WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#101 Post by Rex »


Nahum will try and activate his Hyper-Dex (Expending 3 Will points).

He then tries to fire a burst from his Tommy Gun into the slit of the pill box.

Expending a Luck Point.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#102 Post by kipper »

Phil considers the situation and decides the most important thing right now is to take out the German Talent, and then the AT Gun. If he can, he will attempt to focus freezing death upon the MG bunker where the talent is located. (If he needs to re-activate his powers, he will spend 2WP to do so).
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#103 Post by Urson »

John stayed low, cursing the Krauts who had managed to flank them. He reached deep into himself, trying to bring up his Talent.
IF he can, he'll open a pit under the pillbox. IF NOT, he'll squeeze off a few rounds to try and supress the Talent inside the pillbox.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#104 Post by Zhym »

Applying the theory that overkill is just enough kill, Nado also focuses on the bunker, calling a lightning strike to hit it—and hope that maybe some of those on the inside happen to be touching the bunker...
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#105 Post by max_vale »

Approx. 10:20 AM, December 22, 1943, Ortona, Italy

In a rubble strewn city-square of a smashed up Italian coastal town, a titanic battle continued to rage....

Staff Sergeant Nahum Chisholm brought his Thompson SMG up to his shoulder and while his body still blurred with his Hyper DEX Talent Power active, he made an IMPOSSIBLE shot. He put a burst of five .45 caliber rounds 100 yards down range and inside a narrow firing port of a metal pillbox, briefly silencing a German MG 42 that was being used inside it. Even as he did so, he felt several familiar Talent Powers being activated all around him.....and he also noticed that the 30-40 strong German Platoon that also occupied the City Square was largely being left alone by the Talent Powers and they were taking quite a toll on the Loyal Eddie troops all around them....

Corporal Tom Nado summoned forth a Lightning bolt from one of the ever-present winter clouds hanging over Ortona and he put it right into the Metal Pillbox of the German Talent over a hundred yards away....but he could NOT tell what effect the strike had. A moment later, he involuntarily flinched as a German rifle shot zipped right past his ear from BEHIND and above him and he ducked and looked over his shoulder. He could quickly spot were the shot had came from as several German troops were using it to pour fire on the Canadians from the flank. As he watched, he saw a German MP 40 put a burst of 9mm rounds into the back of a Canadian solider crossing over the Rubble wall. Then a moment later, the room exploded as a grenade went off inside the room and that same MP 40 was blown out of the room and down to the street....ironically landing near the body of the man who had just been killed by it....

Lance Corporal Phil Heuron ignored the angry hornet sounds of enemy fire zipping all around him and like his Teammates, he activated his Talent Power and focused it on the Enemy Talent in the Pillbox some 100 yards away. He saw Chisholm put a burst of rounds into its firing port and Nado put a Lighting Bolt into it. To add to that, he send a ray of ice shards as snowflakes suddenly seemed to dance all around his body. HIs icy blast was right on target...but from here, it was impossible to see the effects it had on those inside the bunker....

Corporal John Porcupine ignored the fire coming from behind them AND from the closest Germans tucked behind cover some 25 yards away and instead, he reached down and focused on his Talent Power and he managed to open up a pit in the ground of the Pillbox that was hit by a burst of rounds from a Thompson, struck by a Lightning Bolt and then hit with a Freeze Ray all in a matter of seconds. The Pillbox and its inhabitants fell out of sight and then a moment later the Cree-American's eyes widened a bit when a round from a German rifle hit the ground mere inches from his foot.....

Corporal Koda KNEW the Germans in the room were unaware of his presence and he quickly armed the German 'Potato-Masher' Grenade and as they unloaded a salvo of rounds into the back of the Canadians, he tossed the weapon into the room and then ducked back down the stairs and covered his ears. The blast was deafening inside the narrow confines of the room and dust and shrapnel burst all around and out of the room with an ear-splitting roar. A second later, he leveled his newly acquired FG-42 LMG and he moved into the room, only to see all of the Germans in it had been taken care of.....

