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Re: March 4: Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipel

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:15 pm
by Mister-Kent
Fissurehand the dwarf grunts and waddles past Krystyn, reaching up to the arch over the bridge where the silver pick sits in the key slot. He wraps his meaty hand around the engraved handle and turns. With a clank the bridge once again retracts beneath the platform.

Ballar Uh
You spy Krystyn take her post and stare off into the cavern, raising aloft one of Fissurehand's tiny lanterns. The cave lion sounds have migrated from the chasm below into the caves beyond. The echo of the pride in transit sounds like a distant rockslide.

Through the night you see her sit on the edge of the platform, legs dangling down over the abyss. Periodically, you hear muffled weeping from her as she lowers her head.

Her watch passes uneventfully, and she stoically approaches you as your turn arrives.

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:10 pm
by Fulci
Ballar Uh, fighter/assassin

Ballar Uh murmurs something incomprehensible and takes position.

Hopefully, somebody else have also volunteered for the final portion of the watch.

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:33 am
by Grognardsw
Biblo, arcanist

After an uncomfortable night sleep, Biblo awakens, stretches, eats rations and studies a few new spells for the day.

"Shall we be on our way then?" he asks the others, looking at his map of the dwarf's directions to the Urchin Queen.

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 1:09 pm
by Mister-Kent
Having taken the final watch, Acolyte Gachard greets you all as you rise. He sits cross-legged at the pipe entrance, and stands when you awaken.

"Mr. Fissurehand went back in the pipes a little while ago. He wished us well."

"Err..well, nothing so warm as that exactly. But he did kind of grunt in my direction, and I chose to interpret that as 'Farewell and good luck, new friends!'...Too presumptuous, you think?"

You see the pick-key lodged in the archway, awaiting activation. You see that the pipe behind you has been closed off with a round metal hatch.

Poe flitters up to sit on your shoulder, clearly unsure what to make of these cavernous environs.

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 1:18 pm
by Fulci
Ballar Uh, fighter/assassin

The complex machinery of the sewer system intrigued Ballar Uh from the very first moment, but he couldn't learn much about it. Now at least he can try operating it: he steps up to the archway and turns the pick.

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:56 pm
by Mister-Kent
Thirstday, March 5th
8:00 AM
Under City, crossing the Aqueduct

Ballar Uh
You feel the platform rumble beneath your feet after turning the pick, and the dwarven-make bridge extends once more across the chasm. The dark tunnel entrance across the way beckons with a chilly echo.

Marching order for today? For anyone who's away at the moment I'll try to slot you in a reasonable place.

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 2:14 am
by Grognardsw
Biblo takes up a middle position in the marching order as the group moves ahead.

"Don't go too far ahead," he chirps to Poe.

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:02 pm
by Fulci
Ballar Uh, fighter/assassin

Ballar Uh moves to the front. He is also ready to sneak & scout ahead if needed.

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 2:50 am
by Mister-Kent
The tunnel ahead is increasingly dark as you leave the dim safety of the dwarf platform, desending down an increasingly steep slope. There are sconces for torches embedded in the rock here, clearely set in the stone a long time ago. It will become pitch black if you venture much further without light.

Soft murmurs echo from the tunnel ahead, not quite words, but similar utterances.

Ballar Uh
Gachard moves from the back of the group to your side. "Mister...Uh? Can you see the way?" he asks as he slides his pale palm along the stone wall. "I..." He mutters something, and grows quiet, beginning to whisper some of the affirmations and exaltations of Vorn that Gul-Marach has taught him.

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:17 am
by Grognardsw
Biblo motions for the group to stop. He strains his ears to hear if the soft murmuring echoes are of human origin.

"Is there one of stealth who could scout yonder noise and its source?" he whispers.

If not, Biblo gathers his robe and pads forward. As a half-elf without clanky armor, he can often be quiet. Gifted with infravision, he need not carry revealing torch.

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 7:35 am
by Fulci
Ballar Uh, fighter assassin

"No," grunts Ballar Uh. His tone is so harsh, that Gachard will probably not utter any more words other than prayers for some time.

