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Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:51 pm
by rredmond
Day 15 – early afternoon - Yup Spiders
Round 1


Spiders initiative is [1d6] = 1 Party wins initiative!

The elf and half-orc loose their arrows with only Yosef's first arrow hitting. Jeloon drops her bow and charges in with the blade. One of the spiders has an arrow sticking in it, but it keeps coming. Till attacks with his sword, missing his attack as the spiders advance on him. But luckily, Derek steps up next to him to attack, and slay one of the spiders in the front.

Depending on what Bruard does might affect next, but I'm assuming he's going to try and make his way in past Till and Derek, and honestly, with all the furniture that'll take a round anyway... though he may want to see if his services are needed otherwise...

The spiders attack. Two attack Derek (filling in for the one he missed) while one attacks Till.

Of the two on Derek, only one is able to get past his defenses for [1d4] = 4 hps of damage. Derek needs to make a save vs. poison, but you can add 2 to the roll.

The one on Till attacks [1d20] = 18 and hits for [1d4] = 3hps damage. Till also needs to roll a poison save with a 2 bonus.

There are three spiders and they continue to press the attack.

This ends round 1, but Bruard can still declare actions. I will need a new initiative roll and actions for Round 2, the fighters only get 1 attack this round. Before you can attack I need Saves from Till and Derek.

HPs: Jeloon - 24/29; Till - 33/36; Yosef - 10/10; Bruard - 18/19; Derek - 32/40
WIH: Till: short sword (15' radius light); Jeloon: Longsword (20' radius light), shield; Derek: Longsword (20' radius light), shield; Yosef: bow and arrow [or long sword]; Bruard: Mace, shield; Van: +1 ogre spear, shield; Eyman: +1 Battle Axe, shield
MO: 1- Jeloon & Derek; 2- Till; 3- Bruard & Eyman; 4- Ancor, Rosin, DAMs; 5- Yosef & Van
Consumables: Lantern - (Till) 2 hours, 25 minutes left (off), 30' radius; Torch (22 minutes), 40' radius.
--------Spells: Yosef: 1-0/2, 2-1/1; Bruard: 1-4/5, 2-4/4

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:02 pm
by Alethan

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:49 pm
by migellito

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:16 am
by Vokarius
Saving Throw: [1d20] = 1

Uh oh

Attack:[1d20+2] = 2+2 = 4

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:01 pm
by ToniXX
sorry for the late reply... hectic weekend. Bruard will wade into battle and attack the closest spider (on the previous round)

Mace (sm/m) damage [1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5, thaco18-[1d20] = 11=AC7

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:21 pm
by Argennian
OOC: ok, if I'm understanding the scenario correctly, all of the other party members are within the structure and Yosef cannot move to engage any of the 4 spiders unless he climbs through the window to attack?

Yosef gets out his last vial of lamp oil from his backpack and prepares to throw it, as Till had previously declared.

Seeing the other party members now in the building and engaged with the spiders, the elf deduces that it would be unwise to throw the vial and so gathers up his backpack and bow and heads to the entrance. He looks around quickly to be sure that more arachnoids or worse are not approaching and then calls out. "I couldn't get the oil away in time, Till! If any need to fall back out of there, I'll cover you!"

Yosef will remain outsde the door, ready to support his companions if they call for it. Otherwise, he'll keep looking around as the fight ensues to ensure that the party is not being flanked!

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:03 pm
by rredmond
Day 15 – early afternoon - Yup Spiders
Round 2


Spiders initiative is [1d6] = 3 Party wins initiative!

The halfling shakes off the spider venom, but next to him Derek stiffens up, paralyzed by the poison. Unfortunately he also blocks his comrades from making their way in. Bruard bravely steps up next to Till, but misses with his mace. Till on the other hand is able to connect on the spider in front of him but it keeps coming at him.

The two spiders in the room square off against the cleric and thief, while the third spider aggressively goes out the window to attack Jeloon.

