the rest of ye. He settles his shield on his arm and adjusts his grip on his axe just a bit as the party prepares to move deeper into the cave.

OOC: Hi, all! I'm excited to be part of your party.

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 11:41 pm
by dmw71
KesselZero wrote:My place is near the front, of course, says the dwarf, shouldering his way towards the front of the line. The dark bothers me not, and I can take a hit better than the rest of ye. He settles his shield on his arm and adjusts his grip on his axe just a bit as the party prepares to move deeper into the cave.

OOC: Hi, all! I'm excited to be part of your party.
Clearly impressed with the bravado, Malak says aloud: "I'll stand behind him."

Glad you found a game. Welcome aboard, KesselZero!

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 12:04 am
by Argennian
Zafalia moves aside to allow the dwarf room to move up ahead of her. "Indeed," she responds with a business-like nod.

OOC: Welcome aboard, KZ! 8-)

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 2:25 am
by tkrexx
Son of Thunder manages a slight smile. I wondered if you were coming along, Ironbeard. The Ranger then hunkers down to follow Incio's lead, trying to keep close to the cave wall.

Glad to have you, KZ!

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 2:32 am
by Alethan
Ilhalevar smiles as Ironbeard makes his way to the front.

"It is only logical!"

She steps into line towards the middle-rear of the pack, keeping a diligent eye out for danger from the sides and above as they walk along.

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 4:11 am
by Nuke66
oOC Welcome

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 3:13 pm
by rredmond
Day 1 – 8:30a

Not sure if Incio is still leading the way. I left it as such, but let me know if anything needs to be changed in the Marching Order below. Thanks.

Torch is a-blazing!

As described by Incio, the carved out path leads to a waterfall after only 20 or 30 feet. You can see the stream plunging over the edge and crashing down to the rocks below. You don’t go any closer than about 5 feet, because the rocks get much more slippery the closer you get, and that drop sounds far enough to hurt – a lot.

You can tell by the torchlight that the tunnel goes another 20 feet past the waterfall, then it opens up to a vast, unlit cavern. You can tell it’s got to be pretty big because of the volume of waterfall sound. The whole place (including where you stand) echoes with the sound of the streambed plunging down the waterfall.

PM being sent.

HPs: Malak - 15/15; Incio - 18/18; Ilhalevar - 8/8; Al'Zur- 7/7; SoT - 25/25; Wulfgard - 12/12; Zafalia - 11/11; Korgul - 24/24
WIH: Malak: short sword; Incio: short sword; Ilhalevar: quarterstaff; Al'Zur: long sword; SoT: Spear, shield; Wulfgard: staff; Zafalia: spear, shield; Korgul: battle axe, shield
MO (10’): 1- Incio; 2- Korgul and SoT; 3- Malak and Zafalia; 4- Ilhalevar and Al’Zur; 5- Wulfgard
Consumables: Lantern - 4 hours left (off), 30' radius; Torch, 55 minutes (Malak), 40' radius.
--------Spells: Ilhalevar: 1-2/2; Al'Zur: 1-1/1; Wulfgard: 1-4/4, 2-2/2; Zafalia: 1-4/4, 2-3/3

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 2:49 pm
by Alethan
Ok, let's figure out this marching order.

Is this the correct current party makeup?

Malak (thief)
Ilhalevar (mu)
Al'Zur (mu/thief)
Son of Thunder (ranger)
Wulfgard (cleric)
Zafalia (druid)
Korgul (fighter)

Or have we lost anyone else? At this point, Korgul said he would be towards the front and Malak and Zafalia have agreed he should be in front of them. With the loss of Incio, we need a new front-man. Dmw71 (Malak), you up for it? Otherwise, maybe Nuke66 (Al'Zur) is? Having a thief in front isn't a bad idea.

Then some strength from the fighter-types - either Korgul or Son of Thunder (or side-by-side, if possible). Then some of the weaker ones (Ilhalevar and the other thief). Then Zafalia and Wulfgard. So...

Malak (or Al'Zur)
Korgul and Son of Thunder
Ilhalevar and Al'Zur (or Malak)
Zafalia and Wulfgard

Malak up front and Al'Zur in the middle would be ideal, as Al'Zur could cast a spell or two along side Ilhalevar and be a little more protected to do so.

If we pick up a new player, let's hope they go for a fighting-type as we could use the muscle.

Also, I'd rather not be party leader/caller here, as I'm already party leader in another campaign on this forum, so... someone needs to step up. We don't necessarily have to have a "party leader" per se, but we definitely need someone who will take charge of organizing things like this when the GM asks for it.

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 2:53 pm
by dmw71
Alethan wrote:Malak up front and Al'Zur in the middle would be ideal, as Al'Zur could cast a spell or two along side Ilhalevar and be a little more protected to do so.
Let's do this:

Korgul and Son of Thunder
Ilhalevar and Al'Zur
Zafalia and Wulfgard

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 3:33 pm
by dmw71
"Now that you are down here though you see that the tunnel is cut into an uneven path, following the river’s natural course. Stalactites hang low from the ceiling, and the rock floor is treacherously slippery from the splashing stream."

While waiting for the remaining party members to be lowered into the cavern, Malak begins doing some recon of his new surroundings. A look of concern crosses his face as he kneels and touches the rock floor. "Ahh. This is probably not safe" he thinks to himself.

As the last of the party members fills the cavern, Malak turns to address the group. "Slippery way ahead. Those of you that don't share the balance and gracefulness I do may struggle, so we should probably approach this one at a time." He looks to Emmett: "Thunder Man, tie that rope around me again. While it should be no problem for me, better safe than sorry."

