The Low Lantern

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Re: The Low Lantern

#101 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl will stick close to Diamond. Their fates are now tied together and he knows that they have to get to Sticks' and put him down. He is ready to attack if anyone gets in the way but otherwise will progress ahead.

Should anyone get in the way:
Slashing with the short

Smashing with the club

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Re: The Low Lantern

#102 Post by hedgeknight »

Lantern Battle 1
Initiative Order: Faithless (19), Tommy (11), Yarl, Diamond & everyone else (7)

As the combined forces of the Rivington Rats and the Brampton Brothers charge into melee with shouts of battle, the Faithless of Tumbledown meet them with steel and blood! Men scream and die, fall and get up only to fall again. Yarl knocks aside a weak thrust at his chest and cuts his foe down with a chop to the neck! Blood spews along the floor as another takes the dying man's place and Yarl hacks at him too, but he slips on the blood-smeared floor which spoils his attack.
All around him, the Rats and the Brothers fight and fall, some of each, but Yarl can't worry about that right now. He's intent on following Diamond Urchin, who is already bloodied and laughing wildly, to the end, whatever that may be.
The Drow elves at the back of the room (Purple faces), and the owner of the place (Green face) do not interfere in the bloodbath. But they are on guard just in case the melee comes to them.
Once most of the Faithless are down, Diamond Urchin yells, "To the stairs, me brothers! Let's finish this!"
And down the stairs she goes, with Yarl and the remaining Rats close behind.


In the Lower Deck, the Faithless scramble to get in place, some moving to the stairs coming down, while others move to protect their wounded leader. Tommy moves over to the stairs leading down to the hold, intent on blocking any escape should his quarry try to make one. He sends a mental message to Mortlock and he keeps on the lookout for the guardian devil, knowing it is very close by.
Tommy hears the fighting above and then the voice of Diamond Urchin as she takes to the stairs leading to the lower level.
"Here comes your ex, Straightstick," Amrik croons, standing up and drawing a dagger. "I doubt she's coming to give you a kiss."


Yarl is the blue face; Diamond Urchin the orange.
The Faithless are red; Rats and Diamond's crew are the pale faces.
Below deck stays the same for now. Yarl, you will meet resistance at the bottom of the stairs, so you can roll initiative (or keep the one I rolled for you) and roll attacks.


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Re: The Low Lantern

#103 Post by Belkregos »

Tommy holds his position waiting for an opportunity to go after Amirk
Stitches:- 1st lvl Halfling-Rogue: basics HP:9, AC:14, init.:+3, Sw/Bow: +5 to hit/1d6+3 dam +Sneak attack!
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Re: The Low Lantern

#104 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl keeps moving forward like a machine, killing anything that gets in his way. There is nothing else right now except for revenge. He tries his best to not get obgged down by any single opponent while keeping up with Diamond still.

Initiative. (Its a d20 roll plus Dex, right?):

Yarl slashing with the short sword

Yarl smashing with the club

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Re: The Low Lantern

#105 Post by hedgeknight »

Lantern Battle 2
Initiative Order: Faithless (15), Tommy (11), Yarl (10), Diamond & everyone else (7)

Down the stairs toward the lower deck goes two kingpins who've banded together to eliminate a mutual threat. The Faithless of Tumbledown await them at the bottom, eager to finish the fight that started just after sundown the night previous.
"The fucking Rats are with her!" yells a man at the bottom of the stairs, his face a mixture of fear and determination. When Yarl and Diamond Urchin get within range, the two Faithless thugs attack...but to no avail!
Diamond Urchin speaks an arcane word of power and the Faithless thug directly in front of her screams in agony as a blast of frost engulfs his head and face!
As the man falls and dies, Yarl splits the head of the Faithless standing in front of him! Blood sprays him and Diamond Urchin, but all she does is roar another battle cry and cuts down the next man in line.
Yarl bashes his next foe, nearly dropping the man. He steadies himself and jabs at Yarl's stomach, but the kingpin of Rivington easily knocks the blade aside.

