A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#341 Post by hedgeknight »

tazwmg wrote:Since ole Red is gone, Thurgrum will use his hold person on Shumar. next round he will move to Darkstar and try and hit him with his last CLW
Dude...you need to scroll back up and reread my last post. Thurgrum already used his Hold Person on Shumar. I explained his decision in the spoiler for you.
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#342 Post by hedgeknight »

Thurgrum, having summoned a spell initially for the tanar'ri, instead turns his attention back to the black-robed mage, and sends his spell on its way. Moradin's hand guides the spell and it washes over the mage, locking his muscles, holding him steadfast!

Seeing Shumar immobilized, the black robed forces, along with the support of the controlled Owl elves, renew their attack on the heroes with zeal. And now that Greystone is visible, he becomes the first target. Tereena, the woman standing above him, along with another of the black robes, invokes their arcane magic, sending attack spells his way. A magic missile leaps from the fingertips of a man standing on the broken walkway (B16) and strikes him fully in the chest (4 pts). A few seconds after, a blackened arrow, conjured by Tereena, streaks toward him too, but he manages to duck and it strikes the railing of the walkway, bursting with acid, eating through the railing. Magic Missile (1d4+1=4)
Melf's Acid Arrow (1d20=13, 2d4=6)

Another magic missile flies from the fingers of one of the newly emerged black robes (B15), striking Thurgrum in the neck for minimal damage...just enough to irritate the dwarf! Magic missile (1d4+1=2)

Lysander meets one of the robed men (B13) head on, attacking with his bastard sword. The man's shield turns aside the blade and he swings a mace at Lysander's head...but the paladin barely gets his own shield up in time to absorb the blow.
@ Dogma >
I will be taking over Lysander for the remainder of this combat; I will let you know when you can post IC again.
Min rushes in to take on the other robed man (B14), firing point blank as he comes ahead...but the man's armor deflects her arrows. And then he is on her, swinging his mace, likewise missing the nimble elf.

Tohmal, bleeding from multiple arrow wounds, spits blood and steps up to intercept the large Half-Orc, Dregg. Tohmal feints right and darts back to his left, delivering a wicked cut to Dregg's stomach. Tohmal attacks (1d20+1=19, 1d8+1=9)
Dregg grunts at the pain and chops at Tohmal, but somehow the wounded elf manages to avoid the axe...but just barely.

Purvan and Thaleese gang up on the black-robed fighter in their midst (B12), attacking with sword and dagger. The man blocks Purvan's sword, but this leaves him open to Thaleese's blade and she drives it into his ribs. Thaleese attacks (1d20=18, 1d4=3)

Darkstar targets one of the black robes on the second walkway on the tree to the left, dropping him with two well-placed shots. And then the archer pegs one of the Owl elves with an arrow to the throat. Darkstar attacks (1d20+4=13, 1d6=6, 1d20+4=18, 1d6=2, 1d20+4=22, 1d6=5)

The Owl elves, (O6 & O7) fire at the heroes, one targeting Kolle, the other Darkstar. Kolle takes an arrow in his gut, but somehow still is able to stand, while Darkstar is missed by two arrows seeking his death.
Kolle charges the Owl elf that shot him (O6) and attacks with his sword, but the elf bats the blade aside with his bow.

Next Round!

Ignoring the burning pain from the magic missile, and the eminent threat from above, Greystone rushes over to Celadon and checks to see if he is alive. Relieved that he is, Greystone removes the pendant from around his neck and tips the potion of extra healing into the elven leader's mouth, hoping Celadon will be able to rally all of the elves against the dark robed mages if the lantern can be destroyed. Potion of Extra-Healing (3d8+3=12) Celadon coughs and gags, clawing at Greystone, looking at him with wide eyes as the potion takes effect. "Who...where am I?"
Greystone looks at the medallion around Celadon's neck and is amazed to see that it is no longer glowing red!

What he didn't see was Dalivere below him, moving at blinding speed, swirling around faster and faster...and smashing the little red lantern against the trunk of the ancient cypress! The lantern burst and the red force inside was released with such force, it threw Dalivere to the ground below! Luckily for him, the speed of the potion gave him catlike reflexes and he landed on his feet, unharmed.