Secured with a rope around his waist, Malak cautiously makes his way through the tunnel leading east, crouching and dodging as he attempts to maneuver around the stalactites impairing his progress. With great caution, Malak makes his way down this tunnel and is quickly thankful for the security the rope provides when the passage slopes abruptly downward for about 12ft.

Wanting to make sure his next words do not fall on deaf ears against the rushing water, Malak turns back and loudly states: "Hold on back there!" Confirmation of his request is evident when the safety line behind him becomes tense.

Malak gets low, doing his best feet-first crab walk while awkwardly holding the touch above him, as he steps onto the steeply declining passage and makes his way towards his instant death the waterfall.

Edit: Corrected spelling error.

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 4:03 pm
by Alethan
"It sounds like we'll want to tie off a second rope here for the climb down below, unless it appears the first rope is long enough..."

Ilhalevar tightens the straps on her pack in preparation for the climb down.

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 10:36 pm
by KesselZero
Malak will let us know if he can't reach the bottom of that waterfall, replies Korgul. Unless, of course, he's dangling halfway down and we can't hear his cries for help over the rushing water. Ha!

Sorry if my movement wasn't clear-- I intended to be second in line, behind Incio, or now Malak. Let the scout go first, but I want to be close behind whenever possible, in case of trouble. In other words, I agree with Alethan and dmw71. :) I'm also going to nominate myself to NOT be leader/caller since I'm new to this system.

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 11:27 pm
by tkrexx
Be ready with a second rope, just in case. Someone light another torch, I don't want to trip over anyone. Tho Malak is not heavy, and 2 very strong warriors attend his line, Son of Thunder grips the rope tensely, ready to pull with all his might if Malak encounters trouble.
Let's do this:

Korgul and Son of Thunder
Ilhalevar and Al'Zur
Zafalia and Wulfgard
That'll do for me.

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 11:46 pm
by dmw71
KesselZero wrote:Malak will let us know if he can't reach the bottom of that waterfall, replies Korgul. Unless, of course, he's dangling halfway down and we can't hear his cries for help over the rushing water. Ha!
ooc: That's good stuff! :lol:
KesselZero wrote:I'm also going to nominate myself to NOT be leader/caller since I'm new to this system.
That might be all the more reason to try it. ;)

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 2:54 pm
by rredmond
The sloping starts about 12' back, but you can all get to safely about 5 or 6 feet away from the water fall.

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 3:07 pm
by dmw71
rredmond wrote:
The sloping starts about 12' back, but you can all get to safely about 5 or 6 feet away from the water fall.
ooc: I imagine Malak is already being lowered down the waterfall and into the cavern below (that, or he's dangling due to the rope not being long enough).

The rest of the party could continue to be lowered down one-by-one, with the last person fastening the end of the rope at the surface and use it to lower themselves down.

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 5:34 pm
by Argennian
tkrexx wrote:Be ready with a second rope, just in case. Someone light another torch, I don't want to trip over anyone. Tho Malak is not heavy, and 2 very strong warriors attend his line, Son of Thunder grips the rope tensely, ready to pull with all his might if Malak encounters trouble.
Let's do this:

Korgul and Son of Thunder
Ilhalevar and Al'Zur
Zafalia and Wulfgard
That'll do for me.

Zafalia (now relegated to rearguard with the cleric Wulfgard) lights up a torch for a closer inspection of the entrance area and any various indigenous flora that might be present and perhaps any signs (scat, old skin/fur, etc.) of passage or habitations of any kind of fauna...

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 9:34 pm
by rredmond
Day 1 – 8:45a

glub glub.

Son of Thunder holds tight to the rope as Malak heads down the northern ledge next to the waterfall itself.

Malak seems to get down okay, a bit wet, and the torch starts a-sputtering. But he is lowered all the way down.

PM being sent of course. MO is updated

HPs: Malak - 15/15; Incio - 18/18; Ilhalevar - 8/8; Al'Zur- 7/7; SoT - 25/25; Wulfgard - 12/12; Zafalia - 11/11; Korgul - 24/24
WIH: Malak: short sword; Incio: short sword; Ilhalevar: quarterstaff; Al'Zur: long sword; SoT: Spear, shield; Wulfgard: staff; Zafalia: spear, shield; Korgul: battle axe, shield
MO (10’): 1- Malak; 2- Korgul and SoT; 3- Ilhalevar and Al'Zur; 4- Zafalia and Wulfgard
Consumables: Lantern - 4 hours left (off), 30' radius; Torch, 45 minutes (Malak), 40' radius.
--------Spells: Ilhalevar: 1-2/2; Al'Zur: 1-1/1; Wulfgard: 1-4/4, 2-2/2; Zafalia: 1-4/4, 2-3/3

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 9:44 pm
by dmw71
rredmond wrote:Malak seems to get down okay, a bit wet, and the torch starts a-sputtering. But he is lowered all the way down.
Somehow able to keep the torch during his decent, Malak props it up long enough to quickly untie the rope from around his waist. Knowing the rest of the party won't hear him (and not wanting to attract unnecessary attention to himself), he holds the now loose rope in both hands and throws his hands up and down with as much force as he can, attempting to create a "wave," indicating to his friends above that it is safe to pull the rope up and repeat the process with the next victim party member.

Once Malak sees the rope being pulled back up (assuming he does), Malak will retrieve the torch, holding it low to the floor, and attempt to find a spot to "hide" while awaiting the arrival of his party mates.

Edit: Fixing some grammatical errors.

Re: Action Thread 1

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 9:54 pm
by KesselZero
Assuming we felt Malak's "wave"--

I'll climb down next, says Korgul, putting his shield on his back and hanging his axe at his belt. The little fellow will need some protection down there.