Canadian Talent 'Brilliant' Bob Baker snapped out a pair of bursts from his Talent-helped Invention he called his 'Assault Rifle' and he put a pair of German soldiers some 25 yards away from SST 11 down for good while the third member of the group was taken off his feet by a reddish-white blast of energy that came from fellow Canadian Talent, Private Jimmy 'The Maple Leaf Kid' Farraday's Hockey Stick. As the group looked around, they watched as the German PAK-75 AT Gun fired again and took out another cluster of Loyal Eddie troops....

"BLOODY HELL, THAT"S ENOUGH!" yelled out Captain Hyde-Smythe and he dropped his Rifle and pulled a grenade out and he activated his Flight Power and was racing through the sky on a straight line towards the AT Gun in the blink of an eye. He primed the 'egg' and dropped it as he passed over the weapon and a moment later it went off with a flash of light and BOOM of sound and most of the Gun's crew were turned into mince-meat and the Loyal Eddies broke into a cheer and started to rush en masse towards the 30 or so remaining German troops.....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#106 Post by ateno »

Koda looks around the room for naything interesting and looks across the street for any other similar clusters of troops and decides to head up to the top of the building and look around.

By the time hes downstairs the battle will be over.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#107 Post by kipper »

If Phil can see them, and if the Canadian troops are not within range, he will target a blast of cold at the remaining German troops in the City Square. Otherwise, he will approach the steaming crater where the Pillbox used to be located, to see if he can find the Talent who was there (dead or alive).
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#108 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum targets the nearest group of Germans with a burst from his Tommy Gun.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#109 Post by Urson »

John takes cover from the German troops, then opens a pit under the center of them.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#110 Post by Zhym »

Nado calls down another bolt of lighting into the midst of the remaining German troops, aiming for any cluster he can find close together—and, with luck, scaring the you-know-what out of any other soldiers nearby.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#111 Post by max_vale »

Approx. 10:20 AM- 1:00 PM, December 22, 1943, Ortona, Italy

In the plaza, the fierce battle hit a turning point thanks largely to the actions of SST 11....

SSGT Nahum Chisholm cut loose with his Thompson and he put a burst of 5 rounds in the head and upper torso of a well-protected German NCO wielding a new-fangled FG-42 LMG, dropping the man and giving heart to some nearby Canadian soldiers who had been suppressed by the weapon's powerful automatic spray....

LCPL Phil Heuron, looking across the square to where the German 'Pillbox' Talent had been hit by various means a moment ago, was brought back to the immediate area when a German 7.92mm round grazed his shoulder and he turned to see a pair of German paratroopers nearby with weapons trained his way. His body was suddenly surrounded by swirling snow flurries as he raised his hand and cut loose a blue-white ray of cold energy that swept across the pair of unfortunate soldiers and turned them into gruesome, frozen statues....

CPL John Porcupine, still feeling his Talent Power pulsing in his veins, looked over and saw a trio of well-protected Fallschirmjaegar troops pouring fire on the Canadian 'Loyal Eddies' all around him and he opened a 10 foot deep pit underneath the trio, causing them all to drop with screams of surprise and dread. A moment later, a Canadian with a big Bren Gun poured fire down into the hole and the Cree Solider was pretty sure that was the end of THAT....

CPL Tom Nado saw a German SGT firing an MP 40 SMG QUITE effectively as he dropped on Canadian soldier with a burst to the torso and then wounded another with a burst to the legs. He concentrated and brought down a bolt of Lightning from the clouds above and he essentially blasted the unfortunate German Paratrooper NCO off the face of the earth with the power of the blast....

CPL 'Brilliant' Bob Baker fired his grenade launcher and placed his shot perfectly to take out a trio of German Paratroopers while next to him PVT Jimmy 'The Maple Leaf Kid' Farraday used his Hockey Stick to send another blast of light into a German sniper up in a nearby building and cause him to fall out of it and plunge 3 stories to the street as if he were straight out of a Western....

From his position inside the building, CPL Koda went to try and get on top of the roof, but saw that rubble blocked his access, so he moved to the shot out windows the Germans had been using to fire into his Allies' backs and he saw the actions of the various members of SST 11 and how they inspired the Loyal Eddies to rush as one against the suddenly demoralized Germans and the wave immediately caused a German retreat. However, the view also gave him a perfect view of what happened next....