The effect halts the melee...for the second time...as the magical hold over the Owl clan elves is broken. Dazed and confused, the elves stand around looking at one another...wondering what the hell is going on!
In fact, the elf closest to Dalivere, asks, "Who are you? And...why are we fighting?"

Alright > will wait on actions for Thurgrum before continuing with everything else. I almost feel like I'm running this battle alone. :|

Dalivere > down 9
Darkstar > down 16
Greystone > down 4
Lysander > down 3
Purvan > down 7
Thurgrum > down 7
Kolle > down 7
Barthos > dead
Erastus > vanquished
Shumar > held
Dregg > down 9
B12 > down 3
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#343 Post by Alethan »

OOC: I'm still here! wolfpack is here! Happy to split the XP among only those who are posting...

Greystone stands and shouts, "Owls! The dark robes enslaved you! Now you are FREE! Fight for your freedom!"

Then he draws his bow out and fires several arrows at the black robed mage who attacked him...

To Hit, Shortbow [1d20+3] = 16+3 = 19
Damage, Flight Arrow [1d6] = 5

To Hit, Shortbow [1d20+3] = 12+3 = 15
Damage, Flight Arrow [1d6] = 6

(If he goes down with the first hit, then he directs his second attack at B11 Tereena)

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't realize Tereena was a named black robe; thought she was an elf. So Greystone would direct his second attack at her.
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#344 Post by Computer +1 »

Asskicking fight! I make no complains at giving up my share of the XP. Hedge I PM'ed you to explain, but again sorry!

Let me know when I can retake Darkstar's actions over.
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#345 Post by wolfpack »

Because those black robes want to destroy your village

Dalivere says as a matter of fact as his hands come together and he releases a second color spray at b13, b14, and dregg.
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#346 Post by tazwmg »

hmm.... sorry. like I said earlier, Thrugrum will move to Darkstar and try and hit him with his last CLW
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#347 Post by hedgeknight »

tazwmg wrote:hmm.... sorry. like I said earlier, Thrugrum will move to Darkstar and try and hit him with his last CLW
D'oh! Now it's MY turn to say sorry > completely overlooked that. :oops:

The effect halts the melee...for the second time...as the magical hold over the Owl clan elves is broken. Dazed and confused, the elves stand around looking at one another...wondering what the hell is going on! In fact, the elf closest to Dalivere, asks, "Who are you? And...why are we fighting?"

"Because those black robes want to destroy your village!" Dalivere says as a matter of fact as his hands come together and he begins the incantations to another spell.

Meanwhile, Thurgrum uses the distraction to hurry to Darkstar's side and invoke the healing power of Moradin upon the severely wounded archer. "Hold still, my friend," he says, laying hands on Darkstar's back...giving the archer some relief from the pain. CLW to Darkstar (1d8+3=7)

Next Round!

While chanting, Dalivere walks slowly to his right, lining up his targets and hoping not to affect his new companions...and then for the second time in minutes, a spray of color bursts from his hands, washing over the black-robed enemy! Creatures affected by color spray (1d6=5) Saving throw for Dregg (1d20=19)
The two robed men (B13 & B14) drop their weapons and hit the ground, unconscious; the spell seems to have no effect on Dregg, however.
Lysander, Min, and Tohmal stagger from the effects of the spell, having been so close to being targets themselves, but otherwise they seem to be okay.

Shaking his head to clear his mind, Tohmal attacks Dregg, delivering yet another vicious cut across the big Half-Orc's chest! Tohmal attacks Dregg (1d20+1=16, 1d8+1=9)
Dregg roars in pain and chops Tohmal in the ribs, dropping the Owl elf to the ground. He swings at him again, but only Tohmal's crumple to the ground saves the elf from being decapitated. Dregg attacks Tohmal (1d20+4=18, 1d8+7=9, 1d20+4=12, 1d8+7=13)

Screaming for her brother, Min launches herself at Dregg...as does Lysander, trying to encircle him and kill him. She rolls and lunges upward, stabbing Dregg through the side with her short sword! Min attacks Dregg (1d20+1=21, 1d6+1=3) Crit!
Lysander tries to get around Dregg, swinging his bastard sword, but stumbles over one of the unconscious men at his feet and nearly falls down.