The aggression pays off, because none of the spiders inside the building are able to hit, though the one that went out the window and attacked Jeloon is able to get past her defenses. [1d20] = 5 [1d20] = 3 [1d20] = 19 It bites Jeloon causing [1d4] = 2HPs damage and injecting it's venom. Jeloon needs to make a save against poison, adding 2 to the roll.

This ends round 2, Jeloon and Yosef are outside and both can actually attack the outside spider. I will need a new initiative roll and actions for Round 3, Jeloon gets 2 attacks this round if she makes her Poison Save. Derek can move naught but his eyes at this point.

HPs: Jeloon - 22/29; Till - 33/36; Yosef - 10/10; Bruard - 18/19; Derek - 32/40
WIH: Till: short sword (15' radius light); Jeloon: Longsword (20' radius light), shield; Derek: Longsword (20' radius light), shield; Yosef: bow and arrow [or long sword]; Bruard: Mace, shield; Van: +1 ogre spear, shield; Eyman: +1 Battle Axe, shield
MO: 1- Jeloon & Derek; 2- Till; 3- Bruard & Eyman; 4- Ancor, Rosin, DAMs; 5- Yosef & Van
Consumables: Lantern - (Till) 2 hours, 25 minutes left (off), 30' radius; Torch (21 minutes), 40' radius.
--------Spells: Yosef: 1-0/2, 2-1/1; Bruard: 1-4/5, 2-4/4

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:25 pm
by Alethan
Party Initiative Roll:
Initiative [1d6] = 6

Till's attack (swings at the same spider):
To Hit, Shortsword+1 [1d20+1] = 18+1 = 19

Damage, Shortsword+1 (Small/Medium) [1d6+1] = 6+1 = 7

(Till's dice are hot today!)

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:55 pm
by migellito
Save vs. Poison

[1d20] = 2

Jeloon grimaces as the spider bites!

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:28 am
by Alethan
So... just to clarify, there is now a spider outside the structure for Yosef to attack and there is still at least one spider alive and kicking biting inside the structure for Bruard to attack this round.

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:57 am
by Argennian
rredmond wrote:... The halfling shakes off the spider venom, but next to him Derek stiffens up, paralyzed by the poison. Unfortunately he also blocks his comrades from making their way in. Bruard bravely steps up next to Till, but misses with his mace. Till on the other hand is able to connect on the spider in front of him but it keeps coming at him.

The two spiders in the room square off against the cleric and thief, while the third spider aggressively goes out the window to attack Jeloon.

A heavy jolt of fear and concern lances Yosef's heart as he first sees Derek stiffen up. "Derek?! NO! Derek's been bit!" he cries, dropping his bow and backpack and ripping his longsword from its sheath.

The elf starts forward to help and then sees the other spider jump aggressively from the window onto his formidable barbarian ally. "Jeloon!" It takes no more than a fraction of a second for Yosef to switch direction and race towards the arachnoid that's attacking her. He swings his longsword with what he hopes will be a surgical yet powerful enough strike...

Yosef's longsword attack vs spider on Jeloon:
[1d20+1] = 13+1 = 14 (hits AC4) ... ne&id=3753

Longsword damage vs sm/med creatures:
[1d8] = 1 ... ne&id=3754

OOC: 1 damage? :evil: Really? Again?? Sigh... :roll:

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:10 am
by migellito
Jeloon watches Yosef's attacks intently!

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:18 pm
by rredmond
Day 15 – early afternoon - Yup Spiders
Round 3

Oh my I think I jinxed initiative for y'all. What I'll do is resolve it now though Bruard can get in last licks.

Spiders attack at the same time as the party. Their initiative is [1d6] = 6

Till is able to get a strike in on the spider. Though the spider is grievously hurt, it doesn't go down, nor does it abate it's attack

The two spiders in the room continue their attacks on the cleric and thief, obviously it's wounds affecting it's attack, the first spider misses the halfling, while the second is able to get past the armor of the cleric and inject it's poison [1d20] = 1 [1d20] = 19 as well as do [1d4] = 3hps of damage.

