Rules for 0-level characters; house rules

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Rules for 0-level characters; house rules

#1 Post by tumblingdice »

0-level characters (rules paraphrased from the module)
Your characters are normal men and women (human or otherwise) with normal occupations and of no particular convictions, who are thrust into a dangerous situation. They'll need to use their wits, and try things they've never done before if they hope to survive. Characters start with:

6 hp (plus or minus constitution modifier)
neutral alignment
knowledge of the common tongue and their racial tongue if applicable
-500 XP
one skill on the secondary skills table (p. 21 AEC)

Characters earn XP after each encounter.
They can try any non-magical special ability available to standard character classes. On the first attempt, it will be at 10% below a 1st-level character's chance, on the second attempt at 5% below, and on the third attempt they do it with the same chance as a 1st level character.

As members of a rustic, medieval type society, characters can be assumed to have basic skill with a club, spear, dagger and quarterstaff. When using all other weapons for the first time, they'll be at -1 to hit. After one combat, they'll get the hang of it, and can thereafter use the weapon without penalty.

2) Everyone's allowed to try any weapon once without having it restrict their available classes. For example, if a character picks up a longsword to fight orcs, but then later finds a spell scroll and falls in love with magic, s/he can still become a MU. If s/he keeps the sword, though, and continues fighting monsters with it, then s/he'll need to pick a class that permits the use of swords. Assumed skill with a dagger, see above, does not rule out a character becoming a cleric.

As characters interact with their environment and each other, I will make notes of their behaviors with respect to class and alignment. For example, trying to use a magic wand gives you a plus in the magic-user column, while trying to heal a fellow character gives you a plus in the cleric column. Trying to murder one of your fellows gives you a plus in the evil column, etc. Using a sword--more than once--rules out becoming a magic-user, etc. In this particular adventure, multi-classing is not an option.

As your character nears 0 XP, I will make a recommendation via private message, based on my observations, of a suitable class and alignment. If there's disagreement, we'll discuss it and work something out if necessary. Otherwise, your character takes up the recommended class and alignment upon reaching 0 XP, with all applicable abilities, savings throws, and hit dice. Roll for hit points, but ignore the roll if it's less than your current hp. MU's and thieves don't roll. Your character will learn his or her new alignment language, but not until after the adventure is over.
These are ghouls. They hang out in graveyards, they have long tongues, and they eat people.
"Oh, well, that could be helpful!"
--my five-year old daughter
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