Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#181 Post by ateno »

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#182 Post by cybersavant »

Andreas Larson

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#183 Post by jemmus »

June 18, 1873, 12:30 PM. Clear and sunny. Last quarter Moon, headed to new Moon.

The noontime sun is strong enough to make the crown of a hat hot to the touch, and to make the yellow grass glare. Andreas looks for terrain features that would attract a rancher in this part of the country to site a ranch there: plenty of open grass pasture land, without too many trees, bushes or thickets; access to wood for fuel, axe handles, and such; and most of all, year-round flowing or standing water. He and William spot a grassy stream bed. It's just a dry gully headed downhill and north toward the Colorado. Andreas keeps an eye on it as he leads the group southwest.

At around a mile, Andreas sees a rise ahead, with big thorny mesquite trees along its slope and at its crest.
Not a good sign, because ranchers consider mesquites a serious nuisance that can quickly spread and overgrow a pasture. But they can also be a sign that a rancher in the past has overgrazed a pasture, so that the grass's normally strong network of roots can't choke out the invader. It's worth checking out. He walks his horse up the slope and into the shade of the mesquite thicket and its relative concealment under the bright sun. Down the slope is a wire fence of a ranch. From what he and William can see, the ranch seems to be of the common government deed type. A half a mile to a side, if it were laid out as a regular square.

The grass is higher than knee high. No cattle are visible. If there are any here, there wouldn't be many, with the grass grown so high. If there are, they might be laying up in the shade of the trees and bushes dotting the grassland during this hottest part of the day.

At about the center of the land there's a whitewashed plank board ranch house, about the size of the Bouchards'. The the dry stream bed ends at runs to a grassy pond dam, and a fair-sized pond. A single willow stands by it. Between the pond and the ranch house is an old-style dog trot house stands among big live oaks that must have grown been growing here for decades before. There's a big barn behind it, with maybe the usual corral behind it blocked from view.

If there's a windmill here, it's too far to see with the naked eye from here, about a quarter mile away. But every modern place has a windmill well pump. And a pump house over the water tank. As for knowing whether the windmill squeaks from hear-- that would require a dog's ears.

A light, cool breeze suddenly and quickly shifts by, with a touch of moisture in the air. William's fine horse raises it's head and snorts in horse language. The other riders' horse snort back in response.

Gideon eyes Andreas, eyes wide and eyebrows raised. He says, for all to here, Ah heard it said ya was from around, here Mr. Larson. Fredericksburg is maybe a hour's ride from here, to the south. Ah don't suppose ya ever been here before? Maybe once er twice? When ya was a kid, maybe? He eyes Andreas without a blink, staring and waiting for his answer to the group as a whole. The man's right hand if visibly shaking.

Andreas's Orienteering skill and good roll have led the group to the most likely location of the supposed "Shepherd Gang." Brothers from Missouri or Kansas, and veterans of the War-time atrocities that happened there...

Please note the range of hexes on the map. Distances are quite far on the frontier....

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#184 Post by Thumper »

From behind a gnarley Mesquite trunk and in the shade of it’s greenery, DT had been peering through his telescope at the ranch. He brings it down to look at Gidean and Andreas after the last and very strange words from Gidean.

Then he resumes scoping out the ranch thoroughly. Initially, he’s looking for people and dogs, and he’s looking closely at the tall grass around the pond and structures. Are any horses tethered near any of the structures? Tack on the porches?

Human activity tends to tramp down the grass all around occupied buildings or buildings in which they work. From their rise and vantage point, can he see trampled down grass around the barn, dog trot house, or the newer ranch house?

Is there an outhouse? Where?

Are their trails in the grass between the structures?

Water troughs containing water? (It hasn’t rained in the last week or so).

Is there smoke from cook fires rising from any chimneys? Are there wood piles near either home? If so, does the wood appear freshly chopped (purple-hued mesquite or yellow oak), or does it look old grey and well seasoned?

Are any windows open?

Are any empty bottles laying around the buildings? Fresh or dusty?

Are there any footpaths or animal trails running down into the stock tank (pond) which would indicate current ranging horses or cattle?

Can he see into the barn?

Do any structures appear to have recent repairs made to them? Particularly paying close attention to the roofs.

Creek gullies in TX can run deep. How deep is this one? Between the depth and the height of the grass, is it enough to walk upright unseen from the barn? Lot's of vegetation along and at the top of the slopes?