They push into the lower deck past bloodstained tables and chairs as more of the Faithless come to protect their kingpin, although there are considerably less today than there were last night.
"Kill them all!" Straightstick growls, standing up, albeit painfully, and making his way to the stairs leading down into darkness.
Amrik Vanthampur doesn't move an inch, and Tommy knows because he has been waiting for an opportunity. But when a familiar voice bellows, "Where's my shit for a brother?!?" Amrik jerks upright and looks across the room.
"Kudd ph krazmyr ourwz! Tmyl zmy vsiro kuztm!" Amrik says, standing up and pulling a second dagger from his belt.
Amrik spoke Infernal: Kill my brother first! Then the dwarf bitch!
"Come to me, husband! Time fer yer medicine!" Diamond shouts laughingly as she charges into the fray.

Tommy if you are acting, I need an initiative roll and actions.
Yarl will go on 10 as before. Diamond is the red lips and Yarl is the swirl of doom! :D

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Re: The Low Lantern

#106 Post by Belkregos »

initiative: [1d20+3]=20+3=23

Tommy casts unseen servant (never know when you'll need it)
after that holds his action till he sees some confirmation the demon is away from them then with a grin he says
"isnit funny how fate turns"

casts Tashas hideous laughter at Amirk (Wis save DC 15)

Tasha’s Hideous Laughter
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M(tiny tarts and a feather that is waved in the air)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Attack/Save: WIS 15
Source: PHB, pg. 280
A creature of your choice that you can see within range perceives everything as hilariously funny and falls into fits of laughter if this spell affects it. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or fall prone, becoming incapacitated and unable to stand up for the duration. A creature with an Intelligence score of 4 or less isn’t affected.

At the end of each of its turns, and each time it takes damage, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. The target has advantage on the saving throw if it’s triggered by damage. On a success, the spell ends.
Stitches:- 1st lvl Halfling-Rogue: basics HP:9, AC:14, init.:+3, Sw/Bow: +5 to hit/1d6+3 dam +Sneak attack!
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Re: The Low Lantern

#107 Post by Computer +1 »

Yer gods damn right the Rats are hereYarl screams at no one in particular. He has become a killing machine. All the pain, anger, stress and emotion of the last two days comes pouring out with each strike. All that matters now is that the Faithless, and Old Man Sticks himself, pay for what they have done.

Yarl swings at the nearest foe with his club

Before slashing with his short sword

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Re: The Low Lantern

#108 Post by hedgeknight »

Lantern Battle 3
Initiative Order: Tommy (23), Faithless (15), Yarl (10), Diamond & everyone else (7)

Yer gods damn right the Rats are here!
Yarl screams at no one in particular. He has become a killing machine. All the pain, anger, stress and emotion of the last two days comes pouring out with each strike. All that matters now is that the Faithless, and Old Man Sticks himself, pay for what they have done. Diamond rages on ahead, leaving some of the Faithless to face the kingpin of the Rats, already bloody from his foes. Two come at him, one limping, the other favoring his ribs. The limping man slashes wickedly with a sword, and Yarl manages to deflect it just before it would have perhaps cleaved off an ear, or worse. The other man winces and stabs at Yarl's stomach, but is barely able to lift his sword.
Yarl bashes that one in the side of the head, popping one of the man's eyes clear of its socket! The man falls with a sickening thud, but Yarl isn't finished. He rams his short sword up to the hilt in the other man's chest, watching the life drain out of him, smelling the man's wine-soaked breath. Yarl jerks the sword free and the man falls forward on his knees, then on his face, dead.

Ahead of him, Diamond Urchin has cut down one man before she suddenly grunts in pain and cries out in surprise as a devilish creature appears right above her, leathery wings keeping it aloft! The barbed fork in its hands drips Diamond's blood!
Spined_Devil.jpg (24 KiB) Viewed 498 times

Seeing the devil revealed, Tommy turns to Amrik and says, "Isn't it funny how fate turns?"
Amrik gives the tabaxi the oddest look, and opens his mouth as if to say something in reply...but instead, he begins to laugh. A chuckle, then a loud laugh, then a gut buster as he falls on the couch, laughing hysterically.

Standing near the steps, Straightstick looks at the patron as if he's gone mad. "Let's get the hell out of here! This whole place has gone insane!" The big guard who has been helping his kingpin all this time, takes him by the arm and begins to lead him down the steps leading into the bowels (the hold) of the Low Lantern.

There are only four Faithless remaining below deck and one is helping Straightstick down the steps to the hold.
Diamond is battling a spined devil.

