The Unforgiving River Okeanos

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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#101 Post by dice_monkey »

Recovering from his failed swing, Kaul redoubles his attack on the creature on Hakon.

Bastard Sword To Hit:[1d20+2] = 8+2 = 10 Damage:[1d8+2] = 3+2 = 5

Bastard Sword To Hit:[1d20+2] = 10+2 = 12 Damage:[1d8+2] = 6+2 = 8

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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#102 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Regarding firing into melee.....I screwed up on Drest's very first shot into the battle, but I am not going to go back and change that now. :lol: Basically, on a roll of 1-3 on a short range shot only, (50 yards or less, outdoors) there is an even chance that the missile will hit a random target, friend or foe. That is always the case on any shots longer than Short range. (You are supposed to roll again, but I will normally make the second roll to ease the delay in this PbP format.) Just putting this out there for full disclosure. (and for future considerations) :D

Clean Up From The Prehistoric Turkeys
The Dark Beach
Night, Cool, Breezy

Xenos cuts the monster chewing on Ragnarr nearly in half with one swift strike of his long blade, covering the unconscious Viking with even more blood and guts. Kaul is unable to injure the final threat, but Hakon's blow, and Euripides sling stone are enough to kill the final ugly creature. A single distant screech is heard from the tree line, but no other monsters show themselves to the dangerous group.

On board the ship, Pako seems to read Valkrina's mind. Shaking his head at the six newcomers begging for water, he speaks softly. "The Cap'n aint gonna like this one bit. I dont know what yer plannin, but I seriously doubt he's gonna allow them to sail anywhere with us." I will take a [3d6] Wisdom check from anyone listening to the sailors jargon.

Kumaglak only hisses at the group when the leader of the escaped slaves answers the bard as best he can in a distressed voice. "Dont know nuthin bout the island cept fer the copper mine. Dont ask how we got here either, cuz none of us remembers it. One day we was on the mainland, goin bout our business, and the next thing we know, we are here, with horrible headaches but no memry of any of it. Wherever here is. Can ye tell us that at least?"


position map:
589D34A6-3321-4E53-8E15-A7CF3D78AB82.jpeg (72.4 KiB) Viewed 1175 times
Kaul AC:6 11/13
Valkrina AC:6 8/8 1/1
Drest AC:7 7/7
Euripides AC:5 7/7 2/2
Xenos AC:5 9/9 2/2
Kumaglak AC:9 5/5 2/2
Hakon AC:4 4/9 1/1
Ragnarr AC:5 -1/13 (Unconscious and Bleeding Out)
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#103 Post by shaidar »

Xenos looks at Kaul and Hakon "Quickly, let's get Ragnarr to the boat before any more of those things arrive!"
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#104 Post by Rex »


Drest will cover those off the boat wile listening in.

Wis check (13) [3d6] = 13
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#105 Post by Bluetongue »


"We set out from Zangerios some days ago, riding the tempestuous currents. We have anchored in for supplies of sorts before we sail on, towards more unchartered islands not the mainland. Unless you can prove your worth as sailors or skilled men, you are as likely to be indentured as labour again. So who among you sails, can any of you hunt as a ranger."

She looks at the broken and bleeding form of Ragnarr as he is carried aboard. "Are any among you acolytes of faith and can lay healing hands upon the injured?"

Valkrina wisdom skill check vs 15 [3d6] = 8

I think she understands the precarious situation of the escapees and tries to seperate the 'sheep from the goats', those with skills and those less able. She has a thought also and looks among them for one who may be most capable of acting as a retainer or torch bearer for her.
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#106 Post by Scott308 »

Euripides Nereos

Euripides will watch for anything new approaching, sling at the ready. He catches something...odd... in Pako's comment.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#107 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Everyone can take 75 experience points for successfully defending the ship, saving the escaped slaves, and killing off the Pegomastax.