He gives way to Biblo.

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:09 pm
by Marullus
Gul-Marach remains just behind those at the front, ensuring he is in front of Garchard and trying to protect Kristyn but likely having to concede to walking in tandem with her. Before they set out, he pulls another small rounded piece of iron from his pocket and recasts Continual Light upon it. He keeps it wrapped in a piece of leather while they scout the darkness, but is ready to use it as soon as necessary. Upon consideration, he asks if Garchard might carry it should trouble arise, allowing him freedom with the large sword he carries. If Garchard agrees, he hands it to him.

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 4:33 pm
by Mister-Kent

Gachard gulps at Ballard Uh's curt response. He is silent until you hand him the iron orb. After a moment of holding the orb, he returns to his prayers.

Biblo Phyle

The tunnel curves down and to the right. You briefly relive the experience of descending into the Old 19th's cavern, but the cave ceiling is higher here, the ground rougher.

One-hundred feet beyond the curve move a trio of little shapes with little lights atop their heads. Behind them is a taller man-sized figure. The group seems to converse quietly as they travel in your direction.

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 4:42 am
by Grognardsw
Biblo moves back to the rest of the party.

"Four approach us," whispers the arcanist. "Not dangerous looking. On guard!"

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:08 am
by Mister-Kent
The chattering grows louder as the smaller figures prattle on to their larger companion, who provides minimal feedback. Illuminated by the little creatures' mining hats, the tall figure's golden armor glistens.

When the oncoming party gets withing sight of your group, the armored figured halts in its tracks. "Hail," a deep, gravelly voice calls out. "Who approaches?"

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:14 pm
by Grognardsw
Biblo, illusionist

The phantasmist sees the approaching group in better light. Perhaps they are dangerous looking. Are those small humanoids goblins?

Partially behind the larger form of Gul-Marach, Biblo says: "Delvers on a mission. We seek the Urchin Queen."

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:04 pm
by Marullus
Gul-Marach remains silent, suddenly feeling the absence of the Duchess and their other two larcenous companions. Deceptions in delve encounters fell naturally to their role. He looks around, realizing only Biblo remains. He adjusts his cloak to better cover his vestments, his large and conspicuous form simply interposing between the newcomers and the more vulnerable of his own group.

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 2:00 am
by Mister-Kent
Thirstday, March 5th
8:30 AM
Under City, tunnels and caverns

The tall knight raises his hand, and the attendant goblins stop. At once, all three turn their heads towards the party, the lights on their helmets practically blinding amidst the dark of the cavern tunnel.

"The Urchin Queen's lands lie beyond us, travelers. You must pass the Inverse Spire, which we claim as our own temple. Or…we will, once that damned rodent is done away with." The knight's voice is low and raspy. He glances over towards Gul-Marach ever briefly, and his eyes linger curiously on the rest of you. "If you are no friends of the King of Rats, you would be wise to side with us in the coming confict..."

"For we are Knights of Flesh, born for our god's pleasure and wrath. If you are to enter our camp, you must all swear an oath of fealty to the true goddess of Vornheim, as all faithful must…" His words are pointed and challenging in tone, not an outright accusation but clearly suspicious of your true motives.

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:01 pm
by Marullus
Gul-Marach chuckles dryly. He raises a hand, palm back, to hold off comment from Gerchard or Krystyn.

"We must indeed pass, and we will. We have no interest in your... camp... nor in the Spire you claim as your own but cannot take from vermin. We will swear no oaths." His deep voice rumbles in the passage. "...or will you chance yourselves against us, and weaken yourself against your true enemies? Let us pass."

Re: March 4/5 Descent into the Under City - The Dwarven Pipe

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:33 pm
by Grognardsw
"If we encounter the rodent passing by your temple, we will dispose of it," comments Biblo. "In that we may be of help to you. We are unable to swear fealty and such, however true your goddess may be and I'm sure she is most true."

He remains behind Gul, hand on staff-sling.
Does BIblo know who the true goddess is that are making reference to?

Who else besides Gul is with us?