Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#101 Post by Spearmint »

'Barrow of Silas, Chieftain of the Mercians.
'The Bear of the North'

April 29th 1066.

Barrow Mounds: south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

Late morning.
Weather: damp fetid mist. Visibility reduced to 60ft.
Light sources: torch, sunlight through the mist

By divine luck and choosing wisely, the 10'ft pole Squires arrive at their destination. They are greeted outside of the 'Bear framed' tomb by a pile of skeleton, underneath which, at least in Martell's case, lie the bodies of their former masters. The knights dying in battle to protect Lord Krothos. or so they were told. At least that appears to be true on face value.

The pile of skeletons is probably two or three high and directly in front of the tomb entrance, the rank of boney guardians apparently assembling as a shield wall to fall upon the intruders.

Proceeding with extreme caution, the group search the area while Gilles sneaks off to the tomb entrance, signalling Orgoth to follow him at a distance. His movement full of guile and stealth to soundlessly step tiptoed to peer into the dark recesses of the Barrow. A bare passageway extends maybe 15'ft, the before opening out into a dark chamber beyond. Orgoth squints to see if his infravision can detect anything but all is cold, the stone walls melding into the same dark grey of
emptiness. The tall bear carved lintels stare impassively in petrified pose. The sculptured design suffering from the recent hacking of blades and hammers, their paws hacked off. It seems they gripped the millstone that was rolled away, one paw still clutching the now defunct portal blockstone.

Sven can read the ancient script above the lintel. It declares, Barrow Grave of Silas. Chieftain of the Mercians. 'The Bear of the North' . It is written in an ancient script but also in Elvish calligraphy and Dwarven runes.

Leomane prods the bone pile with his pole. It does not provoke any reanimation protocol and after a few tense minutes, the squires begin to delicately search for the remains of their masters.

Eddy "We should at least inter them in the tomb."

Franc "Taking their shields will prove we came and can honour them properly."

Martell "He died here. I should mark the spot."

With a bit of searching, two bodies are recovered and two squires equip themselves with new shields, exchanging their plain unbranded shields for the kites depicting the heraldry of the deceased knights. One kneels to gesture some 'last rites' blessing over the two corpses. Though one knight has his chainmail shredded by many blows, the second looks still wearable. With a bit of adjusting it could fit a half-orc or even Sven if you wish to avail yourself. "It would be foolish to not enrich ourselves while still honouring their memory by burying them." It is a pragmatic view of taking the spoils of war or recycling equipment. The skeletons though are dressed in rotted garb, battered helms and their weaponry rusted.

A pouch containing 5gp & 260sp is also recovered to add to the community pot.
So you have searched the bone pile without interference and reached the tomb entrance but not gone beyond.

next actions please.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#102 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven looks over the sculpted bears closely, searching for any secrets and admiring the craftsmanship of this defiled tomb. He records the words above the opening in his journal.

As the skeletons are being searched, he comments softly. “If these were stacked like this after the battle where they fell, that could certainly indicate that someone or something is still here.”

Keeping the fact that only two of the knights were found outside to himself for now, Sven remains reverent as the squires pay their final respects. He nudges Orgoth towards the chainmail if he wants it, while adding the coins to the others and recording the find.

“Do we want to investigate inside? It could be terribly dangerous.” Trying to control his nerves, Sven agrees to follow behind the squires if they decide to explore further.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#103 Post by Rex »


Orgoth is already wearing chainmail.

Orgoth checks the squires shields as they discard them, if any are better then his small wooden shield he will try and claim it.

Then he proceeds to follow the squires into the tomb. "We should be cautious."
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#104 Post by Spearmint »

'Barrow of Silas, Chieftain of the Mercians.
'The Bear of the North'

April 29th 1066.

Barrow Mounds: south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

Late morning.
Weather: damp fetid mist. Visibility reduced to 60ft.
Light sources: torch, sunlight through the mist

Undeterred by the sight of two knights hacked to pieces beneath the remnants of the tombs skeletal guards, the intrepid squires, mage and keg and torchbearing half-orc slowly filter through the entrance passageway. Gilles is still on his mark and tiptoes, stealthily creeping ahead by the light of a shielded candle.

Beyond the arched stone passage, it opens up into a domed circular chamber, surrounded by a dozen or more alcoves. Each one could fit a person standing upright. They are empty but against one wall two figures lie, broken and savaged, their shields rent asunder and broadswords cast aside. The men have been gouged and ripped by claws and teeth and feasted upon, limbs torn away in animalistic butchery.