Clean Up From The Prehistoric Turkeys
The Dark Beach
Night, Cool, Breezy

Hakon and Xenos drag the bleeding body of Ragnarr back to the ship as Kaul defends their retreat. No more of the screeching little monsters show themselves, their noises from the darkness eventually stopping all together.

On board, Drest, Euripides, and Valkrina all notice something in Pako's words. He may be trying to sound hard in front of the others, but all three of them notice that the sailor appears even more nervous than usual, especially when the mine and the escaped slaves are discussed. He continues shaking his ugly head and pointing his weapon at the newcomers.

The speaker with the sharpened stick continues talking with Valkrina while the others await their eventual fate. "Zangerios? I know of it, though I have never been there myself. What supplies could you possibly be picking up here? Unless you are transporting the raw copper ore, I didn't think this little rock had much else in the way of viable goods. I have sailed a bit, but these men would like to get back to Gal and their families and farms."

"None of us are able to heal, if that is what you ask, but even I can tell that man needs some bandages pretty soon before he bleeds out."
Of the 6, this man seems like the only one who might be able to handle the rigors of adventuring. The others all appear to be simple farmers or laborers.


Kaul AC:6 11/13
Valkrina AC:6 8/8 1/1
Drest AC:7 7/7
Euripides AC:5 7/7 2/2
Xenos AC:5 9/9 2/2
Kumaglak AC:9 5/5 2/2
Hakon AC:4 4/9 1/1
Ragnarr AC:5 -2/13 (Unconscious and Bleeding Out)
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#108 Post by shaidar »

Xenos looks around at the others

"Help me get his armour off and find something to bind his wounds with"

If nothing else suitable can be found then Xenos will cut up his cloak to bind Ragnarr's wounds.
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#109 Post by Bluetongue »


Thinks a little bit about the slaves situation and their unknown fate when Captain Lazereth returns. Pako's warning resonates in her mind.

"So. As slaves you are regarded as property. Not free men. Coming on to this boat does not make you free unless the Captain announces so. He may take you on as cadet seamen or not. Swabbing decks or fish food.

However I have a thought that as the Captain has been commissioned to take me and my equipment to another destination, any 'property' of mine naturally comes with me.

So, which of you men will indenture yourself to me as technically 'my slave'. Earning your freedom upon my safe return to Zangerios. As my retainer you can share in any trove I find and I will vouch for your safe passage upon this ship. Otherwise you fall upon the mercy of the Captain and he can do with you what he wants."

The bard bids to get one of the slaves, the adventurous one preferably, to act as a retainer for her during the expedition.

not sure what to roll so I used this:

Valkrina charisma skill check vs 17 [3d6] = 9
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#110 Post by Scott308 »

Euripides Nereos

The Atlantean will help remove Ragnarr's armor and staunch his bleeding.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#111 Post by Rex »


Drest helps hold Ragnarr and bandage him up.

"He doesn't look good."
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#112 Post by OGRE MAGE »

A little bird has mentioned to me that d_m has an ailment, so I will continue to NPC Kaul until his return. Hopefully he has a quick and complete recovery.

Clean Up From The Prehistoric Turkeys
The Dark Beach
Night, Cool, Breezy

With everyone back aboard the ship, Ragnarr's wounds are tended to by his friends, allowing his condition to stabilize.

Pako stays silent during the discussion with the escaped slaves, but he does not lower his weapon.

Their group leader listens to Valkrina's proposition with an inquisitive expression, waiting for her to finish before he replies. "We just want to be returned to our lands and families, but I might think about that option further after hearing what this captain of yours has to say about this situation."

The other men don't seem as keen to the idea of being left at the mercy of some strange sea captain. They murmur and whine amongst themselves loud enough for everyone to hear.

"But what of the rest of us?"

"Surely they dont mean to strand us here, do they?"

"I need to get home! My wife was about to have our first child just before I was kidnapped."

"And mine was deathly sick just before I left!"

"You cant just abandon us, here or on the sea! We want to go home!"


