Helix: Chapel of St Ygg

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Re: Helix: Chapel of St Ygg

#281 Post by Spearmint »

The Chapel of St Ygg's

Bellatrix can find the solace and peaceful meditation to conduct her devotions. You note the church is built with simple quarried stone that supports a high timber framed peaked roof, a bell tower over the entrance porch. The interior nave has bench pews with customary altar table and silvered utensils. The windows are colourful stained glass, set as pictorials of dedication to famed Saints or Yggitte patriarchs and ancient knights. A refurbished font dedicated in memory of a deceased evangel, torn apart by zombies and eaten by giant toads is set to one side along with a rack of ever burning votive candlelights and a wall of prayer request notes.

Someone mutters sins in a confessional box, ignorant of your own petitions for grace.

Beyond the ordained facade is a vestry area where the clergy receive guest ministers and out of duty considerations. The door open and lantern light suggesting a minister present, Bellatrix can announce herself more personally.

Inside, is Brother Gamdar, a stern looking but charismatic half-orc who has taken the faith and like yourself, served in the church militant faction rather than the church pastoral (which falls under the junior Sister Cella). The senior hierarch is Vicar Othar who is most commonly found outside of regular chapel services at his other duty over in the Old Manse, acting as spiritual advisor to the Crown hier, Lord Krothos.

You trade greetings and take a seat. actions, fellowship and enquire as you deem suitable.
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Re: Helix: Chapel of St Ygg

#282 Post by grokkngrognard »

When Bellatrix entered the church, it was as if she was refreshed from the long journey on foot. Though it was not the cathedral at Ironmotte, the smaller shrine with its stone walls, flickering votives, the bench pews, and the stained glass that cast its multi-colored hues across the floor before the altar…it was all familiar to the young woman who had known little else for most of her life.

Prostrating herself before the altar, she made her obeisance to St. Ygg. The proper litanies and prayers rolled effortlessly off her tongue while enduring the unyielding stones of the floor. Once she was finished, Bellatrix rose and promptly introduced herself to Vicar of the church.

She retrieved a scroll bearing an ornate wax seal from a leather case and held it out. “Vicar Othar, I bring you missives from the diocese in Ironmotte. I am Bellatrix. I finished my novitiate training and now serve as a sister of my order, the Sororitas of the Carmine Cross. I seek lodging for the night, yet I would take a look around Helix before Vespers. I have never been here before, or come this far.”
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Re: Helix: Chapel of St Ygg

#283 Post by Spearmint »

Chapel of St Ygg

Bellatrix hands over the wax sealed vellums, parchments of dissertations upon Sauronic legends and lore, detailing insight into the Lizardmen's ritualism and worship.

"Thank you Sister, you are most welcome and timely.". Vicar Othar receives them, studying the scripts, unintelligible to those who lack knowledge or history of sacred texts. A few weeks ago the church sponsored a raid upon a barrow mound that had been guarded by the Lizardmen for centuries. Several ledgers and tomes where recovered which were given to the church in tribute and subsequently studied in detail.

"The Saurons are a plague upon humanity. They waylay merchants on the trade route to Ironguard and contend with our dwarven and elven allies in the Duchy's far reaches."

The church has a concern that with recent resurgent cults devoted to the underworld gods happening, further pagan mysticism and heathen ritualism is in the rise in the Barrow Moor tribes which might spill over into more bloodshed.

The church has several ongoing concerns. A party of adventurers despatched on a mission to seek and destroy the Nergal cult in Ironguard. Another group are building towards regular trade with the subterranean Svirfneblin miners who can source silver ore which the church uses for holy utensils and silvering anti-lycanthrope weapons.

Recently too several 'diabolic' encounters near to Helix are believed to be in response to the recent public execution of two Nergalites. (A Wight driving a herd of undead buffaloes to stampede, another demon leading a swarm of elemental beetles).

As far as accommodations; the Vicar resides in a wing of the Old Manse, Brother Othar has a private quarters in the church crypt and Sister Cella a room in the hospice which doubles as an overflow for patients since the former hospice was burned to the ground.

"The Brazen Strumpet is lauded for its reception and facilities. I will pen a message to Bollo to cover a respite there."

Actions, ask any questions regarding the above or surrounding areas.
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Re: Helix: Chapel of St Ygg

#284 Post by subaltari »


A tall, cloaked figure forms a silhouette at the daylit entrance of the Chapel. The bundled weapons in his hands (recently and briefly checked at the door of The Foul Pheasant) are carefully placed on the stone floor of the nave as he lets his eyes adjust to the lower light, and inhales the scents of candle-wax and incense. Though not very familiar to Elbart, he finds these sights and smells oddly comforting. He observes three clerically-garbed figures gathered further in, past an open vestry door. Whilst the younger male and female bear subtly demi-human features, the third man seems to be an older human, and by the look of that document he is handling with care, Othar might be the officiant Elbart should approach about the flyer tacked to the Village bulletin board.

