Action Thread #11: The Greensward

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Re: Action Thread #11: The Greensward

#141 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Day 7, Evening: The Kharg at Rest

After some discussion, the party places the totality of its serpent artifacts gathered on this journey into the sarcophagus along with the bones of the deceased Kharg horse lord. A chuckling accompanies the now familiar sigh as the spirit gives a few parting words:

You are well chosen, the foretold heroes indeed. But you need not deposit all these tokens. Great need you will have of sword, potion, and scroll if you are to succeed in removing the darkness from within the Serpent's Eye. Take these with you, my friends. All I desire are my own small trinkets: the three earrings and the bangle of electrum belonged to my lady, and the jade pendant was given to me by my chieftain. The blood gems in the pouch I give to you freely. Long did they reside beneath my skull, hidden even from the spirits you have driven forth this night. Their magic is long faded, but their memory will serve you well. The runes the stones carry are for "peace," "courage," and "brotherhood." They were once the founding stones of the Gravenvolk dwarves, but the founding stones were supplanted by greed, and this greed came even to my people, the Kharg, and was their downfall. If the horse lords, my people, still dwell on the plains below the mountain, you must take these gems to them and see to it that the stones are given to one worthy of leading the horse lords to their former wisdom.

And now, I rest. Fare you well!

At this, the voice goes silent and speaks no more. After deciding once and for all what items to leave, Stonjuz feels confident he can direct you all in the proper positioning of the sarcophagus's stone lid. The air of the burial chamber has lost every hint of chill, and you feel as if the burial mound is now a safe place to rest for the night -- even Malone, who for obvious reasons remains a bit antsy after the inexplicable fright that took hold of him.

Ok, so you didn't need to give the Kharg everything. Wasn't expecting that level of generosity! :lol: Of course, you can leave all these things if you want, but it's up to you. All he wanted was the items dear to him from his own life. Please do confirm what you're leaving, and then I'll assume you close the sarcophagus.

Anything else here? New thread soon. Everyone take an extra 50 XP for completing this thread... :D
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Re: Action Thread #11: The Greensward

#142 Post by onlyme »

Malone will reattach the sword to his hand, feeling the calming presence of steel against his nerves.

He will set up camp to bed for the night, asking who wants the first watch? If no one volunteers, he will take it, knowing sleep wont come for a few hours at best.
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Re: Action Thread #11: The Greensward

#143 Post by Grognardsw »

Thurinor looks on in wonder at the Kharg spirit. The experience appeals to his fascination with the arcane and supernatural.

(If such is possible interupting him at "now I rest.") Before the ghost departs, Thurinor asks: "Oh great Kharg, is the Serpent's Eye the island further down river? Can you tell us of its dangers?

"Thank you for your gifts, we will use them with honor." Thurinor will retain what he had, the Serpent Rod, serpent amulet, and potion bottle.
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Re: Action Thread #11: The Greensward

#144 Post by saalaria »

Once the task is complete, Swilbosh leans against the wall
"Much I have learnt today, my friendssss. I think we facce a mighty tasssk ahead of usss in the valley."
He goes outside to check for any approaching threat.
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Re: Action Thread #11: The Greensward

#145 Post by Sir Clarence »

Andrin is glad about the way how this encounter turned out. He feels more confidence in the positive outcome of this adventure that he had before.

Leaving the burial mound for the fresh air of the grassland while his companions take care of the proper burial tasks, the druid hears whispering voices speaking to him in the wind and feels reassuring energies from the earth beneath his feet. Might it be that these are the long-awaited signs from the earth mother that he's finally ready for advancement within the ranks of his order? The following night will be spent with meditation instead of sleeping. He will know the next morning.
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Re: Action Thread #11: The Greensward

#146 Post by Stonjuz »

The group can notice a new bounce in the dwarf's step.
"Did ya feeeel that?
THAT, my friends, was MAGICK!!! Did ya feel the slice in d' energies?"

Stonuz bends to eyeball the lid's placement, clasps his hands together as if to dust each other off, removes his helmet and speaks to Turtlepoo, and adds, "AND.....he confirmed that we be the chosen. We have done well here."
He cares for the amphibian's needs before his own and then gets a much needed rest.
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Re: Action Thread #11: The Greensward

#147 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Ozborn hears the spirits depart at the sound of Stonjuz's and Andrin's chanting and feels the tension go out of the air. He relaxes a bit. "Well... that was easy," he says. As the party begins to settle down and divide up the gold gained thus far he reflects that he thought adventuring would be a bit more lucrative. He decides maybe with his share he'll get a pair of red lacquered short sword scabbards, the super cool ones that criss-cross on the back with the handles sticking up over the shoulders - the ladies will surely be impressed by that. Yes, he'll pick one up when he gets back to town. If they ever do, that is... his mood dampens a bit.

"Thurinor, have you ever heard of a magic short sword? Does such a thing exist? I'd like to find something like that... The enchanted ones always seem to be the other kinds, the longer ones. Or... a magic bow would be nice. One that shoots lightning. Or flaming acid meteors or something... Or magic coins that always return to your pouch after you spend them... Smiling to himself at this thought, he settles in against the back wall between the two urns to get some rest. "Let me know when it's my turn to watch," he says, his eyes already closing.
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Re: Action Thread #11: The Greensward

#148 Post by saalaria »

Swilbosh sets about helping set up the camp for the night. He starts whittling a new figure by the fire before taking his turn for watch
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Re: Action Thread #11: The Greensward

#149 Post by Grognardsw »

"Aye, Ozborn, I have heard of dweomers being put upon short swords, though they are less common than longer blades," answers Thurinor. "Many a magic user has enchanted a dagger. I once knew a gourmet thaumaturgist who ensorcerelled a soup ladle. And a witch her dil-- but I digress. Hopefully these magics of the Kharg will help us defeat whatever is on this isle."
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Re: Action Thread #11: The Greensward

#150 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Grognardsw wrote:"Aye, Ozborn, I have heard of dweomers being put upon short swords, though they are less common than longer blades," answers Thurinor. "Many a magic user has enchanted a dagger. I once knew a gourmet thaumaturgist who ensorcerelled a soup ladle. And a witch her dil-- but I digress. Hopefully these magics of the Kharg will help us defeat whatever is on this isle."
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Re: Action Thread #11: The Greensward

#151 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Day 7, Evening: A Night's Rest

Though Thurinor queries the kharg again for some further direction, he receives no further answer. The kharg spirit now at slumber, the party also settles in for a night of rest. Those who check outside find a red sunset over the mountains to the west and a clearing of the skies. The stars are bright this night, and all feel a sense of protection in this place.

The night passes quietly, with no alarms. Andrin and Ogirdor note the healthy sounds of the night, the grassland at springtime quickening with the burgeoning life of creeping animals. Many in the party find themselves more prepared than ever to meet the new day, and all feel rested and renewed.

Hit points regained during the night's rest:
Malone (1d4 healing factor): [1d4] = 2
Ogirdor (1d4 healing factore): [1d4] = 1
Ozborn (healing factor is 1): 1
Andrin (healing factor is 1): 1
Stonjuz (1d3 healing factor): [1d3] = 1
Thurinor (healing factor is 1): 1
Swilbosh (1d2 healing factor): [1d2] = 1

Current Hit Points

Malone Marcus 16/17

Ogirdor 11/18

Ozborn Greynight 9/9

Andrin 18/19

Stonjuz D'Eyeurnhed 12/17

Thurinor Sael 11/11

Swilbosh 10/14
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