Tommy -
Yarl -
Diamond - down 15 (or more)

Faithless vs. Yarl: [1d20+1]=12+1=13 [1d8+1]=7+1=8
Faithless vs. Yarl: [1d20+1]=2+1=3 [1d8+1]=2+1=3
Spined devil: [1d20+2]=5+2=7 [1d6]=5 [1d20+2]=13+2=15 [2d4]=6
Amrik WIS save: [1d20]=13
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Re: The Low Lantern

#109 Post by hedgeknight »


This bellow comes from upstairs, but everyone fighting below can hear it. Tommy grins, recognizing the voice, and Amrik pauses laughing for a second...only to laugh all the louder and harder.
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Re: The Low Lantern

#110 Post by Belkregos »

​hearing Mortlock's voice Tommy's smirk widens to a smile and continues playing the gambit
he yells
Come on AMIRK! lets entangle this twist of fate
devils are upon us!

he directs a force of energy towards the devil

he reaches out with his mental link to Mortlock "Amirk is down here, there's a spined devil in between protecting him"

eldritch blast
Eldritch Blast- to hit:[1d20+7]=2+7=9 damage:[1d10+4]=1+4=5
Stitches:- 1st lvl Halfling-Rogue: basics HP:9, AC:14, init.:+3, Sw/Bow: +5 to hit/1d6+3 dam +Sneak attack!
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Re: The Low Lantern

#111 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl looks for his next target and is as surprised as anyone to see the creature appear above Diamond. He hesitates for only a moment before moving on toe finish off the remaining Faithless on this deck. He hopes Diamond can hang on but he knows they can't turn their backs on the Faithless and hope to live.

He brings his club around to strike

Natural 1, poop poop poop. Goodbye clubby club.

And follows with a slash of the short sword

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Re: The Low Lantern

#112 Post by hedgeknight »

Lantern Battle 4
Initiative Order: Tommy (23), Faithless (15), Yarl (10), Diamond & everyone else (7)

Hearing Mortlock's roar, Tommy smirks and says, Come on AMRIK! lets entangle this twist of fate
devils are upon us!"
With that, Tommy turns and sends a blast of eldritch energy at the spinagon. The blast misses the devil by a foot, scorching the wooden beams above. While Amrik laughs all the harder, the Faithless attack!
Knowing the Tabaxi is vulnerable, two members of the Faithless attack! One rakes Tommy across the arm with a rusty sword (I'm assuming your shield spell kicks in, right?) but a magical barrier springs up and protects the Tabaxi from harm! Another Faithless steps in, however, and runs Tommy completely through with a longsword! (Critical hit!)
One of the Faithless rushes Yarl, jabbing him deep in the shoulder! Yarl retaliates, swinging his club...and cursing as it slips from his grip, likely due to the blood running into his palm. Yarl strikes again with his short sword...and the rogue from Tumbledown deflects the kingpin's sword with his own.
While the big Faithless fighter helps Straightstick hurry down the steps, the remaining gang members rush toward the stairs leading from the tavern deck as Mortlock comes crashing down! Hearing his brother's laughter makes the brute of the Vanthampur family think he's the one being laughed at. Mortlock roars and rushes the remaining two Faithless with murderous intent. The first gang member rakes his sword along Mortlock's ribcage, while the second one misses by a mile. Mortlock laughs aloud and crushes the man who wounded him with a mighty blow! He then pivots and smashes the other man, knocking him to the floor.
On the other side of the stairwell, Diamond Urchin fights the crazed spined devil! She narrowly misses the devil with her first swing, but her second clips the beast, sending it spiraling away through the air!
She spits and grins, spying the top of Straightstick's head as he disappears below the eye-level of the steps.
"No!" she hollers, then a large spike misses her head, and another digs deep into her shoulder! The devil laughs wickedly and comes at her with its jagged fork!


