Return to the Catacombs

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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#821 Post by Ithril »

Traesta moves directly behind the forward row, standing next to Igber. Conweena grips the latch and spares none of her ability in manipulating the corroded doorhandle, which opens with a stubborn groan. The door swings away, and Harker's lantern partially illuminates the vast chamber beyond.

There is a loud crash in the distance, and the sound of running. It only takes a moment and the source of running appears in Harkers lantern light, but not before it is joined by the sound of more creatures running towards you.

No one needs Harker's sense of evil to know that those running towards you are malevolent. The one who appears seems at first to be a privateer, and perhaps once a companion to Lannas. However his skin is white where it isn't smeared with earth and blood. His clothing is torn and neglected, and his hair hangs in matted clumps. He reaches out towards you with clawed hands, one of which is stripped of flesh, revealing the bony claws beneath. He screams as he runs to you with a gutteral animal sound, attracting the others who need no incentive.

Harker and Conweena in front gain first initiative, Traesta and Igber behind will act after, though all of you have initative (according to marching order) before the undead reach your position.

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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#822 Post by gurusql »


Traesta will attempt to turn the undead. Giving her familiar chant, "Beleg Paldon, mín nall- bo cin! Sui i aen -o i anor a cuil - cast awaui hin dúr creatures."

Random d20: [1d20]=1
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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#823 Post by Rex »


Conweena steps into the room to create space for Harker to follow.

"Shield wall to hold the door!"

Initiative [1d10]=3

Battle Axe [1d20+1]=15+1=16 to hit [1d8+3]=2+3=5 damage
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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#824 Post by sunphoenix »

Harker moves to Coweena's left side, "Shield Wall... hold them at the door until we know their numbers!"

Hefting his shield and raising bastard sword to receive the undead assault...

Initiative [1d10]=5

Attack w/Silvered Bastard Sword Attack at nearest undead approach [1d20+1]=14+1=15, Damage [1d8+3]=8+3=11
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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#825 Post by ravenn4544 »

Pebble tenses at the sound of more combat. Useless in the back he keeps an eye on the rear corridor.
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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#826 Post by Ithril »

In the corridor Traesta attempts to invoke Paldon's protections, but she cannot feel his strength. Lannas moves forward to make a secondary line of defense along side Traesta, and Igber and Dorath fall back a bit while Pebble remains in back to guard the passage behind.

Conweena and Harker step into the room with their backs against the wall to form the most effective defensive position possible, and brace for the onslaught of undead. They need not wait long. The first undead creature, screaming with bloodlust charges into them mindless of it's own well-being and is swiftly cut apart by the blades the two companions wield.
undead initiative
Before it's corpse hits the floor, however, it's three companions traverse the unlit portion of the room to join the battle.

Undead 8: This ghoul's tattered leather armor barely clings to its skeletal frame, revealing flesh torn with grievous wounds underneath. The ghoul's eyes, clouded with a hunger-driven madness, dart around with feral intensity, seeking its next prey. Gnarled fingers end in sharp, broken nails, ready to rend and tear at any unfortunate soul that crosses its path.

Undead 10: This ghoul's rotted clothing hangs in tatters from its emaciated form, a testament to its decayed state. The stench of death clings to it like a foul miasma, emanating from the gaping wounds that mar its flesh. Its once keen eyes, now glazed over with a hunger-driven lust, scan the surroundings for any signs of life to sate its insatiable craving. The limping gate of it's twisted limbs doesn't slow it's pace as it emits a low, guttural growl, a warning that it will consume anything it can get it's claws into.

Undead 14: Draped in ragged remnants of what was once a seafarer's garb, this ghoul runs with an eerie, lurching gait, its torn clothing flapping loosely with it's strides. Exposed ribs jut out from its chest, the flesh around them torn and gnawed upon. Its hollow gaze betrays a mind consumed by primal instinct, devoid of reason or remorse.

As they emerge from the shadows, their gaunt forms cast grotesque silhouettes in the torch-light. A chilling reminder of the horrors that lurk in the darkness.They are dead now, but their appearance is dissimilar to other undead you have encountered here. These seem 'fresher' somehow, if that's the right word.

The battle is joined. With 3 new foes, those of you with a 3/2 attack rate only get one attack again this round.
Declare your actions and Roll initiative, and your attack rolls

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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#827 Post by Rex »

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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#828 Post by gurusql »


Traesta having failed to reach Paldon at this critical juncture will prepare to jump in the breach if one of the front two is paralyzed.
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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#829 Post by Ithril »

Which one is your attack against. You can reach #'s....
oh, geees. I can't read it either. Sorry.
uh, #'s 14 or 8, Harker can reach #'s 8 or 10
I'll see if I can load a better map.
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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#830 Post by Ithril »

Better map posted, still not ideal.
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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#831 Post by Rex »


Conweena will attack #14.
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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#832 Post by sunphoenix »

Harker swings his sword at the far left undead creature {Num 10#} aiming for its obvious previous injuries to increase the effectiveness of his blows...