Another archway opposite the passage shows a second chamber of similar proportions. Two stone sarcophagus are there, one has its lid cast aside. By it a bearskined skeletal figure kneels, his hands throttling the final knight in a deathly grip, the two grappled in deaths embrace. A spear thrust through the spine and ribcage of the skeleton impales the knight also. It is a diorama of the last tragic encounter.
Something tells me our luck will eventually run out.
Sven never spoke a truer word. By the light of a flaming torch you see the chamber and the sarcophagi. The second has the body of a huge grizzly bear, curled up in sleep resting on top. Decayed and rotten, its flesh torn and atrophied. But your firelight reflects a gleam of nightmarish red in its eyes and with necrotic sustenance, it rises from the grave. It stands maybe nine feet high and several wider and with a demonic power rises and charges to defend the tomb against robbers.

Do you try to outrun the bear or outrun each other? The squires are transfixed by fear then fanatically Eddy shouts "Hooray, Hooray, heh!" and determines fight over flight.

The grizzly charges, a grim reaper intent on scything down the intruders. Amazingly its claw, claw, bite routine fails to hit anyone or anything. Maybe luck is on your side? Can you take advantage, you may only have the one do or die attempt.

actions Sven and Orgoth please.

Silas' 🐻 -11hp
Silas' Zombie Bear
Silas' Zombie Bear
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#105 Post by Spearmint »

give me two actions please. One for this round and one for the next.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#106 Post by Rex »


Orgoth drops his load, draws his sword and attacks the bear with all his might. "Crom be with us!"

Long Sword, vs large [1d20+1]=8+1=9 to hit [1d12+3]=11+3=14 damage

second round
Long Sword, vs large [1d20+1]=1+1=2 to hit [1d12+3]=12+3=15 damage

Not going well!
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#107 Post by Spearmint »

Edit adjustments vs large creature

Eddy longsword vs large [1d12]=9 Leomane [1d12]=2

Silas' 🐻 -17hp

Orgoth such great killer damage if you had hit
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#108 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven panics for a moment but remembers his place, firing off a spell of pure magical energy at the zombie bear’s rotting eyeballs. Magic Missile [1d4+1]=3+1=4

1st Level Spell Retention (INT 15) [4d6+1]=11+1=12

Maintaining his distance from the dangerous beast, he tries the spell again, to a lesser effect.

Magic Missile [1d4+1]=1+1=2

1st Level Spell Retention (INT 15) [4d6+1]=11+1=12
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#109 Post by Spearmint »

done in real time over my mid day coffee

'Barrow of Silas, Chieftain of the Mercians.
'The Bear of the North'

April 29th 1066.

Barrow Mounds: south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik

In the barrow, the group face a grizzly death, to be torn and eaten, ripped and feasted upon. The giant brown bear, awoken from its zombie slumber by the light of the flaming firebrand charges to defend his domain and add more bones to the pile.

In the first round of mayhem, the squires get in three hits and Sven looses arcane energy from his fingertips to impale and shock the beast.

Silas'🐻 takes -21hp damage in first round but presses on to the chamber, standing to its full nine feet and a half high, but it amazingly fails to hit anyone.

The squires win initiative for the second round and press the combat, Swords, maces and magic combine to further inflict another -8hp of damage.

Orgoth flexes his muscles and does two powerful blows, enough to sever the creature in half but missing twice, his longsword cuts through the stone alcoves instead and with that amount of damage breaks in two. He may grab one from a fallen knight.

The bear has a chance to respond, targeting the flame wielder but again the bear only hits with a single raking claw and the half-orc gets bloodied for -2hp

🐻 -29hp total.

The third round begins and initiative is tied but fate determines that a zombie bear is not as quick as the living who take advantage. Gilles stabs with his short blade then with an 8000-1 chance the three squires, all get critical hits!

Inflicting enough damage, 50+hp to quarter the beast. Orgoth can complete the rout and sever the head.
just the -14hp inflicted is enough but the criticals do it with panache!

The hot headed, foolhardy, brave delinquents, enter the barrow with 1 or 2 hit points after the zombie attack and survive a legendary beast. I think the keg gets drained in celebration!

next actions Sven and Orgoth please
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#110 Post by Rex »


Orgoth picks up a long sword and severs its head to make sure. "Should we drag it outside and put it to the torch?"
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#111 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven shakes his head at the carnage from the squires, and to the idea of burning the creature.