The spider outside takes damage from Yosef, but then turns to attack him. Able to get through the Elf's defenses [1d20] = 19 he is able to inject his poison. The spider also does [1d4] = 1HP of damage though Yosef is more worried about the paralytic effect of that poison. At the same time Yosef is able to pierce the spider with his sword, but curses the the simultaneous injection by the spider's fangs affects his ability to bite deep with his weapon.

This ends round 3, Bruard is still able to attack this round and then he has to roll his save versus poison. A fail means he cannot attack next round. Yosef will also need to make his save to attack next round. Remember all saves get a bonus of 2, which should help. I will need a new initiative roll and actions for Round 4, Jeloon and Derek are still paralyzed.

HPs: Jeloon - 22/29; Till - 33/36; Yosef - 9/10; Bruard - 15/19; Derek - 32/40
WIH: Till: short sword (15' radius light); Jeloon: Longsword (20' radius light), shield; Derek: Longsword (20' radius light), shield; Yosef: bow and arrow [or long sword]; Bruard: Mace, shield; Van: +1 ogre spear, shield; Eyman: +1 Battle Axe, shield
MO: 1- Jeloon & Derek; 2- Till; 3- Bruard & Eyman; 4- Ancor, Rosin, DAMs; 5- Yosef & Van
Consumables: Lantern - (Till) 2 hours, 25 minutes left (off), 30' radius; Torch (20 minutes), 40' radius.
--------Spells: Yosef: 1-0/2, 2-1/1; Bruard: 1-4/5, 2-4/4

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:45 pm
by Alethan
I'll wait to roll anything (initiative, attacks, etc.) for Round 4 until Round 3 (and 2, actually) are completely done.

Luck with your saves, guys!


Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:45 pm
by Alethan
rredmond wrote: Till is able to get a strike in on the spider. Though the spider is grievously hurt, it doesn't go down, nor does it abate it's attack
... and bloody hell! :( Tough spider!

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:32 pm
by Argennian
Yosef feels the spider's bite find purchase past his armored defenses and steels himself for the onslaught of its venom...

Saving throw vs poison (not including +2 bonus):
[1d20] = 16 (+2 = 18)

The elf recovers, his adrenaline-ridden heart pounding thunderously in his chest, and stabs desperately at the arachnoid. "Jeloon is bitten as well!" he cries out.

Yosef's 2nd attack vs spider:
[1d20+1] = 8+1 = 9 (hits AC9)

Damage vs sm/med creatures:
[1d8] = 3

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:39 pm
by Vokarius
Derek watches in horror as the spiders continue their attack, powerless to stop them.

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:10 pm
by Alethan
Well... since Argennian made his attack roll for Round 4, I'll go ahead and post the initiative roll and Till's attack rolls...

But before any of this takes effect, Bruard will need to roll two attacks (Round 2, Round 3) and then a save. If he makes his save, then he'll get to roll an attack for Round 4.

Party Initiative:
Initiative [1d6] = 5

Till's Round 4 Attack:
To Hit, Shortsword+1 [1d20+1] = 14+1 = 15

Damage, Shortsword+1 (Small/Medium) [1d6+1] = 3+1 = 4

Bloody well put the bugger down with that!

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:14 pm
by ToniXX
Bruard again brings his mace down upon the evil arachnids...
Mace (sm/m) damage [1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5, thaco18-[1d20] = 9=AC9


Saving throw: [1d20] = 13 + 2 = 15

Re: Action Thread 10

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:38 pm
by Alethan
Well saved, ToniXX! You still get two more attacks, though. That was your Round 2 attack. You need to now make attacks for Round 3 (where you were bit by the spider and had to make your save) and Round 4 (which we're just now starting).