There’s an obvious approach down in the stream gully to the pond. From there, we could stay low and crawl-scout around staying to the tall grass. Wait here a while observing then get closer? Or we could wait till dusk to move. What d’y’all think?

He’ll try to get Gidean alone, claps him on the shoulder, and says: I’ve seen men anticipating combat have the shakes and agitation. Happens all the time. Just know, it goes away once we’re engaged. You’ll do right when we get on with this.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#185 Post by cybersavant »

Ah heard it said ya was from around, here Mr. Larson. Fredericksburg is maybe a hour's ride from here, to the south. Ah don't suppose ya ever been here before? Maybe once er twice? When ya was a kid, maybe?
Andreas Larson "Ja, Fredericksburg. An hour ist a long vhay out here. I nict had cause to venture among der ranches. I mostly verked as der scout."
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#186 Post by ateno »

Doos will be looking for any set up fighting areas outside the house, that could be used to flank a attack. Also they know the gully is their weak point so there could be a trap or something, sticker bushes.

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#187 Post by redwarrior »

Depending on the answers to DT's questions and if I am imagining the terrain relief correctly...I'm thinking that the eastern side of the map is at least a bit more elevated than the center.

William speaks up I'm newer to the west than you folks, but it seems to me that near the gully is where people would be expected to travel. I'm thinking if we left our horses here and snuck straight south to that tree down there about 720 yards , maybe on the other side of this rise, we would have a much better view down onto the ranch house, then we could cover that last stretch going SW towards the ranch house, using what trees there are for cover. AND much less distance to cover when the shooting starts. Or maybe a couple of us do that and the others wait a bit and then come straight toward the house, so that we have them from two angles?
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#188 Post by Thumper »

y’know, I’d love nothing more than to quietly capture one of them stepping outta the outhouse, then lure another into the barn to quietly take him. Then deal with the rest.

But we don’t even know if anyone’s home yet, and there’s a good bit of the place we haven’t seen yet. I think I want to hold off building a plan until we get a real good look at the place, and maybe people.

After a thorough look from this angle, If there is indeed high terrain or wooded terrain to either side of the of the ranch that prevents line-of-sight (or if backing away and circumnavigating the 1/2 mile spread) would get them out of sight, he’d suggest they all move to get another look from the South side.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#189 Post by ateno »

"Sounds good, more info the better."

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#190 Post by Thumper »

DT would want to look through his telescope from concealment from the South side of the ranch for all the data points previously listed.

In either spotting position, if he sees anyone, he’d give the scope over to Gidean to identify his brother.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#191 Post by jemmus »

From the stand of mesquites, DT, William and Gideon view the ranch's environs with the doctor's telescope. Doos views it with his own. The see that the dry gully going south of the pond toward the Colorado continues north of it, not far from the dog trot house. It's overgrown with tall grass like the surrounding pasture, but at its center the grass appears to be maybe two or at most three feet lower. The land generally slopes up to the north, with a different of maybe 10 to 15 feet. As it does from the center to the east and west, with a difference of 5 to 10 ft. At the south end of the land there's a small outcropping of white limestone darkened by a thin coat of black fungus. A common feature of the landscapes in this part of the country. It's around eight feet high and 15 feet wide. In probably ancient times some rocks sluffed off and lie at its foot. The biggest two are around a yard square, and they're surrounded by several smaller ones, down to gravel sized.

The dog trot house with its thick split-log walls has wooden shutters over the windows. One of the hangs at an angle, and another window has no shutters at all. A section of the roof has curled wooden shingles that look like they might let sunlight and rain water in. Behind it is a big barn that looks in better repair. Its visible north side has no door at ground level, but the loft has a doorway with two closed doors. An old-looking ladder leading to them is attached to the wall. The south part of the fence of a corral adjoining the barn can be seen, but no horses are visible, from this angle at least.

The planning of the Vitek place's layout of buildings seems to be pretty hodgepodge, or the result of decisions made from changed circumstance. The newer house is around 120 yards from the dog trot, and farther from the barn and corral. It sits farther away from the gully, and on a slight rise. It's around the same size as the Bouchards' house, and looks to be of a similar design. On its east side is a bare earth yard with a half a dozen chickens and a new brood of chicks scratching around and foraging. The yard is bordered by a chicken coop that seems to share a roof and walls with another chamber. Maybe a shed for tools or storage.

No people or horses are visible around the house. But a mutt mama dog and five half-grown pups lay in the shade of the house's wooden porch at its north.