"I think the smell of the smoke might attract unwanted visitors to our little party here. But I think we should definitely keep the head and body separated, just in case." The mage watches as the beast is beheaded, amazed again that all of them survived the ordeal.

"Can you chop those front paws off as well, Orgoth? It looks like I have more charms to make."

The mage refrains from any day drinking, urging any celebrations to be quiet and short. He starts looking around at the area where the bear was guarding, peeking into each alcove as he looks around the room.

"You squires must be destined for greatness to win a battle such as this without a single casualty."
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#112 Post by Rex »


Orgoth lops off the paws. "Here you go Sven." He will limit himself to 1 drink only and cleaning his gear of any gore.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#113 Post by Spearmint »

"You squires must be destined for greatness to win a battle such as this without a single casualty."
How true. The squires are all 1st level npc's with max hp like yourselves. Gilles T1 -1hp, Franc C1, -3hp, Eddy F1 -7hp, Leomane F1 -7hp, Martell F1 -8hp. I rolled attacks for the bear and scored 4 6 1 7 10 4 needing 8+ to hit AC7.

Barrow of Silas, Chieftain of the Mercians.
'The Bear of the North'

April 29th 1066.

Barrow Mounds: south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik

Sven you can collect the bear claws.

The tomb is two circular chambers, the first has alcoves all around the walls. You can imagine the skeleton guard stood in them, waiting eternally for the tomb entrance to be broken through. The domed chamber is bare (not bear) otherwise and two deceased knights are here. The alcoves are unremarkable. You can search each, looking for secret niches and loose bricks but nothing worthy is found.

The second chamber is described previously:

Another archway opposite the passage shows a second chamber of similar proportions. Two stone sarcophagus are there, one has its lid cast aside. By it a bearskined skeletal figure kneels, his hands throttling the final knight in a deathly grip, the two grappled in deaths embrace. A spear thrust through the spine and ribcage of the skeleton impales the knight also. It is a diorama of the last tragic encounter.

The zombie bear in pieces at your feet. The sarcophagi it lay upon unopened.

Squires bring their fallen masters into the chamber, setting them at rest among the quartered bear. Burying them not a practical option, neither is returning the bodies to Helix or Ironguard for proper burial elsewhere. They each take up a shield. The spear has a pennant of Lord Krothos upon. The fact the spear pierced both skeletal warrior and knight is not lost upon Eddy. Is this 'the fog of battle'?

You can hang a torch in a wall sconce in each chamber to illuminate any search and investigation.

The bearskin cloak of Silas the Chieftain is still in extremely good condition. The hair black and shiny, soft to touch and warm. The skeleton's other clothes are rotted, he has no bling such jewelry. His open cask contains dry earth and burial shrouds. The stone sides are carved in bas relief pictures of typical warrior scenes.

The second sarcophagus is similarly decorated but in pastoral scenes. The lid is heavy, a massive slate of stone. Gilles gives a brief check but doesn't find any evidence of traps around it.

Having come so far, with great anticipation, the squires lever the lid off. It grates with that stone upon stone sound. Inside is not another figure, the bear of course lay entombed out. Instead, in the dust and detritus of the casket are a long oak staff, iron bound and carved with a bear head. The shaft has decals of geometric designs. Also some leathery sacks contain an assortment of jingling coins.

next actions Sven and Orgoth please
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#114 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven places torches in the sconces while the squires intern their old masters. "Perhaps a worthy prayer would be in order, master Franc?"

Finding nothing interesting in the alcoves, the mage tries to determine who would have wielded the spear that took out the final knight and the fur clad skeleton at the same time. Sven casts his cantrip to learn if any of the items they found are imbued with magical properties. Cast: Detect Magic He keeps any information that he learns all to himself for the time being, still unsure where the sceptre the squires were looking for might be.

He looks over the bodies of the fallen knights, along with the chainmail they already recovered. He also makes a general sweep of the interior of the mound, concentrating the remainder of his duration on the figure in the bearskin cloak, who he believes must be the remnants of the great Silas, the bear of the north, whoever that is....or was. The cloak and the spear, obviously, but also at the interior of the empty sarcophagi they were near. Finally, he looks over the staff, bags of jingling goodies, and the remainder of the second stone sarcophagi, inside and out. 1st Level Spell Retention (INT 15) [4d6+1]=9+1=10 (in case he needs more time)

He tries to claim the only item that would really catch the eye of a magic wielder such as himself. "That staff, do any of you know anything about it? The geometric designs on it seem to be calling to me."
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#115 Post by Rex »


Orgoth searches the chamber for secret doors or hidden items. He likes the looks of the bear hide but keeps quite for now.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#116 Post by Spearmint »

Barrow of Silas, Chieftain of the Mercians.
'The Bear of the North'. (Barrow16)

April 29th 1066:
Light sources. Torchlight.