But he waits, giving a moment's reverence to the trio of Yggite clergy. One ought to show a mite of respect in a Lawful sanctuary, if nowhere else ‒ but in the meanwhile, the acoustics of the hollow stone chapel might help their conversation drift to his ears.
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Re: Helix: Chapel of St Ygg

#285 Post by Spearmint »

The Chapel of St Ygg

Elbart enters post his midday reverie in the Foul Pheasant, hoping that crossing the threshold of that den of iniquity will not cause his disfavour and celestial damnation, having heard the Gods weighed acts in the balance and divine smiting was just a Fateful roll away.

He finds solace in the prayerful quiet of the chapel pews alongside several mourners fresh from the exterior graveyard burial. The flickering of memorial candles and litany of requiems whispered on rosaries are distraction enough to not crowd out any vestry conversations.

Patiently you wait. The mourners say their "Amens" and deem 'a memorial wake and flagon or two' in the tavern a suitable tribute to the fallen comrade, they depart.

Vicar Othar departs the vestry, leaving his junior minister and the newly arrived novice of a Templar sisterhood to converse privately.

actions Elbart: if you wish to interact with Vicar Othar, then include a charisma check vs [4d6] otherwise approach the other clerics.

Bellatrix: any questions or comments before the Vicar take his leave?
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Re: Helix: Chapel of St Ygg

#286 Post by grokkngrognard »

Bellatrix watches the vicar leave the vestry and after a few words with the junior ministers takes her leave as well. Leaving Othar and a new arrival to converse, the half-elf templar once again gives obeisance before the altar before exiting the church.
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Re: Helix: Chapel of St Ygg

#287 Post by subaltari »

Spearmint wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 9:43 pm Elbart: if you wish to interact with Vicar Othar, then include a charisma check vs [4d6] otherwise approach the other clerics.
Challenging check [4d6]=8 vs. 12 Cha
When he sees the Yggites' conversation breaking up, Elbart takes a breath and moves forward, engaging the senior man Othar before he can depart the chapel.

"A moment of your time good vicar. My name is Elbart, I am from a far place called the West Marches, come today to answer this advertisement." In his hand is the small flyer he took (borrowed?) from the village bulletin board. "I understand you are seeking someone either to translate or transcribe Lizardman writing."
Elbart explains further in a deadpan tone: "I have been taught to read and speak their language. Several tribes dwell around our kingdom, most hostile, but one friendly. As you may know, the lizard folk of the wetlands cut reeds angle-wise and use them to inscribe in soft clay tablets before baking them. Such tablets when collected, some of them, contain records which our military captains find useful."
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Re: Helix: Chapel of St Ygg

#288 Post by Spearmint »

Chapel of St Ygg

The senior patriarch is not usually a patient man, especially to every ruffian, vagabond adventurer that appears season upon season as the Barrow Mounds fame expands.

Vicar Othar [1d100]=44
As you may know,
"Of course they do. Such rudimentary crafts are the apex of their technology." You might guess he either actually doesn't know or that the general perception of the Lizardmen is that of 'greater evolved hatchlings' / tribal savages. Can anything birthed from an egg ascend to greater knowledge or intimacy with the divine?

He takes the scrap of paper from your hand to read the advert briefly. "Such skills are in short supply. You have knowledge of 'swamp cant'? Hopefully you don't speak with a 'forked tongue'?" he smiles at his own jest. Taking out a bone crafted quill, he scrawls a note on the reverse of the advert in neat blue squid-ink calligraphy.

"The young emissary of the militant chapters brought me these at great risk to herself. She seeks a commission no doubt to further her vocation and an able translator and guide may be just the shield-bearer she requires.

I must study these transcriptions but perhaps you may be of service. Brother Gamdar can see you tomorrow if required.

Now, take this note and coins over to the tavern."

He gives you Elbart back the note, folded around a gold coin. The note is a request to Bollo to cover Sister Bellatrix's night in the tavern with a note to include a room for yourself. He takes his leave and exits, giving you the errand to run and you think, an invitation to return the next day and be informed of any translating or scouting needs in regard to Sauron affairs.
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Re: Helix: Chapel of St Ygg

#289 Post by Spearmint »

The Chapel of St Ygg

Having received various scrolls back from the Cathedral's, the clergy take a day to study the conclusions and information. Certain portions of the scripts remain unresolved or subject to debate as to the actual meaning. With Elbart confessing to a skill in Lizardman language, he receives a summons to the church vestry in order that he might delve a little deeper into the nuances of the ancient scripts and shed light upon the specific ritual practises the Sauron tribes undertake.

Brother Gamdar receives Elbart and in detail repeats the information gained from the Secret of the Saurons & Blossom of Death expeditions.