In fact, every member of SST 11 found themselves looking up and over at the flying form of their Commanding Officer Captain Hyde-Smythe suddenly seem to come-apart in the air as an MG 42 just riddled him with a long burst of powerful rounds a moment before some charging Loyal Eddies swarmed them and bayonetted and smashed their skulls in with rifle butts.....

Even though the Captain was impossible to like as a person, he WAS a brave and capable officer and leader and NEVER failed to lead from the front. All of the members of SST 11 felt a bit deflated and a weird combination of rage, despair and exhaustion seemed to hit them at the same time*. Luckily for all of them, it was right at the 'turn of the tide' as the Germans were soon sent fleeing and the Plaza was won.....with the Tanks soon coming back over the rubble wall and a perimeter around the Town Square being set up.

A cheerless lunch was had as Major Stone sent them back to the building Koda had captured to utilize as a temporary base. Their wounds were treated and there were plenty of weapons to take from either the German or Canadian dead and everyone was largely quiet as they came together for a bit of rest and relaxation for a long couple of hours......

Around 1 o'clock, a tired runner came up to the building and called out; "Excuse me, I have a message for a Captain Hyde-Smythe of Special Services Team 11?" All eyes turned to Chisholm as the next in line of command....

*Okay, everyone lost 3 Will Power due to seeing their C.O. become KIA. I'll update sheets later, but anyone who was wounded is healed....if there's any particular weapons or ammo anyone wants/needs...let me know.....Note, there is NOT any ammo for the M1 Garands or the Johnson LMG.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#112 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum would secure himself some more 45acp for his Tommy Gun if possible.

"The Captain was KIA today, I am in command for now."
He stands and walks over to the runner to take the missive.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#113 Post by kipper »

If there are weapons available, Phil would like to take a proper rifle (to replace his current carbine). Prioritising damage and range over clip size or in-close penalty.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#114 Post by ateno »

Koda would like to have another grenade.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#115 Post by Zhym »

With no more ammo for his Johnson (hurr, hurr), Nado should probably get a different gun. Something that would allow him to take full advantage of his high skill in Guns would be nice.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#116 Post by max_vale »

Approx. 1:15 PM on December 22 through 6:00 AM, December 22-23, 1943, Ortona, Italy

Before and during their lunch, LCPL Phil Heuron was able to find an SMLE bolt-action rifle and about 30 rounds for it while Koda was disappointed to find out there were no grenades to be had. He WAS happy to have young Jimmy Farraday treat his wounds while Tom Nado placed his Johnson LMG down and gathered up a big Bren GUN LMG and a trio of 30 round clips for it and Chisholm was able to find a few more 20 rounds clips for his Thompson; brining him up to 4 full magazines for the weapon.

Not long after that is when the runner came to find them. "Right then....if you'll just follow me then", he replies with his voice more informal now, what with no officers around and the men of SST 11 follow him to the other side of the city where the Seaforth Highlanders had CLEARLY been engaged in some NASTY fighting....and the sounds of explosions and gunfire just a few blocks away indicated they still were....

He brings them to a HQ building and says, "Brigadier Hoffmeister and Captain Thomas are expecting you. Good luck to you", he says and then he disappears. Walking into the room, everyone can tell IMMEDIATELY that something is very, very wrong as the HQ is WAY too quiet and somber. Hoffmesiter looks over and says in a strangely hollow tone; "Right, right.....the Special Services Team.....you are going to be attached to Captain Thomas' Company tomorrow for tomorrow's counterattack at dawn.....so.....get some good rest and eat well tonight".....

Captain Thomas looks strangely haggard and a bleak expression mars his strong face as he looks over at the General and says, "I think we should show them sir." "Oh yes.....quite.....well, then, make it happen", he replies in a monotone voice, CLEARLY uncomfortable with something. Thomas rises to his feet and the muscular Company Commander says, "Alright then....follow me.....and....prepare yourselves....", and with that he leads them through a badly shot up block towards a house where a cordon of guards and a large number of Medics have gathered and are carrying out several body-bags.