Tommy - down 13
Yarl -down 3
Diamond - down 15 (or more)
Mortlock - previously down? now, down 3
Amrik save (15): [1d20]=5
Faithless: [1d20+2]=16+2=18 [1d8+1]=1+1=2
Faithless: [1d20+2]=20+2=22 [1d8+1]=8+1=9 plus Crit damage: [1d8]=4
Faithless: [1d20+2]=17+2=19 [1d8+1]=2+1=3
Faithless: [1d20+2]=17+2=19 [1d8+1]=2+1=3
Faithless: [1d20+2]=5+2=7 [1d8+1]=1+1=2
Mortlock: [1d20+6]=15+6=21 [2d4+4]=5+4=9 [1d20+6]=16+6=22 [2d4+4]=2+4=6
Diamond: [1d20+5]=7+5=12 [1d8+3]=5+3=8
Diamond: [1d20+5]=15+5=20 [1d8+3]=4+3=7
Tail spike: [1d20+4]=8+4=12 [1d4+2]=1+2=3 [1d6]=4
Tail spike: [1d20+4]=12+4=16 [1d4+2]=4+2=6 [1d6]=3
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Re: The Low Lantern

#113 Post by hedgeknight »

Forgot the map...
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Re: The Low Lantern

#114 Post by Belkregos »

hedgeknight wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:36 pm (I'm assuming your shield spell kicks in, right?) but a magical barrier springs up and protects the Tabaxi from harm! Another Faithless steps in, however, and runs Tommy 

indeed, Shield would have come on as a reaction
With that i've casted 3 1st level spells (tashas, unseen servant and shield) and was already 1 low from before so i have only 1 1st level spell slot left
AC:15 (20 with shield spell)
HP max28; current 15

Mortlock - previously down? now, down 3
i had given Morlock my potion of healing before heading out to speak with the diamonds men outside the low lantern

hedgeknight wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:36 pm Knowing the Tabaxi is vulnerable, two members of the Faithless attack! One rakes Tommy across the arm with a rusty sword (I'm assuming your shield spell kicks in, right?) but a magical barrier springs up and protects the Tabaxi from harm! Another Faithless steps in, however, and runs Tommy completely through with a longsword! (Critical hit!)
Tommy tries to stop the blood flowing from the wound left by the steel his thumb digging through muscle and bone trying to plug an artery and continue in the fight
what?! you in-bred idiot! attack the damned devil!!
steps back as he blast an energy bolt in the faithless face
and calls for the unseen servant to stand between him and the attackers with hopes that it will trip or confuse his attackers at least defect an attack before dissipating 

Stitches:- 1st lvl Halfling-Rogue: basics HP:9, AC:14, init.:+3, Sw/Bow: +5 to hit/1d6+3 dam +Sneak attack!
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Re: The Low Lantern

#115 Post by Computer +1 »

That was my favorite club you fuck! Yarl yells before balling up his now empty hand and punching the Faithless thug in the face.

Damage is 1 +str = 5

He follows up the punch with a horizontal slash with the short sword to his opponents midsection while letting out a scream of rage RAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!.

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Re: The Low Lantern

#116 Post by hedgeknight »

Lantern Battle 5
Initiative Order: Tommy (23), Faithless (15), Yarl (10), Diamond & everyone else (7)

Trying to staunch the wound in his gut, Tommy invokes his magic and blows the face off one of the Faithless attacking him! He commands the Unseen Servant to get between him and the other Faithless member, however, the "servant" has no fighting capabilities and the Faithless moves around it and attacks! Tommy moves out of the way and the blade intent upon his heart misses.

The other Faithless attack, but only manage to do so somewhat feebly, as if there is no fight left in them. Yarl, however, is anything but feeble. Blacktongue earns his name cursing his enemy even as he punches the man in the face and then guts him like a fish with a swipe of his sword! Guts strewn along the floor, Yarl steps over them in his pursuit to deal out vengeance for Eston, the Rats, and the Den.

The spined devil dives at Diamond Urchin biting and stabbing with its blackened fork! The kingpin of Brampton ducks and dodges and comes out unscathed. Then, her fiery temper explodes as she pummels the spined devil, taking off a wing and bringing it to the floor. She stomps it with her boot, holding it down and crushes its skull with a blow from her axe!
"Get that fucker before he gets away!" she shouts at Yarl.

As Straightstick disappears below deck, Mortlock charges ahead and finds his brother longer laughing. Instead, the evil businessman, wipes his mouth and holds two daggers. "Come brother, let us dance!" Amrik growls, meeting his older brother in battle. Mortlock roars and swings his greatclub, narrowly missing his brother's head. But on his backswing, he crushes Amrik in the ribs, spinning him around with a grunt.
Amrik's arms respond in a blur of steel, his daggers slicing Mortlock's flesh as easy as butter!


