WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

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Rider of Rohan
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#101 Post by Urson »

John snorts quietly, trying to get the burned-oil stench of Talents out of his nose. He concentrates on the nearest MG nest, doing his tried-and-true trick of opening a pit in the bottom, dropping the crew 10'- hopefully, with the MG on top of them for additional injuries.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#102 Post by kipper »

Phil focuses his powers on creating a blast of ice to strike the nearer mortar 'sangar' [Damaging version, spending 4WP to increase activation odds. At 100 yards it should just barely be within Medium range].
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#103 Post by Zhym »

Nado fires a burst at the nearest mortar 'sangar.'
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#104 Post by max_vale »

Early Morning of 6 December on the Summit of the Camino Hill Complex near Monte La Remetanea (Hill 907)

The last big fight for the Camino Hill Complex....the 'Million Dollar Mountain'.....continued with deadly intensity....

Acting quickly, SSGT Nahum Chisholm reached deep within himself, activated his Talent Power of 'Hyper Dexterity' and while yelling out orders to his teammates, he raised up his Thompson SMG and cut loose a 5 round burst that perfectly stitched the German soldier manning an MG 42 in a bunker some 50 yards away and dropped him out of sight....

CPL Koda meanwhile, took aim at one of the three Germans manning a Mortar in the foxhole surrounded by boulders or 'Sangar' some 100 yards away and fired a round from his M1 Garand Rifle. He was pleased to see that he hit his target and the man dropped down to the floor of the Sangar and didn't rise up, but he was perturbed by the fact that his weapon jammed when trying to load the next round from his en bloc clip into the chamber. Cursing, he worked to clear it and then felt something hot graze his shoulder and he looked over and saw that one of the German Riflemen in the foxhole nearby had JUST missed hitting him with his KAR 98 rifle....

CPL John Porcupine scooped up some earth in one hand as he called on his 'Earth Bending' Power and sweat started to bead all over his forehead as for a long moment it felt like he was going to be unable to utilize it, but then..there it was! (Note: I rolled a 10 on your 3D Willpower roll, which is exactly what you need....just remember you have WP to spend) Concentrating, he 'dropped' the foxhole containing the Germans and the 3 remaining troops inside of it along with the MG 42 suddenly fell out of sight.....

CPL Tom Nado sighted down his newly acquired Johnson LMG at the Germans manning the Mortar in the Sangar some 100 yards away and he stroked the trigger and put a 5 round burst into one of the men about to drop a shell down the 'pipe' of the weapon and put him out of action. The kid from the Ozarks started to shift his aim, but saw the last man had turned into a snowman.....

LCPL Phil Heuron called on his 'Freeze Ray' Talent Power and cut loose an ice blue-white blast of cold at the mortar men some 100 yards away and the last remaining German solider in there was turned into a 'snow-man statue' in the blink of an eye. Phil never noticed the snowflakes dancing all around him as he shifted his attention around, trying to see what else was happening.....

Streaking low over the battlefield, Captain Hyde-Smythe got to the far away second Mortar Sangar right after they launched a round at the onrushing FSSF men and he primed and dropped his grenade perfectly into the foxhole and the explosion took out all three men. The Canadian officer quickly flew back towards his men, dropping down right behind the now much deeper MG foxhole and tossing his last remaining grenade in there, to ensure they were dealt with as well. He then dropped low and belly-crawled over to the rest of SST 11 just as the Forecemen's charge quickly routed and defeated the German Company. A VERY few of the Germans were able to get over the side of the mountain and climb down to try and rejoin the German lines further North, but most of this last group of holdouts were killed, wounded or captured in short order.....

The next few hours were spent dealing with a cold, drizzling rain; but food and supplies were now plentiful; so it wasn't all bad. By 2 in the afternoon, they had defeated the last few pockets of snipers and linked up with the British......all of the Camino Hill Complex was now in Allied Hands. By 8 o'clock that night, the Force was relieved as men of the 142nd Regiment came up to take over. They now could take the long trip DOWN the mountain and get into camp for a few days.

The Force had paid a steep price for taking the Million Dollar Mountain.....about one third of the men who had engaged in combat from the 1st and 2nd Regiments were killed, wounded in action or suffered from Trench Foot or Exhaustion. Still, they had pulled off 'what couldn't be done' and their legend began to grow.....

As you settle into your Baracks room, Captain Hyde-Smythe makes sure you all have a hot meal and then Colonel Frederick comes thru briefly, with an arm in a sling and a limp in his walk, but all smiles as he thanks all of you personally and he moves quickly to make the rounds among all of the men. The young Colonel with his two wounds from this action would already have 3 Purple Hearts in the war....so far.....
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