On the walkway above, Greystone stands and shouts, "Owls! The dark robes enslaved you! Now you are FREE! Fight for your freedom!"
Then he draws his bow out and fires several arrows at the black robed mage who attacked him. His first arrow punches through Tereena's chest, spinning her around, and his second arrow drills her in the back, knocking her to her knees! (11 pts)
She screams in agony, trying to get up, with her fellow mage (B16) helping to pull her inside one of the huts and out of sight...
Directly above Greystone and Celadon, a lone black robe (B11) manages to pull the still form of Shumar upon the upper walkway, hoping to whisk his master to safety. But he doesn't see the Owl elf above him (O10), but he feels the two arrows strike him in the back...pitching him forward and off the walkway, falling all the way down to the ground far below.

Thaleese and Purvan attack the lone black robe, now surrounded by several of the companions, with Purvan missing, but Thaleese driving her dagger home yet again in the man's chest! Thaleese attacks (1d20=20, 1d4=2) Crit!
The man roars and slashes at Thaleese with his longsword, wounding her severely. "Eat steel, bitch!" he growls as she screams and falls back onto Purvan. B12 attacks Thaleese (1d20+1=18, 1d8+1=5)

Undaunted, Kolle attacks the Owl elf in front of him, but misses the nimble archer...who then drills the unlucky Kobold with two arrows, while his companion (O4) follows up with another two. Kolle, flops to the ground, very dead. Owl elves attack (1d20+2=21, 1d6=6, 1d20+2=14, 1d6=4, 1d20+2=15, 1d6=2, 1d20+2=20, 1d6=3)

Only two of the enemy...that you can see remain! Time for actions!
Initiative > 1st roll Heroes; 2nd roll Black Robes (1d10=4, 1d10=1)
As you can see, the black robes will act first > but go ahead and give me your actions; what you plan to do next.

Dalivere > down 9
Darkstar > down 16
Greystone > down 4
Lysander > down 3
Purvan > down 7
Thurgrum > down 7
Thaleese > down 5
Kolle > down 7
Barthos > dead
Erastus > vanquished
Shumar > held
Dregg > down 24
B12 > down 7
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#348 Post by Alethan »

Greystone draws his sword and races up the ramps to chase after Tereena.

OOC: can't remember if a person is completely immobilized if held. Would Greystone be able to tie up Shumar effectively in his current condition? If so, then he will first bind the priest in case he breaks the Hold Person spell. I assume we want this one alive? If not, he can always just coup de gras as he passes by...
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#349 Post by wolfpack »

severely wounded and with almost all of his spells depleted Dalivere backs against the tree trying to stay out of the line of fire, on alert and scanning for more enemies. he is sure to keep a watch on shurmur to make sure no one else tries to come rescue him.

yes I say keep him alive. My last spell is levitate and charm person, if someone was going to try and carry him off I was going to levitate him.
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#350 Post by tazwmg »

ooc: if you tie him up, be sure and gag him

Thurgrum will pull his hammer out and look for someone to pound.
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#351 Post by hedgeknight »

Battle for the Owls > Finale

Knowing they are going to die, the two black robes, B12 & Dregg, attempt to take as many down with them as they can. But their attacks are for naught. Purvan blocks what could have been the killing stroke, and then drives his sword clean through B12. Purvan attacks (1d20=18, 1d8=6)
"That's for Thaleese," he murmurs, pushing the dead man off his sword.

Dregg chops furiously as Lysander, but the paladin blocks every attack...allowing Min to slash Dregg across the back. Min attacks (1d20+1=19, 1d6+1=2)
"TORM!"Lysander yells, spinning and hacking at Dregg's head, but the Half-Orc's shield blocks the paladin's sword.
Thurgrum rushes in, swinging his hammer, but Dregg's armor absorbs the blow.