As Captain Thomas leads the Talents to the blown apart doorway to the house he says in a quiet voice; "Our boys just stumbled across this house about half-an-hour ago. The morning's fighting was going back and forth......we had Jerry on the run and then out of some kind of spinning circle in the air, German Talents appeared and smashed into us from within out own lines. They say one of them had metal skin and launched some kind of explosive light from his hand while another moved quicker than a demon with a no-kidding sword in one hand and firing a Lugar with uncanny marksmanship in the other....but none of that was as bad as what happened with 2 others here", he finishes as he nods towards the house.

A tough, veteran British SGT is weeping while being awkwardly comforted by a few other soldiers and it takes a moment before the members of SST 11 realize they know him. It's SGT Grant Young, who was in the vehicle they first rolled into Ortona on, a LONG two days ago and his voice could be heard; "Those...those bastards! Even in War, there's supposed to be RULES......things you DON'T DO!.....He wasn't even 19 yet......poor Tilly....."; and they remember the earnest, constant questions they got from a super young Private Martin Tilly in that same van.....

Walking into the house, they were all immediately struck by the terrible charnel house smell and the awful stains of blood that dominated one side of the room. Several bodies, wrapped in bags, were still being carried out and a few of the bags were VERY short. A man in plain clothes stood numbly with a camera hanging from a strap around his neck and they all remembered this was Sam Gunn.....veteran news photographer....

Sam spoke with a voice that sounded as if he was down in a well and unfocused eyes. "I speak pretty good Italian and I got the story from the only survivor...an Italian boy of about 14. The German Ubers counterattack caught the Highlanders flat-footed, but there were only 5 of them, so they soon scattered in the face of the Canadians re-organizing and two of them wound up in this house. A family of 7 Italians were living here....a Grandmom, Mom, Dad and 4 kids. Then a patrol of Highlanders came by......5 of them, including young Private Tilly."

Sam's voice cracked for a moment, but he kept telling the story. "The two German Ubers killed all of them...save the 14 year old boy, who managed to hide in a closet and somehow not get found........one of them can apparently make rope do whatever he wants-", and here Gunn's eyes move to a length of rope that lies against one wall with an obvious noose on one end, while the other end is just free, "-and he apparently wanted to strangle a bunch of kids and the old Grandmom......and Private Tilley, who was found lying on the ground with the rope still around his purple neck and face." Sam takes a labored breath and then continues.....

"The other Uber apparently wears a hooded cape over his uniform and carries a no-shot Sickle around.....a Sickle that he can make extend in length and cut through things like they are made out of butter.....things like the other Solider's necks along with Mom and Dad Italian.....a come-to-life Reaper". Sam finally focuses on the group for a moment and just says, "I.....I couldn't take any pictures......not of THIS...." and with that he staggers out and about the same time, Captain Thomas calls for the Talents to come back out.

"You see why we couldn't just tell you about this....this.....incident. These German Talents have crossed a line......we've requested your help as we expect to run into them again during the counter-attack tomorrow....and they need to pay for this slaughter." Thomas leads them to a relatively safe and secure house with some quiet, still intact rooms and tells them; "Okay then, get some good sleep tonight....I'll have food brought to you for a good dinner. We hit Jerry tomorrow at first Light.....and hopefully enact some revenge."

Thomas is as good as word and soon some hot food is delivered while Chisholm, Koda, Heuron, Nado, Porcupine, Baker and Farraday take it all in......

*OOC: Okay, Character Sheets have been updated; everyone got 3 WPs back, but some of you are still quite low in the department (simulating the draining nature of the fighting)....new weapons and ammo in some cases have been added to sheets....everyone has 2 'nades.....they are going quickly in the city fighting......all wounds have been treated.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#117 Post by Urson »

John goes pale under the natural copper-brown of his skin. His fists clench until his knuckles are bone-white, and the ground shudders. These bastards need to die- right now.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#118 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum looks upset, to say the least. "Yes indeed Porcupine, yes indeed."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#119 Post by max_vale »

6:00AM thru approx 11:00 AM, December 23, 1943, Ortona, Italy

The members of SST 11 all lay flat on their bellies or backs in the mostly intact Italian house; gasping for air...utterly exhausted after 5 hours of near non-stop, crazy intense city fighting.....