Between the dog trot and the newer house is a windmill. It's blades spin in the slight midday breeze, or perhaps from the hot air rising from the ground. It can't be heard from this distance, but one of its dozen or so fan blades has an outer end broken off.


Gideon looks at DT with a strange wild look in his eye, that goes to somber. He says, Don't worry about me, Doctor DT. Ah'll be ready ta shoot fine today. He's quiet for second, then say, Can't see any outhouses from here, but there's bound to be at least one. Ah don't know that grabbin one a them murderers would cause the other one ta give in. Unless maybe it was one a them Shepherd brothers. The other one might parlay fer him. Phineas wouldn't. He'd as soon shoot the cuss to git him outa the game. A discard. He spits. Then continues. Ah wonder what kinda horses them bustarts ride. Seems like horse rustlers would have their pick from among their hauls. Y'all with the good horses, be ready ta ride em down and gun em down if they run fer it. Shoot the horse if ya don't got a good shot at the rider. One a em gits away, that'd be on our heads. And our eternal judgment.

Quoting from DT's post #184
Are their trails in the grass between the structures?
None visible, with the high grass.

Water troughs containing water? (It hasn’t rained in the last week or so).
None visible from this angle. But there should be at least on galvanized steel or concrete one.

Is there smoke from cook fires rising from any chimneys? Are there wood piles near either home? If so, does the wood appear freshly chopped (purple-hued mesquite or yellow oak), or does it look old grey and well seasoned?
No smoke and no visible firewood.

Are any windows open?
All of the visible windows on the north and east side of the house are open. They're glass.

Are any empty bottles laying around the buildings? Fresh or dusty?
None visible in the bare chicken yard or in the tall grass. But there's a bottle standing on the newer house's porch, behind the dogs.

Are there any footpaths or animal trails running down into the stock tank (pond) which would indicate current ranging horses or cattle?
None visible, with the high grass.

Can he see into the barn?
No (as above).

Do any structures appear to have recent repairs made to them? Particularly paying close attention to the roofs.
No. But the buildings seem to be in good repair, except for the dog trot house.

Creek gullies in TX can run deep. How deep is this one? Between the depth and the height of the grass, is it enough to walk upright unseen from the barn? Lot's of vegetation along and at the top of the slopes?
No, the vegetation along the gully is mostly the tall pasture grass. It's the bed of an intermittent stream, that's only a real water course after a big rain. The pond has the willows though.

This map has letters on it for points to refer to in posts. For example, "Gideon runs from D to the bushes or tree two hexes southeast of it."

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#192 Post by jemmus »

If moving around the Vitek place, please state your route, referencing the location letters placed around the map image. You might always want to state an if/then backup plan. For example, "If I run into a roadrunner bird and rattlesnake fight like Doos's, I'll rein in and ride around it." :) (Doos, on watch, played it cool handled that one well. But if played otherwise, it could have been time to roll a new char....)

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#193 Post by ateno »

Doos will low crawl slowly to the grassy gully.

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#194 Post by Thumper »

1) So no scoping out the place from the South side? I think we were all planning to see the view from the other side of the ranch as well.
2) How far is that rock escarpment on the South side from the main ranch house? I take it the escarpment face could conceal a horse behind it? Can you plot the location on the map?
3) Could a concealed approach be made on foot (perhaps leading a horse) to the big tree at K…keeping the tree between a person/horse and the main house and barn so as to deny line-of-sight? How about getting to the escarpment unseen?

If no South-side scouting, then proceed:
So, the bandits are holed up in the main house…with dogs to alert them of intruders. I haven’t seen anybody moving around. So, they’re either taking a siesta, or they’re not here at the moment.

If they’re there, getting close with those dogs is gonna be tough. Kinda takes away trying to sneak up on the house later on in the dark.

I agree with you, Gidean. Can’t let any of ‘em escape outta here. Best to surround ‘em if we can. Raiders are hit-and-run experts. If they can get to their horses, well then… I remember well the trouble John Moseby’s Raiders gave the US in Virginia…

Looks to me, the best approach to get in close is from the gully, around the pond to the tree just south of the pond, then sneak up to the barn. If anyone’s in the barn or corral area, they’ll have to be dealt with quietly.

From there we move be up to the dog-trot house and with two of us taking up positions there or in the trees while maybe someone without a long gun or not great with a long arm moves up to East behind the shed by the chicken coop. Another goes to the West of the house…not close enough to trigger the dogs, but within a closer effective weapon range. Whoever goes to the West will soon have a low sun at their back. If ya gotta be in nothing but tall grass, that certainly helps.