"Yer pathetic!" Dregg roars. "When the Master comes, he will spare none of you! His mighty waves will choke our your worthless lives!"
An arrow suddenly glances off his helm, and a second misses very high. Lysander ducks and Min covers Tohmal...as a third arrow punches through the side of Dregg's neck, silencing his words, sending him to his back on the forest floor to die.
Darkstar attacks (1d20+4=12, 1d6=6, 1d20+4=21, 1d6=6, 1d20+4=6, 1d6=5)
Darkstar lowers his bow and nods at his companions, taking a deep breath, having won the day.

Dalivere watches all of this, pressed up against the ancient cypress, trying to stay out of the line of fire, while watching for more enemies, and particularly if any attempt to rescue Shumar.

Greystone, meanwhile, draws his sword and races up the walkway, giving chase to Tereena. When he reaches the broken walkway, he grabs the top railing and pulls himself up alongside Shumar. There is no sign of Tereena. The lone Owl elf (O10) stands atop the huts and when asked, he says, "She disappeared inside the huts...but I never saw her come out."

Alright fellers > all of the baddies are either dead, held, or unconscious...or missing.

Dalivere > down 9
Darkstar > down 16
Greystone > down 4
Lysander > down 3
Purvan > down 7
Thurgrum > down 7
Thaleese > down 5
Kolle > down 7
Barthos > dead
Erastus > vanquished
Shumar > held
Dregg > dead
B12 > dead
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#352 Post by Alethan »

Greystone replies to the Owl, "Are their any other exits from those huts?"

He opens his pack and retrieves his silk cord. "Watch for them while I secure this one."

He will use the cord to bind Shumar. If he is unable to properly secure the mage due to the Hold spell, then he will drag the mage to the railing and secure his hands there. He'll then use his knife to cut two strips of robe from the dead man the Owl killed, wad one up and shove it in Shumar's mouth and secure it with the other.

"Hope you don't have a cold, mage," he mutters as he strains to tie off the cloth tightly.

Then he will expertly search the mage, removing any item from his person that can be removed - rings, belt, sticks, rods, staves, bags, purses, bracelets, necklaces... He will also check the robes and his footwear for secret pockets that might hold spell components
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#353 Post by wolfpack »

Dalivere clutches his wounds and stumbles weakly out into the open.

Ohhhhh, ohhhh

he will walk weakly knees almost buckling, turns in a circle, and then collapses dramatically on the ground coughing weakly.
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#354 Post by Computer +1 »

Am I back in business?
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#355 Post by tazwmg »

Thurgrum will follow up on the ones being tied up, he will strip them down to their undiies, might even strip them naked. "if they do get away, let's make them run naked through the woods". he will leave them a loincloth.
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#356 Post by Dogma »

Lysander wipes the half-orc's blood from his sword. "Your master's works shall be for naught. His coming shall be stopped and those that worship him defeated."

The paladin rushes over to start heading up the ramp in pursuit of Shumar. AS he passes the fallen Dalivere he calls out "Are you sorely wounded? If not, quit laying about as there is still work to be done here."
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#357 Post by wolfpack »

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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#358 Post by Alethan »

wolfpack wrote:AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH.....
It's the legendary Black Beast of aaauuugh! Run away! Run away!
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#359 Post by Dogma »

Lysander stops and heads back to where the half-elf lay in the dirt. For truth you must be most sorely injured...for no man would make such a noise unless he were upon deaths very door. Many men have I seen upon the battlefield with limbs cut asunder who have not wailed as pitifully as you." The paladin places his hand upon the half-elfs brow. "Hold still and conserve what little strength you have left. Cling to the thread of life while I beseech upon my gods to bestow thier healing grace upon you."

Lysander will lay hands on Dalivere to heal 4 hp
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Re: A Hunting They Will Go > Spring 1358 DR

#360 Post by hedgeknight »

Computer +1 wrote:Am I back in business?
Let 'er rip, tater chip!
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