Barrow Mounds: south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik

my bad. I should have put short staff not long, I can see the misunderstanding. The bear headed staff is the sceptre. The design is more 'Celtic or Saxon' as a staff type rather than a Latin type of a rod with a mace or orb shaped head.

Sven inquires to the sceptre staff, the designs are a line of dwarven glyphs on one side and ancient elven on the opposing with some common or human type font in between. Roughly, without much study you can think it relates to a pact from the Dwarves of the Moon Peaks and Elves of the Thornswild that the Chieftain rules the land in-between. You might have to do some history research to find out more regarding Silas 'Bear of the North' and the Moor history.

Carrying on with an inspection of the trove, the black bearskin radiates an aura of abjuration. The large cloak made from a single skin with a fringe of claws and thick fur collar with a bear scalp helm. The spear has ripped through it and the tear means that it needs repair.

The spear, already described as having a pennon of Krothos tied to it. It does have an aura also, glinting from the silver edged blade. With Franc and Gilles of class types unfamiliar with such weapons and the other squires recovering broadswords from their fallen, there is no dissent to Orgoth taking it.

The four bags have several thousand silver pieces. Probably weighing 20lbs in weight each.

The two sarcophagi are large stone monuments and could inter more than one body, being at least eight feet long by three wide and deep. The squires set about scooping the dust and detritus from the bear sarcophagus so their fallen masters may be formally laid to rest inside them. As you help, a large iron pull ring is uncovered under the thick layer of dust.

The temptations not to pull a pull ring is too strong and the handle of some false door opens with a loud creak and billowing of dust. When it settles the expected false bottom does not reveal another treasure chest of goodies but at narrow set of stone steps.

A damp rot and decaying smell wafts upwards from the dark depths below, your torchlight flickers and wanes struggling against being snuffed out.

An entrance to the Barrowmaze.

actions Sven and Orgoth please
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#117 Post by Rex »

Spearmint wrote: Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:32 pm
The spear, already described as having a pennon of Krothos tied to it. It does have an aura also, glinting from the silver edged blade. With Franc and Gilles of class types unfamiliar with such weapons and the other squires recovering broadswords from their fallen, there is no dissent to Orgoth taking it.
Just to be clear, Orgoth is taking the magic Spear?
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#118 Post by Spearmint »

there is no dissent to Orgoth taking it.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#119 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven looks the bear headed staff over carefully, marveling at its design. "I can't tell if this is magical or not, but if you guys don't mind, I would like to carry it until we get back. I want to do some research on it, and on Silas, once we return to town. This kind of thing really fascinates me."

He looks over the bearskin cloak next. "I bet we could find someone back in town that would be able to mend this thing as well. Anyone want to wear it in the meantime? I would guess it offers some sort of protection magic."

When the squires push the spear towards Orgoth to take, Sven secretly mouths the word "maaaagic" to his new friend as he covertly points to it.

The mage dumps approximately one quarter of one of the sacks of coins out on the floor while the squires prepare their masters for a proper burial, counting that total so he can mathematically get a better estimate of how many they have found. "This is going to be a heavy load on our trip back through the moors. Maybe we can find another good place to bury what we can't carry. Not around here though. Too many people coming around with shovels, it would seem."

When the secret entrance to some unknown underground passage is discovered, Sven has all he can do to contain his excitement. "What do we have here? Do you think this leads to more crypts, or to somewhere even better?"

"What do you say squires? Orgoth? Are you ready for a little more exploration? Or should we return now and not press our luck. Either way, I believe this is a pretty tremendous find right here. There has to be something amazing yet to find below."
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#120 Post by Rex »


"Thank you" Orgoth says to the squires. Taking the spear and checking its heft and balance. Seeing Sven he catches his meaning and keeps quite. "I am fine going down and exploring some if everyone else is."

Orgoth has proficiency in Crossbow, Javelin, Long Sword and Dagger. He doesn't own a crossbow, can I switch it to spear or would I need to do some training first to do that? Not allowed?

Sheet updated.

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