Tommy - down 13
Yarl -down 3
Diamond - down 15 (or more)
Mortlock - previously down? now, down 15
Amrik - down 10

Faithless: [1d20+1]=6+1=7 [1d8+1]=7+1=8
Spined devil: [1d20+2]=8+2=10 [1d6]=6 [1d20+2]=8+2=10 [2d4]=5
Diamond: [1d20+5]=15+5=20 [1d8+3]=8+3=11 [1d20+5]=18+5=23 [1d8+3]=3+3=6
Amrik WIS save: [1d20]=15
Mortlock: [1d20+6]=12+6=18 [2d4+4]=6+4=10
Amrik: [1d20+6]=1+6=7 [1d20+6]=17+6=23 [1d20+6]=14+6=20
Dagger: [1d4+4]=3+4=7 [1d4+4]=1+4=5
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Re: The Low Lantern

#117 Post by Belkregos »

tommy's eyes dart back and forth between the immediate (the faithless thug) and bigger (Amirk) threat trying to decide where to direct his next action, seeing amirk blade work display he reaffirms his decision to bring Mortlock was the right one, although he hates to admit it he doesn't think he could stand toe to toe against Amirk

he steps back creating an opening for the faithless to move away and hoping he takes the bait and tries to escape, there is still opposition that could take him down but if he was in his shoes he would take any opportunity to escape, he stares at him and glances towards the stairs indicating he has a choice
then fires a blast at Amirk

Stitches:- 1st lvl Halfling-Rogue: basics HP:9, AC:14, init.:+3, Sw/Bow: +5 to hit/1d6+3 dam +Sneak attack!
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Re: The Low Lantern

#118 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl hears Diamond's shout and gets moving after Sticks'. He draws his trusty dagger in his off hand as he moves towards and then down the stairs in pursuit.
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Re: The Low Lantern

#119 Post by hedgeknight »

Lantern Battle 6
Initiative Order: Tommy (23), Faithless (15), Diamond & everyone else (7)

Tommy gives the lone member of the Faithless a look and steps aside, hoping the man takes the hint and follows his Kingpin. Regardless, the Tabaxi sends an eldritch blast toward Amrik, knocking the patron down on the couch!
Seeing the damage Tommy can do, the Faithless, tired of fighting, takes to the stairs!

Across the way, Mortlock swings twice and misses his brother, and Amrik just laughs as he steps in close and guts the big Vanthampur with two swift stabs of his daggers! Mortlock staggers and falls backward, landing hard on the opposite couch.
"Ha! You always were the weak one! Even weaker than Thurstwell!" Amrik mocks, moving in for the kill.

Yarl follows the fleeing Faithless to the stairs, pushing his way through (the Tabaxi looks very familiar), as he draws a dagger and pursues Straightstick. The Faithless steps aside, breathing hard. [align]"I-I want no trouble,"[/align] and allows Yarl to pass.
The kingpin of the Rats of Rivington, hurries down the stairs and meets up with a very large man at the bottom. He hears Straightstick's labored breathing somewhere in the hold and hears rattling and grunting as if some object is being moved around.
The big man at the bottom of the stairs has several bruises on his face, but wields a wicked katar in one hand (a punching dagger) and a thick, short blade in the other.
"Ya shouldn't have come, Blacktongue," he says with a sigh. "Now, Ima haf ta kill ya."
It takes a few seconds for Yarl to put the man's face to a name..."Dredge"...a name he's heard of among the other Rats. A man who would do anything for his kingpin. A loyal man, a right-hand man. And now, a man who's willing to kill to protect his kingpin.

Actions? Yarl needs to roll a new Initiative along with his actions.

Mortlock: [1d20+6]=6+6=12 [2d4+4]=8+4=12
Mortlock: [1d20+6]=4+6=10 [2d4+4]=5+4=9
Amrik: [1d20+6]=4+6=10 [1d20+6]=8+6=14 [1d20+6]=13+6=19
Dagger: [1d4+4]=3+4=7 [1d4+4]=2+4=6
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Re: The Low Lantern

#120 Post by Belkregos »

Tommy keeps slamming Amirk
you little bitch, big man when you're winning, you'll show your true self soon enough

Stitches:- 1st lvl Halfling-Rogue: basics HP:9, AC:14, init.:+3, Sw/Bow: +5 to hit/1d6+3 dam +Sneak attack!
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