Most of the ammo for their main weapons was used up* and only Koda still had a grenade; a captured German 'potato masher'; as all had learned very quickly that grenades were extremely useful in house-to-house and street-to-street combat. SGT Grant Young, a Corporal named Valentine and a trio of Privates were in the house with them and guarding the stairs to the ground floor and watching the blown-out windows carefully. The cacophony of battle sounds continued to ring in their ear-drums as rifle shots, bursts of SMG and LMG fire, grenade explosions, yells and curses and pistol shots rang out from street to street as the bloody counter-attack continued....

They had launched the counter-attack at dawn and they certainly had the Germans on the run....but the nature of the environment made the battle feel like a snail's pace....though filled with bloody, close-quarters shoot outs. They had maddeningly felt/heard/smelled the German Ubers using Talent Powers near them, but they had yet to come face-to-face with their foes.....and in the meantime, they had used up a ton of ammo and grenades taking out hidden squad after hidden squad of German troops.....

Somewhere along the way; the 'art' of 'mouse-holing' spread amongst the troops of the Seaforth Highlanders. In essence; a Hawkins mine or captured German Tellar Mine was stuck to a wall of a connecting townhouse or apartment and a makeshift fuse rigged to it and lit. When the bomb went off, it would blow open a 'mouse hole' to the room on the opposite side and the Canadian troops would pour in, taking any Germans occupying the area by surprise. The tactic came about due to the deadliness of getting caught in the streets in terrible cross-fires and ambushes....

After a seemingly hours-long break that was in reality maybe 10 minutes, Chisholm whispered out a call for the others to ready themselves for the next assault. As they did so, he nodded to Baker who had used his Talent Power of Hyper Intelligence earlier to create a 'Super Hawkins Mine' out of a regular Mine and some extra gunpowder and he quickly rigged his last bomb to the wall and set the fuse. Then suddenly, everyone stopped as they FELT a Talent Power being utilized VERY close to them. When it faded, Chisholm felt the highest probability was in the apartment next door, so he motioned for 'Brilliant Bob' to continue what he was doing. Baker did so and he lit the fuse as everyone took cover and readied their weapons to rush in thru the 'Mouse Hole' the bomb would create....

The bomb went off with a devastatingly loud BOOM and as the dust was still in the air, Chisholm motioned for the attack and one of the Privates and Valentine moved in, with SST 11 right on their heels. A couple of Germans were still reeling from the shock of the explosion and they were quickly put down by the Canadians as they rushed in, but then things took a turn...

A pair of German soldiers, one carrying a KAR 98 rifle, the other an MP 40 SMG came rushing down the stairs from an upper level while at the same time another pair of German soldiers came rushing into the room from a lower level. The pair coming from downstairs were armed with an FG 42 LMG and a KAR 98 rifle respectively. However, behind each pair came a German SS soldier with the distinctive rune symbol marking them as 'Ubermenschen' or Talents. The one from above had a long hooded coat over his uniform and all the members of SST 11 could feel/smell/hear his Talent Power being used as he swung a sickle that somehow GREW over the heads of the two troopers in front of him and it sliced poor Private Wilson in half in the blink of an eye!

From below, still on the stairs and ducking below the two troopers in front of him; the other German Uber threw a length of rope that somehow 'flew' thru the air to drop a noose around Corporal Valentine's neck and then fly up towards the roof, lifting the Canadian off the ground with his feet kicking and flailing every which way!

Out of a blown out window the men of SST 11 could also see a spinning circle of light in an alleyway down 1 level (this battle is on the middle floor of a 3 story apartment building if that wasn't clear...sorry!) about 30 yards away and a pair of German troops came running out of the circle, one with a pistol and a sword in hand and the other looked like he was made out of riveted metal....

*If everyone looks at their Character Sheets, they will note they are low on ammo for their main weapon; out of 'nades (except for Koda's one) and have had 1d6 WPs removed. This is all to reflect the past 5 hours spent in city fighting.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#120 Post by Rex »


Nahum activates his hyper dex then fires a burst at the scythe wielding talent.
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