"For centuries the Sauron shamans conducted rituals to safeguard a Barrow tomb, sealing a dread knight in his Abyssal mausoleum from resurrecting to rejoin his Nergal legion. The menace of a skeleton army being awakened by the constant excavations taking place in the Barrow Mounds. The Saurons search for other burial mounds, unholy places that contain relics that they wish to use to awaken their own vanquished gods and draconic aspects.

We need identify the whereabouts of such places before they discover them and retrieve any artefacts."

He talks more, passing a couple of scrolls with highlighted portions, asking you to study these and transcribe various notes, hoping your own deciphering and interpretation may uncover more specific information.

actions, Elbart, add a [4d6] vs Charisma roll and suggest what you think is a feasible wage and timescale. I will then get you to make some rolls in your private thread.

You can also discuss other village, Sauron, church, expedition issues and questions.
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Re: Helix: Chapel of St Ygg

#290 Post by subaltari »

17 July, morning

Challenging check [4d6]=13 vs. 12 Cha

Negotiation being not among his strengths, and not completely at home in a house of worship, Elbart opts for the simple tactic of starting out with what he reckons is a high (but not outrageous) bid, then backing it up with a sprinkling of his knowledge and bona fides.

"From what I've heard a Sage can earn thousands per month, but to be sure I am no sage. Four gold pieces per day plus 'deluxe' room and board at yon tavern make your project worth my time, for as long as it takes. I can do my work here or at the Strumpet, but if there I should need at least a semi-private room. And materials, of course.

"By the way, I have also learned the written alphabet and the 'parsel-tongue' of the Serpent Men of distant lands. But I've not heard of their peculiar sunken cities and foul temples being found hereabouts, so that may be of no matter.

After Gamdar gives him the detailed report from recent adventures, Elbart remarks "It may be noted that in their shamanic warding of the knight's tomb these Saurons have in long term seen not only to their own defense, but to that of Men and other civilized races in the region," adding a subtle nod to acknowledge that the cleric is himself not entirely human. "Though I suppose this is balanced by the discovery they might have some necromantic ambitions of their own," he admits. "I shall do my part to assist you, Brother Priest."
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Re: Helix: Chapel of St Ygg

#291 Post by Spearmint »

Vestry of St Ygg's
"Four gold pieces per day plus 'deluxe' room and board at yon tavern make your project worth my time, for as long as it takes. I can do my work here or at the Strumpet, but if there I should need at least a semi-private room. And materials, of course."
Elbart makes his sales pitch, setting what he considers a reasonable rate. Brother Gamdar considers then scoffs a little, the Charisma check fail gets a reduced rate, although a fair one.

"You are almost as mercenary as those thieves and beggars in the sword-for-hire guild. I think the going rate there is three gold a day at best for novice torchbearers. And that is all we require. Shine a light on these scripture portions and highlight the rituals and lore of these swamp dwelling egg-hards.

You can sort out your own accommodation standard in the Brazen Strumpet, if you require a room there or you can take to the quiet of the mortuary below the vestry. The dead will not disturb your studies I assure you. When complete, we can furnish a Vial of Holy Water from the dedicated font to benefit your supplies too and subject to the transcription, make some offer for further endeavours."

He offers to cover three days, +9gp which should suffice serious study time. Holy Water from the font, a silver standard edifice, dedicated to Truro Cornwallis, priest of St Ygg who died upon the Barrow Moor, is normally reserved for priests only since the production is limited and demand is high. Those that are sold retail for 25 gold pieces, so that seems a good compensation.

Actions to cover the three days study, roll me three [4d6] vs Intelligence checks, post in your private forum. That will take your character up to July 20th, where we hope other folk may be around to go on expedition with.
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Re: Helix: Chapel of St Ygg

#292 Post by subaltari »

Spearmint wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 8:14 pm"You are almost as mercenary as those thieves and beggars in the sword-for-hire guild. I think the going rate there is three gold a day at best for novice torchbearers. And that is all we require. Shine a light on these scripture portions and highlight the rituals and lore of these swamp dwelling egg-hards."
The ranger is obliged to return this dismissive jab with a short, barking laugh and some banter of his own: "By all means, if you can find a hireling at the guild able to read those parchments, I will clear out of your way. There are few jobs simpler than torch-bearer... though to be sure, their gold is well-deserved for the dangers they likely face."

However, Elbart can't hide the pleasant surprise showing on his face at Gamdar's valuable offer of a vial of St. Ygg Holy Water. Though that feeling is also tempered by the implicit warning: if the clergy are offering weapons against the undead, they know how likely it may be to encounter such a threat out in those notorious Barrow Moors.

"If you don't mind having a living layman sleep in your Saint's chapel crypt, I think that should suffice for a few nights," he agrees.

"Shall we begin, Brother?"
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