Initiative [1d10]=4

Attack w/Silvered Bastard Sword Attack - Number 10# [1d20+1]=16+1=17, Damage [1d8+3]=4+3=7
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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#833 Post by Ithril »

The undead creatures charge at the two warriors who entered the room, and when they get close, one of them leaps at Harker who can only brace for the attack. He feels the creatures weight crash against his shield, pinning him to the wall, and the penetrating cold pain of it's icy claws which have found a way to breech his mail.
The other members of the party, purposely blocked in the passage by Harker and Conweena can only watch in dread as the battle plays out before them.
As Harker struggles to remain upright, the other undead monster reaches him, and joins the feast. The sound of ripping cloth attests to the success of the second creature's assault, and Harker shivers from the icy death that seeks his life so relentlessly.

Undead #8 attack rolls [_2d20]=(20+14)

Undead #10 attack rolls [_2d20]=(16+19)

The monster has Harker in it's grasp, and starts trying to bite at his face, but Harker avoids the jaws dripping foul black ooze.
Please Roll a save vs Dex to avoid falling/being prone, and a second save vs Paralysis.

While Harker struggles with multiple foes, Conweena contends with her one. After struggling with it grabbing at her axe and shield for a few moments, she finally brings the axe down upon it, destroying much of it's frame, and sending gore to splatter across the stone of the floor, walls, and ceiling. This undead now rests.
Harker, feeling his strength fail is still able to force his weapon into the Left side of the creature grappling his off side. the blade emerges from it's right side, coated in thick, dark putrefying goo.

undead damage rolls to Harker [_3d4]=(4+1+1)=6

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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#834 Post by Rex »

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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#835 Post by sunphoenix »

Harker is struck several times...

Paralysis Save [1d20+2]=19+2=21

However, even grievously wounded the Paladin refuses to yield to the "grip of the grave" and raises his blade to strike down his remaining foe...

Initiative [1d10]=2

Attack #1 w/Silvered Bastard Sword Attack at Ghoul 8 [1d20+1]=16+1=17, Damage [1d8+3]=2+3=5
Attack #2 w/Silvered Bastard Sword Attack at Ghoul 8 [1d20+1]=5+1=6, Damage [1d8+3]=6+3=9

Harker is stoic and solid in his disdain and footing as he hacks into the ghoul grappling him ... retaining his footing!

Dex Save [1d20]=9
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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#836 Post by Ithril »

undead initiative [1d10]=2

Undead #8 attack rolls [_2d20]=(4+5)

The two undead creatures weigh on Harker, one hanging on in it's death, the other still clawing at Harker's mail. The Paladins knees shake from the weight of the cursed. The undead creature rips at the armor, desperate to draw out his life's blood.

Harker though, still has much strength and resolve in him, and he answers the assault with a keen blade. The sharp edge of the weapon strikes a blow that would leave any living opponant with a mortal wound, but the undead thing does not succumb to mere wounds, and continues trying to rend the soldier as it spills viscera.

It's efforts are in vain, however, and Conweena answers Harker's distress with a powerful blow from her axe, finally severing the moving corpse in two, breaking it's bond with whatever power drives it's lust for blood. The bodies of the undead lay on the cobblestone floor, writhing mindlessly, but unable to cause any serious threats.

With the four undead destroyed, the passage into the room is safe. Harker's lantern is not strong enough to illuminate the entire chamber. A pair of columns can be seen in the gloom at the edge of the light (about 40 ft away), but no other walls or objects can be seen. The cobblestone floor leads away in the darkness, casting contorted shadows that emphasize the unevenness of the floor. The wall the doorway is in leads on from either side, and is also lost in darkness, testifying to the vast size of this chamber. What you can see of the ceiling is of large stone slabs, supported by equally massive stone beams that intersect with the columns. Thick cobwebs drape the ceiling, shifting uneasily with the slightest draft, but you see no signs of uncommonly large eight legged guests lurking there.

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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#837 Post by Rex »


Conweena moves into the room to let everyone else in. "Are you all right Harker?"
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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#838 Post by gurusql »


"I have two curing blessings of Paldon remaining. Should I use one on you now?

Also, I have no more oil but perhaps be should burn the bodies if we can."
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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#839 Post by Rex »


"Lets search the room before we try burning the bodies."
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Re: Return to the Catacombs

#840 Post by sunphoenix »

Harker leans against the door frame to the side, "..I'm... yes seriously injured, yeah I could use ... some healing..."

His breath coming in pained gasps... from his chest injuries. He does step aside to allow other's into the room ...
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