Character Creation and house rules

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Character Creation and house rules

#1 Post by cybersavant »

Pf 1e – AP – Wrath of the Righteous 1069

Accepted sources: core, advanced class guide, advanced player's guide (no hero points), advanced race guide, adventurer's guide, book of the damned, horror adventures (not fleshwarp, not corruptions), occult adventures (not psychic duel, not rituals), unchained classes (background skills, artistry & lore skills, stamina/combat tricks feats, esoteric material components), planar adventures, ultimate campaign (unrestricted traits), ultimate combat (piecemeal armor), ultimate equipment, ultimate intrigue, ultimate magic (familiars, words of power), ultimate wilderness, all bestiaries,

kobold press- advanced race compendium (not gear points), deep magic, new paths compendium

legendary games- gothic campaign compendium (chirurgical procedures, not mythos)

old spice– gentleman class

playground- royal class

rite publishing- in the company of dragons, fey, monsters, unicorns, secrets of adventuring, 101 series

player companions, golarion campaign settings, paizo blog

d20 srd animals

character creation/ house rules
28 point buy, 2 traits + 1 campaign trait, max hps at 1st level (re-roll 1s thereafter), background skills, emerging guns, bonus 0level spells, keen & improved critical stack, archetypes, traits, flaws, drawbacks, no spheres, no taking 10/20
gaming since 1980
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Andreas Larson; Law of the Gun <Boot Hill 3e>
Nah Olos; Earthquakes in the Jotens <AD&D 1e>
Rorexsth; Wayfarers <Doctor Who>

DM - Wrath of the Righteous (PF1)
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#2 Post by cybersavant »

Campaign traits and future mythic level development

Chance Encounter: You always tended to get in over your head as a child, but your biggest youthful misadventure was the time you "accidentally" found yourself behind enemy lines in the Worldwound. You probably never would have made it back home to Kenabres if not for the help of a mysterious woman who helped you trick your way through a group of cultists. The woman never told you her name, but you remember her beauty and a deep sense of sadness she seemed to carry with her. Her skill with the bow was impressive as well, but the thing you remember most about her was the symbol of Desna she wore-she often held onto it without seeming to realize it, as if the connection to the goddess was something she clung to in a sense of need, as someone might clutch at a rope while dangling over a vast pit. She left your side a few moments before you were picked up by a patrol of crusaders, who finished the job of escorting you back to safety, and you've never seen her again. Ever since, you've just been lucky when it comes to trickery. Once per day,
if you fail an Acrobatics, Bluff, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth check, you may immediately reroll that check as a free action. You must take the second result, even if it is worse.
Associated Mythic Path: Trickster.
Multiple Characters: You and other characters were all saved by the same mysterious woman in your childhood. This could have been the same event, or she could have saved you on separate occasions-the discovery that someone else was saved by the mysterious stranger has resulted in a long friendship (or perhaps friendly rivalry) with the others she rescued.

Child of the Crusade: Your parents were members of the crusade, as were their parents before them. (If you are an elf, gnome, or other long-lived race, these could be brothers or cousins instead, since it's possible that the Worldwound simply didn't exist at a time before you were born.) The righteousness of the crusades sometimes feels as if it runs in your very blood, and it bolsters you against demonic influence. Your parents may be alive still, or they may have perished on a mission-that choice is up to you. You grew up knowing them, though, and their zeal and devotion to the crusade is the primary reason you feel the same way. They've told you of other family members who have also been involved in the crusade, and it's not uncommon for you to meet a distant cousin or long-lost aunt, uncle, or other family member while traveling among the border towns of Mendev. This strong family tie bolsters
your mind and sense of belonging to the crusade. Once per day when you fail a saving throw against an effect created by a demon that would possess or incapacitate you mentally, you may immediately reroll that saving throw as a free action. You must take the second result, even if it is worse.
Associated Mythic Path: Marshal.
Multiple Characters: If other characters take this trait, you should all be related-you can be siblings, cousins, or even more distant relations, but you
should all be aware of this shared lineage.

Exposed to Awfulness: When you were a child, you were nearly slain by a demon that managed to make its way through the wardstones into the lands beyond. The demon was slain before it could kill you, but you lingered at death's door in a coma for weeks before waking. Ever since then, you've been unusually hale and hearty, as if your body had endured its brush with awfulness by becoming supernaturally fit. But still, the scars (whether physical or purely mental) of your brush with death remain, and nightmares of what could have happened often plague your sleep. Something, be it your own personal force of will, some strange "infection" from the assault, or perhaps a combination of both, has made you stronger than before. You're not sure what to make of the theories that you survived this exposure to awfulness because you yourself have some trace of demonic heritage that helped give you the advantage you needed to survive but whatever it was, you're glad for it! Your strange resistance to demonic attacks persists to this day. Once per day when you fail a saving throw against an effect created by a demon that would kill or physically incapacitate you, you can immediately reroll that saving throw as a free action. You must take the second result, even if it is worse.
Associated Mythic Path: Guardian.
Multiple Characters: You and any others with this trait are related, if only distantly. You could be siblings or cousins-a condition that perhaps lends some credence to the theory that all of you share more than just a common bloodline.

Riftwarden Orphan: You bear a strange birthmark on your body-something you've learned is the Sign of the Seeker's Spiral, a rune associated with the secret society known as the Riftwardens. You have researched this rune, and have learned that the mark sometimes appears on the children of Riftwardens who have been exposed to particularly strange planar energies. Unfortunately, you never knew your parents, for you were raised by a foster family in Kenabres. Your foster family has confirmed that both of your parents were Riftwardens, and has further confirmed that your parents went missing on a secret mission into the Worldwound less than a month after you were born. You're not sure what happened to them, but you're certain they're dead-and your gut tells you that the one who murdered them yet lives! In any event, you've long felt magic in your blood, and casting spells comes easily to you. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all concentration checks.
Associated Mythic Path: Archmage.
Multiple Characters: You should be siblings with any other character that takes this trait, so that you share the same missing parents. Your parents could even be foster parents.