Maybe 4 of us go up the gully, then the barn, then we move to complete the encirclement?

I think one of us should reposition to the South side in that big tree by the ranch entrance (K) or the escarpment. Perhaps keeping a fast horse close to, as Gidean says, run down any bandits trying to squirt outta here. But to be any good during a shooting match, that person should have a rifle and know well how to use it. That range from the big tree (k) to the ranch house has gotta be pushin close to 200 yards…close to the max range on my little carbine. Can’t quite tell if that escarpment is any closer. Gonna need a good sniper to the South if that tree is gonna be used for cover and concealment.

If all that goes as planned, which it likely won’t, I’m thinking two of us in or near the dog-trot and one each to the North, East, and West in place before shooting starts at the main house. Those in or near the dog-trot and the singleton to the North can provide cover to the guys closer in on the East and West.

Just my initial thoughts on a plan. Any other ideas or thoughts?

I’m descent at moving around stealthily. Also, I’m pretty good with the carbine, especially if I can set up a sniping position. I’m going to move in up the gully with intention to get to the barn then the dog-trot

DT will take all his weapons/ammo, some food (including some meat for the dogs), and his medical backpack. He’ll leave Ajax in the stand of Mesquites.

As he moves through the tall grass all hunched over or crawling, he’ll extend his carbine and saber out in front of him; and he’ll sing to himself. His low singing would probably cause a snake or wild pig to slither or run off. Should he startle a Diamond back or other rattler, he’ll give it a wide berth.

As he gets closer, sound discipline will come into play.

First objective is to get to the NW corner of barn to observe South side and corral area with stealth without being seen or heard.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#195 Post by redwarrior »

William replies I've done some sneaking around before and I'm pretty good with this rifle... Not as good as Paladin, obviously! But still decent if you'd like, I can cover y'all from a distance, that escarpment seems like it would make sense. I just need to know some kind of signal to open up. I don't want to spoil any palaver. Assuming we're thinking of giving them a chance to surrender, that is.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#196 Post by jemmus »

To scout the south side, we'd need to know how DT does it (on foot or riding, the route, etc.) More complete GM post and a more detailed coming later.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#197 Post by Thumper »

Thumper wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 6:54 pm DT:

But we don’t even know if anyone’s home yet, and there’s a good bit of the place we haven’t seen yet. I think I want to hold off building a plan until we get a real good look at the place, and maybe people.

After a thorough look from this angle, If there is indeed high terrain or wooded terrain to either side of the of the ranch that prevents line-of-sight (or if backing away and circumnavigating the 1/2 mile spread) would get them out of sight, he’d suggest they all move to get another look from the South side.
Specifically, we’ll back out a few dozen yards the way we came and ride circuitously to the South side, keeping our horses out of sight, stoop-walk to a position behind a tree that provides a view of the ranch house and barn and use it to conceal our presence. Then observe and finalize our plan.

Specifically looking for people at the house and any saddled horses tethered there, as well as any at the barn/corral. Also assessing the escarpment as a fighting position for William. Maybe another chance for Gidean to ID Phineas.

If all we do is verify people and saddled horses here or horses in the corral, and the escarpment for William, they’d work out hand signals. DT would leave his Telescope with William (confirming Andreas and Doos both have them), and proceed as previously described. If there are big surprises, we’ll rewind and re-think the plan.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#198 Post by cybersavant »

Andreas Larson "I haf little skill mit pistol und knife. Nicht mit der rifle."

he has a rifle, not skilled in it, a pistol 1, knife 1; plus he has a telescope
Last edited by cybersavant on Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#199 Post by jemmus »

Here's a map showing the outcropping. It's only around 10 yards wide and 8-9 ft high. It's flat on top and wouldn't provide any cover. However, a shooter lying prone would only reveal part of his head, arms and shoulders to a lower shooter. Shots that would have hit other parts of the body would hit the rock instead. (Rules for Cover. p.40)

Please state your agreement or comment's to DT's plan to ride a stealthy route around to the south of the ranch to observe it from that angle. There are loose clumps of bushes around 10 yds wide and 5-6 feet high near L, K, and between K and L. By "loose," I mean that it's possible for a person (but probably not a horse) to walk between bushes and crawl under their foliage.


Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#200 Post by ateno »

After checking the gully for traps or alarms, Doos will head back to execute the next step in DTs plan.

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