Kaul AC:6 11/13
Valkrina AC:6 8/8 1/1
Drest AC:7 7/7
Euripides AC:5 7/7 2/2
Xenos AC:5 9/9 2/2
Kumaglak AC:9 5/5 2/2
Hakon AC:4 4/9 1/1
Ragnarr AC:5 -2/13 (Unconscious)
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#113 Post by Rex »


Drest just scowls and takes up his watch position, making sure he is far enough away from the mob of newcomers and can keep an eye on them and anything that might approach.
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#114 Post by shaidar »

Xenos looks at the escaped slaves and scowls "I will not be a part of sending these people back to slavery, but I do not know how we can get them home. I cannot see the captain changing his course for these people"
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#115 Post by Scott308 »

Euripides Nereos

I don't know what business the captain has here, but I have a feeling he may have a money interest in keeping the slaves here, he says to the rest of the group, careful to not be overheard by the ship crew or slaves.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#116 Post by Bluetongue »


"Well we have to remember who we are and the committment we made. We cannot mutiny and takeover the ship sailing these men to whatever freedom they desire.

I can vouch for one as my torch bearer possibly. But no more."
she says to the party.

Then says to the slaves. "You need to make yourself useful to win the approval of the Captain. So now the raptor threat has ceased we need some of you to go collect molluscs and tasty clams from the shoreline. Others can scrub barnacles off the hull. If you have no demonstrable skills you need to look useful or you will be left marooned on the beach here."

She tries to get the slaves to see the ironic wisdom in providing unpaid labour.
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#117 Post by shaidar »

Xenos looks at Valkrina "The commitment we made was to go to the crab man island, not Krimmr knows where we're going, so as far as I'm concerned they've already broken that"
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#118 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The Dark Wait
The Beach
Early Morning, Cool, Breezy

Drest keeps a close watch over everyone on board as the conversation continues about what will come of these escaped slaves once the captain returns. Euripides has his doubts that these men will be allowed to leave with them, while Xenos has no intentions of abandoning them here.

Valkrina suggests that these men make themselves useful somehow, but none of them has any interest in leaving the safety of the ship, only to head back out into the dangerous dark of night. After drinking some fresh water and eating a few ship biscuits, most of them simply fall asleep in the bottom of the boat from utter exhaustion. The man she offers to take on as her torchbearer stays awake long enough for her to learn a few more things. He seems much smarter than the others, and his hands don't appear to have seen much hard labor in his years. His hair blows in the breeze, and even from the soft candle light inside the boat, she notices he has the lines in his neck, similar to Euripides, marking the man as an Atlantean.

After a few more hours pass, Pako starts to seem even more nervous, constantly looking towards the tree line where the rest of his crew disappeared hours ago. The early morning light begins to slowly creep up the horizon and eventually anyone who remained awake can hear a rustling coming from the jungle forest. The tell-tale glow of torches begins to appear as the noise gets louder. Pako breaths a loud sigh of relief, hoping that his crew has finally returned.


Kaul AC:6 11/13
Valkrina AC:6 8/8 1/1
Drest AC:7 7/7
Euripides AC:5 7/7 2/2
Xenos AC:5 9/9 2/2
Kumaglak AC:9 5/5 2/2
Hakon AC:4 4/9 1/1
Ragnarr AC:5 -2/13 (Unconscious)
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#119 Post by Bluetongue »


She goes over to check upon the prone and bloodied figure of Ragnarr, helping to change his bandages.

His carved totem is tied tightly around his neck and cannot be easily snatched away like a set of warrior's 'dog tags'. She cuts through the cord and carries it away, going over to the possible torch bearer slave.

She kicks him awake and points to his gill slits.

"Here take this scarf and wrap it around your neck. It might shield you from any coming storms.

My companions carry these too, may it bring you more luck than it did for our Viking comrade."

She looks out over the prow at the approaching lights expecting the Captain and crew to return and for the next step of the voyage to get underway.
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Re: The Unforgiving River Okeanos

#120 Post by Rex »


Drest keeps watch as he hears someone approaching, talking softly, "Someone approaches."
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