Stolen Fury: You were forced to take part in a demonic ritual as a youth after having been captured by cultists. Whatever the ritual's purpose may have been, it didn't work out the way your captors envisioned-rather than corrupting your soul, you absorbed the ritual's energy and made it your own before you escaped to safety. Ever since, you've been haunted by strange nightmares about the ritual, and have long felt that the energies it bathed you in have changed you. Recently, those energies have changed it's as if you've finally managed to come to terms with your past and have turned the ritual's aftereffects to your advantage, following the old adage of what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You've been unable to learn more about the ritual or what it was for, but the question lingers in the back of your head to this day. This nagging has instilled in you a fury against demonkind. Today, when you face demons in combat, those energies bolster your fury, granting you a +2 trait bonus on all combat maneuver checks against demons.
Associated Mythic Path: Champion.
Multiple Characters: You and any other PC who takes this trait were all part of the same ritual, and it was only by working together that you managed to escape-further, the support of your fellow ritual survivors has played a key role in your coming to terms with it, and you retain a close bond of friendship (or perhaps a friendly rivalry) to this day.

Touched by Divinity: As long as you can remember, you've had an unexplainable interest in one deity in particular. One of your parents may have been a priest of this deity, or you may have been an orphan raised by the church, but these alone cannot explain your deep connection to the faith. You've always felt calm and at ease in places holy to the deity, and often have dreams about the god or goddess visiting you-most often in the form of a sacred animal or creature. Your faith is strong, even if you don't happen to be a divine spellcaster-if you are a divine spellcaster, you should be a worshiper of this deity. You begin play with a silver holy symbol of your chosen deity for free. In addition, choose one domain associated with your chosen deity. You gain the use of that domain's 1st-level domain spell as a spell-like ability usable once per day (CL equals your character level).
Associated Mythic Path: Hierophant.
Multiple Characters: If other characters choose this trait, you should all work together to decide what deity you're associated with-it should be the same deity shared by all of you. You might even share the same dreams.

Being Mythic Heroes
All characters have great potential to affect the world around them in ways both subtle and overt, but some heroes have a destiny greater still. Those heroes are fated to play instrumental parts in world-changing events. They are known as mythic heroes, and their power attracts the attention of the mighty, both good and evil. Wrath of the Righteous is designed to make use of the rules presented in Mythic Adventures. Although your character doesn't start out mythic, the potential lies within each one, and you will discover it soon enough.

gaming since 1980
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Andreas Larson; Law of the Gun <Boot Hill 3e>
Nah Olos; Earthquakes in the Jotens <AD&D 1e>
Rorexsth; Wayfarers <Doctor Who>

DM - Wrath of the Righteous (PF1)
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Team Roster

#3 Post by cybersavant »

Ahlannah Moonwhisper, 1/2 Elf Stigmatized Witch

Elias Blackwood, Bard

Kelden Sunblade, Human (Keleshite) Cleric

Helgash Suncrest, Tiefling Oracle/Paladin

Neia Aravyre, Aasimar Monk [ Elven Blade Adept ]

Galen Whisperwind, Sylph Rogue
gaming since 1980
- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -
Andreas Larson; Law of the Gun <Boot Hill 3e>
Nah Olos; Earthquakes in the Jotens <AD&D 1e>
Rorexsth; Wayfarers <Doctor Who>

DM - Wrath of the Righteous (PF1)
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#4 Post by cybersavant »

Anevia Tirabade
From her rough origins as a child on the streets, Anevia grew up full of wanderlust and desires to see the world. Her travels took her to strange lands where she saw many wonderful things, but never in her wildest dreams did she imagine she would wind up a paladin’s wife.

A wizard devoted to closing rifts between worlds, Aravashnial bears a deep hatred of demons as a result of his battles in the Worldwound, but his greatest passion is seeing the borders between Golarion and other worlds reinforced.

Horgus Gwerm

A danger-filled youth instilled in Horgus Gwerm the desperate desire to live a safe life. He long ago vowed that lack of money would not be the determining factor in his death, and is fanatically devoted to accumulating wealth so he can purchase more bodyguards and higher fortifications around his manor house.

Irabeth Tirabade
Irabeth Tirabade has fought long and hard to be recognized as a force for good, and is proud to be a full-fledged member of the Eagle Watch. After years of facing others’ suspicion, she finally gained widespread public acceptance after exposing another paladin’s treachery.

This marilith has ruled over Drezen since she and her armies took the city, and she frequently sends her armies of demons and cultists against the Mendevian armies.

Areelu Vorlesh
It's believed that this witch was partially responsible for the opening of the Worldwound. Scouts and soldiers who have ventured deep into the Worldwound say that she still lives.

Demonlord of chasms, infestations, and locusts was the prime Abyssal power responsible for the Worldwound opening after Aroden's death.

Also know as the Storm King, this powerful balor was responsible for attacking the wardstone in Kenebres.

This lilitu demon is the ruler of the ruined city of Raliscrad and is responsible for training and corrupting captured crusaders.

Staunton Vhane
This dwarven man was recently revealed to be an antipaladin and traitor to Mendevian crusades.

Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth
This group of Baphomet cultists have long worked corruption into the ranks of the crusaders.
gaming since 1980
- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -
Andreas Larson; Law of the Gun <Boot Hill 3e>
Nah Olos; Earthquakes in the Jotens <AD&D 1e>
Rorexsth; Wayfarers <Doctor Who>

DM - Wrath of the Righteous (PF1)

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